The story I am going to tell in this post is about what happened to me last week, ok it is nothing special and honestly I am probably stupid that took things personal…
You have probably heard that you should never take ofence when someone is so obviously jealous on you for something and that is absolutely true..
However, sometimes when you are facing some real jackass you might want to give him more of what he or she is jealous on…
Atleast I just felt that I had to “respond” and put some more salt in the idiots wound this time 🙂
Ok, this is what happened (in short)
I meet a guy that is working on the same 9-5 job that I was working on before I even knew anything at all about how internet marketing (and making money online overall) worked.
I actually worked on that same 9-5 job for the first 7 months of learning this whole “internet making money thing” just to point out that you can absolutely start your online business while you are having a 9-5… (More about that soon)
The 9-5 I had was a “REAL MEN job” and with that I mean, it was very physically hard (a sawmill) and also more times than not involved 16 hours instead of 8… I think it is important to point out that I STILL went to the gym every day I could on the days that I didn´t worked 16 hours of course… and I also worked 1-2 hours at night on learning and creating an online business…
I meet this guy who currently working on this (my old) “REAL MEN job” and he started asking me what I do now. I told him that I work online… I could see in his face that it sounded like “Chinese” to him..
I went on and explained to him why I like it the most (since he asked) and the best thing I could think of to give him was that “I don´t trade hours for money” and “I like making money literally while I sleep”
His answer?
He said, that job is for lazy people…
I had been nice to him all the time but I “lost my temper” a bit here and I said to him, no it is for SMART people… and he got quiet…
Then I also told him that I go to the gym and workout everyday so I am not lazy…
Ok, I know, I should probably just have smiled at him and said something like “Yeah yeah you are right it is for lazy people”

That stupid idiot clearly have no idea of what kind of mindset it takes to create your own online business… while working (minimum 9-5) each day + going to the gym each day… If you have done it yourself you also know that the word “lazy” got nothing to do with it 🙂
Anyway.. We didn´t talk that much more about that but when I got home I was still mad… I wanted to show this half retarded that there is a world outside his bubble…
So.. what did I do?
As I have him as a friend on Facebook I decided to share with him how much money I had made from my “lazy” online business (that I choose to call smart) that particular day…
I had just joined a new affiliate program 5 days before and already made over $1,000 in these 3 days so I wrote that in a text and ended the text with: Oh.. by the way, I made AL this money while I was asleep 🙂
Here is the screenshot I shared:
I then went to bed and slept very good that night 🙂
A couple of days later I meet him again 🙂
This time it didn´t take more than a minute before he started to ask me questions in a very possitive and nice way about if it was hard to start working online, and that he had seen my post on Facebook…
I could really see that he was interested and kind of impressed as I had made more money in 3 days (and that was only from one of my income streams online) than he does in 2,5 weeks of breaking his back on the sawmill…
It feelt good that he had see the post and also that he seemed sincerely interested in what I was doing this time… Of course because he had see the money benefits from it…
However, I started explaining that you need to sacrifice things in the begining to learn all this, you can not come home from work and throw yourself in the sofa and watch tv all night just because you are tired…
You need to put in the time and effort in learning and creating your business and it won´t happen right away, you are going to have to be prepared to working on it for months like this even if you don´t make a single cent from it…
This time I was lucky 🙂
Somewhere in the conversation he said that I had been lucky and that he could not do it because he always worked and bla bla bla… I DID IT from EXACTLY the same situation he is in…
…Only difference is that I was also working out pretty much every single day in the gym after the “REAL MEN job” and before the “Lazy men job” lol!
This time I didn´t say anything to him I just laughed…
Then I went home 🙂
I sat down infront of my computer and made 2 screenshoots from 2 of my biggest income streams and posted them on Facebook and wrote the text “Today was a pretty good day, over $830 today and I haven´t even worked”
The screenshoots are below:
About a week later I meet him again 🙂
This time he basically acted like a PDH (Professional Dick Holder) and was super nice and treated me like I was his best friend or something lol!
All of it was false acting of course and I could see envy in his eyes… Anyway…
That is only 1 example

There are many more examples I could tell you about here, one of my best friend (at the time when I didn´t have this business, who actually was involved in getting me the sawmill job back when I had nothing and was living a “bad life” without any steady income and always pushed me and wanted me to do better…
To make a long story short, he wanted me to do better until I started doing better than him…
We are still friend but not not at all on the same level of friendship that we had before… It is also a strange feeling every time we meet (not so much nowadays) and it all has to do with what I am doing… He is still also in the sawmill job…
I hate to know this but this is absolutely true, what I mean is that people around you, do NOT want you to do good in life and become successful.

It is so obvious sometimes and sometimes they are trying to hide it from you but instead talk shit about you when you are not around. The good old saying “It is lonely on the top” isn´t just a cool phrase… It is absolutely true.
Sometimes it might not even be jealousy, sometimes people are just to dumb and… in plain English.. Lack brain capasity lol! That is when you know that it is time to “break up” with so called “friend”
I have never posted screenshoots on my earnings on my personal Facebook profile before as I don´t like to do that kind of stuff and most of all I don´t think that it is not anyones business what I earn.
However, sometimes you have to stop being so nice to people all the time and actually “kill them” with your success.
Hope you liked this post, I just felt that I had to write it off…
If you want to know where I learned how to create many passive income streams online then click below to read more about that place:
As always, if you got any questions about this post or need help to start your online business online just leave your comments below in the comment section!
I wish you success!
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
Hi John,
What a beautiful story. But I have a different opinion. If I am in your position I would tell him that he can earn the same income if he would join WA, and that you will help him if he would join as your referral. Tell this in a very friendly manner and try to show you sincerity.
Even if he won’t join, at least you are the winner by showing your compassion toward him.
If he accepts your offer and joins WA, you are still a bigger winner as you earn at least $1, If, in case he makes it and upgrade to premium you even earn more, win more. And WA gets one new member. If he becomes successful like you even the better. Win-win-win.
But if he is “lazy” and leaves, you have nothing to loose, keep on showing your sincerity towards him, anyway. Try this tactic. You will realize it is very powerful.
Yeah you are probably right, I should have done that instead.. Don´t know why but he made me a bit angry, I know that you should never care about stuff like that but some days it is hard… That is no exuce though, thank you for giving your opinion.
/Best regards
Yeah you are probably right, I should have done that instead.. Don´t know why but he made me a bit angry, I know that you should never care about stuff like that but some days it is hard… That is no exuce though, thank you for giving your opinion.
/Best regards