His e-mail:
Hey John,
I came across your blog and wanted to like your write up on the Capitalist Partners Program. My name is (blank) and I would like to be apart of this program. A little background on me. I am a Music Producer, a military vet, and a beginner online marketer. I have been trying to break into the online marketing game to try and make a better life for myself and my family. I have a bit of experience in PPC Ads (Facebook and Bing) and much knowledge of other methods but have not had results yet. Could you help me get approved and maybe give me some ideas on how tomake some sales? I greatly appreciate your time!
My reply/answer:
Hi, first of all, thank you for reaching out!No problem, just sign up on any of the links on the same page you visited (https://startmakestopwaste.com/capitalist-exploits-affiliate-program-capitalist-partners) and we can take it from there.I can absolutely help you,Right now it´s hard for me to give you the exact advice on what you personally should do to get good results, as you said you never had gotten good results (made any consistent sales I guess)?Anyway, how you would get success is by doing something DIFFERENT than what has not worked out in the past obviously.To better understand those things might be depending on,could obviously be, how you have done things like these (below) in the past:1: Have you used tracking on everything before?2: Did you collect your own leads?3: Did you build a list (and followed up with autoresponders)?4: Was your promo enough TARGETED towards Leads, and Traffic)?
5: Where you consistent enough? (in both learning/developing and taking action)6: And so on…Another important thing you want to choose what method you prefer to use mainly (Focus on ONE thing) because the trick is to focus on ONE thing ONLY… NOT doing multitasking and that bullshit, until you get it right,study your method and more importantly make sure to put your choose Method to USE Consistently (for consistent improvements).
Do you need a website to do affiliate marketing?
Short answer: Yes and No. You do not need to have a “website” in the form of posting every week, SEO, and all that, even if that is great too, in fact, you basically only need some “online space”, and if you want to be creative in your marketing you might want some kind of “web” landing page (means 1 page only) have to post only the original 1 page (and then into a funnel).
Then let the leads go through your funnel and into your list, which is without “a website” but you still have some presence online and you need some kind of page if it is Instagram, WordPress, Facebook or some other Landing Page Tool.

Everyone can but Most do NOT have what it takes…
The simple truth is that every average person can easily learn this,
the problem is that most average people are not ready to sit down and study+learn for 1 hour per day,
How to Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing?
Short answer: The way you earn money with affiliate marketing is by generating leads when any of your leads convert, then you make money.
Conclusion: What you need to do is to generate more leads and convert more of them, this is what you should focus on if you want to make a full-time income (and more) with affiliate marketing.
(Recommendation) If you have tried before but failed
Most courses out there leave out some key elements to success online, for example, one might give you a great training on how to bring free traffic but not really how to get paid traffic, and more importantly how to do it the right way.
Other courses might be great for learning how to get traffic but completely miss out on why you ALWAYS should collect your own leads (and remarket to them), building a list, and more importantly how to actually use it.
==> Check out the PWA course (Simple, Effective, Step-By-Step, Easy to follow)
P.S. This course will show you how to be 5-10x more profitable than what 99,9% of courses out there allow (teach you right away) you to earn, by you signing up for profitable affiliate programs, AND also recurring commissions “the course itself” then kind of do the selling for you (!) The only thing you need to do is to bring traffic… and build your list as well in the same time, and I would absolutely recommend that.
Ok, you do not need, a website to do affiliate marketing, but you might want to, however, if you have some money to invest then there is paid traffic to be bought, but please be careful, make sure to test and split test your results, especially for paid traffic. Test until you get better and better results, then buy more traffic when you find a good source.
personally I like and use both organic and paid ways. However, I very rarely write on the website nowadays, however, I publish at least 4 new articles every week that my writers take care of for me. I only “touch them up with a little keyword there, a little headline adjust there, a little SEO there, and done, publish!
Why I publish 4 times per week? Well, ideally would be every day and many periods I have done that, however, as I have more websites that I can handle lol I have set 4 days per week to a minimum for a website that I still care about.
The SERPs LOVE when you post consistently and 4 days per week is the minimum, at least if you are serious about content marketing, being able to Rank High in SERPs (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ecosia, etc) will be MUCH easier if you are consistent,
so if you cannot keep up with 4 days per week content marketing might not be for you, (personally I have found great and constantly reliable) writers online and I pay them a lot to outsource much of my work.
However, you do not need a website to do affiliate marketing, it comes down to how you want to tackle it, what methods you want to use, and so on. Then, if you absolutely want a (content) website you do not have to put your time on the writing if you decide to outsource.
Hey John, awesome article. I wish I had that to cushion me when I first got started with affiliate marketing but it does put a lot of things into perspective like the time element, I used to always get distracted from life and other matters and I couldn’t concentrate on my business fully and your article reminded me about the importance of staying focused and consistent ergo becoming a success and making money online easily. Great job!
Thank you man!
Go for it!
/Stay consistent (and focus on 1 thing at the time)
Am able to grab alot of useful tips from this review. We surely need to focus on one thing at a time to avoid distraction and lack of focus. I think this outsourcing method will be of help for someone that doesn’t have much time to gather contents on their websites. It is what I want to venture into now. This is a very useful review without enlightening information on how to earn money easily with affiliate marketing.
Happy to hear you found it useful!
If you are looking to outsource this is the absolute best I can recommend:
The quality is great + the prices are more than fair
/Hope that helps
Hi! You gave me quite a lot to think about regarding salesy stuff. I don’t pay for ads yet, but only because I just started a website that I’ve really been dying to do. I just had one question. Posting consistently on your website is always touted as the best SEO method to keep Google’s interest, right? You say consistently in your post. But there is a difference between consistency (which is basically following a posting schedule) and frequency (which is how many times you’re posting). I know a few blogs that are hugely successful with just one post a week. That’s because they consistently post every single week, no fail, on the same day every week. Quality articles, especially. That’s consistent. They have an email list (collecting their leads, obviously). In fact, most blogs I follow usually post once a week, unless they’re a gigantic one that has multiple writers who work exclusively for them, then they post multiple articles a day. But you mention 4 times a week minimum, which is regarding the frequency you post at. But you say consistent. So which is better?
Personally, with the knowledge I’ve gotten with training and by learning from other blogs, I think being consistent is better because it enables better quality posts, then someone trying to post every single day and their quality is suffering. What’s your opinion on that one? I mean, sure if you have multiple writers on your blog, daily posts are great and you can swing it. I’m talking about for a lone writer? Who also does their own social media and all the other stuff?
First of all, thank you for your comment!
Short answer to your first question: I think consistently is most important (and if you can only post once per week consistently) then go for that…
However, I would never post anything less than 4 times per week, no matter if I’m alone, and I actually think the more you do something the better you will be at doing it, so 4 times per week will actually lead to better quality over time I would say…
Of course, there are some tricks you could do to make it easier, for example, if you write reviews (and you should) then make a template that you follow every single time you write a review, that way you can easily spit out 4 reviews a week by just following the template, every new review you write will be easier and easier to create.
After a few months of doing this, you will create 4 reviews in the same time frame it took you to create 1 earlier… and you now also create them with better quality.
Hope that makes sense and helps?
Hi John! Excellent post. I greatly value your experience and very specific advice for newbies as me to learn how to build our business with affiliate marketing. Remaining focused and consistent are my takeaways from your post. I like the idea of content marketing, but I’ll test and see if I can produce 4 posts a week (I’ll try my very best). Thank you very much for the timely advice you have given me here.