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What Is 250 Payday – Well That Is A Good Question?

I came across a YouTube video today with a catchy sales video named 250 Payday. So what is 250 Payday? As good as it sounds? Scam or legit? Why don´t the video explain what there is you are going to sell? How it will work and if you will get all the help you will need to make it happen?is 250 payday a scam

Also the fact that it has 3 different websites as the “homepage” makes me feel very suspicious about this. This short review is going to try to answer those questions.

This short review is going to try to answer those questions. Ok, I might just tell you right away that it is a scam, I will explain why below.

Product: 250 Payday

Website: (and (and

Owner: Joshua Joiner

Price: $250 + (upsells)

Who is it for: Uneducated people (at the subject of making money online).

What is 250 Payday About?

The 250 Payday is owned by a young man named Joshua Joiner. He claims that you will start to make $250 commissions many times daily in just a couple of days guaranteed only by joining his program. He do not say anything about how or WHAT you are going to sell to make this money.

The only thing you have to do is to pay the one-time member fee of $250 and you are in.

Hmm… that makes me wonder if it is the program itself you are going to sell? PROBABLY.

Is The 250 Payday A Scam?

To be honest, it smells like scam a mile away! The fact that you can find it on 3 different websites makes my scam alert go of already there. I don´t say the program hasn´t any value at all, it probably have some basic training on how to market products online and so on.

But why pay $250 to get something you can get on other places for free? I know a thing or two about how making money online works. I have also seen a lot of scams, this blog is full of scam reviews… And it really feels like I have heard this story before… Many times.

I have for instance gotten allergic to people showing off money, nice houses with pools and so on. But most of all I am allergic to promises like for example making $250 commissions multiple times a day immediately after joining something… Yeah man! Fo sho fo sho!

No, but seriously, that is FAR from the truth, it is pure bullshit.

And why don´t he give a single clue about what we are gonna sell or how we gonna do it? Because it is a secret maybe?? Or, because wait… Ooooh ahaaa! I know! I know! Because it is a scam!!

I mean a good product don´t need to hide what their benefits are, right? If you go into a computer store and want to try a computer out (for example) do you think you have to pay the price of the computer before you try it? Of course not, and even if it was like that, I don´t think many people would buy the computer if the salesperson in the store refused to say why the computer is so damn good. “You will see when you get home, I won´t tell you why just trust me” Would you trust that? Some people probably would but I really hope you ain´t one of them…

These are the main reasons I suspect the 250 Payday to be nothing more than a big fat scam, sure it might have some value I don´t say anything about that… But many scams have a small value, it doesn´t make them any less the scam anyway.

If you want to learn everything and A LOT MORE of what you will get to know in the 250 Pay Day program, then I strongly suggest you check out the community where me and more than 400,000 members are learning and earning every day.

It won´t happen in your first days, not even in your first weeks, it takes time to set up an money making business online. We are talking months here, but it depends on you also of course, how much time and effort you put in. Some do it faster some do it slower. Making money online is just like any other business or whatever you do in life. Nobody is going to be good at something the first day they try it.

But you can get all the help you need and easy to follow step-by-step instructions if you are ready to do something that is 100% legit for a change, and stop trusting “Internet Gurus” that shows off their cars, houses, money in their hand, etc… Before they scam you.

If you want to learn from the ground and up how it works (without having to pay anything up front) just click the link below.

Learn about how making money online works for $0 FREE by clicking here!

Why You Should/Should Not Buy The 250 Payday? 

Sure if you want to make this (obviously) rich guy richer, then go ahead! He will make a lot of money every time someone buys this product, and so will the one who referred you to the program. You can do exactly the same! And you can also choose exactly what you sell, you don´t have to own the things you sell!

I am not joking here, you can start doing this, you can sell anything you want.

It is called affiliate marketing and it is the exact same way that has made many people able to quit their normal 9-5 jobs. It is also the exact same way MANY Internet millionaires are being made.

Take for example, you can sell anything that site has to offer. But that is just an example if you want to know more about this and how YOU can get started for free click here.

Just remember that it won´t make you any money overnight, it requires both some time and effort from your part before the money start coming your way. But on the other hand, big money always take both time and effort… Nothing comes by itself.

I cannot find any reason to trust that this cool dude Joshua Joiner will fix money to you on auto-pilot, there is no reason to waste time and money trusting someone that clearly are lying about the money you will make after joining the program and also don´t tell you what you are going to sell to make this money.

I also highly doubt that you will get any support (of any value) at all from this guy, and a refund if you aren´t satisfied with the product you can most likely forget about.

Please don´t fall for this.

Final Words and Verdict

Verdict: SCAM!

Overall rating: 2/10

Ok, I cannot prove that this is a scam, but a golden rule in this business are very often just like the god old saying in life: If it sounds to good to be true… You know the rest. So scam it is!

Also, no big money is ever made in just a couple of days, I don´t know about you but multiple $250 payments every day sounds like some BIG money to me. Not even I am making those amounts yet, and I have been doing this Internet Marketing thing for soon a year now. Now someone trying to say that I can make that money in just a couple of days? On auto-pilot?

Yeah sure, right after I release Batman and Superman from my basement to save the world from Joker and TwoFace!

It is of course, possible to make those amounts on auto-pilot (and much MORE), but not in a couple of days… You have to put in a lot more effort and time before that will happen.

Stop and think here for a second!

Let us say that it is true that this guy got some kind of secret to making money online that no one else have (including professionals in the business). Why would he share this secret knowledge with you and me?

Don´t you think he got better things to do? Like making money himself for example, and keeping the secret safe? No! He want´s to “help you” because that is the way HE makes money!

I can tell you what will happen when you join. You will get instructions to try to get other people to join the same bullshit you just purchased yourself. There you got the “secret”. That is what the 250 PayDay is all about.

You Are Smarter Than That!

You made a smart choice reading this review and I also believe that you are a smart person. Making money online is of course very possible, and I am not talking about small money either.

But you need to know that this is a very big industry and that the interest for this subject is HUGE. Everybody want´s to know how and find a way, that is also why there are so many scammers around claiming they will make you rich in “no time” and that you don´t have to put in any effort.

All those things are scams, and you probably understand that to deep inside. It can be tempting to try, I know, I have been there too. But that was before I learned how making money online works in reality.

The truth is that nothing comes without both some time and effort, the more the better of course.

If you want to start learning how you can make money online you can immediately get started (for $0 FREE) at the same place where me (and thousands of people) learned how it really works. You WILL get all the help that you ask for in an instant, no question will be left unanswered. Whenever you got questions there will be people there to help.

There is also a pay option to consider later but it is absolutely not necessary, you can start making money with the free membership you don´t need to upgrade. I suggest you try for free first ti see if you like it, and if there is something you feel you could do. I am almost sure you will 🙂

If making money online is what you want this is my absolute #1 recommendation for you. Click the link below for FREE access.

Click Here For Instant $0 FREE access to start LEARNING and EARNING!

I hope this review of 250 Payday was helpful and now you should have a better picture about what it is and what it is all about. Most importantly, why you should avoid it at all costs. Please ask your questions or comments below!

I wish you the best and a lot of success in whatever you choose to do!

Thank you for reading!


Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste

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