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Best Stock Photography Sites Sell Photos

If you are serious about your microstock carrier you should send your pictures to as many different stock sites as possible. My advice would be that you start with the best stock photography sites sell photos there first of all. They are the best because they are popular and any succesful man or women in the business will tell you pretty much the same sites that they list as the best ones.




So what are the best stock photography sites to sell you photos on?

Ok here they are:

Start with this ones because they are the BEST in the industry. They have a little different advantages in how much you get paid and in how much time it take to upload photos to their site.

If you like one of them more than the others maybe you decide to go exclusive with that one. Then you can not send your photos to any other stock site but you will get more money for each sale you do.

But really if you are serious the best thing you can do is to go for all of them… And probably more than just them. There is so many stock sites out there and it can really be worth exploring different ones to se if you find another place where you get a high sales rate.

Here are some others that might be worth trying:

And the list goes on and on…

An Advice if you are new to this

If you do not have a good camera, buy one! You don´t need the best and most expensive one but for example a Canon EOS 700 D is totally fine to start of with if you do not want to spend so much on a camera.

If you want to go for a real proffesional camera, like many of the best selling stock contributers use, like the Canon 5D you will have to have a little bigger budget to spend!

Another Advice

Learn to use a retuche program like photoshop! It will help you alot!

And finally the last advice

Be patient if you want to make alot of money, it takes time before you will be able to live on this! First of all: It takes more administrational work than you probably may think! If you start to get succesful and sell alot of photos you would probably have to hire someone to do all the uploads and maybe even retuche work for you so you can focusing on taking photos and not the uploading work and finding good keywords so buyers find your photos.

I just want to make money i am really not so enthusiastic in taking photos





That is fine of course, me myself tried selling photos on stock sites for almost a year before I realised that I did it mostly to make money and not for “the love of it” taking pictures. Do not get me wrong I sold a couple of photos and I still sell today because they are still in the library of some stock sites.

But I have finally found the best way to make money online and it is so much more fun than taking photos, upload, put keywords and so on. I found Wealthy Affiliate and if you want to make money online from something that you are intrested and like to do (no matter what it is) I suggest you check it out!

Hope this helps!

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Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste


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