It is time to make a review about the NeoBux. What is NeoBux? A Scam or a legit site? Opportunity to make some money or not? Waste of time or worth trying? These are some of the questions this short review will focus on. Sounds good? Ok, let´s go!
Product: NeoBux
Owner: Goes under the alias: “Fernando” of Portugal
Price: Free to join
Who is it for: People who want to make small extra money online doing simple tasks
What Is NeoBux – A Scam?
NeoBux is a pretty popular PTC (Paid To Click) site that has been online since 2008. It is free to join and you can start working right away, doing simple tasks, mainly by clicking on ads. For this, you will get paid a minimal amount per ad you view so to make a few bucks is going to take a lot of time.
This is nothing new, there are many similar sites online, the most famous and the best one (in my opinion) is ClixSense that has been online since 2007.
Why You Get Paid To Simply Watch Ads?
The reason you get paid (barely nothing) is because the website is a place for advertisers to show their products for potential customers (the members of NeoBux). The members of NeoBux consists to 100% (just a wild guess) of people who want to make money online. So you can guess what kind of advertisement you will click on?
So you can guess what kind of advertisement you will click on? Yes, that´s right, it is going to be “making money online” products/programs.
As a member you are going to have to click on these ads to be able to earn, sometimes you probably going to get interested on what you see and maybe even buy it.
That´s also why you will get paid because the advertiser has bought “ad space” on the site, with that money (part of) the site will pay you.
Sounds logical, right?
A BIG Warning Here!
Just because someone is allowed to put an ad on the site don´t mean the ad you watch is a legit opportunity. in fact, most of the ads you watch will be complete bullshit products and straight out scams. So please keep that in mind if you plan to try NeoBux (or any other PTC) out!
Is NeoBux A Scam Or Not?
So, is NeoBux a scam? Well, to be honest, there is a risk that it can be. There is a lot of complaints from users that claims they haven´t been paid and/or have been banned from the site without any warning or reason. There is also people who say they have been paid, if you try it out you have at least been warned here.
If you are interested in this kind of “work” I would rather recommend you to try ClixSense that don´t have this kind of complaints instead.
Why You Should/Should Not Try NeoBux
If you are ok with watching ads all day for very small earnings (we talk about $0,001 per ads here) for watching an ad for 5-10 seconds. Also, you ain´t going to get unlimited ads to watch each day, more likely 30 per day. So 30 times $0,001 is $0,030. That is your average daily earning… Not a very fun job or what do you think?
It is of course up to you, but I can tell you that you could make much better things with your time, build your own website for example and learn how to make a complete living online instead of chasing cents by clicking on “unreliable” ads. I am sure you would find that a bit more fun and interesting.
Final Words and Verdict
Overall rating: 2/10
I think I have made it pretty clear what the NeoBux site is about and what I think about it. If you are ok with putting a lot of time on something for very small money then go ahead. Just remember it has a lot of complaints from users who say they don´t get paid and also from users that say they have been banned for no reason.
If you like the idea of clicking on ads, playing games and taking surveys then check out ClixSense instead, I actually made $10 there in just 2 days of taking some surveys and clicking on ads. Not big money I know but pretty good if you compare to NeoBux.
It doesn´t get better than that with a PTC program, they aren´t supposed to bring in a full-time income.
In my opinion, it feels more like a BIG waste of time and that is something I never recommend. Your time is worth more than that!
Your time is worth more than that!
Want Try A BIG Money Opportunity Program Instead?
The reality is that there is no “push one button and get rich” thing. If you want to make big money online you are going to have to put in both time and effort to make that happen. On the other hand, it is not very complicated once you learn it. IF you get the right training and support of course. It might even take months before you make your first money online, if you are ready to make it happen and are determined I am absolutely sure that you will. It is no rocket science.
There are a few places online that can teach you this stuff and the absolute best one I know of and that I know work is Wealthy Affiliate. It is even $0 FREE to get started and you even get 2 free websites from the free starter membership. There is also a paid membership to consider later on but it is absolutely not needed. It is up to you and you can stay as a free member for as long as you want.
I suggest you try it out for free first to see if it is something you could see yourself doing first. I can tell you that it can even be ALOT of fun. First thing they teach you is how you can take any interest you might have and make it to a full-time business online.
Read more about that opportunity here<==
Hope you found this short review of NeoBux to be helpful and now you have a better understanding of what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have tried it please share your experience with us in the comment section below. Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more to happy to answer them.
I wish you success!
Thank you for reading
Owner of:
Thanks for sharing good tips for neobux . Recently I join the site and i withdraw $3 from this site. They pay me instantly.