How do you become more confident? This short post will show you how to get confidence. Of, course, there are many different tactics out there for this, however, in this post I will present my favorite one and the one that has worked best for me… and really made a significant difference in my life.
Let´s get right to the point!
This technique is not something that I have come up myself, I have got it from reading books but it has absolutely worked for me. And I now know what I am capable of thanks to this technique
How to get confidence – It´s simple
Write a list of 5 things that you need to accomplish for tomorrow, then you complete every single one of them. Then you do this every day for a couple of weeks.
Don´t make the tasks to challenging in the beginning… After (around) 3 weeks you can start to make your 5 tasks more challenging.
Complete every single task each day no matter what (!)
After 3-4 weeks you will start to feel that you can depend on yourself… and guess what?
Your confidence WILL grow from that.
You are now doing what you say you are going to do… That builds integrity.
You now believe in yourself more, because you have done what you said you were going to do. Proven to yourself, that you can keep the promises that you have made for yourself.
That WILL make you start to believe in yourself A LOT more.
- You will walk a little prouder
- You will stand a little taller
Think about it
Maybe this doesn´t make any sense to you? But, I promise you that you will feel it if you do this. You WILL start to believe that you are going to do what you said you were gonna do.
Because… you know… If you don´t believe in yourself and believe that you are going to do what you said you gonna do… How can anyone else?
How can anyone have confidence in you?
Think about that for a minute…
How can anyone else have confidence in you if you don´t have confidence in yourself?
The conclusion
That is really how it starts, it will only grow bigger and bigger if you continue but you have to start somewhere. You have to start to believe in yourself more… and after doing this (keeping promises to yourself) for a few weeks you will start to believe in yourself more.
You will KNOW that you can depend on YOU… to do what you are supposed to do.
Once you have built this habit you will (without a doubt) start to believe in yourself.
That is confidence.
You will now know what you are capable of.
Then… you increase the “difficulty” of the daily tasks you write down.
You will understand that you are capable of accomplishing more and MORE… Your confidence will get bigger and BIGGER.
Don´t confuse REAL with FAKE (Because no one else does)
If you just do this one thing… You will build REAL confidence.
Because confidence has to be based on something.
It can NOT be faked… it can NOT be baseless.
You know what I mean, right? We have all seen that guy (or girl) who fake confidence… and they are not fooling anyone but themselves…
If you have the “evidence” that you can do what you promised to yourself… day after day… week after week… month after month…
Evidence, that you are a person that DO what you said you were gonna do.
That is evidence (to yourself),
that is PROOF.
That you can accomplish things…
Now your confidence is based on something… something REAL. It´s not just some bullshit… It is REAL.
Final words
Try this simple technique and you will notice a difference in your personality.
It will not happen “overnight” but over time you will feel it and others WILL see it.
I hope you found this short post on how to get confidence with this technique to be helpful and now you should know what to do next. Please, if you got any questions about this I will be more than happy to answer them below! Also, don´t forget to share to help others! Use the share buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
I wish you the best!
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
Hi John!
This is great because it’s so simple! Also, once you get into the habit of making a daily to-do list, you’ll not only have more confidence, you’ll be less stressed because things don’t have time to pile up and you won’t feel so rushed.
This isn’t just good for business owners, it’s great for everyone who wants to work on their self-esteem and have a more organized life.
Great to hear you understand this very well :o)
/All the best
Thank you for sharing with us this great post on how to get confidence.I found this post very helpful as it shows step by step in finding confidence.
Writing on paper what i will do tomorrow is a very good step to start learning about confidence.
I will use this way to change myself.
Yes try it, you will find great benefits from this, not only confidence,
/All the best
John, great info I think consistency is definitely the key and I think I have been guilty of that a lot in my life.
Somehow I have managed to be fairly successful but I will definitely try your suggestions otherwise like you said what’s the point !
Some people also call consistency a workaholic like it’s a bad word .
Thx again for reminding of consiststancys enemy procrastination ha ha !
Thank you for your comment, happy to hear you got reminded ;o)
We all need to remind ourselves from time to time :o)
/Stay consistent