Today’s review is about the fairly new MXRevShare site. What is MXRevShare all about? Is it another scam or is it a legit opportunity? If you know what rev share programs is about then you also know what MXRevShare is going to be about. Ok, here we go!
Product: MXRevShare
Owner: James Lee Valentine
Price: Free to join
Who is it for: People who want to make money online with revenue sharing and/or advertise.
MXRevShare is simply another one, of the thousands new revenue sharing programs out there. This is a big trend online and it looks like it is here to stay.
The problem with most revenue sharing programs is that most of them don´t last more than a couple of months. Others stay alive longer but it is important to understand that each and every one of them will eventually dry out…
I think MXRevShare stands out (in a good way) from other similar sites and I will explain why further down in this review.
How Does It Work?
You can, of course, join MXRevShare for free and start earning small money simply by clicking on ads, you will get a half cent per ad you click.
But that is not the reason most people join a program like this… If that is the case for you go and join ClixSense instead (nothing wrong with that especially if you ain´t got much money).
The way this program (MXR) work (and pretty much all rev shares) is very simple.
You buy one (or many) shares or more correct, ad packs. Then you click on 10 ads every day and wait for your ad packs to mature. When they have matured you have made a profit.
Important to mention: This works for as long as there are new members joining the program and putting money into the “sharing pool”. If people stop joining and there is no new money coming into the pool nobody will get paid anymore…
That depends on how long the program will be around of course. You ain´t going to be able to earn your first days, it takes some time before the packs mature. When they do most people reinvest their money into buying more and more packs.
On MXRevShare, you will get back 110% on whatever amount of money you “invest”
“The Packs”
You have 3 different ad pack options to choose from. Below you see how much they cost and how much they will earn you when matured, you can also see how many you are allowed to have at the same time.
- $1 Packs (Matures at $5,50) (Maximum packs allowed at the same time 100)
- $25 Packs (Matures at $27,5) (Maximum packs allowed at the same time 500)
- $50 Packs (Matures at $55) (Maximum packs allowed at the same time unlimited)
There are rev share programs that have better return percent but that doesn´t have to mean they are a better choice for you… There is also programs that you don´t need to worry about clicking on ads, actually you can simply deposit and wait for it to grow…
It is a risk of course, some of us like risk 😉 However, there are ways to control the risks a little.
Personally I am sick and tired of revshares as they never last, they will all “dry out” sooner or later.. I mean, if you want to invest with “risk” why not start trading instead?? There are trading programs that allows you to practice before you trade with real Money, this one for example.
I have seen many rev share sites come and go and have lost money on many of them. I have to say that the ones that sound too good to be true are always the ones that disappear with your money first… It is better to go with the more “realistic” ones.
110% might sound as a low return rate but the more money you invest the more those 10% will be, of course. 10% of $100 is $10 and 10% of $1,000 is $100 and so on. If you reinvest a lot of times and the program sticks around for, let´s say 2 or even 3 years you will make very good money.
By doing pretty much nothing, you just click 10 ads per day, that´s it!
Who Is The Owner?
The owner of MXRevShare is James Lee Valentine and instead of me writing stuff about a person I don´t know personally you can watch him present himself below.
No, it is not a scam, it is simply a revenue sharing site and those are legit is long as there is a product, in this case, ad packs.
But it is a risk, you never know how long the program will survive.
First of all, DO NOT put money into MXRevShare (or any other share) that you cannot afford to lose. You never know for how long the program will be around and there is no refund once you have purchased shares/packs.
As long as you understand that I think MXRevShare is one of the best options out there in the “rev share world”
Yes, it is also free to try and even start clicking ads to make money. You can also, of course, recruit others to the program and make money that way too.
But, the main reason you want to join it is that there is already A LOT of members in the program, it was launched on November 1, 2015, and has already a pretty impressive amount of over 15,000 members!
However, you do not want to forget to click all ads necessary each day with a revshare if you have bought adpacks. To get rid of that problem (and a few others) you can deposit your money at other sites instead of course and also get an even bigger return on your money.
If you are more interested in that you should read this review instead <==
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Legit
Overall rating: 5/10
This is a legit site and (in my opinion) a good choice if you are into revenue sharing and find it interesting.
The rating 5/10 is the highest rating I give any revenue sharing program as they are always a risk. If I would rate it only as a rev share I would maybe have given it a (7 or 8).
I never recommend revenue sharing programs and I am not going to do it today either, it is up to you.
I might try it out myself by putting a hundred dollars (or a couple) inside it, I tend to do that when I find new rev shares that catch my attention and impress me in somehow 🙂
Just keep in mind!
DO NOT put more money than you can afford to lose into any rev share program and you will be fine.
Want A Safe and Solid Way To Make Money Online Instead?
Ok, just keep in mind that safe and solid takes both a lot of time and effort to create. It is never fast and easy money, at least not in the beginning…
There is endless of opportunity online and you can absolutely create a solid income, how much you want it to be, that depends on you, how much work you are ready to put in.
It is fun, though, why? Because you can turn any interest (or hobby) into a full-time income online.
Because you can turn any interest (or hobby) into a full-time income online. If you want to learn more about how then click the link below!
==>Click Here To Read More!
I hope you found this short review of MXRevShare to be helpful and now you know what it is all about. If you are a member please share your experience with us in the comment section below, it can help others. Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them below.
I wish you the best and a lot of success!
Thank you for reading
Owner of:
Thanks for this honest review. I agree there are tons and tons of revenue sharing sites out there that are complete scams. And many of the legit ones like you mentioned don’t stick around long enough for you to be able to make any long term lasting income with them. I tend to stay away from those types of programs, especially any that charge a monthly fee and force you to recruit. Sounds a lot like a pyramid scheme to me
Thank you, glad you liked the review. I agree with you on that, me also tend to stay away from the ones that recuires you to recruit and have a monthly (or weekly) fee.
Thanks again for your comment!
/Best regards
Are they part of neodev?
Very nice impartial review. I appreciate your candid honesty. I am not a Rev Share person…. Or at least I wasn’t until MXRevshare came along. I was already invested in some of James Valentine’s other programs and even a founding member of his program. For this I get 1% of his profits until 2020. Therefore, I felt it was only polite for me to join MXRevshare and invest.
As of today, I have invested $500 of my own money, withdrawn $200 and reinvested the rest. My total revshare balance is over $3800. I have 10 referrals with $433 in commissions. I would say I am doing okay with it.
James has promised he will be around until 2020. I plan on riding along until he is done.
Thank you,
Will Buckley
A promise from a rev share (no matter wich one) telling you to be around for such a long time I would not take for granted… Hope the plane don´t crash
/Thanks for your comment
Are there any monthly fees for MXrevshare? I rly think anout it ase fun way to earn some additional money. For me, man from Europe dolars values much.