Free Keywords Search Tool
Good Keywords are a VERY important thing to have if you want people to find your stuff, whatever your stuff might be.
Want to try the best keyword tool in the world? Simply perform a search below to START your reasearch for FREE!
4 most important things you want to know to find a QUALITY keyword is:
1) Monthly Traffic: How much traffic the (particular) keyword gets.
2) KQI (Keyword Quality Index) This gives you the quality of the keyword for any marketing campaign (SEO, PPC or otherwise).
3) QSR (Quoted Search Results) This is the ultimate competition scale right here. This gathers information from the search engines very quickly and tells you the exact number of competing pages under the EXACT keyword or search term. Aim for under 400, then you have a good chance of getting ranked (300 is the ideal). There is literally millions of these keywords out there, this is obvious when you have the tool that gives you the data.
4) SEO Power This will give you the idea whether or not a keyword is a good candidate for SEO rankings. This is fundamental, if you get ranking, you can make money. This is based on: traffic, the nature of the keyword, the competition, and the quality of the keyword.
Click here for a more detailed review on Jaaxy!
Please leave a comment and tell me how you liked Jaaxy! Do you know about a tool that is better? Then please tell us!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
I hope you don’t mind me asking some questions here. As someone totally new to selling on-line I’m not sure what the abbreviations are that you give on this page.
What is SEO and PPC?
I’ve heard about ‘keywords’ but could use an explanation as to what they are for.
SEO = Search Engine Optimization. PPC = Pay Per Click
Keywords are what people type in, in search engines such as google, Bing, etc. The words people write (or the phrases) is the keywords.
Hope this helped you/ John
Hello John , nice recommendation on the Jaaxy as it is one of the best keyword tools in the market.And it is not only a keyword tool , it is designed to perform multiple tasks and gives results very fast.
What keywords are you targeting mostly?…Are you aiming low hanging fruit and competition or are you going for the top?
I ll be returning for more , cheers
Hi there Tasos! You are absolutely right about that, it is more than just a keywordtool. I actually go for both, but mostly the low hanging fruit.
Glad you liked it! Cheers!
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing this article as it is a very important puzzle piece to have online success online. With the right keywords you can address the right target group and increase your traffic at your website.
If you go for the right keyword phrases you’ll be definitely more successful. Is Jaaxy completely free or just at the beginning?
Hello Don! Jaaxy is free to try for as much as 30 searches. If you later want to continue using it there is two options. Pro =$16 per month and Enterprise is $49 per month. I have the Pro version and it is enough for me, you can see on the jaaxy website the difference betwen the two.
If possible I always pay to save time (cause time is money) and having jaaxy will save you MANY hours of research per month, if you are in need of keywords to increase your traffic.
Hey John,
This is awesome, I am always intrigued with keywords but they all look very expensive. Samurai keywordtool costs $149 but Jaaxy looks really affordable, I gave it a try and I loved it.
Just a question though, how long will my post rank after I published it if I target low competition keywords? Would love to know, it is all very exciting
Thanks Riaz! I love Jaaxy to! You can get ranked in a couple of hourse sometimes, other times it takes a few days… If your website is brand new it might take longer… When your website reach the age of (about) 3 months it will go MUCH faster… Hope that helps
Hi John,
I was just checking out your website. I saw the post about keyword tool. I realize this is an older post, but I just felted compelled to say that I love Jaaxy also. Sometimes, the keyword searches give me enough other ideas, that I almost have an outline of what I want to write about.
I also like the feature that allows me to see how my keywords on a website are ranking in Google and what pages they are competing against.
Great website by the way!