Today we look at different reviews of The Dollar Vigilante to see if they got any complaints. You will also get my personal take on their service. Is it scam or a legit? Genuine or nonsens? Drama drama! Let´s look at it from a-z!
Product: The Dollar Vigilante
Owner: Jeff Berwick & his crew
Price: Range from free to paid products (see further down in this review)
Niche: Investing, Trading, Crypto, (beginners & experienced), etc
Overall rating: (4.7 / 5)
What is The Dollar Vigilante?
The Dollar Vigilante is an online platform that disseminates current financial information to interested parties throughout the world. The owner of the website, Jeff Berwick, is a Canadian Libertarian and Anarcho-Capitalist with in-depth knowledge of financial systems.
Berwick uses this platform to uniquely circulate financial information among individuals interested in the current trends revolving around the trading market. Since its initialization in 2010, The Dollar Vigilante has been at the forefront in keeping hundreds of thousands of its fans updated on the current financial status.
There is more than one reason why The TDV is becoming more and more popular around the world, and one of them is probably because they have simply made a lot of people a lot of money.
You might want to first subscribe to their free material on this page (to see if it something you can see value in, and if you want to upgrade to their paid membership later on)
What is The Crypto Vigilante?
The Crypto Vigilante is simply their second service, and also the one that I was mostly interested in myself, and as the name suggest it is about cryptocurrencies, and how you profit from them while avoiding the enormous amount of scam coins in the market.
In short, this service will tell you in what exactly new coins to invest in, and also when and where, and also when it might be the time to sell. So far they have produced massive gains for their subscribers.
Note: only 2 days ago one coin that their recommended around 2 months ago have increased in value with 900% for example, since they sent an alert to their subscribers about it. There are many more examples.
You can read a more detailed review on TCV The Crypto Vigilante on this page
Compiles financial info from different renowned anarcho-capitalists
Despite being run by Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante gathers information from some of the brightest and famous anarcho-capitalists, also called the Financial Freedom fighters. These are individuals who keenly and intensively study different financial sectors and use the figures they deduce to come up with facts. By subscribing to The Dollar Vigilante, you are, therefore, going to access information from influential anarchists.
That includes the likes of Doug Casey, Sherry Peel Jackson, and McAfee. You are also going to come across the likes of the real Rick Ross and Ron Paul. That makes the information available on The Dollar Vigilante both valuable and useful. It also provides you with dependable financial ideas and ways to avoid financial chaos.
Helps individuals prepare for the impending market collapse
The main message preached by the anarchist Jeff Berwick is the imminent collapse of the dollar. According to Berwick, facts and figures state that the currency is near collapse, and that is going to lead to economic turmoil. The good news is that the platform is offering a solution on how to remain afloat during the upcoming financial chaos. That is by shifting to better and reliable methods like Bitcoin, silver, and gold.
According to Berwick, these are stable methods that provide a solution to the predicted upcoming shift in the financial industry… and if you look on how the world have gone lately… and that the gold price is on an all time high,silver and cryptos have skyrocked as well… He might just be very right, right? Well, I have subscribed at least and have to say I am very happy with the results so far… I also enjoy Jeff´s (almost) daily videos:
==> Subscribe to Jeff´s free (or paid) services on this page <==
Educates members on the factors that disrupted the steadiness of the dollar
What makes The Dollar Vigilante a worthy platform, is that the founder doesn’t just make unfounded conclusions. He uses facts and figures to explain why the current financial state of the dollar is disturbing. For instance, Berwick gives reasons that led to the declining of the strength of the dollar in the trading market.
He starts from the beginning, which is in 1913 when the government introduced the federal reserves. He then goes ahead to explain how the initialization of the financial system plays a significant role in the deterioration of the US dollar.

Furthermore, the platform provides knowledge on how the government took the US dollar off the gold standards on August 15, 1975. By listening to the multiple podcasts on the platform, you are going to understand why that affected the economy significantly. According to Berwick, it was the final nail on the coffin for the US dollar.
From time to time, The Dollar Vigilante, together with many other anarchists, organize seminars to talk about the problems facing the dollar. They also analyze the financial, monetary system, and some of the things leading to the expected financial collapse.
Here, speakers talk about the successive financial crashes ushering in the significant financial event expected by all the anarchists. Through the seminars, you are going to understand why all fearless currencies may become worthless and why all banks may close.
With the financial revelations, individuals get to understand what is going on, particularly to the economy worldwide. Through The Dollar Vigilante platform, you can easily access the speeches from the seminars by simply paying some few dollars.
Explains why the cryptocurrency is the next big thing
All the anarcho-capitalists who share their thoughts through the platform explain why the cryptocurrency is the best investment. You are, therefore, going to learn that unlike conventional banking systems, cryptocurrency doesn’t allow tracking of the account.
You are also going to understand the usefulness of the digital ledger, also known as the blockchain, and the security cryptocurrencies offer users. Through The Dollar Vigilante, you are going to learn a lot about this method of exchange. It is also the reason why the platform is perfect for anyone interested in broadening his or her mind when it comes to financial systems.
Generally, using The Dollar Vigilante Jeff Berwick liberates individuals all over the world by allowing them to understand the role of the government towards the collapse of different monetary systems. He explains freely how governments are putting systems in place that will enable them to control the whole financial system.
By doing so, they can create chaos to their advantage. Throughout this review, it is evident that the dollar vigilante is giving various subscribers a way to understand the financial market and know what is going on throughout the world. It also prepares citizens on how to plan and avoid the shakedown that the upcoming financial crisis is going to cause.
The Dollar Vigilante Reviews & Complaints?
As always in the reviews I write here I always want to include the reviews and complaints to be found on the products or service I look at. I focus on the most well-known and trusted ones. Independent third party consumer protection sites in first hand. As always I have done the same today and below you can see what I found on The Dollar Vigilante:
Rating: (3.1 / 5)
Rating: (0 / 5)
I am a full-paid yearly member of both The Crypto Vigilante and The Dollar Vigilante, I got a deal for both for about 8-900 buck, cannot remember but whatever amount it was, it is still 7-10 lower than what most similar services out there charge, so that is one great positive things about their service.
The main reason I became a member was due to their crypto alerts and educational material that I found interesting, and I have to say that I am also more than happy with the value that I have got out of it so far.
To be honest I haven´t even finished half of the material but already feel that the price I paid have been worth 10x in value and also literally in earnings, most likely more.
I also like the writing style and of course the videos with Jeff as he is a great guy and I find him entertaining.
In short, I have no complaint on the service and I plan to renew my yearly subscripton when it is set to expire that´s for sure. If you are interested in making money on things most people aren´t even looking at then I would highly recommend that you jump on this boat with me!
==> Join The Dollar Vigilante Yourself! (FREE or Paid) <==
I hope you found this short review on The Dollar Vigilante and on the reviews and complaints it has received. Hopefully, you now know it is not a scam but a legit service. Please, if you have used any of their services yrself then please share your experience below in the comment section! Also, if you got any questions about this I will be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you success!
Investor & blogger on Start Make Stop Waste
This seems very good and one will be able to get expert opinion about some of the most interesting movements in the general crypto world and I like it. I think it is very good and I would definitely like to try this Dollar vigilante sometime and see how k am able to use it to my crypto advantage too. I will also share this with my friends to make use of too.
First of all, thank you for your comment!
Yes, absolutely! The service is great and I am very happy with what you get from it! The value is easy worth 100x more than the low price, probably even more than that as their investment alerts almost always become winners, even if they are wrong sometimes also of course.
Would highly recommend it!
Thank you again for your comment!
Wow what an amazing read. I have to be honest I don’t much about the markets and economics, but I truly loved your post. I like how you right in a way that anyone can understand. You provided such an excellent review how The Dollar Vigilante has used their knowledge to literally help people understand what may soon come to our markets and cash.
I truly never even thought about an alternative to cash. I do believe that what they seem to say really could happen and isn’t an alternative to banks a good idea. I hate banks, so I think I may need to find out more about this as another option.
Great work here and I look forward to what you come up with next. I think I may even be a bit smarter now! LOL!
First of all, thank you for your comment!
Also, happy to hear you liked the review and how it was written, I like to give it straight, it always feels easiest that way and could´t do it in any other way lol
Agree completely with you that banks might be a very good idea, especially in these times we are in right now with uncertainty seems to be the theme of the year, and like it looks for a long time forward…
I absolutely think you should look more into this as it might be very valuable for you to do so, don´t wait to long though as the clock is ticking ;o)
No but seriously, thank you again for your comment, appreciate it more than you might think.
Hope to see you inside the members area and in the community they offer as well.
/All the best
Hi John! I enjoyed viewing your website, and got to learn a little bit about cryptocurrency and the fact that there are many scams out there!! Your page was really dynamic and interactive. Made me want to click the little ads you input to the right! Looking at your website gives me some inspiration about how I can improve my own website. Thanks for letting us check it out, and for providing the info you did. You seem like an authority on the matter!
Hi there, thank you for your comment and feedback!
Keep in mind all of them to the right are´t ads, or at least not in the traditional way.
Cool to hear you got a website as well, means you are ahead of most people who have´t started to explore the possibilities online to connect with like minded and help others out. It is absolutely a future job in these days, especially when people are forced to work home, and so many lose their traditional business they have worked their whole life building up.
You are welcomed to check my website out anytime you want!
Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I am sure this quality information will be of great help to anyone who come across this post as it is to me. Before now, I have been reluctant about investing in cryptocurrency but I think your testimony about the Dollar Vigilante is good enough to convince me to try out their materials.
Thanks for sharing this with me.
Hi there, thank you for your comment!
Happy you liked the review and that it made you interested to discover more about TDV and TCV!
/All the best
What I would give to learn as much information as there is on this website! Your review on The Dollar Vigilante is excellent with a lot of information about the program. I especially appreciate the main list at the top of the post, breaking down basics of the site. I bought my first share of cryptocurrency about seven months ago and have seen a 35% increase in value. Pretty good, but could be better. I intend to visit your site again to research further into this newest form of monetization.
You are welcomed back anytime you want!