The Getting Rich Myth
Many people will say that making money online is a fool’s game and that actually getting rich is a myth. Neither of these is true but for sure there are some real sharks out there.
Truth To Making Money Online
There are a couple of things about making money or running a business online that must be understood.
- There is no such thing as get rich quick
- If it seems too good to be true then is more than likely it is
With those two facts understood, then making some money or even having a hugely successful business online is entirely possible. But there is generally just one problem with it all, and that one problem is that there are so many “make money” online opportunities on the web, and in many cases you will not be getting in first or early, even if the well scripted video says you will. Limited offers are rarely limited, if one video states that the video will only be up for 10 days or the offer is only available for 10 days the chances of you heading back in 15 or 20 days to the same page, or Googling the same deal are pretty close to 100% certain of it still being there, don’t be fooled.
Online money making and having your own online business can seem a dark and murky world but the fact that others have done so means it can be done and it is in fact not a myth.
There is nothing dark or dangerous about making money online, if anything the darkness has been caused by jealousy of those who have succeeded. Take Amway or Herbalife, a huge percentage of their business today is online. Then have a look at the countless Forex opportunities that seem to crop up as a banner advert on every website. Each opportunity will appeal to different people and each has its pros, cons, risks, challenges and rewards.
It is because of the way that online money making plans, programs and even scams have been marketed that has created the Get Rich Myth. They all sort of say the same and it is the way is sold that anything about making money online becomes concerning for many. Nearly all make money online opportunities promoted and sold suggest and even promise with “Money back guarantees” tied up with “Terms and Conditions apply” the following:
- Quick
Watch out for bullshit claims - Easy
- Effortless
- Requires no investment
It is a similar pattern for almost every program and the fact is there are perhaps more who fail than gain and the only reason for this is that they do not truly understand how business really works, after all the scheme or online plan you are entering into is a business, and because of this the follow need to be hammered home:
The fact is that getting rich with an online business is not true for any of the four points. It is not quick, yes some people get lucky but a good income that equals or surpasses a salary takes a little time to grow, and you will see why in a moment. And remember it’s not just a once of payment you want you need to repeat it and repeat it often.
It is not easy; business never is it just looks easy. Any online system, even those that say they are easy and that anyone “even a child” can do it require and understanding of the system and how it works, and have some idea about people and ideally just a smattering of business savvy i.e. if you have ever sold lemonade as a kid or sold a second-hand car – those sorts of skills.
Any business whether it is online or offline is far from effortless; if you want success you need to put in the effort and that may mean making some sacrifices. Part of the effort is researching the program, business or opportunity. Spending a week researching what you think will make you money will soon show you if it is a scheme or a scam, it will even let you know if it really for you and if you have the aptitude to do it. Effort starts from the moment you begin thinking about the online program and it is vitally important. Time will become valuable and you will soon realize the more time and effort you put in the better the rewards will be, likewise you will soon know when you quit and know it is not for you.
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Your online money making will require investment, remember when I said it was not a get rich quick concept well this is where it is proven – it is actually “get rich smart”. You will need to invest much of what you make back into the business or opportunity for much of the time you operate. As your business grows the ratio of outlay to income will change but investing in tools, systems, stock and other elements will be required to make your business work and will be needed for you to make money online. Every successful business in the world invests in itself, spending all the profit on frivolous things soon eats into the business. Allow some time for the money to build up.
Above all take your online business seriously. Write a plan of action, stick to it and amend it as you go along. Treat your online opportunity as Samsung or Apple would when they launch a new product, planning and goal setting are two things that create success.
There is no secret to online business success, you can dispel the getting rich quick myth if you work hard, take your time, put in some effort, are prepared to make some mistakes, talk to others doping the same and invest back into yourself and your business. It is nothing difficult, it requires a little tenacity, a little common sense and of course just a touch of luck.
You can get started for $0 at this place to see if you like the idea of starting a business online!
Guest writer on:
*Based in Cape Town, South Africa Matt Newnham is a writer who has a cup that is always a little more than half full. Matt is passionate about life and success and his writing has earned him the title “The Master of Emotional Appeal” as he manages to find the true heart and human feeling of almost any subject. Matt is also the Author of the children’s book Space Ranger Fred and the Shoelace Adventure. Follow Matt on Twitter @MattNewnhamZA , on Facebook and on his website
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