There are right ways to set goals, and there are wrong ways. Most people do it wrong, however, I believe you are one of the few who does it right, or at least knows how to do it right. If you don´t know how to do it right, then please read how to do it here.
Over the years I used to believe that success depended on luck, being at the right place at the right time, circumstances, and having the right connections, being born with a talent, and so on.
Sure those things might be true in some cases, but what I have learned, and I wish I knew this earlier in my life, is that luck is made by you, circumstances are made by you, connections are created by what you do, and talent is very overrated.
I will not discuss the “right” way to set goals in this post, however, if you are interested in that I have gone over it in another post a couple of years ago, click here to read my post on how to set goals the right way.
Before you set ANY goal you need to see your target
Let me ask you something, How are you going to hit a target if you do not see it? Do you think it is easier to throw a basketball in the basket in a dark room or in a room with light? Stupid question, right? Yet, many people try to do exactly that when they go after their goals… No wonder they fail…
What I mean is, how are you going to accomplish something if you don´t know what it is you are trying to accomplish? If you want to be serious, you first of all have to be perfectly clear about what it is you want.
Every success I have ever achieved (in a set time frame) have only been done after I have taken the time to go through exactly what the goal will look like. And I am not alone on this, as a matter of fact, it is (of course) not my own idea or invention that this is how it is done, I have of course studied other successful people to be able to come to this conclusion.
Anyway, what is important here is that this stuff works. So please do it.
Having a clear vision of exactly what it is you want, in every aspect of your life, not only in how much you want to earn, will be a VERY strong motivational force for you and it will help you to move forward towards it faster than you might think is possible.
Believe me, it is POSSIBLE.
So please do something that very few people ever do.
Do this:
You have to decide on EXACTLY what “success” means to you. You have to decide on exactly what your life will look like once you reach your desired outcome.
How you begin to do this is by imagining that you could go back to scratch, in every situation of your life and start over.
Then ask yourself,
“If I had this decision to make today, knowing what I know now, what would I do differently?”
Do NOT compromise on your answers.
Be 100% honest with yourself!
Define your ideal desired situations before you start to come up with reasons why it isn´t possible for you… ALL great achievements begin with YOU deciding on what it is you really want.
Once you have done that, only then can you dedicate yourself to attain it (with all your heart).
Start today and then start working towards it tomorrow!
If you don´t know exactly how to set and accomplish a goal then please read this (takes 3 minutes) and you will know EXACTLY how to do it the right way.
I wish you success!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
This is an interesting article. I read through the whole article and it is gave me so much confidence and I am truly inspired from this. “How are you going to hit a target if you do not see it?” – This quote blew my mind. Everyone has to understand the meaning of this quote. It is 100% True.
Thank you so much for sharing this article with us.
Thank you man!
Happy it did “the thing” to you 😉
Thanks again for your comment!
/All the best
Hi John,
This article was really interesting. It made me realize that I need to take time and set better goals for myself. After reading this it made me think a lot deeper on my goals because you are right, “how can you hit a target that you can’t see?” Today, I am going to take the time a really narrow down on my goals. I really appreciate all the value and help that you are providing to others. Of course, when I reach my goals I will be sure to come back and share them with you!
Thanks again for sharing this post. Have an awesome day!
Thank you! You probably don’t know how much it means to hear that you have found value in this and (I know) that if you start doing this stuff, and take goal setting seriously you WILL start to see bigger results than you think was possible, also in a much shorter amount of time than you might think is possible.
Thank you again and yes please, come back here and tell me, and anyone else who reads how it works out for you!