Thinking of joining The Pampered Chef? What is Pampered Chef? Is it a scam or as good as it sounds? Is it a pyramid scheme? Can you make good money with it? These are the questions this review will focus on.
What Is Pampered Chef?
Pampered Chef is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company that got a huge selection of cooking products for the kitchen. Those are the products you are going to sell. You will make commissions for the things you sell, and you can also get commissions from the people you recruit into Pampered Chef. Just like in any MLM (pyramid scheme) the ones you recruit goes into your “downline”.
How Does It Work?
To start working you need to buy a package to get the basic “getting started” materials. Your choice is to either buy the basic kit for $99 or the larger kit for $159. The packs are made to help you demonstrate the things you sell when you, for example, invite people to a “party”.
People who start with this business mostly invite friends and family to show the products. More advanced sellers more likely have a cooking demonstration ready. However, you will pretty soon run out of friends and family to sell to.
That is also why Pampered Chef offers you to set up a website. This is so you can reach more people outside of your own social circle. This will cost you an extra $10 a month.
The big problem as I immediately see here is that you DO NOT get any training on how to get people to you website.
No visitors mean NO SALES… So again you have to tell people you already know about your website, or else nobody will find it. So, what is the point of getting a website? Well, if you don´t know how to get visitors to find it there is absolutely no point in my opinion.
====>If you want a website for FREE and also learn how you can sell exactly what you want from it, AND how to get people from all over the world to find it click here!
Is Pampered Chef A Pyramid Scheme?
So, is Pampered Chef A Pyramid Scheme? The answer to that question is yes. With that beeing said it means that only selling the products, won´t be enough to make good money.
You will NOT make any significant amounts of money if you don´t recruit people “under you” to start selling Pampered chef products also.
Why You Should NOT Start Selling With Pampered Chef
I have to admit that Pampered Chef got som pretty good products that someone with a cooking interest could really enjoy selling, no doubt about that. However, only selling the products won´t bring in any big amounts
You are going to have to get people to join “under you” in the pyramid structure… This is also the BIG reason why I DO NOT recommend you getting involved.
It won´t be enough to only get some family and friends to starts selling the same things “under you”, you are going to have to convince a whole lot more people than that… How are you going to do that? Knocking on doors?
Because the website you get if you pay an extra $10 a month won´t help you with that, trust me I know. How do I know that? Well, I actually help people every day to build websites and generate traffic (people) to their sites.
Another (the main BIG) reason you don´t want to get involved is simply the fact that it is an MLM business (pyramid scheme).
It is actually illegal to promote a pyramid scheme and many MLMs have been closed down by law enforcement lately, many others are under investigation…
Even if you succeed in any MLM business and make a lot of money when it gets closed down, your business is gone forever, and no more money is coming in… It is simply not a safe and sustainable business model.
My best recommendation for you if you want to sell cooking equipment online is to do it on your own. Don´t be that person that is a pain in the ass to your friends asking them to buy your things. Create a safe and solid business online instead and sell to ANYONE who is already interested in the things in the first place.
Final Words and Verdict:
Verdict: Scam
Overall rating: 3/10
Ok, I know many of you won´t agree that the Pampered Chef is a scam, but in my opinion, it is a scam. Why? Because they got bad products? No. Because they got overpriced product? No. Because you cannot make money? No. Because it is a pyramid scheme? Yes.
I never recommend that you get involved in pyramid schemes simply because it is not a safe and solid way to build up your business. There is also way better ways to make better money without having to recruit people. The best way is by far
The best way is by far affiliate marketing. It is the exact same method that has made many people able to quit their 9-5 jobs and has also made A LOT of millionaires. It also allows you to sell anything you want, that you don´t own yourself!
Other Ways To Make Money Online
It is not easy to find legit and solid ways to make money online. You have probably seen many “opportunities” online in the subject, you should know that about 95% of the are scams. But don´t make the mistake thinking that everything is crap, there are real legit ways to do it, but first you have to find them of course. In the link below you can see my top 5 list of legit ways to do it. But if selling cooking equipment is what you want to do you should check out my #1 Recommendation. If you are open to other things, click the link below.
Click here for my top recommendation program to make money online!
I hope you found this review of the Pampered Chef to be helpful and now you should have a better idea of what it is and also better options to do exactly the same thing without being involved in a pyramid scheme. If you have tried it please leave your experience in the comment section below. Also if you got any questions just ask!
Please leave a comment!
Thank you for reading!
Owner of:
Thank God somebody said it! My friends keep inviting me to go to these things and I think they’re totally ridiculous. I asked two of them what it was and they said it was just people getting together and cooking and it’s not, it’s like a friggin Tupperware party!
Lol! sounds like you are getting a little tired of your friends being “nice” inviting you to parties with and “underlying intention” haha that is almost always the case with people getting involved with MLM.
Sometimes the get aggressive to I have noticed… Thank you for confirming one of my main points why someone should not get involved in MLM (pyramid schemes)..
Also thank you for making me laugh with your funny comment! Hope you find ways to avoid you friends Tupperware parties in the future! Lol!
Hello there,
Thanks for your great article! There is a lot of scam out there when it comes to make money online and you never know who to trust.
These pyramid schemes can be very tricky and I don’t think that they can create steady income and make you happy.
Well, they can make you an income but if the company gets shut down your business will be no more… Also, it is NOT likely to be successful because you are going to have to get a lot of people to work “under you” and if selling chef products (or any other product) is something you want to do you are much better off doing it without having to involve yourself in MLM.
That way you are creating your own business and then there is no risk that it gets shut down all of a sudden.
Hi John, At first I was surprised that the opportunity would exist for a person to join an MLM online business which revolved around cooking/baking and being a chef. However with the rapid rise of “cooking-reality” shows that have popped up on tv I thought otherwise.
Someone WOULD indeed try to exploit a scam trying to get gullible people interested in a business which promotes baking/cooking.
As you stated and proved, The Pampered Chef is a complete pyramid scheme with its set-up. The fact that you can only earn money if your down-line provides profits to you through THEIR involvement in promoting their business is just so putrid. Being placed above these people in your down-line, you would get the profits, they would get nothing, (unless people were to eventually join under them further extending the down-line)
Of course previously being stupid myself in joining such a MLM fraud company, I’d love to ask these people why in the world they would choose to join such a scam believing that they could get rich with this opportunity.
But as was the case with me, many get blinded by the idea of attaining financial freedom anyway they can – and before they really study the business model/construction of that company.
Just the whole premise of this fraud opportunity and what would be involved with a person building up his/her business, (hosting “parties, really?) just smells like those old presentations seen at “time-shares” where you were forced to sit at 1 – 4 hour meetings and be fed a bunch of b.s. by some person twisting your arm to get involved in a “once and a lifetime” money-making opportunity. And which was 100% fraudulent.
Another great review of a scam online MLM business John!
Well said Jeff! And Thanks!
/Best regards
I really like some of the products pampered chef has to offer. So much so that this was one of the at home businesses I got myself involved with years ago. The biggest problem for me with all of it was the fact that in order to succeed with this business, you HAD to go out and pestering your family and friends to host a party and buy the products. I don’t like it when other people annoy me with their business party garbage so how could I turn around and do that to others? I ended up only buying products I wanted for myself but after a couple months of being hounded by the girl who enrolled me, I walked away. It just wasn’t worth it to me.
Yes, that is one big reason to stay away I guess, being a pain in the ass for family and friends is not the person you want to be. Absolutely agree with you!
Thank you Hillary for your comment and telling about your experience!
/Best regards
Hi John, most MLM businesses usually turn out to be scams.
Your effort to expose some of these pyramid schemes really goes a long way to help people not to waste their money and time, but rather focus on more important things.
Your #1 recommended platform is the way to go for any one who really wants to create a website and make money from it. I am part of the platform and their training is simple, up to date, and actually works.
Nice review.
To your success.
As a Pampered Chef Consultant, I have to disagree with your assessment. The website isn’t required, but it does help if you are hosting mainly virtual shows instead of cooking shows. And even then, I don’t think you fully understand how the website works. Additionally, I don’t know how you did your research but you didn’t do a good job researching a thing. It’s like you had it in your mind that PC has to be a pyramid and a scam.
First off, PC has been operating for 37 years now. If it was a scam and a pyramid scheme, it would have shut down by now. There are also 3 kits you can choose from. You highlighted only 2 of them. I bought the more expensive of the 2 you highlighted. Within one month, I earned more than I spent on the kit. To me, that made it a win. Not only that, but I earned some additional products through sales bonuses.
To say that you can’t earn money unless you recruit is a LIE! I love that I earn from the work I put in to my business. Is it easy to get people to go to parties? Not all the time. That does take effort, the same effort any salesperson faces. But I do know some consultants earning $1350 a month from SALES alone. That doesn’t count any bonuses they get on top for having recruits under them.
As for the products themselves, they are worth the price. They are great quality and have guarantees/warranties on them that you won’t find at Bed, Bath, & Beyond on their products. That is why they do good business. And, if you don’t like the prices (comparable to William & Sonoma), don’t buy it. Easy peasy.
Thank you for responding with an educated and knowledgeable answer. I am also a Pampered Chef Consultant and I love the fact that I can set my own hours and generate the income that meets my goals by how hard I want to work. This 37 year old company is amazing and the opportunities are endless. It’s sad when people write opinions on things they know absolutely nothing about. Thank you again!