Have you wondering how to get ranked on the page 1 of google? Well, then stop wondering as you will soon know, there is also more good news for you in this post. It is actually alot easier than you might think to get there!
First of all, you need a website, or blog, of course. I am going to assume that you have one in this post, if you don´t have one I suggest that you get yourself one, don´t worry, absolutely anyone can have a website nowadays, you do NOT need any prior knowledge or anything, the technique has come along way since those days.
You can have a website up in minutes nowadays, so if you didn´t know now you know 🙂
Ok, now let´s get to the point, on how exactly to rank on google page 1 for free.
Introduction (and SEO)
Ok, to do this (for free) you are going to need some basic knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This might sound complicated but believe me it is not.
I know that there are people out there that are saying that it is a complicated process and that you need to do a million things and so on, that is absolutely NOT the case. Most times they are probably only after your money.
Now, to the only methods you need to learn.
How To Get Ranked On The Page 1 Of Google
Ok, so what I am going to introduce you to now is something called keywords. A keyword (or a keyword phrase) is something a person types into google when that person is searching for something.
If I want to know how to find the “cheapest tennis balls” for example, then that is a keyword.
**Notice that google giving you sugestions with bold text also. Those phrases are all getting searches, or else google would not have suggested them to you.
Ok, now what you want to do before going after that keyword is to look on how many searches it get´s, and also what the competition (on Google) is for that particular keyword.
Those 2 “parameters” are the ONLY thing you should focus on, everything else doesn´t matter.
I suggest that you go with keywords that got more than 10-15 searches daily, and less than 30 in QSR (competition).
There are tools for this, the one I use is the one I made a screenshoot on (see below)
The absolute best keyword research tool I know of, and use all the time, is Jaaxy, you can try it out for 20 FREE searches here. But first, continue reading though.
What do you do with the keyword phrase then?
Ok, what you then do with the phrase is very simple, it is only a few steps needed to make it rank really good.
1: You put the keyword in your headline of your post (in the beginning of it)
2: You put it somewhere in the first couple of paragraps and also somewhere in the last.
3: You create a H1 heading inside the post with the keyword phrase
4: You put it inside one of your photos
5: You put it as a tag
6: You place (atleast) 2 internal links in the content and 1 external (very important)
That´s it!
You do NOT need to do more. I know there is people online telling you that you need to have the keywords apear for a specific percetage throughout the post but that is overkill and something I never care about.
I rank on Google page 1 all the time without doing it.
Your post also has to be of good quality of course, it probably won´t rank that good if you make it 20 words long only and not related to the keyword (topic” at all, right?
This knowledge (only), can make you ALOT of money online
Think about it, if you rank on Google page 1 for 10 posts, that get´s around 15 searches per day each, that is 150 people visiting your site… every day!
You will of course also find keywords that gets a much bigger search volume from now and then, just keep in mind that the more competition, the harder it will be to rank.
You can rank under a keyword that has up to 300 in competition also but it will be alot harder and your content needs to be better than that competition.
However, why trying to shoot for those when you can easily get alot of “little traffic” posts rank good instead, it all adds up in the end.
Think about it, what if you had 100 posts like that? 200? More? You do the math, I am pretty sure that you can start to see the opportunity here.
Make something great out of this!
If you want to learn how to make the most out of this, what I mean here is of course how to make the most money possible, and I can tell you right away that there is no limit here… You can make a fortune and be able to quit your job, live a life on your terms, travel whenever you want, or whatever it is you want.
It will of course take both time and effort from you to learn all the techniques first, with techniques I mean ways to monetize your site.
However, if it is something you would be interested in I would strongly suggest that you sign up for a free account at the Wealthy Affiliate community. It is full of people who wants the same thing as you, there you can get 24/7 support and step-by-step instructions on how to create websites, generate traffic (people visiting your site) and all the possible ways to make money from your site.
It is absolutely free to sign up and get started and I can assure you that you will absolutely love the place.
Click here to read more about that!
hope you liked this post and found it helpful now you should know how to get ranked on the page 1 of google and that is a great knowledge to have these days when internet is only getting bigger and bigger. As always, if you got any questions I will be more than happy to answer them below.
I wish you success!
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
This is some powerful stuff man. Getting traffic to me, is the most difficult aspect of online marketing. SEO always seemed like a foreign language to me, I love how you broke it down to the basics. So should i aim for low competition keywords? Whats the ideal keyword monthly, daily, and competition look like? Thank you, very helpful.
Glad you found it helpful man, most times it is better to not complicate things to much.
I would absolutely say that the lower competition the better, if it got alot of searches then it is even better of course
/Best regards
Even though I have read stuff like this before, you actually made this wayyyy easier to understand and apply. I like how to made clear pictures describing what each category and concept is. This will definitely be a big boost for newbies and a great review for guys like me continuing to boost their business online.
Thanks man! Glad you liked it!
Hi John. Totally fabulous tips on how to get ranked I the page 1 of Google. Looking back, it seems I don’t put my target keywords in my pictures and tags, which I should start doing that now lol!
I also like how you only target with lesser competition keywords. Often times I tried to target big keywords with thousands of searches, but also has many competitors. Maybe I should start writing about these easier keywords and build up my visitors from there. Thanks for these tips!
Thanks man, glad you liked the post!
/It all adds up 😉
Thanks for the information! While I knew some of the information you mentioned, I did not know about including internal links and external links. I will definitely keep this in mind as I continue to build up my blog. Getting ranked on Google is definitely a goal I’m working towards. Great information to help us bloggers stay successful!
Awesome! Include those links and you will notice a significant boost!
/Best regards
Wow , finally said in a way that makes it easy. All in one post. I had only placed the keyword in title. Then I have been making a H2 and putting that , not the title , in the first paragraph. Did not know to also put the keyword in end of article or image and tag.
Well, I really appreciate the down home approach to this issue! I especially found the numbered section on where the keywords need to be especially helpful…I never knew about the internal and external links- awesome! When you say, “put the keyword in the photo”, what do you mean by that? Thanks!
Thank you makes me glad to help!
Put the keyword in the “Title” (of the photo) and in the “Alt text” (of the photo)
/Best regards
this is great information brother. I really want to open a website and do this kind of work because it is not only fun but also an investment. keep it up, brother.
Exactly! It is an awesome investment, one that is in yourself!
/Thanks for your comment
Thanks John. This is super useful stuff. I did have a couple of quick questions though on the linking aspect of the keywords.
Can you clarify what you mean about two internal links and an external link? Are you implying that I should link to my own site (separate articles of course) at least twice within the one article I am targeting the keyword within? Does that I mean I need three articles focused on the same general keyword?
Also, where is the external link intended to point and are you saying it should be named ‘Keyword’ and then linked off to a competitor’s site?
External means a link that takes the visitor from your site to some other site on the world wide web. An internal link is a link that takes you visitor from a page inside your website to another page (or post) inside your website.
You do not need 3 articles focusing on the same keword, just put internal links related to a word or a phrase inside the text of the particular post/page you are writing.
Hope that helps?
External means a link that takes the visitor from your site to some other site on the world wide web. An internal link is a link that takes you visitor from a page inside your website to another page (or post) inside your website.
You do not need 3 articles focusing on the same keword, just put internal links related to a word or a phrase inside the text of the particular post/page you are writing.
Hope that helps?
I’m struggling for receiving visitors from search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing. I’ve also installed Google Analytics to see results. But I can notice that, all the visitors are only from social media like facebook or twitter. Cause I share those post on social media.
Thanks for sharing this great article. I will try to apply your advice on my website http://www.learnitech.com/
While writing articles I face the problem with Keyword Research. I can see on Google Adword there are too many suggested keywords available on 1st page for a single keyword. I can not understand which keyword should I select.
Next important question:
After selecting keyword, how will I use the keyword on my post? How much keyword should be used on TAG. How to chose Headline of Post (Title) ??? How much keywords should be selected for a 600-800 words post? And how much time 1 keyword should be repeated on the post?
If you visit my site, you will have noticed that it’s about health and fashion related site. Is it problem to target multi niche? Please feel free to provide me answer of my questions.
Personally I use another keyword tool but Google Keyword planner is good also I guess, however the only 2 things I look for when choosing a keyword is nr of searches, and nr of competition…
I only focus one ONE keyword phrase per article, sometimes I put 2 but almost always only one…
Also, I don´t care about repeting the keyword in the post, just put it in somewhere in the first paragraph and somewhere in the last, that´s it.
in the tag you put the same keyword as you have choosen for the post.
It is easier to get targeted traffic if your niche is narrowed down but you can get good traffic with a “broader” niche also
Many times we tend to complicate things to much, keep it smple and stay consistent and you will see results.
Hope that helps?
/Best regards
Thanks John for making a blog dedicated to ranking an article in google.You have very cleanly explained the necessary factors for ranking and I found them to be very useful.I have one website and was finding it hard to rank it in google .I am bookmarking your site and waiting for more useful articles .
Thank you! Glad you found it useful. /Best regard
Thank you! Glad you found it useful. /Best regard
Thanks for sharing your wonderful advice John. At the core of SEO is high-quality and original content that contains your target keywords. That’s what I’m constantly reminding myself every time I create a blog post.
But at times, I struggle and feel demotivated when I see my keywords only at position 49 for example. Often, I look at my search console to check out if I get new clicks each day (like I’m forcing it).
And then I realize that search rankings doesn’t actually come to your site overnight. You have to give it time and consistent effort to really start climbing up the ranks up until the 1st page of Google.
Oh well, it’s time to be more patient with my website…
Yes, it will take time, also if you stay consistent with your posting your ranking will increase, have you tried to post every day for let´s say a 3-4 month period? I did that once… and my rankings went through the roof!! Got MANY page 1 and position 1 posts from doing it, and they are still there, years later
/Stay consistent and have patience
Yes, it will take time, also if you stay consistent with your posting your ranking will increase, have you tried to post every day for let´s say a 3-4 month period? I did that once… and my rankings went through the roof!! Got MANY page 1 and position 1 posts from doing it, and they are still there, years later
/Stay consistent and have patience
Hey there john, very good article here. Keyword research is so fundamental for people that want to make money with a website organically. You laid out the basics rather smooth. You are right, getting this step down will help you make a lot of money plus you target these long tail keywords and you would rank for other related keywords in the process.