One of the best things about having a blog is that you can write whatever you want 🙂 Sometimes it can help to write things “off your chest” and tonight I felt that I wanted to share a post with you all as I am curious about your views on these topics. Ok, here we go! 🙂
The new hypnosis disease
It is absolutely crazy nowadays how people are digging their head down into their mobiles EVERYWHERE.
When I am in the subway I swear that I look around me and I see that 99% of people are looking down on their mobiles… ALL the time! It is a bit funny and scary at the same time…
Are we really that uninterested in our environment, isn´t looking on other people interesting anymore? Speaking with your fellow human beings in the train?
I mean, personally I work online but I am sure that most people on the train are NOT working on their mobile, then it would be a bit more understandable but really come on, the weirdest thing is that I even sometimes see people that are around 80-90 years old who do this… What will come next?
Why is this happening? Are we people completely tired of talking or even looking at each other?
Why are we so separated?
What I mean is that first of all we are humans, why is that not the first thing you show respect to when you meet a person or get to know one.
Why do you always have to judge them by their clothes, their looks, their faith? If you are of different religions, what does it matter? If your god is the right one or mine? In the end, we believe in the same god anyway, there can´t possibly be many, right?
Are you more or less intelligent if you believe in god?
Just to be clear here, I personally do not see god and religion as the same thing. Also, I do not call Jesus the God of Christianity, Jesus was a man that came in a miracle way… He was the son of God and not God, right?
But do you know what, I don´t care if you believe that Jesus is God or if you worship the buddha or whatever because first off all you are a human?
You are always a human first of all. Humans are NOT perfect, we are far from perfect… We make wrong all the time and that is part of being human… ALL of us make mistakes so why do we judge others so easily?
You would probably be exactly the same as the person you judge if…
Think about it the next time you judge someone for his or hers belief or some other thing.
Think like this: “If I was born in the exact same place like that person, from the same parents, in the same house, same environments, same everything”…
…Would you be like that person? Would you act the same as him/her? Would you have the same job? The same mindset? The same faith?
What do you think?