This post is going to be about making money online for beginners. There are many
ways to make money online, some are safe and solid ways some are a bigger risk.
However, in this post, I will explain the exact process on how I did to create a solid income online in under 9 months.
You can do exactly the same, no doubt about that.
Making Money Online For Beginners – Anyone Can Do It!
Do you think you don´t have what it takes to be able to make money online? Think again, know you can, I know you can. I got started with my online business endeavors as a complete newbie
I got started with my online business endeavors as a complete newbie, hell I didn´t even have a Facebook account lol! In around 9 months I had a solid income stream that actually paid me more than my old job did.
You know what? That solid income stream just keeps growing bigger and bigger for every month that goes by. Below I will explain how I did and how YOU can do to create a successful business from your own home.
Stay Positive!
First of all, YOU can absolutely make money online and no I don´t mean MLM, you know those pyramid schemes.
I know there are literally TONS of scammers out there with bullshit products, this is what to look out for in short, to prevent you from falling for another scam.
- Forget about “push button secret” to make money online
- You will not get rich overnight
- Making money online requires work
- You DO NOT have to spend thousands of dollars to make money online
If a program asks you to pay $1,000+ for a program, do not give in. That is most definitely another MLM (pyramid scheme) even if it claims not to be. Those only empty your bank account, not filling it up.
I understand if you are skeptical about pretty much anything online, and that is fine, but you have to know that there are legit ways to make money also, I will show you the absolute best way to do it.
Find Your Market, Your Targeted Market, AKA Your Niche
Don´t get this twisted, most people do this backward and that will only lead to you getting stuck.
When you start with your online business, first you want to find a niche. A niche is a SPECIFIC group of people looking for something.
If you do this, you will (unlike thousands of people who fail right from the start) get GREAT success.
So, how do you find a niche? Simply ask yourself, “what does this group of people want?”
- A group of people who want to lose weight
- A group of people who are interested in computers
- A group of people looking to make money online
- Etc
This is still too broad you are going to have to narrow it down a little, but at least you have a general idea of how you can find your market. You could narrow down (for example) the loose weight market to “lose weight with diet” or you could narrow down the computer market to “build your own computer cheap” and so on. There are thousands of ways you can narrow down a market.
This is something that might help:
Fill out the missing words and you got your niche: I want to help people to __________.
In short, figure out a problem people have, then offer the solution.
When you have figured out your market (group of people), then you can figure out how to get to your ultimate goal, which is of course to make money.
Offer The Solution
This is the spine of your business and it´s life depend on your solution to the problem (your targeted group of people have). This solution could be done in the form of a video, or an article.
In this step, this is where you put the solution (that costs money for your customers to use), but there is always a good way or a bad way to do things.
For example, imagine if you choose to start your business, (build your own computer business for example) with putting out a lot of products on your site without providing any info or help on how and why they (your market) should use them?
You wouldn´t sell much, also, there would not be any value for the visitors to your site, they might as well go surf on the retailer shop immediately instead. But people research before they buy something.
Instead, you talk about a problem, and offering a solution in the discussion (the product).
Important to mention here is that you don´t have to own the product, you can sell anything online and you will get paid commissions from the merchant for doing this. For example, you can partner with Amazon and sell anything that they have on their site through their affiliate program. Click here if you want to read more about that.
Millions of people “Google” on solutions to their problems daily, you are dealing with the (by far) biggest market in the world here, the online market.
1 example,
Problem: “How do I build my own gaming computer under $500?”
Solution: Article on exactly how to get it done, with a “recommendation” to an affiliate product of YOUR choice, wich will be all products that you will get commissions for, when your visitors buy.
Pretty simple isn´t it? Don´t be like the others that think they will succeed at Internet marketing by starting in the wrong end, because you’re not.
Create Your Foundation – A Website
This is easy nowadays so don´t let it scare you. Trust me, I am far from some computer geek and I would even consider me “super non-technical” in all aspects of computers, hell I didn´t even have Facebook one year ago 🙂
But… I do make money online and I also have created a couple of websites online, including this on you are on right now.
The year is 2016, the future is now, we have amazing technology available today. So creating (and owning) a website is probably the easiest part in the process of making money online.
It will not only take a minute do create one, but you can also even get one for free. There are sites like that offer completely free websites, no questions asked.
Choose A Domain Name (a good one)
When you choose a domain name there is 2 things to consider, either you choose a name that is highly relevant to your niche, or you choose something catchy (easy to remember).
You can use this tool to see if your domain name ( is available.
Create Content
This is also something that might scare people away from creating a successful business online, but it will also be the key to making MORE money.
Trust me on this one (you might have noticed) I am not the best writer, but just like with anything else, you get better the more you do something. Important to mention here, Content can also be video, for example.
You can always hire a writer, by using services like and They are very cheap, just remember that you get what you pay for.
The concept here is actually very simple. If you can make money with 1 article, imagine if you have 10 articles making you money, 100 articles, etc. Content is a key in this business, the more the better.
Get Traffic!
Remember what I said above, there is no bigger market in the world that the one you are on right now, internet. There are over 2,5 BILLION people online every day!
Without getting a small piece of this traffic (people visiting your site) you won´t make any sales. Period.
So how do you get traffic to your site? You going to like this answer 🙂 There are many ways to get A LOT of traffic 🙂
Creating content is the best way to get traffic (in my opinion) because it is both targeted and absolutely FREE.
Don´t think that you will get ranked in Google page 1 in your first week or month as an Internet marketer, because that (most likely) won´t happen.
The sweet spot seems to be around the 3month mark, and BAAM you will be in business. Best part about it, is that it will just keep growing and growing and growing and growing, more traffic = more sales.
Pay for traffic
You can also pay for traffic and this is a great way to make sales sooner. I don´t recommend you do this to start with, but remember that it is an option later on, to pay for being in front of everyone else.
Once you start to understand how things work, you can use PPC (pay per click) to make a lot of money.
Make Money!
When you got your site in place and a couple of articles on it, then it is time to start looking into the making money part of things.
Don´t make the common mistake, making your site ready to make money before you even have traffic, it will only work the opposite way. Do all the other things first and the money aspects will eventually be relevant. Just to clarify things…
Ok, with that said, when you set up your site to make money (there is also many ways to do this) the easiest (and one of the most lucrative) way to do this is by affiliate links.
For example, I am pretty sure that you or someone you know has bought things from Amazon or Ebay for example. I do it myself pretty often and have been doing it for years.
Do you know that there is a very big chance that someone have made commissions on your purchases without you even knowing (or suffer) about it?
Imagine if you direct people from your article (a solution to their problem) straight to another site (Amazon for example) where they can purchase the “fix” for their problem.
Now, imagine that 10 people did this. The numbers are just examples and ridiculously low, but even more ridiculous is that YOU will get paid even if they bought something else on that site.
This happens through links
In case, you didn´t know, sales are (most commonly) generated online through articles that have nice small links in place (usually blue words) that direct them to another site.
When a person clicks on a link on your site and then gets redirected to Amazon (for example) you will get a commission from anything and everything that person buys there. This can add up to crazy numbers, and only for one person!
This is a very simple concept and it absolutely (thank god) works. Banners is also a form of a link.
Banners is also a form of a link. However, they don´t work as good as they use to do back in 2004, people are subliminally blocking them out because they have become so common.
So, I would say that links (inside text) are the way to go instead, you can of course, have some banners also but don´t “over do” them.
Your First Dollar And The Negative People!
I remember when I made my first dollar online, or more correct it was a $8 commission. To me, that meant the world and I was so happy. I told a few people about it and they just looked at me like I was stupid or something.
They didn´t understand at all, but I did… I understood that if I could make 1 sale I could make 10, 100, and thousands of sales.

I want you to know this, this is probably the most important thing to keep in mind:
That´s the thing, people are going to look at you skeptical and negative, they even going to try to talk you out of doing it. They will say things like “it doesn´t work to make money online” or “everything online is a scam” to me even some of my friends thought I was involved in MLM (pyramid scheme) even if that absolutely wasn´t the case.
Whenever you do something that isn´t “normal” people will get like afraid or something, this can be your working colleges but it can also be your “friends” and family. DO NOT listen to them! They are small minded but you´re not.
Decide what you want and go for it, don´t let ANYTHING stop you! if you think like this NOTHING can stop you. Simple as that.
A good idea if you want to avoid “haters” and negative people in general, is to simply not telling them what you are up to, but it can be hard to keep quiet about everything as you will get very excited as you start to see the progress you are making with your business.
Promise me one thing, though, DO NOT EVER and NEVER reveal your goals to ANYONE. It is very dangerous and that is another post but trust me on that one, keep your goals for yourself only.
However, from my first $8 commission (that took me about 3months to be able to make) I made, things just started to roll. The day after I made $16, then a couple of days after that I made $153 and so on. The numbers just kept increasing and have been increasing ever since.
When I made my first $1,000+ month people stopped to think that I am crazy I can assure you of that 🙂
I look forward to the day when I reach my (financial) goal and to see the look on their faces when I tell them my monthly income lol! It is not IF it is WHEN I reach that goal. YOU can do the same, no doubt in hell about that, you only need the will and determination that nothing will stop you.
Invest In Yourself And Your Future – Get Educated!
You can actually find pretty much all information about making money online and affiliate marketing on the web for free, but trust me, you will NOT make it if you think you can do this all alone.
You have probably heard this before, “you have to invest money to make money” but I want you to be careful with this one.
Like I mentioned earlier, you DO NOT need to spend thousands of dollars to make money online, so don´t fall victim to these scammers trying to lure you in so they can make thousands of dollars, leaving you without any value.
It is not easy to find a good place to learn all this, without leaving anything out, but I always recommend a program called the Wealthy Affiliate.
Here you can expect:
- Support 24/7
- A free trial (no credit card needed)
- 1on 1 support
- Access to millionaires in the industry
- Step-by-step training on exactly how and what to do
- Access to a friendly community of online marketers
- Access to owners of the program
- Free websites and free hosting
- Fre keyword tool
- Etc
There are other programs out there, but no one as complete as this one, so give it a try and you´ll quickly understand what I am talking about. Click here to try Wealthy Affiliate for Free!
Mission Accomplished!
There you go! This is what beginners should do to start making significant amounts of money online. I hope this helps you to become successful, nothing would make me more happy, than to know that it was for the reason that I pointed you in the right direction that you finally kicked that 9-5 job that you hate out of the window.
I wish you the best and a lot of success!
Thank you for reading
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