What is the best way to invest in cryptocurrency right now? Where should you turn for help? Can you get started and earn money without any experience or knowledge? How much money is it really possible to make from the crypto space right now?
Well, these questions are all going to get answered in this short post, and you might be very positively surprised by the answers!
First, what options do you have?
The way to earn on Cryptocurrency is basically in 3 different ways, you can simply buy and hold (hodl) coins, mine coins or trade coins. These 3 are the 3 most common ways to invest and earn on cryptos. Of course, you need knowledge on what coins to invest in, especially when around 95% – 99% of the cryptos out there are complete scams. Same goes for mining as it can be hard to find a legit mining rig out there as that part of the industry is also flooded with scams.
How about trading then? Don´t you need a lot of knowledge to start trading? Are you going to have to put a lot of time on it?
Well, the answer is both yes and no.
Yes, if you are going to do it manually.
No, if you are going to do it automatically.
Automatically? That sounds interesting! Yes, I know, it is actually the best way right now (at least in my humble opinion) to make money the absolute easiest way on cryptocurrency. Let´s explain exactly how you can get started and earn today!
Best way to invest in cryptocurrency
Ok, so the best way to invest in cryptocurrency (in my humble opinion) and start earning daily is automated day trading that ANYONE can do with the help of so-called bots.
Say what? Bots?
Yes exactly, trading bots that perform trades for you 24/7 based on signals from experts in the field that got an eye on the market every second of the hour every day.
Is that really possible?
Yes, it is, however, same goes here, there are scams out there and if you only make sure to avoid them you are going to be just fine.
Don´t worry, this post will show you a real and legit option that you might want to try.
To be able to auto-trade (my #1 recommended way) there are 3 steps that need to be done first:
Step 1
I strongly suggest that you use Binance as the trading platform for the robot I suggest for you. Not that you cannot use some of the other well known and most popular platforms such as: Poloniex, Bittrex, and Kucoin, it is up to you.
The fees are lower on Binance for using this bot and as it will make you a lot of trades, and especially if you only set a “conservative” 1 – 1,5 % win marginal like me then you might want to lower the fees that are being charged on each and every trade that you (or the bot does)
the one I personally use for my bot is Binance. You might have heard of it, you might already have an account? However, if you don´t I suggest that you get your free account first (takes a couple of minutes) and continue reading this after you have created one.
==> Get your FREE account here
Ok, once you have your Binance account you are going to have to fund it to be able to start trading with your bot, you cannot make a cash deposit directly to Binance but you need to fund it with Bitcoin, Ethereum or some other Crypto.
Step 2
Now, once you got some Bitcoin on your Binance account you can start to use a bot that will perform trades for you on the exchange/trading platform.
The absolute best bot I can recommend is called Cryptohopper and it is actually in the lower price range, it will cost you $19-$99 per month to use it depending on what abilities you want your bot to have.
However, I strongly suggest you try it out for 1 month for free first, and also (important) follow the step-by-step videos to get started.
Click here now to get a 1-month FREE trial!
P.S. Once you have created your FREE account you will get step-by-step instruction videos on how to get started using your bot. If you want to use templates you basically don´t need to set up anything else than what coins the bot should focus on, there are also great setup and instruction videos on youtube that you should watch for further ideas.
Step 3:
There is no Step 3!
Enjoy your new Bot working 24/7 for you!
Want to use the exact same configurations on the bot as I have?
If you want to use the exact same configuration on your bot as the one I have set-up (+ exactly what coins I have picked) then you simply just have to register through the links above.
Once you are done with the 3 steps simply send an e-mail to john@startmakestopwaste.com and I will give you the “magic” configuration that you can simply copy and paste into your own bot.
P.S. Can of course not guarantee that you will get the exact same results, only giving you my bot config/settings and that´s it. Keep in mind that you don´t have to do anything once the setup is done (takes 5min max).
hope you found this short post on the best way to invest in cryptocurrency to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding of the subject. Please, if you got any questions on this I will be more than happy to answer them below.
P.S. If you want to be social and help others, then share this by using the share buttons below!
I wish you success!
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
John, thanks for explaining how to get into cryptocurrency trading. Are there alerts on the platform so you can sell quickly if the market starts to drop? Do you keep all your income that you earn in the cryptocurrency or do you ‘covert’ it to currency to lessen the risk?
First of all, thank you for your comment.
Yes there are different alerts that you can take advantage of, there is also pre-set templates that you can get started with right away, where everything is already set-up.
Personally, I like to spread the “winning” out on some of the altcoins I personally believe will increase in value, but you can do however you want with that of course.
Thanks again for your comment!
I have really been looking for a way to diversify my portfolio and I think crypto is a great way to do that. The biggest problem I have is, I just don’t know where to begin. I like the idea you are presenting, it certainly is a different way to invest than I am used to. I have always been a buy and hold guy. How long have you been investing in crypto? Is it too late to get in the game? I also didn’t realize you can buy crypto with a credit card. Well, you present a very interesting option here, and I may have to give it a shot. I would like to have a little exposure in crypto, because it is such a hot topic right now.
First of all, thank you for your comment. It is absolutely NOT to late to get on the Crypto train, as a matter of fact we are still in the early stage, got a feeling we won´t be that for so much longer though. So right now is a very good time I would say. Personally, I have been investing in it for around 2 years.
Yes absolutely, try this out, it doesn´t get much more simple than this, that is for sure
Hope that helps?
If there is anything else just ask.
Omg finally! There are so many articles and scams that it’s hard to get legit info when all I want to do is get started *Facepalm* thank you for taking the time to write this article and publishing it. I’ll be following closely for me.
Thanks again!
First of all, thank you for your comment.
Happy to hear that you found this interesting, and have to say I completely agree with you, it is interesting
Know that the crypto space is flooded with scams like you say, and many are “facepalming” like you say all the time on different new “opportunities” and that is also why I always recommend that you never buy ANY coin at all before you are sure.
If there is anything just ask!
Thanks again for your comment
/All the best
Good evening John,
I made an account with Binance following your 3 steps system.
I was trying to put funds on the account but came along this comment and I am backing out.
I would appreciate your opinion on this but to be honest I do not feel sure about Binance anymore.
Regards, Taetske
All exchanges got complaints like that one, also you do not need to use Binance, you can use any other of the most well-known ones like Bitrex, Kraken, etc.
Hope that helps?
Thank you John for this very interesting article. I had no idea about bot trading. I knew there were trading platforms out there but I thought the investor still had to make the decisions of what to buy and sell. Are these bots just used for bit coin or can you set up similar bot trading on on the share market as well? I am asking from the point of view of wanting to diversify to manage risk.
Have only used bots for Bitcoin (and other cryptos) but this one is the best one by far (it is free to try out for 1 month).
Am sure there are bots for Forex trading and such also but have no experience with that,
thank you for your comment
In all honesty I am very defensive when it comes to cryptocurrency and bitcoins. Not that I have anything against them but with so many scams everywhere I was extra careful when I was reading about it. Your article shows a legit way of making it work but I would like to know how much you can earn a month from it? Is it worth to invest in such a program? And how safe is this system to use?
You are right, the crypt space is probably the industry that contains most scams at the moment, that is natural as it is a new and thriving (blooming) market, and all upcoming thriving markets will attract scammers.
It is actually free for you to try out for 1 month, the earning potential is high, but of course not guaranteed. Try it out and you will understand how it works, make sure to look at the step-by-step instruction videos.
Hope that helps,
Hi John! I have started my journey through the cryptocurrency world following your recommendations and have obtained good results. I remember that my first steps were setting up my localbitcoins account.
I greatly trust each one of the endorsements you make. And although I might fret a bit concerning this automated system of earning cryptocurrencies by trading using bots, because it’s you that are pointing it out, I’ll give it a try!
Thank you! great to hear that my friend, appreciate your nice words.
Try out the bots, and remember that you can turn them off anytime you want and that thy cannot “take out” your money from the exchange so you are safe.