Today we have an interesting review in front of us as we will look into the trendy Charcoal Toothpaste. What is Charcoal toothpaste? A scam or does it really work? Are there any dangers with the charcoal? Will it be something for you o not? These are some of the main questions this short review will focus on. Ok, so here we go!
Product: Charcoal Toothpaste
Cheapest place to buy:
Who is it for: For you who want whiter teeth, like natural toothpaste, want to avoid chemicals, etc
Overall rating: (4.9 / 5)
Before we start
The very “hot and trendy” black Charcoal toothpaste have taken the world by storm the last couple of years, much with the help of social media.
Not so strange anymore to hear, right? As there are A LOT of opportunity for basically ANYONE online right now Soon, pretty much everyone knows what it is or have seen it somewhere, it is easy to remember since Charcoal is black and looks kind of “weird” in a commercial for something that is supposed to make your teeth whiter.
Soon, pretty much everyone knows what it is or have seen it somewhere, it is easy to remember since Charcoal is black and looks kind of “weird” in a commercial for something that is supposed to make your teeth whiter lol!.
What is Charcoal Toothpaste – Review
The charcoal toothpaste is a blend of different natural ingredients, one of the main ingredients in such a toothpaste is charcoal, of course. It is the Charcoal that works the way that it absorbs all the stains, dust, dirt, etc as the material (charcoal) naturally owns that ability
It is the Charcoal that works the way that it absorbs all the stains, dust, dirt, etc as the material (charcoal) naturally owns that ability
What many might not know is that the material is used by hospitals, as a matter of fact they always have it handy in case there would come in a patient with poison on their skin or a wound or something like that and actually putting Charcoal on the patient in order for the black material to do its thing.
My personal experience:
I have actually tried one of the many brands now for around 6 months and can personally say that I am impressed!
It really works, especially if you do it for a period of time of 1-3 months you will see great results.
Even if the brand I have tried can be found on Amazon, it has both lower overall rating and much fewer numbers of real users who have actually left a review…
It really works, especially if you do it for a period of time of 1-3 months you will see great results I am sure as I notice myself that they get whiter and whiter.
That sounds to me as an old “reviewer” that there are far better Charcoal products than the one I tried.
***Click here to see the one I tried (open in new window)
However, as the reviews on some of the other products are significantly better (and a lot more) than on the product I have used I will try to order some of them next time also, they are so cheap so it is better to order more when you do (at least I think) as it is nice to have a storage at home of such things.
Just look at this 2 ones below how many reviews it got:
How does it work?
I didn´t find any exact chemical process for you guys, sorry 🙂 However, on Wikipedia, I found something interesting that I had no idea of and that it that people are actually using it for medical use by actually eating it!
Below is an exact excerpt from the text found on Wikipedia:
Charcoal was consumed in the past as dietary supplement for gastric problems in the form of charcoal biscuits. Now it can be consumed in tablet, capsule or powder form, for digestive effects. Research regarding its effectiveness is controversial. To measure the mucociliarytransport time the use was introduced by Passali in combination with saccharin.
Red colobus monkeys in Africa have been observed eating charcoal for the purposes of self-medication. Their leafy diets contain high levels of cyanide, which may lead to indigestion. So they learned to consume charcoal, which absorbs the cyanide and relieves indigestion. This knowledge about supplementing their diet is transmitted from mother to infant.
Pretty interesting if you ask me. If you want to read the whole usage and info historical about Charcoal use click here (opens in new window)
Are there any side effects?
Lol! That is a funny question really haha! Why do I say that? Well, there are side effects on anything lol! Think about it, isn´t it? 🙂 However, in some cases they can be pretty serious on “medical” drugs so we had to investigate this.
However, as this review is a little different from most of the other reviews on this site it is still a relevant one (in my opinion) as it is now not only considered a health or even beauty tool but even a medical tool.
As it is now not only can be considered as a health, or even a beauty… But now it is even a medical tool!
So when we look at what negative things that are said about Charcoal we found that there were some doctors who had warned that they thought that it “might erode your teeth” and when I did see it I was just like, eh what? So, the alternative doesn´t? The “traditional” chemical way? Lol! Anyway, that is about all of the health warnings I saw about charcoal.
So, the alternative doesn´t?
The “traditional” chemical way to whitening your teeth DOES erode your teeth also. Why not be a bit more “curious” about an alternative to the chemical way? You already know the answer to that I am sure of 😉 Lol! Anyway, that is about all of the health warnings I saw about charcoal.
Anyway, that is about all of the health warnings I saw about charcoal.
It might erode your teeth. Aha ok, thanks for the info then I know. So IF it does that means it erodes your teeth just like an apple, orange juice, coca cola, etc erode your teeth also.
Is Charcoal Toothpaste a Scam?
No, it is not a scam. It is simply a natural toothpaste with natural ingredients. However, the ones I have tried from the local supermarket that contains fluoride would personally like to call a scam as they do not get your teeth whiter none of the ones I have tried lol!
One of them happens to be Charcoal and that one has the ability to make your teeth whiter, or might even heal you if you get poison on you.
I wouldn´t call that a scam, it is more correct, a material used for both medical, health, and beauty areas.
The Good
- All natural
- Makes your teeth whiter
- Gives you better (longlasting) breath
- Basically no taste
- Fun to brush (as it grows in your mouth
- MANY users and reviews
The Bad
- Appears to have a short history of usage for teeth whitening abilities.
Final words and verdict
Verdict: LEGIT
Overall rating: (4.9 / 5)
In my opinion, this is a 5/5 and a great product if you want to live a more “natural” lifestyle and avoid chemicals like fluoride for example. Flouride has a nasty reputation of causing cancer if swallowed by the way, so it is pretty understandable why people would consider trying a toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride, believe me it is not that easy lol! Try your local supermarket and I doubt you will find one even if they have like 300 different kinds! Lol!
But you can find ones without, and now it is even completely natural and makes your teeth whiter (wow!) I really understand why this is a trend 🙂
I really understand why this is a trend! And I like it 🙂
Will definitely continue to use charcoal toothpaste as I really like the effects, the teeth really get whiter and it feels naturally fresh afterward, it really does and it is actually a great feeling 🙂
I have ordered 2 times now, first time I bought 3 I think, this time I bought 10 and the next time it will be at least 10 (or more) again lol! Really like them and also strongly recommend you to try if you haven´t already.
Next time I will probably check out some of the other Charcoal products that sounds even better when you look at the real user reviews on Amazon.
You might want to do that also before you try it out or even if you have tried it and want to try something new as there are many variants, even ones with different tastes and such things.
I hope you found this short review on Charcoal Toothpaste to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding on what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have or are currently using it, then, please share your experience with us in the comment section below as it can help others. Also, if you got any other questions on this review I will be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you the best!
Founder of:
Start Make Stop Waste
Thank John you for the good charcoal toothpaste review. Honestly, I never heard about it. Actually, I have found your post in the right time as I am bored of any Colgate, Sensadent and similar widely advertised and overpriced products. I fully agree with your conclusions about harmful chemicals which destroy our teeth. I do not know yet is it available in shops of my country. If not then need to check Amazon shipping costs. Thanks
Thanks! Glad you liked the review and found it helpful!
Am also tired of them “traditional” ones 🙂
Thank you for your comment
I’ve hear about charcoal toothpaste and many people in youtube videos have said in their reviews on their videos and how well it works. I believe them because of how white their teeth are and would personally like to try it myself haha. There are way too many toothpaste on the market with too many chemicals in them.
Lol! Agree!
/Thanks for your comment
Very interesting and who would have thought charcoal would have a whitening effect. One thing I would be concerned about is it an abrasive. Abrasive chemicals in toothpaste break down enamel and long term use of abrasives do permanent damage. Can this be used with all types of dental wear such as with dental implants, veneers, retainers, dentures, etc? It is something worth looking into, thanks for the great information.
Thank you! Glad you liked the review 🙂
Yes absolutely, that is worth looking into. Feel free to come back here and share your knowledge if you find the answers 🙂
/All the best