Ok, people, it is time for another review of a “money on autopilot system” that claims you will get rich in no time, and without you having to do any work at all. What is My Millionaire Mentor? Is it legit or is it just another scam?
To be honest I am really sick and tired of all these fake testimonials and fake products. In this My Millionaire Mentor review, let’s uncover all the secrets behind this kind of scams so we can “shut up” everyone who trying to promote it.
Luxury cars, private jets, and yachts, mansions and bla bla bla.Do you really think you can make $100,000 in one single month? I do, but not with something like this. Let’s break down this “program” and settle all the bullshit behind everyone trying to promote this kind of scam.
Product: My Millionaire Mentor
Website: mymillionairementor.co
Owner: Ryan Mathews (probably a fake name)
Price: $49 + additional “upsells”
Who is it for: The “voice” in the promo video claims for everyone who wants to get rich fast and easy (yeah right)
What is My Millionaire Mentor all about?
This program is really just another one of those overly priced hosting programs that claim that you can make about $100,000 in one month, with close to no effort at all from your side.. I wonder how many millionaires these “programs” and the guys behind it have made.
Have you watched the promo video for this program? Oh my God! I have to say that I have seen much worse acting from make money online programs, but this one is on top 5 of the nominees. If you want to see this Hollywood film click here.
$1000-$10,000 guaranteed per day? I guess this would be a good situation to bring up the good ole saying. “If it seems too good to be true, then it most likely is”. This is really so fake and it really should be obvious it is.
Let me show you how everything runs in this scam industry and how you can avoid being another “victim” in the statistic.
Who is this Ryan Mathews?
First of all, this dude Ryan Mathews is nowhere to be found. He is probably some actor or “voice” behind this scam product. He or “they” has most likely created other scams almost identical to this one.
Why would someone want to hide themselves from their own product? Oooh, oooh I know, because it’s a scam! If anyone do not want (or can’t) stand behind their product and has to hide, that my friend should ring the scam alert alarm big time.
There are many people out there using fake names and hire people to claim they make tons of money using some made up system. You can find these “actors” on sites like Fiverr.com for example. On that site and other similar ones you can hire anyone to do some acting for you for $5.
It is really a “mystery” to me how people do this kind of scams without having no shame about it.
How this kind of Scam Works
The process is in reality very simple and the scammers are using the same technique they have used for a long time now.
The (my millionaire mentor) program claims that you will get $500 after watching the video, but what really happens is that you are asked to pay $49 to get access to the program. If you sign up for it and pay the $49 you will almost immediately get asked to pay $89 for “website hosting”.
If you think it is that expensive to host a site you have to do some research, you do not have to pay that much. There are companies that host unlimited sites for about $5 – $7, Hostgator for example.
After you have paid for your millionaire hosting, you will then be directed to your “training area” and here you will learn to promote the exact same scam you just bought.
There is no solid training at all with this program, so what the hell are you paying for??
You will end up like the other “victims” that gave in to this millionaire mentor scam and trying to sell it, even if you know it is a bullshit product. Do not be the next person who try to post positive reviews about some bullshit that DO NOT even work in any way.
How this Fake Character “Ryan Mathews” Makes Money
This is actually a simple process and it is (belive me or not) the exact same way to make A LOT of money online. This is actually how online millionaires are made.
It is called affiliate marketing, and if you are serious about making money online, the best advice I can give you is to try it yourself.
How does it work then?
When you buy this overpriced bullshit product and hosting, this “mr x” makes a commission from every sale. Some of the money go to the hosting company and the rest goes to “mystery man” Ryan Mathews himself.
It might not sound like a lot of money, but when you have thousands of people who buy this scam, the amount of money will add up to millions! I guess this is the main reason why “scammers” like this John Doe guy do this kind of things. This is really an “ugly” way to make money and a good example of how the rich get richer and it is always the completely uneducated who makes them rich.
You can do the same, but you can do it by selling real products from sites people already buying from like Amazon or Aliexpress for example. This is totally legit and you do not have to lie to anyone about the products, because the “customers” was looking for the product in the first place.
Click here to read more about this and learn how you can make money like this through Amazon for example.
What Do I Do Then?
I think I have made my point clear here. If you want to make this fake guy rich by “trying out” this My Millionaire Mentor program scam then go ahead. Congratulations you will now be paying the one who referred this scam to you. You will also be paying the scammer himself, and the hosting company. I know you do not want that :o)
You have made a smart choice reading this review!
If you want to be part of the solution and stop this type of nonsense, you can take a look at some of my recommended products and start building a legit online business yourself.
There are totally free trials, and REAL owners as well, that will help you along the road. There is only a few products that I recommend, but you need to stop jumping from program to program, because any of these will get you to making money online, as long as you follow the instructions and stick to the training.
My #1 Recommendation
I have seen many “opportunities” online and I can asure you they are not easy to find. If you are looking for a real and solid work from home program, this is one of the few that I know works:
==>Click here to sign up for free to my #1 recommendation and see for yourself<==
I really hope this review of My Millionaire Mentor helped you and that you now know what it is all about. If you want to really make money online you need to stop move from program to program. Stay away from scams like My Millionaire Mentor and you have nothing to worry about.
I wish you success!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
GLAD I READ YOUR SITE BLOG you save me an big head ache now that i know about it i staying away looking for an honest business like Wealthy Affiliate glad i took the time to read it
Thank you Nina! Glad you liked it. Yes WA is awesome, as long as you are ready to put in some time to learn and complete the tasks given it WILL work and you are going to make money no doubt…You can join for free here:http://bit.ly/1MX4Wzg The rest is up to you, and really sky is the limit! / John
You are doing a great service here thank you
Thank you Jim! I appreciate that.
Thanks jim, I do appreciate this.
I was almost falling a victim.
Guess you mean me (John) 🙂 🙂 No problem Mimi! Makes me VERY glad I help people out with this.
/Best regards
I am so glad that you kept it real.
Thank you! Makes me very glad to hear that
Hi John I an so glad I read your view on this as I was looking in to it . I would like to know about what other advice you could give some one who wants to learn more about making money on line and what great opportunities you think might be out there for me to look in too,
Regards Mays
Hi Mays, thank you am only glad to help out. Well if you would want to learn all that I strongly recommend that you look into this: http://startmakestopwaste.com/the-wealthy-affiliate-review-2016-insider-information
It is completely free to get started and you will learn alot if you follow the step-by-step lessons.
All the best to you and happy new year! 🙂
Thank goodness I almost signed up for that scam thank you
glad I helped you out. That makes me really happy to hear/ John
Hey John thanks so much for giving me some insight about the website. I almost bought it and I’m glad your article made me change my mind.
No problem you are most welcome! Just glad to help you, that makes me really happy! Thank you!
Thank you so much for this! I was honestly about to do it, was going to the other day but decided to wait till today so could on my day off. Was a very big uplift when was watching it cause was thinking bout my kids and being debt free. But thank you again for this review!
No problem Jene! It makes me glad that you found this review before you got into that scam. If you want to make money online I suggest you check out my #1 recommendation, just keep in mind that it will take some time and work before you start making money. Thank you for reading! /John
Thanks you soooo much John, I too was about to sign up! It sucks that these people get away with these scams.
I’ll look into WA now. What do you think about being and Amazon Affiliate
Nevermind, I realize you have a link for more info. on being an Amazon Affiliate.
Thanks ALOT!
Lol! No problem! Thank you Alexis! It makes me glad that I helped you avoid this scam! :o)
Thank you for saving me from this scam
No problem! That makes me really happy :o) Thank you Rachel for your comment!
Thanks John for taking the time to put this out. I didn’t fall for it (as you stated it was so obvious) but I was also curious.
Have a great holiday season!!
Thank you Deacon! Have a great holiday season you to!
Thanks very much that you proved that mentor thing is fake I thought it was true
Thanks you Musaddik! It makes me really happy to hear that! :o)
So how can I make money online and work from home?
Try this: http://bit.ly/1MX4Wzg
and I be more than happy to help you! :o) See you there! /John
i am shawon patwary from bangladesh.and i am a graphic designer and Freelancer.and i creat a logo,buesnescard,flayer and many item creat.i want to online marketing.sir please you have give my earning policy.
Thanks for info that was well said
Thanks man! I appreciate it! /John
I have gotten a lot of emails from this company so normally I do my review check on a company before I even spend money that I don’t have so I do greatly appreciate your review it’s saved me my money thank you
Thank you Bianca, makes me very glad to hear that! /John
I’m glad I filtered out all these dubious programs out there and discovered Wealthy Affiliate. I’m just baffled how people are so easily lured into all these scams and these people are actually making pretty good profits. I had some people that came my way to make me join their programs as well, but I always felt like if they’re promotion is too aggressive, I found it shady.
Hi John thanks a lot for the advice to stay away. Just wondering with WA, are there costs later on down the track after the free sign up & to access other things?
No problem, I get very happy from hearing that I have helped you out, that is the whole purpose of this blog.
About WA, It is free for as long as you want, you decide yourself if you upgrade or not. If you later on, want to upgrade there is a cost of $47 a month or you can also pay for the whole year and get it for $359 a year (that is only $29 a month).
You can read more about WA here: http://startmakestopwaste.com/the-wealthy-affiliate-review-2016-insider-information
/Best regards
The worst thing about this program is that it’s listed among job searches! I was browsing through job searches and found:
“Work From Home
Make Money Instantly. $2K+ Per Week
Description: Full Time Income With Part-Time Hours. No Previous Experience Required…
I was just looking for a regular J.O.B. I’m glad I checked this scam out.
Yes, that is crazy!
I would like very much to get started with you, but you do not accept me
when i hit the “create account” link??? NH
I don´t know what country you are from, some countries are not allowed to the free membership, you can see which ones here: http://startmakestopwaste.com/the-wealthy-affiliate-review-2016-insider-information
Hope that helps!
/Best regards
I was thinking about signing up for the millionaire scam too until something told me to google it because I’m like this can not be real & I was listening to some of the people on the video & that’s when I got on that they were lying, one of the “testimonies” had a girl saying that it was her first month & she made “so & so” much money, but then in another scene, they showed her again, same everything, I mean place, hair, even clothes, but they had said it was her 6th month & she was getting a BMW & when I saw that I remember her & thought to myself “wait, didn’t she just say it was her first month?” & that’s what really made me google the program for reviews to see if it was fake or not. So thank you Mr. John.
I knew it was too good to be true 🙁 .
Yepp, these things are always scams.
Thanks for your comment T`Ara!
/Best regards
Thanks for this editorial. The one thing I found is that Jason Stone is the @Millionaire_Mentor on Instagram with 1.7m followers and keeps talking about making $10,000/mo on autopilot and how to flip houses with $0 down but I couldn’t find any proven results from himself except other than recently getting a poor guy Eric Mayers or @ejmayers to pay a franchise fee for Local Door Coupons because apparently putting coupons on people’s doors is the best way to get them to use coupons (and not online or groupon)? is this Ryan Matthews the same person as Jason Stone or different? Both seem to be scams for sure though!
I don´t know if it is the same person, but agree that it sounds very “scammy” as well. There are many “millionaire mentors/gurus” online
Thanks for your comment!
/Best regards
Thanks John for your warming, I just watched their video like 3 hours ago. Didn’t sign up. I googled them and found out they are crocks big time… After they found out I didn’t make $97 payment, they hv been emailing me like crazy……… It’s sad how some people becomes millionaire from broke people….
Thank you, makes me very glad to hear this review helped you out.
/Best regards
I got the scam email from My Millionaire Mentor and decided to check it out on Google, when I found your blog. I know that you are Swedish and have already admitted that your English isn’t perfect, but have you considered getting someone to proof read your blogs before posting them? You have a lot of great information to give all of us, and I think that if someone would “clean up” your English grammar errors and punctuation, your blogs would be even more impressive. It’s obvious that you are very intelligent, but it’s distracting from the content when there are so many glaring mistakes. I hope that I haven’t offended you, as that is the last thing I would wish. You are performing a valuable service for all of us naive Internet users. Thanks!
Thank you for all your kind words Susan! Glad I can help 🙂 Also, thanks for the grammar advice 🙂 You can only offend someone that get offended, and I ain´t getting that 😉
/Best regards
thank you john.
I saw this ad. came as an email.
I said, I must check if this person for real. all I came up with is a football player but nothing linking him to being a millionair.
then I read your article .
thanks man.
im sure I dnt need ryan to make a million.
No problem, glad to help you out!
/Best regards
I paid a fortune to join the My Millionaire Mentor. Can I opt out and get my money back ?
Well, you can try but I wouldn´t have too much of expectations… Feel free to come back here and tell us how it works out for you, it can help others.
Thank you for your comment
/Best regards
Thank you very much,you helped me and prevent the scammer from cheating me
Nobody is more happy than me to hear that, that is the main purpose of this site. It is a great feeling knowing that it helps a lot of people (like yourself) many times over and over.
Thank you!
Kiaora John,
This scam is so obviously despicable it makes my blood curl. It is so easy to see its
nothing but a scam.
I too was once one of those people who nearly fell for this type of hype and B.S! It told
me everything I wanted to here.
What annoys me so much is this scam is so obviously a scam to the more seasoned
internet surfer but theres a lot of scams out there that are really so believable, they use
every professional method to make their scams believable and believe me some scams
are brilliantly presented its scary. Thats right peeps they use subliminal suggestions
they use counselling techniques you name it they use it. They add upsells so people
continue to buy.
The skill and technique and the lengths that some scammers have gone to, to basically
fleece good hard working people of their money is incredible. If only they rechanneled
that skill and technique into creating an online business that really can help others to
make money online this world would be a better place.
Yes you are so right its key to think if something sounds too good to be true then hon it
probably is.
Starting up an online busines is just like buying a physical business or buying your own
home you must absolutely without a doubt do your due diligence and research research
research! I don’t know why but people on the internet tend to forget that? Is it because
credit cards are so easily accessible these days that some people forget to check the
Luckily the readers here have amazingly used really good discernment skills I nearly got
taken the only thing that saved me in that 3 years was I was flat broke and could not
afford to buy anything otherwise I would have gotten scammed along with the
multitude and then I wouldve felt like a fool.
I searched for about 3 years solid and I came out angry at all the scammers because I
found only two legit sites online then out of hundreds. Thats right only two!
It used to take me about two weeks to discern a scam because some of them are so clever
now, but now I can discern a scam in two seconds!
As I said I became angry and that experience now drives me to be everything that those
scammers are not today. I certainly hope they get their just deserves!
I totally agree Wealthy Affiliate in my opinion is the very best site on the market today
(and has been for many years now) for being the best place to get all the information
and support from real millionnaires and successful entrepreneurs. I have come the full
circle again and am resigning up with them today. I will go on to make my first million in
achievable steps because Wealthy Affiliate makes it all possible not only for the
complete beginner but also for the very experienced entrepreneurs.
Thanks John its refreshing to see your post it gives me hope that there are more like us
out there who care about people and this industry.
Kind regards from Edith Barrett Hiri see you at Wealthy Affiliate 🙂
Thank you for your story, I recognise many of the feelings you describe.
/See you at WA
I love your review on My Millionaire Mentor. I was watching the video and that guy just kept beating around the bush about everything. So I Googled: What is My Millionaire Mentor and found your site. Hope those keywords helps you there. You were straight to the point and I clicked off that site after reading your review, that and I was tired of hearing his annoying voice. Thanks a lot 😉
Lol! Thank you
Thank you John. I have really started checking scams out. It took me 3 times getting burned to start looking for scams, your review stopped me from getting hooked by the fourth My Millionaire Mentor. I am a young 60 year old who woke up after being strong and healthy and within 24 hours went through two open heart surgeries and a mild stroke. I am not able to return to work so am looking for a way to make money online from home. Thanks for saving me from losing the little money I have left to live on. I’m glad there is someone like you looking out for us.
Makes me very glad to hear you found the Review helpful. All the best to you. If you want to learn how to make Money online you should read this Review: http://startmakestopwaste.com/the-wealthy-affiliate-review-2016-insider-information
I know your take on My Millionaire Mentor, but I’d like to know what’s your take on MOBE? Taking in count their letting this guy promote their business in such a shady way.
Haven´t looked into MOBE but now I might do when you have told me 🙂
Thanks for this warning !! It is like herbalife.. earn money no working and bla bla.. I have lost about 100 dollars on it. And i do not want anyone swallows this crap. I ve receveid many emails from myMillionaire i dont know what.. and i decided to investigate this so easily make money site.
Thank you !!
Glad to help out! /Thank you for your comment
thank you so much ..
im from south korea and im spending very hard time to find a job… and im 24 years old
and i almost signed up for this bullshit… but you saved me damn…thank you so much
one more time i realized that there is no any making easy money in this world.
xxxxxx have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy thanks
Well there is no such thing as fast Money.. It don´t have to be that hard though but it will most likely take some time to learn how to make it work
/Best regards kyeung
I am a software developer, and to be honest, the only reason “marketing” is a thing, is because fortunately for marketers, there are too many uneducated people in this world. Half-smart people (marketers) are using brain dead (average people) for their benefit – as how they become millionaires, which is really sad, and I don’t know how is this even legal.
I find it depressing to work for 3 months and barely get paid $300, while scammers with 0% of knowledge compared to engineer earn 25 times more per week. This is something that makes me want to abandon what I love to do and start scamming people because it seems to easy to do today, since no one respects actual hard work anymore.
I am done with life.
Yes it is absolutely true that the scammers are the big Money earners online.. Unfortunatly… it is sad that people that are scamming people are making more than the ones directing them in the right direction, I absolutely agree with that. However, there is absolutely possible to make very good money without having to be involved in scamming people. It requires you to work though.
/Stay possitive
thank you very much i saw someone named jason stone. he offers the same things but for 1 dollar. legit or also fake?
Haven´t seen it but my guess is that it is most likely the same bullshit, I mean this one don´t even cost nothing, it is “free” but to start the “trading magic” you need to invest the minimum deposit… If trading is something you want to do there are ones that you can do “training trades” with demo money before you invest any of your own real Money into it. This one for example: http://startmakestopwaste.com/what-is-avatrade-another-scam-trading-program-for-us
I agree with you
But i have only one doubt
Does in this blog you ate talking about millionarie mentor who is started by jason stone bro?
Not sure if I understand what you mean?