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Unforeseen Expenses – Create Passive Income For Protection

Hey there! Today I felt like writing this short blog post about unforeseen expenses as I fell victim to one myself yesterday. I thought it would be a good topic as the point of it, or the conclusion is that passive income is a protector against accidents like this one.

So, yesterday I came home from my mini vacation… and as you already know, life “surprise” us sometimes with “unforeseen” things…

So did it to me, yesterday…

Unforeseen Expenses

I even heard the alarm even before I put the key in my front door… Don´t worry, it was not a “break in” :o)

It was me that had forgotten to close the freezer door, and the freezer alarm had probably been on since I left the apartment on Saturday…

ALL my food is destroyed, and as my fridge and freezer are connected both had stopped working, and it was just as warm inside as in the rest of my apartment…

So I had to take it all out, put it in bags and throw it all away…

Food for hundreds of dollars in the waste…

Anyway, that´s not that much money… However, it could have been worse, and it WILL be worse at some point, for you also… You know that, right?

…and it WILL be worse at some point, for you also… You know that, right?
Life WILL throw “accidents” and unforeseen things at you… over and over again… That is just life… It is not a question if but WHEN…

That is why it is so important that you have different passive income streams, and that is also why I always show you different ways to create those for you.

Unforeseen Expenses

I don´t know if you have noticed but lately, the whole Crypto market have got an upswing, and if you haven´t already tried my #1 recommended way to earn a passive crypto income then this might be a pretty cool time for you to start.

In my opinion,

it is not a question of IF Bitcoin and other cryptos will explode in value again,

but the question is when…

One thing is for sure though, and that is that you can make a lot of money before and during the process…

==> Simply follow this 3-Steps

Ok, now I have to go and buy food for a couple of hundred dollars, I will also spend some money on (feeling sorry for myself) eating out, and maybe I even stick around on town to watch tonight´s football (soccer game), as Swedish Malmö take on the MIGHTY Chelsea :o)

Only joking,  I don´t feel sorry for myself, it was only my own fault that I was in a rush when leaving my apartment on Saturday and did not close the freezer door good enough :o)

This 3-Steps are so simple even a 7-year old could do it

Hope you found this short blog post about my Unforeseen Expenses experiences yesterday to be helpful in some way. Hopefully, you are better than me on closing freezer doors… However, there are many other unforeseen things that can and WILL happen no matter how careful we are. Please share your own unforeseen experiences below in the comment section!

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