This review is about CrisClix and it is gonna be a short one. What is CrisClix? A scam or a legit site? Something for you or not? Can you make a lot of money from it? Are there better alternatives? These are some of the questions this short review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: CrisClix
Owner: ?
Price: $0 Free to join
Who is it for: People who want to make money online by performing very simple tasks
What is CrisClix about?
This is just another one of thousands PTC (paid to click) websites online. It has a bit over 100,000 members. Is it any better (or worse) than it´s similar cousins online? I come to that further down in this review.
How Does It Work?
Just like any other PTC site you will earn (minimal) money to click on ads that business owners have paid to put up on the site. The money they spend to place their ads for you to click on is the same money you are getting paid with to click them.
We are talking VERY small amounts here, especially if you are a free member. You can upgrade and make 0,02 instead of $0,01 per click, or upgrade another level and make (in best case) $0,04.
If it is worth it? In my opinion, absolutely not!
In my opinion, absolutely not!
Well, first of all, you ain´t gonna get that many ads to click on each day, also there is a big risk that this particular PTC site (like many others) are not keeping their promises of paying you when you want to make a cashout.
Other Ways To Make Money With CrisClix?
You can (like pretty much all PTC´s) recruit new members to the site and make money… if they do tasks, of course. There is also the option to simply rent referrals if you ain´t know how to recruit people to a particular website… Nothing I would recommend though as the earnings still depend on if the refs complete tasks, there is also a lot of complaints from members claiming the rented referrals ain´t even real but bots, without a human behind the name…
Not something I would recommend though as the earnings still depend on if the refs complete tasks, there is also a lot of complaints from members claiming the rented referrals ain´t even real, but bots, without a human behind the name…
Something I miss on this PTC is surveys to take… That is also a big minus.
Is CrisClix A Scam?
So, is CrisClix a scam? Well, I ain´t gonna call it a scam but I would absolutely not go for this particular one if I was you.
MANY similar PTC site got a very bad reputation online because they don´t pay their members, they ban you for no reason when you want to make a withdrawal, etc, etc… Am not saying that CrisClix does it, but it just feels a bit risky..
Why You Should/Should Not Go With CrisClix
The only reason I can see for you to join is if you got something to advertise, then maybe it can be worth to join..
But if you ain´t planning to do that and only are in it, to click on ads… if you understand that you are only going to make small extra cash from this and are ok with that…
To be honest I would not even recommend CrisClix if you are..
Well, simply because it has to many complaints online for being a scam and if you like the whole idea there is no PTC site (in my opinion) that can compare to the best and well known ClixSense.
So if you want to go with a PTC I would highly recommend you to go with that one instead as it is very well trusted.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Not recommended!
Overall rating: 2/10
I think I have made my point clear to you, even if CrisClix is a honest site (maybe, maybe not) I don´t find a reason why you should go with it.
It feels like a bad copy of better PTC sites so why go with that if you can have the real deal instead?
Click here to check out my best PTC site recommendation instead
If You Want Big Money Online Do This!
PTC sites (good or bad) are not the way to go if you looking for a way to be able to quit your job and make a living online, or even becoming an internet millionaire.
If that is what you want then PTC sites ain´t for you… They don´t involve any effort and time…
Why do I say this? Because if big money is what you are after both effort and time is required! ALWAYS!
Good news is that absolutely anyone can learn how to do it, it is even free to try and the absolute best part is that you can take any interest you might have and creating a full-time income around that!
But only if you are ready to put in time, effort AND patience into play… Click the link below to read how and where!
Hope you liked this short review on CrisClix and now you have a better understanding about what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have tried it please share your experience with us in the comment section below! Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you success!
Thank you for reading
Owner of:
there are more and more of these click sites popping up what’s the business basis behind it?
do companies pay for someone to click it to make their traffic look better?
I find it concerning there is no owner information behind the company as well and why do they all pay between 0.1 to 0.4 p per click and then try and scimp on paying out?
Yes you are right, they are popping up everywhere, guess on big reason is that people are looking to make money online in a fast and effortless way. Nobody seems to be willing to put in work to make real bucks online…
Companies pay the site to have ads on it because they are hopping to make sales from the members clicking on their ads, VERY IMOORTANT to mention here is that you are mostly going to get very “questionable” programs/software promotions to watch in the form of ads… many of them complete scams.. so keep that in mind if you plan to join ANY PTC site..
Yes, if there is hard to find an owner on a website that claims to pay you for doing work there is reason to be conserned… agree on that… Reason why many of them don´t pay out I guess is spelled the same way as most times in similar cases: MONEY
0,01 cents might sound as little but when you got hundreds of thousands of members earning those cents you will probably “earn” some coins banning (or not paying) a big part of them.
Hope that clarifies some of your thoughts..
Thank you for your comment
/Best regards