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“Professionals” MESS UP… Do You Get The Point?

Hey there! I told you yesterday that 2 guys were going to fix my roof, remember? Anyway, they laid the foundation yesterday, and it all looked good… at first…
Then after some hours, I noticed some cracks in the roof… I called the “contact guy” of the company but he didn´t answer, he sent me an SMS saying that he was in a meeting and will call me back…
I also called my big brother… (by the way, my big brother is the most technical guy I know, he can fix ANYTHING that is broken)…
My brother asked me if they had put some “paper” between the new material they put up in the roof and the old… I looked into the crack but didn’t see any material…
He said that it will never last (without cracks) if there isn´t some kind of material between the 2 pieces…
This 2 guys suppose to be “professionals” or at least it is their job to do this stuff…
But they messed it up… and my brother… who have never been to any school to learn stuff like that knew how to do it…
Pretty amazing, right?
Anyway… I think that says a lot… I always get the question (or excuse) from people who want to make money online and start a business… “but John, I am not good enough” or “John how can I do all this without an education in bla bla bla”
Well, this is a prime example that education is not what makes a good result…
And results are what matters on planet earth…
If you can get people results they will pay you…
Did you see the opportunity I wrote about yesterday?
That is one very good example where you can bring people GREAT results without any education at all… By providing them a service that is already working… So no need to even have knowledge here in other words…
How to sell it and where? Don´t worry, they will teach you (this are real professionals)
==> This can be a cool way for you to make money (without any experience)
Now I have to get myself a cup of tea and continue to build some backlinks on some of my websites before I call it a night.
By the way, the “contact guy” from the company didn´t call me back… Guess he will call tomorrow :o)
Stay on your path
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
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