Have you ever stopped to think abouth how much time you waste online everyday? I have, and it have made me feel ashame of myself a bit every time:o) Please stop waste time online! Thinking about time that you don´t use in a good way really makes me feel bad about myself, and not only online… Playing video games, watching tv, playing with the phone…and so on… It is all just a waste of time! Atleast if you want to get somewhere and get something out of Life!
On internet I have wasted so much time I don´t even want to think about it, but now I have stop waste time online, instead now I try to use my time online to be productive, to get info and learn something and to make money.
I never use Facebook, Instagram or playing games online anymore ( atleast not just for fun) and I can´t remember the last time I saw a Movie! And it feels great! I really feel that I don´t have time to do all that bullshit anymore.
Think about how much you could improve your Life if you really did something with your time. I suggest you take a week and write down Everything you do every day! And then you sit down and analysing all the things you do with your time that really ain´t getting you somewhere (wasting time),then you will see how much time you really have to make something real!
Maybe you could educate yourself in something, learn a new language, learn to play an istrument, work extra, do some exercise, or anything else that you maybe don´t Think you got the time to do.
We almost always have more time than we think we have (in most cases), when people say something else it is really just a bad excuse.
If we really want something (bad enough) we will find time to do it, But if it is not that important to us: We will find an excuse.
So if you do not want to do something “real” go ahead play video games and “hang around” on Facebook and Watch all the tv series in the World, but don´t complain later when you feel that you haven´t developed as a person in the last five or teen years, cause Life goes fast! It doesn´t wait for noone!
And don´t blame your failures in life on that you do not have time, blame it on yourself instead!
And really that is nothing you should want to do, you are better than that! Life is a gift and we should all treat it like that.
“Life is made of time so if you love Life do not waste time”
-Bruce Lee
I really felt that I had to write this today cause I see that so many of us today waste time on bullshit really and it is really just sad and so unnecessary.
We are better than that and we should develop ourselfs to become better and stronger versions of ourselfs in different ways.
===>Click here to see how you can make money from your time online instead of wasting it!
I hope this helps!
Please leave a comment below
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Hiya John, Is not easy when you start out to sacrifice daily living expectations to devote some precious time into your new found project ut I say give it 90 days of positive action and then evaluate the results… I do not know of many off-line businesses that expect to turn onve any real revenue within 6 months let alone 3 months… so keep inspiring and working towards your goals. cheers Tracey
Yes it is not easy to do it… But if it would be easy everybody would do it :o) So in a way it is good that it is not easy because a lot of the competition are not willing to sacrifice the time that it takes. So that means there really is not so much competition left :o)
Thanks for your comment Tracey/ John
Short yet very informative and to the point article. I absolutely agree with you that wasting time is our common problem. I love paying video games but since 2 years ago I have no more been wasting my time. Every day I work on my website, creating new fresh content, replying to comments, engaging on social network sites etc. All my efforts and time are dedicated to improving my business and thus making my family’s life better. But all this is possible and achievable only if you set a goal and then work towards it.
You are absolutely right man. Setting goals is VERY important!
Thanks for your comment / John
Hi John
I couldn’t agree more with what you say about wasting time. I remember myself 5 years ago wasting so much time, watching useless tv programs, using internet just to entertain myself. I just cannot help myself but imagine what my life could be like now if I had used all that time to build an online business? I could be working in front of my favorite beach right now instead of earning a miserable minimum wage working for somebody else 40 hrs a week. But you know what? that is ok, because I have learned the lesson and took action to change. Of course we all need a time to relax… but we also need time management and take the best out of it. Because we cannot rewind in time…
Good post! Thanks for that
Thanks Stefan! It is never to late to make changes in your life man. I have wasted so much time in my life but I do not think about that anymore. We have to look forward!
Good luck man I wish you the best in everything!
/ John
Hi, John.
Great post and a great reminder about the value of time. You’re right about ditching all of those futile activities and focusing on doing something more productive instead. I often found myself wandering inside Facebook or Twitter, reading quotes and funny jokes or watching some silly videos.
I recently removed it to focus on my business, and I got to admit that I managed to get a lot of things done lately.
I also created a special wallpaper for my desktop to keep me on track. It says, “I should be working on my business” and it became a wake-up call every time I read it. And I’m still working on things to manage my time more efficiently.
All the best.
Thats great Imad! Thank you for your comment /John
Wow :O What you’re doing here is so useful! It is very exciting and helpful. A lot of people need to waste a lot less time on the internet, and you’re doing a perfect job helping. I also like that you write in a very detailed and thorough manner. Also, it is written in a very easy to understand language. I am definitely going to bookmark this page.