Do you want to learn how to make you own website for free and earn money from it?
I can help you with that.
Wheter you are looking to create your own niche websites or if you are looking to create one for a local business or client, you can accompish that very easy these Days. Websites nowadays are simple to make because there are services and platforms out there that offer ways (for dummies) to create professional looking sites.
The Most Important Aspects of a Website
You have a website, which is your “space” and “how it looks like” on the web), you also have hosing, the place that stores your website and makes sure it serves quickly and efficiently to people that visits it. There are some very important aspects of websites that make the difference between a quality site and one site of low quality.
(1) Speed & Loading Time
(2) Professional Designs & Looks
(3) Easy to Navigate on the site
(4) Uses a CMS (see text below )
(5) Quality content on your site
If you are able to accomplish this five things, you are going to be operating a (very) successful (and very profitable) website. But, in order to do this, you need to leveraging a framework that “simplifies” and helps you with the process. I would recommend WordPress for this.
Click the video below to see an easy to understand explanation how the process of making money from your website works:
WordPress, a true Content Management System (CMS)
You (or most of you) have probably heard of WordPress, the world’s most widely used website builder or “framework”. In fact, this website you are on right now is built with WordPress :o)
10 years ago you had to manually code HTML by hand, so building a website was something only someone with programming knowledge could do. Well, things have really changed over the years. Anyone, and I mean absolutely ANYONE can build a website, and succeed making money (online). Because of Content Management Systems like WordPress, The technological barriers have been completely erased.
Here are some benefits when you use WordPress.
- Very easy to install and set-up (click of a button at Wealthy Affiliate)
- No HTML, no code, no need for some experience or former knowledge
- Over 1,400 different website templates to choose
- Install (with one click) over 10,000 “add on” features and website functions
- Lots of help and support inside of the community
As you can see, WordPress is my first (and only) choice and it is the exclusive framework I use to build ALL of my websites. Now, here I want to show you how to get your very own WordPress website and how to build a website in about 5 minutes.
build a WordPress website for FREE
As I said, I can help you…but only if you are willing to take action on the help I give you. If you want a website less than 5 minutes from now you are going to need to take 3 steps.
Step 1: Start Building Your Website for your $0 at SiteRubix.com
Step 2: Create a Free Account
Step 3: YOU will get the access to 2 Free Websites & a Training Platform (with Everything included)
And just like that, you are going to have your very own, fully functional WordPress website up and running. You will also have training available inside WA on how to make Money from your site (or sites).
Need (step-by-step) Help With Your Website/s?
Get 2 FREE websites + FREE step-by-step instructions on how not only creating them but also how to make money from them! Click here for your FREE training.
I hope this post was helpful and that you go ahead and see how much easier it is (than most people think) to do this stuff nowadays! Ask me anything here if you got questions! If you need a hand with anything, please leave a comment below or simply click the link above and get started + ask your questions inside the community!
Don´t forget to Share! You have probably friends/family that would like to try this!
Also I would absolutely love if you come back to this post when you have created your website and share it in the comment section!! It will serve as free extra traffic for you and your site to! ;o)
Founder of: StartMakeStopWaste.com