Hate is a powerful thing, make no mistake about it. Do you know how to use hate? Most times, people who get the best results are the ones who want it more. The ones who want it the most are usually people who have been through some “bad experience” recently… Some experience that made them angry.
Maybe they have “broken up” or divorced recently…
Maye someone has picked on them…
Laughed at them…
Bullied them…
Someone who hates someone… this FUELS a person
Hate is powerful!
The best revenge is massive success
-Frank Sinatra
If you got someone you hate, or if someone has hurt you, maybe life hurt you? Took someone you love away from you?
How to use hate
You can use that “hate” to achieve your goals, to punish them!
Hate is motivation!
Let me take the great football (soccer) player Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Ibra) for example.
He grew up in Sweden, in a so-called (Swedish) ghetto. He got to play with blond Swedish guys early on in his football career.
- He was different from an immigrant family
- Nobody believed in him
- Then he got hated on (jealousy)
He got angry and wanted to show them!
He STILL uses this “hate” to succeed, he uses it as fuel, he uses it to be unstoppable… and he is.
He is one of my absolute biggest inspirations by the way
It´s the same with me… I am a short guy… and when I was a child and in my early teens I was always skinny… Also I kind of looked different (due to my Spanish heritage) than the tall (most blonde) typical Swedish guys…
Needless to say, I got into many fights, you know how kids are, right?
So I got angry and started to work out, lifting weights.
I wanted to be prepared to fight anyone… no matter how big, and no matter if they were 2 or even 3 guys… I was gonna “kill” them lol!
Funny thing though, when I had put on my muscle… it stopped… nobody wanted to fight with me anymore…
My absolute worst “hate” experience
Or when life hurt me so bad a couple of years ago… It gave my father cancer and took his life…
I got angry again… I promised my dad, my self, and god that I would create and succeed with an online business no matter what!
Once again I was fueled by hate… and I used it… I still use it!
Not (at all) saying that I am Ibra, but I identify with him, I understand him, and I got a similar mindset… a winner, work hard mentality.
If you can find somebody (or something) to hate, and then channel that energy into something you will be able to accomplish great things. You have to transmute that energy into achieving your goals.
For the HATE.
I think it is more powerful than love… at least in my experience so far in life…
Many people tell me all the time, thank you for being so positive John, you are such a “joy spreader” and yeah I guess, maybe I am…
But… Make no mistake… I wake up every morning with hate in my heart… Hate for my enemies. That is what drives me to do what most aren´t prepared to do…
I want to KILL my enemies (not literally) but I want to be so successful that it brings them pain. It should be painful for them to see it…
I don´t know if that is positive or not but it fuels me.
So please, don´t always “turn the other cheek” and don´t always forgive… Instead show them, make them feel sorry that they ever did bad to you… Make them eat their laughs up…
Sometimes I make my real friends and loved ones “hate” me… I pick on them… I sacrifice myself because I want to awake hate in them and use it to show me… It works sometimes, sometimes they see through my tactic though :o)
Anyway… If you got someone, some people, or something that you hate… Don´t punish (fight with) them… Instead, make yourself so successful that they will feel very bad.
You know why? Because nothing will make a hater feel worse than seeing you being successful.
Use the hate to get yourself up from bed every morning!
Hope you found this short post on how to use hate to be helpful, and please share your thought in the comment section below! If you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you the best
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
Very unusual post here, as most people are against hate. But I can’t see any harm in using that ‘hate energy’ for the good rather than for getting revenge on a person.
If you can Chanel that hate into something good by becoming successful no matter what, then good for you. Unfortunately most people are simply eaten up by hate and are unwilling to forgive and forget, and in this instance it makes things worse for the in the long run as they sit and silently simmer instead of getting on and being productive.
I know, have seen q lot of people get “eaten up” by hate, and its not really that hate I talk about, rather the “suffering” you get from the hate you get if that makes sense :o)
Thank you for your comment,
/All the best
Hi John, very interesting article! At first it seems weird to me, but when I read the whole article with writing about your experience I understood. It looks like it`s true that from every thing in our life we can use something good. If you transfer hate into strong will to succeed then this is great. But be careful that you won`t hate too much, in that case you won`t be able to transfer all hate energy to your projects but it could be spread all around you. Thanks for sharing with us and keep up the good work!
I find this very informative but I do have an opinion that i hope is welcomed here.
I agree while a certain degree of hate can fuel positive energy, there can be a fine line. Others can channel their hate to do something bad.
I know many people for example and one friend comes to mind that possessed so much hate, it destroyed his life. His was through a divorce, over 20 years ago, but he was never able to use his hate to benefit him. Slowly he destroyed himself.
Although all of us are different, hate needs to be controlled and a positive attitude needs to be adopted otherwise things can turn out in a bad way!
Thanks, I enjoyed reading. Food for though!
This is certainly an interesting way of looking at how to use the energy of hate in a motivating way. The term hate to me has such negative connotations, so to read about it from this perspective where it is used in a productive way is fascinating. I can see where it comes from and how if it’s used appropriately and respectfully, I imagine can be effective at pushing one to better themselves and keep doing what they’re doing. It’s good to see that it can be used in a productive manner that can be a way to push through difficult experiences while also being motivating at the same time. Thanks for sharing.
Looking back at where I am today, I can totally resonate with your point of view. In 2014, I developed such a negative feeling towards my work that I ended up hating the workplace so much. If it was the immature me, I would just complained all day long, but during that period, something made me realized that if I didn’t do anything about it, I would be stuck in this place forever.
That’s what motivated me to start an online business, one that can provide me income and time freedom at the same time. I am glad I used the energy positively because today, my effort is starting to bear its fruit and I can’t wait to see what 2019 would bring.
Hello John!
Your article has impacted me.
I did not know that hate can give you so much energy to reach your most difficult dreams.
In my case I never felt inferior to anyone.
Today with 60 years, I can reveal to you that I am very proud of everything achieved with a lot of sacrifice.
I love myself with all my soul, I do not question anything of what I did.
Everything I did was because I wanted to do it.
I tell you that many times my tongue has spoken hurtful words towards people that I love very much, I apologize, because I am not the one to say them.
This is my worst fault in which I fight every day, I hope to overcome it someday.
Maybe my childhood together with my parents did not have negative experiences, if I received from them all the love.
I wish you friend all the best!
Regards! Claudio