This post is going to present the easiest way to passive income that I know of. As more and more people are looking to add extra income streams to their arsenal this might be a way for you to start generating a passive income online. The great thing about this model is that it is first of all, so simple to do that even a 7-year old could do it. And more importantly, you can grow this bigger and bigger, in fact, the sky is the limit. Also, it doesn´t take that big of a “startup” investment to get things going, a couple of hundred bucks invested could make a fast and very nice ROI (return on investment) for you.
The Easiest Way to Passive Income
Ok, so what I am going to suggest for you here in this short post is that you take advantage of someone who has already created huge success for himself online, and to do exactly the same as this guy has done, and still does.
Smart people learn from other peoples mistakes instead of making them, and I know you are a smart person, or else you wouldn´t be reading this.
So, instead of reinventing the well, you are going to do exactly what is already working.
Here is the thing:
Now, there is a very successful and famous guy in the “internet marketing world” that has actually allowed you to copy his exact business, and with exact I mean exact. He has been doing this for many years now and there is a good reason for it (he is not doing it only to be a nice guy), he will make money when you make money, so it is a win-win.
The only thing you need to do is giving away stuff FOR FREE and… that´s it…
That is all you have to do.
The things you are going to give away for free are things related to making money online, so everyone will not be interested of course. Your job is going to find people who are interested in what you are giving away for FREE.
How to get the traffic:
Here are 2 great ways to find those people:
1: Solo Ads (Get highly targeted visitors to your offer by buying solo ads from people who have huge lists of people interested in making money online)
Great places to buy Solo ads:
==> Udimi (Get $5 worth of ads here)
2: Instagram (reach out to influencers and ask them to promote your free offer to their followers for $15-$40)
Ok, so those 2 ways are really more than enough, now you just have to get your free stuff to give away.
How you get the stuff to give away?
I would recommend that you get the whole selection of products to give away if you are planning to make a real effort on this, and for that, you are going to need to invest some money to get full access. However, there is also a very generous offer to get a free gift to give away for $o free also.
==> Here you can get your free gift (to give away for free) + FULL access (you will be offered the whole program once you have claimed your free gift)
That´s all you need!
There you go, enjoy and you’re welcome ?
I hope you found this short (to the point) article on the easiest way to passive income to be helpful. Now you at least have a way that won´t require any “work” and take up a lot of time for you. Please, tell us in the comment section if you find this interesting and also please share your own experience here once you have tried it out yourself! As always, if you got any questions I would be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you success!
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
Interesting and productive way to make money online.
copying from successful people is the way to go.
Thanks for sharing this opportunity and the steps to succeeding with it.
Most times we find just articles informing us about the opportunities but not telling us how we can actually achieve success with it.
thanks and hope to get to know about more opportunities soon.
John I really like your smart, short and precise review of easiest way to passive income. I am a newbie to online money making business in area of affiliate marketing. I think I can do this one as well as the goal of online business is to make money. Buying of solo ads and use of instagram to promote them to followers is really nice. This is really cool and easy to do. Thanks John for this article. It’s really an eye opener to easiest way to passive Income.