This post is gonna explain the term upsell. What is an upsell? Something good or something bad? I can tell you right away that I hate these things called upsells, at least in the “make money online world”.
Today I going to show you what up-sells are and why you need to be aware of them so they don´t catch you off guard.
What Is An UpSell About?
An upsell is something that is used to make the most money possible from an offer, for example, when you visit McDonald’s you will get presented to upsells in the form of “do you want extra fries” or “do you want an extra large soda” for example.
It is more acceptable (in my opinion) to get presented to up-sells at McDonald’s than when you get them online if you have bought into a program or software that is going to help you making money online for example.
Watch Out For Their UpSell Tactic!
Online marketers often use the “upsell tactic” to get the most money possible out of their online “offers”. Many times something that initially seemed like a cheap product end up (with the upsells included) landing on thousands of dollars. This is NOT ok.
If you think that you have to spend thousands of dollars, to be able to make money online, then you need a reality check.
I don´t know if you have been approached by this kind of offers online? But I have, they offer a product so cheap that you cannot resist trying it out. Then almost immediately you get presented with THE UPSELL…
You get told something like this: “If you are really serious about making money online you should also get this.”
I hate that! It is bullshit. Does it stop there? NO!
After a while, you will be presented to another one of these upsells.
This could be anything, like for example “If you want a website to maximize your earnings we can give you one for only $300” Lol! Then when you try to close down the page, what happens then?
WAIT don´t leave!
They have just dropped the price to only $150 🙂
How much do you think it costs to set up a website? hundreds of dollars? Wrong! It is actually free to get high-quality sites. You can get 2 websites for free through the link at the end of this article.
These are just some examples of how people online will try to make the most money possible, from you. I know you get my point and if you didn´t know what an upsell was before, now you know.
Want to know what Cross-Selling is? Then click here (opens in new window)
Don´t fall for that type of scam because it will only frustrate you and probably lead to that you give up, even if the program itself might work, and why pay thousands of dollars for something that you could get for almost no cost at all? Who wants to do that, right?
This Is How They Lure You In
One popular (bait) method is to offer you a free membership, or some kind of cheap price to get you in before they start to throw in the up-sells. The more expensive upsell they plan to throw at you, the more they are going to work on gaining your trust and convincing you that you will make BIG money on their stuff.
What Can You Do To Avoid The Scams?
When looking for a program that will learn you to make money online, look out for the ones that got upsells.
Also, there is one good old saying (that you can use for most things in life) that goes “If it sounds too good to be true, then it almost always is”
But don´t do the mistake thinking that everything online is a scam. The scams that take place online are actually mostly “hustle” marketing techniques to get people to buy into their scams. What the scammer does is totally LEGIT. But it is also VERY UNETHICAL.
It is what it is, not much we can do about that other than be aware and avoid the online scam hustlers. Things like online identity theft and such things are of course not legal but you should also know that it is not very common also. Most of those cases take place from something physical, not just from buying something online.
Things like online identity theft and such things are of course not legal but you should also know that it is not very common also. Most of those cases take place from something physical, not just from buying something online.
Billions of dollars are being spent online EVERY DAY and the fact that more and more people are buying things online will not change anytime soon. The numbers just keep growing from year to year.
You Should Take Advantage Of This MONSTEROUS market!
With over 2.5 Billion of people online every day, you can easily see the potential, especially when billions of dollars also are spent every day by people online.
If you just avoid the scams, find the right program (and stick to that one) and you will be successful. Don´t waste time and DO NOT trade time for money, it is a fools game. A passive income is what will lead to your freedom financially but also in life in general.
Click Here For My Best Recommendation To Getting Started online
I hope you found this post to be helpful and know you know what an upsell is and how and also why to avoid them. Please leave a comment! Don´t forget to SHARE with people so they also can be successful online.
Thank you for reading!
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