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What Are Your Goals For The Next 5 Years – You Need To Know!

goal settingThis post is about goal setting and how to do it the right way. What are your goals for the next 5 years for example? How do you do to reach them? You need to know that you can achieve A LOT more than you think in a 5 year period, or even in a 1 year period.

Do you know why it is important to write goals down? Even if it is financial or non-financial. Maybe you have goals but haven´t wrote down your goals yet? I strongly advice you to do that because it will help you a lot.

It is actually crucial that you do!


Do not only write them down and then go on with other things… PLEASE NO! That is not the proper way to do it and it will actually not help you much at all.

I suggest you do it another way instead… to get A LOT more benefits (done) out of your written goals.

What are your goals for the next 5 years?

First of all: Set a goal that are achiveable and WRITE IT DOWN, it is important that it is a challenging goal, (not something you can do in a week).

Then: you break down the goal in “small goals” (or steps) that you have to do to achive your final goal.

Write down EVERYTHING you need to do to achieve the final big goal of yours. Be as detailed as you possible can do it.

Finally: put that list in order and put DEADLINES for each step.

Now you have something to aim for…What are your goals for the next 5 years

Go ahead and WORK. Complete every step at the list in order and do it as fast as you can.

You can use this tactic for a goal you have for 1 year, 2 or even 5 or 10 years ahead.

I would suggest that you break down your goals into smaller goals, maybe 3-month goals instead as you will have it easier to stay focused.

If you don´t believe this then read below!!

Important a Must Read !!

The year 1979 there was a fascinating study made on the Harvard MBA program where graduate students were asked the question:

The result: 3% (only) had written goals and plans, 13% had goals but they had not write them down and 84% had no goals at all.

Ten years later: The same group was interviewed again and the result? It was absolutely mind blowing!

The 13% of the class who had goals (in their heads) was earning twice as much the amount of the 84% who had no goals.

Now listen to this!!: The 3% who had written goals were earning, on average, 10 TIMES as much as the other 97% of the class COMBINED! COMBINED!

I found this studie in an article from: The Forbs magazine

When I saw this I really started to take my goals seriously. I did take them seriously before also but now I REALLY take them seriously. I find this to be an extremely motivating example of why creating clear and measurable goals and WRITING them down is a key to success.

IN ANYTHING… Not only for making money online like we are here to do :o)

Now I have one question for you

How do you set and achive goals?

have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?

Maybe you have some good advice to share to make it easier?

Please let me and others know how you do in the comment section below.

I wish you a lot of success!


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