This review is going to cover a new program hitting the internet called Fan Page Domination. So, what is Fan Page Domination all about? Is it a scam or is it a legit way for you to make money online? Will it be Worth the cost to join or should you choose other programs instead? These are some of the questions this short Review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: Fan Page Domination
Website: ?
Owner: Anthony Morrison
Price: $1997 (one time payment) or 3 payments of: $797
Who is it for: People looking to make money online in the form of a “passive income”
What is Fan Page Domination about?
This is a program that you are going to get presented to you (most likely) in the form of a webinar presentation by the owner Anthony Morrison. The webinar gives the impression of being live but in fact it is NOT live… I have been watching the same “live” webinar 3 times now.. So if you plan to join you really don´t need to be that stressed about it as Anthony want you to be 🙂 The “fast action bonus” will be there the next time you Watch it 😉
The reason for this “fast action bonus” is just like always to implement marketing tactic into the mix, it is simply an effective way to market a product and sell MORE of it.
I don´t gonna say it is either bad or good, it just simply is the way it is.
How Does It Work?
The program that you will get invited to join is not cheap, it will cost you $1,997 if you pay it all at once, or $2391 if you split up your payments into 3 months. So, what do you get for this price?
You will get to learn how to build your own Facebook fanpage and make it grow or “go viral” like Anthony calls it many times in the presentation. It will be a free way of getting “fans” for whatever you want to make a page about.
The way you will make this happen is by creating a Contest where you give away a price (of high value) to a lucky winner of all your fans that have shared your post and opted in to your e-mail list.
Then you will place Google Ads on the thank you page where people will land after they have taken a short survey, if they then click on the ads you will make a small amount of Money each time the ads get clicked. So, the amount of people clicking on them NEEDS to be HUGE.
This is actually a brilliant idea and I can absolutely understand that it work… However, after watching the webinar the first time I had the information that I needed to do this on my own if I want. Why would I spend around $2,000 to do this?
Well, most likely the answer is because you do not have any knowledge about affiliate marketing, right? Well, I have and that might be the reason why I think it would be pretty easy to go at this alone, as I know affiliate marketing (and he explains on the webinar) how to do it, right?
P.S. If you want I can provide you with a FREE course from a friend of mine on how you can build an affiliate marketing business from scratch in the absolutely fastest and most effective way. If that is something you are interested in the just speak to my robot friend here:
Review continues…
Also, I understand that it might be hard for someone completely new to the “internet marketing World” to do this maybe, and $2,000 might be a lot of money for you right now…
Is Fan Page Domination a Scam?
So, is Fan Page Domination a scam or not? No, it is not a scam. It is legit. Sure, the whole “live webinar” thing is not live at all, and the comments and questions from people on it are not live either. But that is just marketing, exact same method that is used by ANY company with marketers who knows what they are doing.
If you tried to ask a good question and didn´t get an answer to it you now know why 🙂 But as mentioned earlier, many good programs uses this tactic and there is a good reason for it… It is a marketing tactic, and the same tactics are being used by any skilled marketer out there… because it simply works… It generates more sales.
With that being said…
It is a course that I absolutely can see a lot of value in but what I liked the absolute most about it is the simple idea that is being presented to you for absolutely free in the “live” webinar.
However, there is no need to join the program to realize that idea, at least not if you have some basic knowledge in internet marketing… and there are many other places or more correct programs or platforms to join to learn this… and I think you need to know that there are first of all A LOT cheaper…
I have a couple of them listed on this site, any of them will teach you “internet marketing” IF you stick to the training and follow the instructions. The absolute best one I would recommend is actually absolutely free to join and there are no obligations or whatsoever to nothing.
That one is Wealthy Affiliate
Why You Should/Should Not Join Fan Page Domination
If you feel you got an extra $2,000 to blow on a program that (most likely) will lead to you making money IF you put in the work required. I know Anthony mentions for you a “done for you FB page” but I am pretty sure it WILL involve A LOT of work and dedication from you anyway… IT ALWAYS DOES within ANY program. I mean, creating a FB fanpage is something you should be able to do in 10-20 minutes even if you have never done it before. It is not hard at all.
But if you like this idea and got that amount of money to spend without it will effect other areas of your Life then why not.
But, if that amount of money is a BIG one for you then I would recommend you to join another program that you can afford without being forced to live on water and bread for the next months. There are many ones that will teach you more than enough skills and techniques for you to be able to realize this idea that Anthony presents in the webinar.
As I mentioned above the absolute best one I can recommend for you is Wealthy Affiliate where you will learn everything about subjects such as FB fanpages, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, PPC, Landingpages, E-mail marketing, etc, etc
There is no need at all for you to spend $2,000 to learn stuff like that just so you know.
Final Words and Verdict On Facebook Domination
Verdict: Legit
Overall rating: 6/10
I Think I have made my Point pretty clear on this one. I like the idea that is being presented in the webinar a lot and for that I give the relatively high rating 6/10. It is rare to get a higher rating than that on this site ( so I absolutely can see value in this program.
However, the price could and (in my opinion) should be a lot lower.
As Always it is up to you to make your own decision.
Is There A Cheaper Alternative For You?
Short answer: YES
Not only a cheaper but also an absolutely awesome alternative that I more than recommend to anyone and not only for beginners in the “make money online world” but as I mentioned before Wealthy Affiliate has huge value… and it is absolutely free to join without any obligations to anything at all.
Now you should have a better understanding abouth what Facebook Domination is and what it is all about. As Always, thank you for reading. If you have tried it yourself please share your experience with us in the comment section. It can help others to make the right decision. Also, if you got any other questions about this short review I will be more than happy to answer them below.
So, what do you guys think about this? Leave your comments in the comment section below 🙂
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