Today we continue looking at CBD companies, Hemply Balance is up for a review. What is Hemply Balance? Is it a scam or do their products work? Are there better alternatives out there? Let´s go!
Company: Hemply Balance
Owner: Emil Sandin (CEO)
Price: Depends on the product (see price list further down)
Who is it for: CBD enthusiasts
Overall rating: (2.5 / 5) (Not recommended)
Before we start I need to say that I am no scientist and neither do I pretend to be, this review is my own opinion and nothing else. It should not be taken as medical advice. It is based on my own experience though, as I have tried the water-soluble CBD that Hemply Balance sells.
I actually got a bottle to try from a friend who ordered 2 of them but gave me one of them as she didn´t like the experience. As I have never tried a water-soluble CBD before I was curious and started to take that one instead of my prefered full spectrum CBD oil.
I also have to say that even if I have only tried CBD for around 9 months myself now, I have A LOT of experience of THC, as I have a past where I have smoked it daily for over 9 years… It is nothing I am proud of, but hey, that is the truth.
I say this so you know that I am well aware of the health benefits of THC and CBD. I don´t do it anymore (smoke weed every day “Snoop Dogg voice”), simply because it kills my productivity.
Anyway, I hope that builds a bit of trust in what I have to say, as I am not just someone who just started out being interested in this topic.
Click here to read about my #1 recommended CBD dealer instead!
What is Hemply Balance?
Hemply Balance is a company in Sweden that sells different CBD products. Their marketing is mainly pointed against the Nordic market (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) but they ship to not only Nordic countries but worldwide as well. The company was founded in 2014 by the Swedish entrepreneur Emil Sandin.
It was one of the first of its kind in Sweden and have been one of the leading CBD providers in Sweden ever since and also a pioneer in the Swedish CBD market.
In the video above the owner himself talks about how he first came in contact with CBD on a trip to the U.S. through a friend of him and how he then got the idea of bringing CBD to Sweden.
What products do they offer? (and price)
Hemply Balance offers you (at the time of this writing) 8 different products to choose from. It is CBD in the form of oil (water-soluble and non-water-soluble), capsules, powder, and skin cream.
- Water-soluble CBD powder (Plain 20% 6000mg) Costs: 3,199 Sek (around $330)
- Water-soluble CBD Powder (Plain 20% 2000mg) Costs: 1,079 Sek (around $120)
- Water-soluble CBD capsules (total of 300 mg) Costs: 348 Sek (around $37)
- Water-soluble CBD capsules (total of 750 mg) Costs: 799 Sek (around $87)
- Skin cream CBD (total of 500 mg) Costs: 399 Sek (around $46)
- CBD oil 5% (total of 500 mg) Costs: 399 Sek (around $46)
- Cbd oil 15% (total of 1500 mg) Costs: 899 Sek (around $97)
- Water-soluble Cbd oil 7,5% (total of 750mg) Costs: 599 Sek (around $67)
Why are they different than other CBD providers?
Their slogan is (translated from Swedish): Scandinavia’s most effective and easily absorbed CBD
Well, in reality, I would say they are not unique in the market, maybe in the Swedish and Scandinavian market as they offer water-soluble CBD, however, there are many providers that offer that as well, that also offer worldwide shipping.
Other than that, their products contain no trace at all of THC and that is a point they push on pretty hard, and it’s the same here, they are not the only provider that offers products that are totally free (during to the making process) of THC.
If it is the most easily absorbed CBD in Scandinavia? Maybe, however, easily absorbed does not equal most healthy or most beneficial… Fast is not always better…
Why it might not be as good as it claims to be:
Hemply Balance describes that they got a patented process/method to create their oil. It makes the CBD concentration higher, and while that is true, and it is benefits to that, such as you get to feel the effects faster, and that the CBD percentage is higher, there are also negative sides to this…
The negative effects are first of all (for a fact) for products, where the THC (and other ingredients in the plant) have been processed away in order to get as high CBD levels as possible, is NOT what will bring you the greatest effect.
Then, you also have to consider if the processes that have been used really are healthy? I mean, what chemicals have been used in the process?
Below is an exact excerpt from the Hemply Balance website (on Swedish on their process):
Hög naturlig halt CBD och andra cannabinoider, terpener och fettsyror
Vår CBD extraheras ur hela hampaplantan och inte bara ur vissa delar av växten, vilket är det vanligaste produktionsförfarandet. När alla växtdelar används får produkterna inte bara en högre koncentration av CBD med hög biotillgänglighet utan också ett brett spektrum av andra positiva cannabinoider, terpener och fettsyror.
Genom en patenterad utvinningsprocess kan vi garantera att alla våra produkter är helt fria från THC. Produkterna är analyserade genom HPLC (High-performance Liquid Chromotography) av de oberoende laboratorieföretagen iLab och Grace Analytical.
Våra CBD-produkter är helt fria från THC och lagliga i Sverige
All CBD i våra produkter framställs med en unik patenterad metod som tar bort precis all THC. Till varje produkt finns utförliga labbrapporter från två oberoende laboratorier som visar bland annat detta. Utöver det är alla produkter testade och godkända av svenska Tullverket. I de flesta andra producenters CBD finns nästan alltid lite THC kvar som ger positivt utslag vid ett urinprov.
Skillnaden mellan CBD-olja, cannabisolja och hampaolja
- CBD-olja utvinns från hampaväxtens stjälk, löv, blommor och stam. Den har höga halter av CBD och mycket låga eller inga halter av THC alls.
- Hampaolja (hampafröolja) utvinns från hampaväxtens frön och innehåller ingen CBD eller THC alls.
- Cannabisolja utvinns däremot från själva blomman och vanligtvis av en cannabissort med naturligt hög halt THC och innehåller därför vanligtvis höga halter av THC. Oljan är narkotikaklassad och helt olaglig.
For those of you who don´t understand Swedish I have made the text I want to highlight red and explain it below:
In short, in the red text, they write that their process to make their oil is patented and assures you that it leaves the final product completely free from THC.
Here is the OBVIOUS problem with this:
You need to know that to get the absolute greatest effect, you need to include ALL that the plant offers naturally, and that includes THC as well…
Sure you might live in a country where it is still illegal, however, a hemp plant contains a maximum of 0,3% THC levels, and that is not enough to get you high, neither would you be arrested for the low levels you would get by consuming a FULL spectrum oil.
==> This is my #1 recommendation (read about why THC is needed for max benefits)
Is Hemply Balance a Scam?
So, is Hemply Balance a Scam? No, of course not, as mentioned, I have tried it myself, and have 2 friends who have ordered from them and they have both got their delivery fast and without any complications.
However, I would not recommend it as your best CBD alternative out there. Let me explain my own personal experience a bit more:
Ok, so one of my friends is very happy with their products, at least the water-soluble variant, as he claims the Hemply Balance 7,5% water soluble is much stronger than the Hemply Balance 15% oil is.
However, my other friend claims that the water-soluble variant is making her non-productive, make her feel a stitch feeling in different parts of her body, and also make her feel “speeded” and that the oil taste very chemical (I agree)… She also feels “empty” after taking it she says.
And as the “patented method” is not displayed on their website, about how they actually get an oil (that is naturally not water-soluble) to get water-soluble…
It naturally awakes the question if the product really is that natural…
…and if it is healthy to consume it? Is it even dangerous?
Water-soluble CBD many times get promoted to being “the future” of CBD oil,
but I can´t help to think:
“CBD is the REAL traditional medicine that has been used for thousands of years and why should such a medicine become modern and futuristic all of a sudden”?
I mean does it have to be?
Should it be?
Maybe, but in my opinion, it should absolutely NOT be that, at least not if it means you have to add chemicals to the process of making it.
==> I would recommend going right to the source instead (as natural as it gets)
Hemply Balance Reviews, Ratings and Complaints
Something that is always wise (and recommended) to do before you decide to do business with a particular company is to look at what their clients have to say about their experience. As always in my reviews I provide you with what I have found (with clickable links) from the most well-known and trusted sources:
Rating: (4.1 / 5) (out of 10 reviews) click here for details (opens in new window)
The conclusion from this:
As you can see above there was not much to be found on this company online in the form of reviews and ratings. However, the ones I managed to find was on Facebook and some of them were pretty negative I have to say. Below you got 2 examples:
Improve Your CBD oil, it is very weak comparison with other 5 % 500 mg I tried. Really don’t recomend!!
-From Facebook
The Water-soluble 7.5 %- oil tastes like soap / perfume. It’s fucking hard to believe it’s natural. Has the same consistency as detergent too, which makes it impossible to dose in drops when it runs sticky. I can barely get anything in the pipette either. Dye the smakmässigt in water, juice, coffee, etc. Disgusting.
5 %- the oil is incredibly weak. 10 drops morning and 10 drops evening (impossible to have under the tongue) gives gag. I won’t order the 15 %- IGA oil after these experiences because it feels like throwing money in the lake. The Safest Card is enough to order oil from Colorado..
-From Facebook
The pros and cons
Another thing that is always good to do before you make any decisions is to look at the positive sides of the particular company (in this case Hemply Balance) and compare them against the negative sides. Below you got some clear ones on both sides of the spectrum:
The good
- Worldwide shipping
The bad
- Got some pretty negative reviews online
- Their products have been processed for maximum CBD levels and no traces of THC at all
- Questionable process method as their water-soluble CBD taste very chemical
Do you own or represent Hemply Balance?
If you are an owner or representative of Hemply Balance and have found that something is not correct in this review then please reach out and I will make sure to change the info that is incorrect. The best way to do that is by simply leaving a comment at the bottom of this review or simply by sending me an e-mail at
Final words and verdict
Verdict: Legit (but not recommended)
Overall rating: (2.5 / 5)
Ok, I think that sums up the overall view of this company pretty good. It is a legit one yes, however, if it is your best alternative out there is a whole other story. Personally, I would not recommend them, after trying out their water-soluble CBD myself.
However, everyone is different and maybe you like it.
Keep in mind that the greatest benefits are only obtained when the whole FULL spectrum is included though, and if you haven´t tried such a product yet then I would highly recommend that you do.
Ok, so what now?
You made a wise choice reading this review and you are a smart person. I am absolutely sure that you will find the right CBD that fits your particular needs and suits you the best!
It is always wise to compare different options against each other before making a decision though.
Keep in mind that every single CBD supplier out there will claim that their oil is “the best” so make sure to read their customer reviews and educate yourself on the subject overall.
Click here to read about my #1 recommended CBD dealer!
I hope you found this review of Hemply Balance to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding of what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have used any of their products yourself then please share your experience below as it can help others. Also, if you have any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you the best!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Hello John,It is good to know that you have firsthand information about the Hemply Balance. I was about to make some research and buy the water-soluble cbd oil and use it with a vaporizer. It is good that you pointed out the negative effects on using this Hemply Balance. I’m glad that you pointed out that this product went through a chemical process which is not supposed to.Thank you for an honest review
Hi John,
I appreciate your open and honest review of Hemply Balance. I have not been a CBD user but it has been recommended for various health issues I’m experiencing. Consequently, I’ve started to do some research and encountered your review. It’s good to be aware that product quality can vary a lot. Would you recommend staying away from all water-soluble CBD products? Thanks for your help!
Hi Linda, thank you for your comment!
Well, yes I would, at least until you know how exactly they manage to get it water-soluble, and then if you are ok with that method.
Also, as mentioned in the review, you might want a full spectrum instead of only as high dose of CBD as possible.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the post, it is very informative. I never realized their was different types of CBD oils. My wife used to have some form of CBD oil but she doesn’t remember what type it was. She used it for migraines but I don’t think it was helping her the way she would have liked it to.
I think that you have some very informative content that I know will be of great help to people and your blog post was very well written, thanks.
Thank you! Aha ok, I see, well she might have got one of those “false” CBDs, there are many reports of companies selling “CBD” that actually not contains ANY CBD at all…
Thank you, happy to hear you liked the review :o)
This is a very informative article. I love that you are an “expert” in the field, having tried so many different products yourself. I feel that when someone uses a product like this, they want to hear first hand how the product works. Not what the company says about how it works. You provided very informative information when it comes to explaining the pros and cons. I am sure many people are not aware of how the product works better when made from the whole plant and not just concentrated parts. How long does the sense of well being last and do you have to use it daily to get continued affects? Can you use it only when you need it or do you have to use it daily?
First of all, thank you for your comment :o)
Lol! Yeah, I know a thing or 2 about the subject due to my past lol! :o) You will never hear me say I know it all though ;o)
It can last up to 8 hours, and the “peaks” of it comes in waves, at least that is how I experience it.
I am sure I could use it only on some days, as I am very sensitive to any stimulants no matter if it is coffee or CBD or whatever :o)
However, this is individual and you have to try out yourself to find your own ways, so to speak :o)
Hope that helps?
Thanks again for your comment :o)
I’m in no rush to run out and try Hemply Balance after reading this review. It sounds underwhelming at best. I live in New York, where marijuana is still not legal, but have come across so many companies selling products they claim contains CBD. I’ve tried a matcha tea containing CBD recently and it tasted horrible AND had zero effect on me. Total waste of money except for the matcha. After reading this I now understand that the process of extracting the CBD really affects the quality, not to mention that some of the chemicals used in the extraction are potentially dangerous. Nu Leaf Naturals sounds like a much better and safer option, even though it’s a little pricy. Question: How is it possibly for stores and matcha tea bars to sell CBD in a state where it’s not legal yet? Is this because marijuana has to be in the whole plant form to be illegal?
Thanks for this great info!
Thanks for sharing this! I wish I would have known this sooner. I tried the hemply balance oil with 7,5% and it made me feel weird. Just like you described with your friend I got numb and had a hard time focusing on my work. I wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone but like you say everyone is different. I will check out your recommendation for sure!
Thank you for your comment!
Yes absolutely check it out! Don´t forget to use your discount coupon code for 15% of any order you make, you can use it as many times as you want!
/All the best