This post was created to start a real discussion about this topic, as for me as a member myself have hard to come up with any Wealthy Affiliate Complaints. However, I do have a few I would like to address in this post.
I have now been a member for 5 years straight myself, I have never paused my account and I have to say I am glad I invested in a yearly commitment, and yearly membership of WA lol! That day back then, when I was stuck in a 9-5 and was facing my life’s biggest heartbreak, the loss of my father.
For being a business that has been running since 2009 WA is very unique. It is very impressive to have so few complaints as Wealthy Affiliate actually has received, or not received in this time period of 10 years. Their complaints could probably be counted on, if not on 1, then absolutely max 2 hands since their first got online back in 2009.
That is pretty freaky, right?
But hey, nothing is perfect, and that goes for Wealthy Affiliate as well, so in this personal opinion article, I will do my best to give you the 2 biggest cons that Wealthy Affiliate has, in my humble opinion.
I would love for you (with experience) jumping in the discussion (in the comment section below this post) and tell your view of things and/or also giving tips and advice that can help others. Also, any questions I would be more than happy to answer as well there.
Why Wealthy Affiliate is a “Scam” (My first complaint)
Ok, so the biggest “complaint” I have on WA (also probably the reason why some call it (WA) a “scam” online) is that their members are a lot of “beginners, who are in a rush… to make money online, right?
That makes most of them kind of look at what the most successful ones already doing and then make their websites look the same…
That is also why there was a small “reputation” that all WA members are throwing shit and thrash talk ALL and every courses and product that are not WA,
and while I know there is such a small “group” who does, it is (by far) not what the majority of them do, and more importantly not something that is taught in some WA training.
That is like calling a whole country for cat haters if you saw 10 cat haters hanging out in front of you while visiting that country.
That would be insane and not logical at all.
So when people talk like Wealthy Affiliate is a scam because of that I really feel sorry for the people doing it… Because that probably means they are judging like that in life in general,
and not only when it comes to good or bad online education…
My second biggest WA Complaint
Also, it is annoying that so many inside the WA community beginners, (or those who haven´t stayed consistent with the training inside), seem to think that WA is the ONLY legit platform out there… lol!
It might be, and absolutely can be the only platform you need and use, to run a full-income business online, and I would actually go as far as saying that it SHOULD be the only platform you use as you start out,
until you start to make money, and then, when you start to make money you can explore the “next step” and invest in your business to make it grow, like an autoresponder for example.
But I completely understand why as most have only been burned and burned again by online scams. and then, when they find WA they understand (pretty fast) that it is a legit platform with real education and real step-by-step instructions to start your online entrepreneur career and expand your own small online empire into a bigger one.
That is probably why most of WA members kind of tend to think that ALL products on Clickbank, JvZoo, WarriorForum, etc are scams when the reality is that you yourself, can actually create a product and launch it on any of those platforms, and get affiliates to help you sell it.
I mean, it is up to you or not if you make a “scam” product, right? Also, it is hard to call something a scam when you are entitled to full money back guarantee, like all of those platforms have.
*Personally, I would recommend first of all JvZoo as there are some gold there to be found that is not available on the other 2.
So thinking everything on there is a scam is only playing yourself, there are great products and courses being released on all of those platforms, and they are also great for you as an affiliate to be part of.
However, I understand why so many WA beginners are “afraid” of them, and they might as well better be, at least for the first year in business as the discovery of the MANY courses and products on Jvzoo, Clickbank, Warrior Plus, etc, would probably only be confusing, or more correct, be overwhelming for a beginner.
It would probably distract too much, make you “jump into” a bit too many courses than you can handle at the same time, and so on.
Better focusing on the basics, Building Websites in minutes, Different ways to monetize, driving traffic, understand how keywords work, SEO, etc…
All of the basics and all that you will get perfectly by following the WA course.
Ok, I think those 2 complaints are on point, what do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comment section. I really think it is hard to find complaints on the Wealthy Affiliate University, I mean cmon it is so much value and the price is well under what it is worth, and they could easily charge more for their premium membership.
Honestly, it is such a broad range of education in the whole internet marketing niche, and not only “affiliate marketing” as some might think. It has great education on Youtube marketing, for example, PPC marketing, E-mail marketing, not to mention the top class (and always updated) SEO and Understanding Keyword research…
There is much more, the list goes on and the list GROWS as training and content are being added to WA daily.
My favorite part of WA
My personal favorite thing with WA right now (and for the last 3 years) is the weekly webinars with a super knowledgable man named Jay who teaches gold to you every Friday,
and don´t worry, if you miss it you can replay it as many times as you want only by searching for it in the “video webinar library” where you can educate yourself on pretty much ANY topic related to internet marketing…
and as mentioned, Jay is super smart and have great skills and knowledge that he shares…
Only those webinars could easily be charged hundreds if not thousands of dollars per month for people to see, and they are as there are many courses out there that charge that kind of numbers, but on WA, the weekly webinars are completely included in your membership that is only $29-$49 per month depending if you pay monthly or yearly.
==> Read my Insider Info about WA here
If you have never made any money online before (My best advice)
- stick to (focus on) ONLY 1 thing at the time,
- have a plan,
- have a daily “to-do” list written every day, write one before you go to sleep for one day in advance.
- Have a “refuse to give up mindset” and stay CONSISTENT
If you got the above you are fine, you will succeed, it is a natural law of nature as if you stay consistent and doing a thing over and over every day there is only one outcome… You WILL get better and better on doing it.
That is always the first thing you need to make it online, no matter what “opportunity” or niche, because it is going to have to be a learning process, and also in the same time “actionable” process as you have to use what you learn and do it yourself for your own business.
Once you are prepared for that, and maybe stop wasting your time on Candycrush, Clash of Clans, Fort Nite or the next (neverending story) episode of Game of Thrones… Or some other HBO (psychologically made so you get “stuck”and lose hour you could have used to build a business online, and a better future for yourself.
Pick your Niche before you start ANY business (advice)
It can even be a fun thing really, as you can start your online business around absolutely any interest you can think of, and also make a full-time living.
However, I would absolutely say that some niches are more profitable, however, if you have a strong passion for something “odd” like I don´t know, “beaver stamp collecting” or something like that
Am still absolutely sure that you can make it, even if it might take a lot more time to get there than if you, for example, went into a “faster to profit” niche, like for example “limited edition sneakers” or “health supplement for men over 40” and so on.
Sure, the competition might be higher, but so is the market, the market in the Health niche is HUGE, so is the market in the Dating, MMO (make money online), and Fitness niche.
Try focusing on 1 niche at a time when you start out, at least until you have started to make money with your one niche, then you might consider starting another one. Also, do NOT start a niche around only “fitness” for example, it is too broad to start out with, instead you narrow it down and find some “problem” a smaller portion of the “fitness” niche needs help with, like for example “losing weight for men over 40”
Then you start building your business
After you have picked your niche you can start, building, and if you are really interested in your niche, it will be fun to do it. Now is time to make a plan for yourself and how you want to build your business, how you can get there, break it down and make like a map for yourself that you follow each and every day until you reach your 1 month goals, your 3 month goal, your 6 month goal and so on.
We often tend to overestimate what we can do in one day but underestimate wath we can do in 1 year… and a year goes fast…
- Some wise a## m##f##er
In the end, it comes down to knowledge,
first, you learn, and then you remove the l…
==> Read my Insider Info about WA here
Please join the discussion below!
Ok, so now I have been telling you about my 2 biggest concerns about WA and also what I like most with the platform personally, and some of my best advice to you who still haven´t started to make money yet, or maybe have given up in the past,
I hope some of the tips are helpful?
Anyway, please share your own experience in the comment section below and tell us your biggest complaints, and why not also what you like most with WA as it can help others.
Also, of course, I would more than like to answer any questions about this you might have,
Founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
I am a newbie to the premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate, I’ve been involved a touch over 3 weeks. So far, I have no real complaints at all. I find the training is so simple, a monkey like me can achieve amazing things, the community is fantastic when there is something in the training that I can’t quite make sense of – it’s a community that spans the entire world, so someone is always awake and willing to help out when I have a question. Yes, sure, it’s frustrating that it’s not a get rich quick scheme, we’d all love to find a legit one of those haha but this is the best program I have ever come across, and it seems pretty awesome to me, consistency and a long term plan, and I don’t think you can fail!
It seems you have hit on why people would be reluctant to join Wealthy Affiliate (WA). I believe I am one of those “newbies” you refer to to. I am excited about WA because of what I have already learned in a very short period of time. Is WA perfect? Of course not, no organization is perfect. But, just something doesn’t work in your favor doesn’t make it a scam.
I completely agree with you that there are other legitimate online training programs out there. I have tried a few of them myself. However, I stick with WA because it is beginner friendly, comes with a community of people willing to answer all my questions, is an excellent price and doesn’t have any upsells.
These things have pushed it to the number one training platform in my eyes. I’ve been a premium member for over six months and I’m very happy with the things I have been able to learn from the platform. I am still largely a beginner so I expect to stick with WA for at least 2 more years and hopefully start to see some real success by implementing all the things I have learned.
Hi there,
I have been a member of the WA community for over 8 years now, and I hear what you’re saying with the two complaints I’ve just read above!
Personally, my main gripe with the platform is the blogging section that allows thousands of new members to post ‘motivational posts’ all over the site. I guarantee you that most of these members will be gone within six months, and out of pocket because they didn’t actually end up doing enough work!
A lot of these members also manage to spread misinformation within the community.
I was wondering what your views were on this?
Yeah, that is another thing, however, I kind of like seeing “motivated newbies” blast out posts, but I know what you mean, most of them are mostly “talks” and as you say, their motivation tends to go away… motivation always does… That is when consistency and discipline come into play… That is the most important thing I would say.
Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to write this thought-provoking article. I find your first point interesting that people think WA is a scam of beginners thinking they can make money online fast (or something to that effect).
I find a lot of people in this community are very relaxed about making money. Some will even admit that they’ve build sites that they haven’t monetized yet.
Hopefully, this debunks many of the other myths out there as well. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!
You hit the nail right on the head! The only people who can truly complain about WA are those who are disappointed to find out that WA is not another “Get-rich-quick” scheme. I admit that, having joined WA myself a few years back, I had to deactivate my account twice because I did not have the proper mindset to handle this type of business.. I needed money fast, and this is not the right way to get it… However, had I stuck on and progressed with the training, I’d be at a whole different level now. Your review was on point!
I am 3 months old at Wealthy Affiliate and agree with both your complaints as I have experienced the same.
I only got to know about affiliate marketing training provided by other platforms like Jvzoo, Clickbank, Warrior Plus, etc after having read your article today.
The best thing I find about Wealthy Affiliate is their step by step training which is a boon for as beginner affiliate marketer like me.
I definitely got to know something new from your post today.
I had to read this article when I came across the title. As I am a member at WA I really wanted to see there complaints LOL. You did hit them right on the button. I have been at WA for almost 3 yrs but I have been building websites since 1995 and I had my first Texas Instrument Monster in 1982.
In all the years WA is the best platform I have found due to the community and honesty.
Talking about complaints the only one I have is in the training they should stress to be honest more. I have seen 16 yr olds say they are making 3000 dollars a month and others to claim more and when you look at their profile they have never done anything like this. Newbies get carried away like you said trying to imitate the successful but they don’t see that it shows!
You hit the key points of the good also.
consistency and hard work
onward n upward
I am a member of wealthy for so many days .And i can clearly say that it a great website for making money online .It helps you with training, answer your question .Thank you for bring such a great website in my life .And People take it as scam because of that their members are a lot of “beginners, who are in a rush to make money online.I must admit that.
It was a great article . Thank you for sharing this article with us .
I’ve been read your post very well and I agree with you about your complaints. I am a new premium member of the WEALTHY AFFILIATE website.
I need your Help. Now I want to know from you how many ways can I earn from here? And How much money can be earned in the month from there? I appreciate the value you brought in to this article.
Thank you so much for your awesome article.
Short answer to your question: There is no limit on how much you can earn.
Yup! As a Wealthy Affiliate member, I totally agree with everything you’ve written here. So many newbies come in asking “When can I make money?” like on day 1. lol That’s because they’ve seen all those get-rich-quick videos.
I also agree about there being other great programs outside of WA (but also to stick to WA to start with). I have found so many good things outside of WA. But I still remain a member because they offer insane value outside of just the regular training.
The weekly webinars are priceless. As well as the community. I gladly pay my few hundred a year. They should charge so much more. (But shhh. Don’t tell them that. lol)
Lol! Ok won´t say anything ;o)
/Thank you Christina