This short review is going to be about something called Get My Ads. What is Get My Ads? A scam or a good opportunity for you? Can you make good money with this and is it something for you or not? These are some of the questions we will focus on in this review. Ok, here we go!
Product: Get My Ads
Owner: Frank Hanson
Price: Free to join. To advertise (and take part in rev share) it costs a minimum of $50
Who is it for: Most of all for business owners who got something to advertise.
What is Get My Ads about?
If you know how a revenue sharing program works you are going to know how Get My Ads works as well. It is a revenue sharing program where you buy ad packs.
It is a way for you to get traffic (visitors) to your site.
How Does It Work?
40% of the amount being spent by the members are going into the sharing pool that everyone (who have bought ad packs) later on will share on.
The ad packs you buy are yours to do whatever you want with. If you want to send people to a particular website, some video or any kind of offer you want a lot of people to see then you can do that.
The Reason People Join
People join this site (and other rev share sites) either to advertise and/or to make money from the revenue sharing part of it.
Important To Mention!
All and any revenue sharing program is always a risk. Why? Simply because when people stop joining and nobody puts money into the “sharing pool” anymore the pool WILL dry out. When that happens nobody will get paid anymore and the program crashes.
When that happens nobody will get paid anymore and the program crashes. Personally, I have been part of many rev shares and they have all being shut down. The only one who hasn´t crashed yet and also the one I actually joined first is Eden Traffic. So that might be a better choice for you if you are in it for the revenue sharing benefits.
Other Ways To Make Money With Get My Ads?
There is also another pretty lucrative way to make money from Get My Ads. Just like most rev share programs you can recruit people to join. If you do that you will get a percent from the website on all purchases your recruits make there.
You will also get a percentage from the persons who your recruits recruit to the program. An MLM structure in other words…
Is Get My Ads A Scam?
So, is Get My Ads a scam? Wel, right now it is legit, but that can change in the future, even a near future… It has a product (ad packs) and that is what makes it legit. However, it is a risk.
Why You Should/Should Not Join Get My Ads
If you got something you want to advertise it might be a good choice, however I would say that there are far better places if advertising is something you want to do.
Also, if you are good at recruiting people you might want to join it and start building a downline.
If the above don´t fit I see absolutely no reason at all for you to join.
First of all, it is a risk… Sooner or later the program will crash. It is almost a form of HYIP and Ponzi scheme and if you don´t know what that is, I strongly suggest that you learn that right now, to avoid loosing alot of money into this or something else of that nature…
you can read about it on this page <==
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Legit (But not recommended for everybody)
Overall rating: 5/10
I think I have made my point pretty clear. This is most of all for advertisers and/or for MLM enthusiast. If you ain´t any of those I suggest you pass.
Revenue sharing programs ain´t for everybody and to be honest they will (all of them) eventually dry out and stop generating income for you. Keep that in mind, please.
Also, I think it is very important to mention that you should never put more money than you can afford to lose into ANY rev share program for the above reasons.
They are simply NOT safe, whatever claims are being made on their websites.
Looking For A Safe And Solid Way To Make Money Online?
There are much safer and solid ways to make money online than participating in rev share programs. Depending on how much money you want to make I will present 2 alternatives for you here.
The first one, if you ain´t want to put in the work and also are satisfied with a small extra income, then you got the famous and well known ClixSense. There you will get paid to do simple tasks like click on ads and take surveys and it is absolutely free to join and start earning.
If You Want BIG Money
Then there is no shortcuts, no secret program or super software, sorry but that is the truth. Anyone telling you different is full of s**t.
The good news is that it ain´t very hard either, you simply just have to learn how to do it, that will take some time, effort and patience.
You simply start your own business online… Around ANY interest, you might have. Interested to know how? No problem, click the link below to see how and where.
Click here to see a great opportunity!
I hope you found this short review of Get My Ads to be helpful and now you have a better idea of what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have tried the program please share you experience with us in the comment section below. Also, if you got any question about this review I will be more than happy to answer them.
I wish you success!
Thank you for reading
Owner of: Start Make Stop Waste
I was really thinking about giving them a shot man but thanks for the heads , up ! You have a very good point on them drying up. You saved me alot of time and possibly money lol. This is why I always do my research first (even tho technically you did the research for me lol). Very informative man thanks for the hard work and keep it up. someone has to keep the online community safe !
Thank you!
Hi john.. how are you today? i need to ask yoy smthg..a friend of mine has joined get my adds few weeks ago and she has no business or site, she put in 50$ as you said and got back after 2 weeks almost 150$ and then she started buying tokens and all.. so my question here is since there is even a little gain from the begining how does it happen and anyone can lose money? Is there a term or condition to put in more everytime or to keep on buying? (sorry I have no idea how does that work so i kinda don’t know what to ask first). It seems to me that you can actually loose money 1) if they “tie” you up with a term or 2) if you put in more that your first 50$. Do you know about this anithing? THANKS
Yes of course you can loose Money. It is a Revenue sharing program and those are NEVER considered safe. The program will work for as long as there are more mey insideheprogram than people are taking out from it.
Eventually the big “sharing pool” WILL dry out.