It is 2016 and this is the year I going to reach and even crush my goals, how? With Wealthy Affiliate. This is the Wealthy Affiliate review of my experience after 9 months as a member. I will explain here why this is my absolute #1 recommendation (and a must try) for anyone who want to start making money online.
The Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016
I have been a member for almost a year now. First I just want to say that before I found this place I had almost started to ask myself the question: are all work home jobs scams? Well, most are, but I have also learned some that are not, I learned it from WA. This review is gonna be about my experience from this huge university of making money online. It will also give you the technical info on exactly what you will get as a member. Ok, here we go!
Product: Wealthy Affiliate
Owner: Kyle and Carson
Price: $0 a month for the FREE membership! Premium membership is $47 a month
Who is it for: Anyone who wants to make money online
Verdict: 10/10
What is The Wealthy Affiliate?
First let´s get one thing clear, what it is NOT.
WA is NOT some MLM or pyramid scheme, so if that is what you are looking for this is not for you.
It is also NOT a get rich quick scheme. If that is what you looking for, then keep looking (for the rest of your life) those things don´t exist and if you think that then you will experience many scams ahead the road in your search.
Ok, now we got that out of the way…
This is what Wealthy Affiliate is:
So, what is The Wealthy Affiliate you might wonder? It is a platform for beginners (and experts) to start a business online with Internet Marketing. It is like an “Online University” with students from all over the world. It has been online since 2005 and just like a school, it got classes and tasks to do, to learn things. It also has tutorials, live chat, easy step-by-step videos on exactly how to create your online business.
Most importantly, it got all the support and tools that you need.
You will find everything that includes Internet Marketing inside the community:
- Email marketing
- Content Marketing
- Video marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- PPC campaigns
- SEO ranking
- Keyword research
- Etc
How The Wealthy Affiliate Works?
This is a real legit business online. All the knowledge and techniques being told are real and is the exact same way that people are making money online.
Forget about get rich quick schemes and to get rich overnight, those things don´t exist. Only learning and practice will lead to that. You got to put in some time and effort before it can happen.
It works exactly like this: If you follow all the steps and do all the tasks given to you then it is impossible to not succeed.
The faster you go through with the lessons the faster you will make money.
This is definitely the best place to start building your online success.
Can Anyone Do This?
Short answer: YES! As long as you can read and watch the training you can build a business online. If you just follow the step-by-step training you will make money, no doubt about that.
All you need is access to the internet and you can get started, there is nothing you will ever need to download.
Wealthy Affiliate Training
There is so much training on ALL the ways to make money online that if you don´t know where to start you will get lost. That is why there is made very clear from the start where to go to learn the basics.
Start with the Online Certification Course
There are 5 levels of courses. Every level has 10 (step-by-step) lessons inside. The lessons consist of videos, tasks, and priceless training that will show you exactly how you can start making money in whatever niche you want!
Yes, you can build your income around ANYTHING you want. Makes the whole process very fun actually.
It is impossible to not understand the training, it don´t get easier to understand!
You also got classrooms, There are 13 classrooms inside Wealthy Affiliate. Each classroom is packed with over 10,000 tutorials, videos, courses, etc. I KNOW you will find (and learn) exactly what you need.
Live Webinars
Every Friday there is a live webinar with an expert member (Jay). He learns techniques that nobody is telling you. Famous Internet gurus don´t share their secrets to people, at least not for free, what Jay is sharing with you is for free. If you watch live you will also be able to ask your questions directly to Jay.
If you miss the webinars you can always see the replay of the video whenever you want over and over again. The info given here is pure GOLD.
The info given here, is pure GOLD.
Wealthy Affiliate Support
The support is simply AWESOME! Whatever question you ask will get an answer in max 5 minutes but in general much faster.
Live Q&A
You can ask whatever question you might have at any time (day or night) WA got members (over 400,000) all over the world and they WILL help you! This has also got to be, one of the few places where you can actually contact the owners and they respond back to you! This is priceless benefits.
Live Chat
Just like with the Q&A there is a 24/7 live chat, just jump in to ask your questions, or to discuss something.
Personal 1-1 Coaching
Even if you got all the training and support that you need, you will also get a personal coach. That is me I will contact you inside the members area once you have joined and point you in the right direction and answer ANY question you might have. Every time you need me I will be there.
Wealthy Affiliate Tools
You will get ALL the tools you will ever need to make money online, nothing is left to wish for here. NOTHING. Here are some of the things you get:
- Website $ Hosting
- Keyword Tool
- Keyword List
- Link Tracking
- Rapid Writer
- Etc
This is some of the tools, as you go forward in the lessons there will be more tools to discover and you will get everything explained. There is no tool that exists that is not inside of WA so don´t worry about that.
The Wealthy Affiliate Community
This is actually what surprised me the most with WA, people inside the community are so friendly and helpful I just couldn´t believe my eyes first.
I doubt you have ever experienced such a friendly place online before. If you have please tell me where?
Anyway, there is no spamming (not allowed) and also, there is not allowed to promote anything at all inside the community. It is easy to get caught up in the “social life” here and that is not a bad thing maybe, to get new friends and contacts… But your main focus should be on the training because that is what will lead to you making money.
But make sure to enjoy the community once in a while, meet new people, ask questions and have fun there!
Who Are The Owners?
The owners are awesome guys too, they are actually just 2 normal down to earth guys, who had a brilliant idea to create all this and they made it happen. They also got other successful business projects, but let´s focus on WA.
They truly care about (and help) their members! Anytime that you need help (in anything) they will give it to you. You can send them private messages whenever you want and they will answer you. I am almost sure to 100% they are the main reason for WA being such a great place and separates from the other programs online.
Maybe you have tried other programs? You have probably noticed that the owners never contact you or help you. Maybe you get a welcome mail at best, or they only contact you as soon as you stop paying. But other than that they will just ignore you, right?
Kyle and Carson are NOT like that! AT ALL!
They want you to succeed, guess that is how you stay in a business for the long run (WA has been online since 2005).
There are 2 types of memberships:
- Free Membership $0 (as long as you want)
- Premium Membership $47/Month (as long as you want), (NO upsells or any of that crap)
I suggest you start with the free membership to try things out first, that is exactly what I did. Then if you decide to get more serious about things you can upgrade exactly whenever you want, but you don´t need to upgrade to be able to make money so if you want you can stay as a free member for the rest of your life.
Below you can see the difference between the 2 memberships:
You won´t find any program online that offers you that much for $0 FREE. Many paid ones don´t even offer those things that you will get for $0 from WA.
Actually, the only thing that is better than the free membership of WA is the Premium membership of WA
The free starter membership is perfect for starting up your business and you can also make money from the free starter membership, but the more you start to grow and improve the more you are gonna want to upgrade to the Premium one. It is of course up to you.
Click here for your $0 FREE membership and get started right away!
Restricted Countries!
Important to mention here is that pretty much all countries in the world are able to sign up as a free member but there is a few that don´t have that option. This is (according to the owners) because there is a lot of spam (or fraud) from these countries. However people from these countries CAN join WA if they are really serious about learning from WA but they have to join as premium members directly. Those countries are:
- Bangladesh
- Egypt
- India
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Vietnam
If you are from any of the countries above you will not be able to join the free membership option, but if you are serious about this you can join the premium membership, click free membership option, but if you are serious about this you can join the premium membership, click you can join the premium membership, click here to go to the sign-up page.
Also important to mention: You can at any time cancel your membership of course.
How Much Money Can You Make With Wealthy Affiliate?
How much money you can make? There is no limit on how much you can make, it is all up to you. It depends on your effort, what you give is what you get. Wealthy Affiliate will provide you with all the knowledge, step-by-step guide and tools. But the effort and time are up to you to put into the mix.
That is what will determinate your success at least how fast you will reach it.
Because the truth is that when your business is setup and done, you are not going to need to work much at all, because you have literally created a money making “machine” that pretty much works on auto-pilot!
There are members who work every day, others work a few days a week and some are only work one day a week. Everyone have different goals, of course, maybe you just want to make some extra cash on the side? Maybe you want to be able to make a full-time income from this? Maybe you want to make a lot or even get rich from this?
It depends on you. Some members are making $100+ a month, some $1000+ a month and others $10,000+ a month and some are making even MORE!
Why You Should / Should Not Join Wealthy Affiliate
I don´t see any reason why you should not join WA (if you want to make money online of course). You will get everything you need and learn how to build your online business that will lead to financial freedom if you just follow the steps. There is no program out there that can even compare to what WA offers (at least not what I know about), if you know of a better option please tell me in the comment section, I would love to hear that
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: LEGIT!
Overall rating: 10/10
This is an amazing program and legit to a hundred percent. There is no more honest, truly helpful and trustworthy place out there. You will understand that yourself very fast inside the program.
You won´t find anything fake about the place, no fancy cars, no mansions, false promises of overnight success, click one button and become a millionaire, etc… None of this bullshit. You know what I mean.
The possibilities are endless, with WA sky is the limit and you are the one who decide what level of success you will achieve.
The fact that it is so easy to get started even a kid could do it, only makes it even more awesome!
Are you still reading this review?? Haven´t you signed up for your free membership yet??
WA is the reason I make money online and they are also the reason why I will never get scammed again, I promise that you not ever get scammed again to if you become a member, because you will see how a real and legit program works and then everything will start to fall in place about the online world.
I will never cancel my membership, I am in this for as long as I live and I am so happy that I found this place. I am so grateful to the owners and also the members of WA, without their help I would still dream about knowing how to make money online really works.
Oh, one more thing before I finish rambling I got a surprise for you if you sign up for a free membership! A BONUS that you will like a lot
Curious on what it is?
Click here for your $0 FREE membership and see for yourself!
I hope this review of the Wealthy Affiliate has helped you to understand what it is and what it is all about. The year is 2016, where will you be in 2017 financially? Stop waste time start today! You can actually make your own future if you want! I know where I will be
Thank you for reading!
Please leave your comment or any questions below!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste