If you have a blog (or a website) you are going to ask yourself at some point, how do I increase traffic to my blog? It is natural to ask yourself that because you want to reach your “targeted” audience, right? Maybe you make money from your blog and want to reach as many as possible?
In this post I´m going to show you the best way to get TONS of traffic to your blog! It is actually so simple that ANYONE can start a blog and get a lot of traffic!
To make your traffic stay and read your stuff (and visit again) is another story of course…
But to get them there has a proven method and the best part about it is that it is VERY easy!
This is how you do it:
- Find keywords for a website (or a blog)
- Put the keywords in the title of your post
- Put the keyword somewhere in the first, and last paragrafs of your post.
- Make one tag with the keyword or keyword phrase
That´s it!
Find keywords for a website or a blog
There is really only two things to think about that are important here.
- How much competition does the keyword get?
- How much traffic does the keyword get?
Everything else is just not important, well if the keyword make sense could of course be important most of the times but you decide that yourself.
To know the exact competition, and the amount of traffic a keyword (or a keyword phrase) gets, you are going to need a keyword tool. The only one I have found that provides you with the EXACT data on this two CRITICAL points are Jaaxy.
Ideally would be to find a keyword (or phrase) that has LOW competition and a HIGH amount of traffic, if you do that you have a SEO ready keyword (or phrase) in your hands.
It will literally help you take over the search engines just by creating some content (or a video) that is relevant to the keyword you have.
Your post will rank on Google page 1! IF you have done it correct!
“This is the easy method, but if you want to be really sure that you have done your SEO correct click here to read in detail exact what you also can (and should) do”.
What is low competition then? Anything under 100 is GREAT, but anything under 300 is totally fine to.
How much traffic is a good amount? The higher the better of course, but I would say any traffic amount is good, just make more posts!
For example Let´s say you get a great keyword with 1000 visitors/day… But you only have that post.
Another example: You have one post with 50 visitors/day another with 10/day, and hundred more posts with different amounts…
Do you get what I mean here? It adds up!! So I would say any amount of traffic is good as long as it´s more than zero, your visitors will increase!
Below is a screenshot from the keyword tool jaaxy.

The examples above are just examples and nothing I would use (on my websites or blogs) because it is not really my niche…But if you like Ariana Grande (I do) or have ideas on how and what to get a new boyfriend for christmas that you want to share on your blog… Then you have 2 very good keyword phrases in that screenshot I would say. Your traffic would increase by 102 visitors/day only with those two posts if you get them to google page 1!!
That is how (simple) it works!
In the video below I show and explain how I get to page 1
Go ahead and try yourself and see what keywords you can come up with! Just perform a search below and find some SUPER keywords with Jaaxy:
I hope all this made sense? Hopefully you now have the answer to the question: How do I increase traffic to my blog? It is easy, just post a lot and use the right keywords and the traffic will increase A LOT! If you have any questions about all this please ask I would love to help you!
Maybe this can be of interest to? Click HERE if you want to read about the best way to get followers on socialmedia!
Thanks for reading!
I wish you the best and a lot of success with your stuff!
Be social=SHARE!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste