Today I want to discouss a little on something that in a lot of places online is called The 67 Steps Tai Lopez scam. Is it a scam? Worth your time and money? Why are people calling
it a scam? What is the 67 Steps (Tai Lopez) About? These are the main questons you will get some answers to in this post.
Ok? Here we go!
First of all
What is a scam? In my opinion (and probably yours as well) a scam is when you either pay money for something that isn´t what it claimed to be or if you buy something that is WAY more expensive than it should be.
If you want my best advice on how to spot a scam you can click here.
Ok, now let´s move on to the 67 steps and Tai Lopez.
The 67 Steps Tai Lopez Scam – Or Not?
If you have seen some Youtube videos with Tai Lopez you might be interessted in buying his 67 steps program.
If you read this post I assume that you wanted to do some research on the program before you buy it (well done, you should always research something before you buy it).
So, is it a scam?
I see a lot of comments from people on YouTube, Reddit and other places online from people that Tai Lopez is a complete scam. You might have seen that too?
If they have tried his program or not I don´t know, also I don´t know what expectations they had from it, many times people tend to call things scam when they don´t understand what they buy or in many cases just because of jealousy or hate, so called “online trolls”.
My Opinion
First of all, I personally sometimes watch Tai Lopez free stuff on Youtube as I like many of the topics he talks about. The man is very knowledgable and he have probably read thousands of books.
Knowledge is power and knowledge is also a way to make more money…Simple logic is all that is.
In my opinion The 67 Steps Program is not a scam.
Why? Well, first of all it is very clear that it is mainly a program to reform your habits and mindset, it is not promoted as some kind of “get rich quick” scheme, I hate those as no such thing exists.
It is more of a mentor program and if you ain´t got mentors, and like the way Tai speaks it might be a good idea to buy the program IF it ain´t heavy overpriced of course…
How Much Does The 67 Steps Program Cost?
It costs $67 and that is in my opinion a very reasonable price, maybe even cheap to be fair.
Am I gonna buy it? Well, right now I ain´t gonna buy it because I already got some mentors in my life and Tai is actually one of them as I get a ton of info for free on Youtube from him. I also got others and I also read books.
In short, my schedule is full and right now I don´t prioritise my mindset as it is pretty decent (at least I think so) :).
Why You Should/Should Not Buy The 67 Steps Program?
If you struggle financially and can´t seem to find a way out of it the 67 steps might be something for you as you need to change your mindset. You can ALWAYS change your situation, please do never think you cannot change your life because you can!
Below you can watch a Youtube video of Tai.
The 67 step program is not some kind of program where you will learn how to make money online techniqualy, if that is what you want to learn I strongly recommend you to try my #1 recommendation.
Why not combine it with the 67 Steps? Then you got both a mentor and a platform to “perform” and take action on everything you learn from your mentor.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Legit (recommended for you who need to change your mindset)
I think I have made my point pretty clear on this one. In my opinion The 67 Steps Program is not a scam, it is a legit course and it is also not overpriced at all. Simillar “guru” or more correct mentor programs are most of the time VERY overpriced so that is a big plus.
Also, the guy holds a lot of wisdom, you are going to benefit from the program if you listen to it with an open mind, I am sure of that.
I like Tai Lopez and watch his vides from time to time, the guy got a lot of free stuff so you can get a lot of info for free on Youtube without spending a single dollar.
Why not watch some of his free stuff first before you decide if you buy the whole program or not?
Looking For A Way To Make A Living Online And/Or Get Rich?
Then there are no shortcuts, only time and effort will get you there. PERIOD. There is no magic super program that will make you rich overnight…
A great mindset is VERY powerful IF you use it to do what you want.
Do you want to make money online?
Then you are going to need the mindset of staying consistent and also having a lot of patience, as it will take a while to learn how to do.
If you want to learn it the good news is that it is no rocket science and anybody who can read, watch videos and follow instructons can learn it.
The absolute best place I can recommend for you to start is the Wealthy Affiliate program, there you will get step-by-step instructions, great 24/7 support and a whole community of like minded people who are all helping eachother. It is my absolute best recommendation for you if you are interested and it is also absolutely free to get started.
Click here to read more about it!
I hope you found this short review (discoussion) on the 67 Steps Tai Lopez scam and now you know what it is all about, it is not a scam. If you have tried it please share your experience with us in the comment section below, it can help others making a better decission. Also, if you got any other question about this post I will be more than happy to answer them below.
I wish you success!
Thank you for reading
Owner of: Start Make Stop Waste
I find it ironic that the name of the system is 67 steps Tai Lopez program and it costs $67
It sounds like an interesting program but I am in the same mindset as you, I have other mentors in my life and have a decent to pretty good mindset already.
It is nice to see that all programs on the internet are not scams and I much prefer your #1 recommendation as well.
Thank You John for sharing this great review, I have also subscribed to your make money online email tips as you are a mentor to me and I value your advice.
Lol! Yes I found that a little ironic and fun also 🙂
Thank you Tony for your kind words, makes me very glad to hear that you liked this post and also that you find value from me and that I work as a mentor for you.
That is the whole purpose of this site, to help others in the direction they want to go!
Best regards
Hello John, I think you hit it right on the head when you said that some people say something is a scam just because they didn’t get what “they” wanted out of the deal. Even if the product never mentioned they would become rich. But since some people want that get rich quick trick, and then it doesn’t happen right away they call it a scam. I also find it so interesting that so many people just don’t want to do the actual work needed to become successful. I’m also like you and I don’t look for the get rich quick stuff because like you said (they don’t exist). But there is always valuable information and tutorials to read, etc. because knowledge is very powerful when it comes to being successful. Anyway, great post. I like how you included the pros and the cons of Tai Lopez and included your own personal opinion.
Thank you Nicholas! Glad you liked the post and it sounds like you know what you are talking about.
Thanks for your comment!
/Best regards
Thanks for the heads up. I’ve heard of the Tai Lopez 67 steps but never checked it out. Now I have a reason to. Not really to join up. I have my mentors too. But now I’m really curious what it’s all about. I’m going to have to watch some of these Youtube videos.
Thank you, glad you liked the post! Yes do that he got a lot of intresting videos on Youtube and I am sure you will find something of value there!
/Thanks for your comment and best regards
I can’t help but like Tai Lopez. He comes across as a genuinely good guy and I enjoy his YouTube videos. Like you, I have a full plate. I do not have the time right now, but I might invest in his program down the road. I am glad to see you checked out his program and found it legit. I have interacted with him a couple of times on Twitter. He actually retweets! Thanks for the positive info. ~Gina
Yes, feel the same as you, like him also, he is VERY knowledgable when it comes down to business.
Thank you Gina for your comment!
/Best regards