Almost everyone want´s to know how to make money from Internet. Many many people around the world have a wish to make an income online, the year is 2015 and “the web” have become our “second home”.
In fact, many people, today make a living online, many even make more money than they need!
I have good news for you, if you continue reading this text you will know the basics of how people earn money online. It is not complicated at all, really it is very simple to do, but you will have to put in the work if your goal is to make a “passive income” online.
If you read this text chances are big that you want to know how to make money online. If you are serious about it I promise you that you will never wonder about this question again! Read this text and you will have your answer:
This is how it works in reality:
To defining how to make money online is not as simple as it sounds because there are SO MANY different ways to do it, really, it is just like in the offline world, there is a lot of ways! Here I’m going to explain the process and the foundation of how you start your success online.
STEP 1 The Foundation To Success Online is a Website
You need a website of your own! It just is as simple as that. Just like a house to be stable and not fall apart you need a solid ground. It is exactly the same with an online business, and your “solid ground” is going to be your website. Think like this: If you have a solid ground you can build a very high sky scraper!
STEP 2 Build Your Virtual Sky Scraper (with content)
Ok, the first step was your website. The next step is going to be: Creating content on your site. Content is going to lead to traffic (through SEO), it will also lead to building relationships with your visitors (which leads you to revenue), and the creation of your brand (this will lead to a long term business).
Content can be a lot of things, like Text, Blogging, Comments/Dialogue within your content, Video, Audio and more. Search engines like websites that are content rich and so do PEOPLE.
If you build quality content the traffic (people) will come.
STEP 3: Put Your Foundation on a “Busy Street” with “Traffic”
By now you have your foundation for success, now you need people to “see” your website, in other words: You need website traffic. So how do we get this sort of traffic? There are many ways to do this. Content is the first and most important way that you should focus the most on.
Here are some of the ways to get traffic:
- Write Content
- Creating Videos
- Getting Rankings in Google (this comes from content and keywords)
- Paid Traffic
- Ad Buys
All these things can be learned within Wealthy Affiliate the absolute best place to get an education in online business anywhere. So if you don´t understand what some of this things mean, they can easily be learned within WA (requires you to create a free account).
STEP 4: Open Up Your Shop (earn money)
This is the fun part! With a site that has traffic, there are 100´s of ways you can make money. Here are just a few ways to do it:
- Selling Advertising (to other website owners)
- Selling Affiliate Products
- Selling Amazon Products
- Selling Products that You Own
- Social Media Marketing
- Selling the actual website
- Google Adsense (putting ads on your site)
This is just seven ways to make money online there are many many more ways. Once you have your website (very easy to create these days), some content, and some traffic…Then the sky is the limit! Literally! It is up to you if you want to earn a substantial living online, or if you “only” want a “part time” income.
If You Want To Do This, DO NOT try This Alone!!
This information given to you here on “knowing” how to make money from the internet really works but it will only take you so far, so the absolute nr.1 thing I would suggest is that you DO NOT go at it alone. There are too many scams out there, “internet gurus”, and to many people giving out misinformation. That´s why I want to invite you to my hangout, the place where you get to learn all this, where you can ask any questions you want and get the answers fast. Here you will find a lot of successful online business people who will help you every day, for free. No credit card, No catches, just fill out a form and you are IN! There is also a paid alternative to consider but it is absolutely not necessary to start making money. My advice is to try it out for a free membership first to see if there is something you could see yourself working with.
==> Get Started Now!
So, by now you should understand how the process of making money online really works, why don´t you come and join me :o)
If you ever need help or advice with anything or want to know something about the process of how to make money online, let me know in the comment section below! I would be more than happy to help you out.
I wish you the best and a lot of success!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste