This review is on a new program called Phoenix Power Rising. What is Phoenix Power Rising about? Is it a scam or a legit opportunity? A pyramid scheme or not? A train you should jump on or a boat ready to sink? These are some of the questions this short review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: Phoenix Power Rising
Owner: ? (no info on site)
Price: Free to join but requires a minimum deposit of $120 to participate in the (earning) matrix. To participate in the other 2 levels it costs an extra $500 + $2,000
Who is it for: MLM enthusiasts (in best case) but most likely for nobody!!
What is Phoenix Power Rising about?
If you take a look at the (bad quality looking) website you will (hopefully) understand pretty quick that it is kind of a pyramid scheme. One that probably will disappear very fast…
It is presented as a fast cycling 2 x 3 Matrix. Sounds very fancy, right? Well, you can call a piece of shit a diamond, it is still a piece of shit 🙂 I might over react a little here but I just want you to get the point.
**Tired of scams and pyramid schemes? Check this out instead <==
How Does It Work?
It is promoted as a free to join opportunity. However, it will cost $120 to get a position in the (earning) matrix. This can lead to an earning of $300 when you have cycled. After that, you will be automatically put in the cycle again.
Below is a screenshot from the level 1 (pyramid) structure.
Important to mention here is that there are no guarantees AT ALL that you will earn anything.
Once you have bought your $120 position (level 1) you can also buy higher level positions. Level 2 costs $500 and level 3 costs $2000.
I say it again, DO NOT forget that there are NO GUARANTEES AT ALL that you will make any earnings!
Where is the money coming from that Phoenix Power Rising is going to pay out all this money to it´s members?? There is no answer to this if you look on the site or ask on the Facebook group.
The real answer is most likely that the money is going to come from new members joining and putting new money into the program… That is also why this program won´t last long…
Do you think that sounds safe and solid? Sounds like a very unstable model to me, if not illegal?
Is Phoenix Power Rising Illegal?
Is it illegal? Well, it would be if it wasn´t a product. Any similar “program” need a product to call it legit. So, what kind of products is Phoenix Power Rising offer then?
The products and services their members will have access to are stuff like this:
- Buyers Club
- Travel Deals
- Groceries
- Office Supplies
- Attractions
- Magazines
- Rental Cars
- Discount Moving
- Legal Councel
- Flowers & Gifts
- Motor Homes
- Business Letters
- Online Fitness
- Roadside Service
- Tires & Wheels
- Pharmacy Card
- Wellness
Hmm? Legal Councel? What is that? 🙂
Is Phoenix Power Rising A Scam?
So, is Phoenix Power Rising a scam? Well, I have a very strong feeling it is a scam. Why? Well if you have read the text above I have pointed out a few VERY alarming signs. Then there is also one more thing…
There is no way to cash out any money yet! There are no cashout options! It will be added later it is claimed. IF the owner of the program isn´t just waiting to make a runner with all the cash that people have been putting in of course…
I am absolutely not saying this is the case here but I am saying it has happened endless off times before and it will continue to happen,
Ever heard of Hyips and Ponzis?
Click the link if you want to read what a Hyip and/or Ponzi program is: >Click here opens in new window<
I just gonna say that I recommend you to stay away from this “opportunity” for now.
Why You Should/Should Not Join PPR (Phoenix Power Rising)
I do not see any reason for you to join this new program called Phoenix Power Rising, I can only see reasons why you should NOT.
Final Words and Verdict
Overall rating: 1/10
I think I have made my point pretty clear on this one. Stay far away!
Please do not waste your time and money on this, you are most likely setting yourself up for a big headache if you do.
2 months from now (+-) I can almost assure you that this program don´t exist online anymore. Or maybe it does… with a different name but with the same unstable structure… and “mysterious owner”.
How Making Money Online The Safe Way Works?
There can be easy to start thinking that everything and anything online is a scam, I absolutely understand if you think like that. I almost thought that too before I learned how it all really works. I have been scammed many times online in the past and lost a lot of money on complete bullshit programs.
However, I was lucky and found a program that works. It is no magic though money didn´t come to me just by joining the program.
I had to put in both time and effort before it happened, but when it did things started to get clearer.
I am not talking about MLM or pyramid stuff here, if that is what you think. Those things are absolutely not for me and also not the best way to make money online.
If you are interested in learning more about this click the link below and see for yourself what I am talking about.
I hope you found this short review of Phoenix Power Rising to be helpful and now you know what it is all about. If you have experience with the program please share it with us below, it can help others! Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them.
I wish you success and all the best!
Thank you for reading
Owner of: Start Make Stop Waste
Hey John,
I have to agree with you. This sounds like garbage and should be avoided. Once people start talking about matrix in their compensation plan, I roll my eyes. It usually means its an MLM or a straight out scam. And I have no interest in either. So thanks for warning us!
Thank you Eddy! Glad you liked the review and I have to say I absolutely agree with you on what you say!
Thank you again for your comment!
/Best regards
It u can’t trust mlms then I dono about ur online business success as for me yesterday I withdrew 1,600$ from Phoenix. To those that enjoy free things no sign up fee no recruiting etc all you need to do sign up and any person that joins after you each you get 30$….go on hurry….joined last week but have withdrawn about 1810$….and my team is growing fast….its free and soon going 4 120$ signup fee….(remember free sign up is expiring on 3rd/06/16…midnight…from 4th it will be at a cost of 120$…so efficient use)
Power Phoenix Rising definitely seems to spell scam all over it. In fact, the term “earning matrix” in itself seems to signal a pyramid right from the get-go. Especially since there appears to be no information on it’s website page to substantiate any legitimate earnings or even trainings. Thanks for sharing your analysis of this MLM which almost obviously seems to be a scam,
Exactly! Thank you for your comment!
/Best regards
Thanks for throwing light on Phoenix Power Rising Pyramid Business. it is going to help many who want to try some legit online business.
i am always avoiding the schemes which are asking for money before start earning. And as you said that there is no information about the owner on the site, it seems as a non-trustworthy program.
Interesting read on the Phoenix power rising. Knew it was a scam when I read your title as it had the word pyramid in! Tend to stay away from these things as I have heard a lot of bad things when it comes to pyramid schemes.
I joined an MLM program once and I had to pay $40 only to be told that to progress in the course I had to pay $1,200. What a waste of $40.
Wow John you are a fairly powerful communicator. I love that you are clear and right to the point.Your message on both Phoenix Power and WA were very strong and authoritative. I wasn’t real sure what Phoenix Power was or how it worked. Was I supposed to know that going in because I was coming to you for a review on it? In any event I was very very convinced what ever it was I was having no part of it. Like your very direct style. Good luck to you..
Okay I’m a member of Phoenix power Rising comma and I need to correct a few of the lies on this page. Lie number one you have to pay $120 to get started. I didn’t pay $120 I got on free and I’m making money daily. Lie number two, there is no owner info on site. Oh there it is and she even speaks on YouTube on the videos I get this frequently from my sponsor and I personally sponsor 5 people as of right now and gaming. And it’s not a scam or a pyramid scam. It’s legitimate so before someone goes slandering a company oh wait I guess that’s libel since it’s in print, I would recommend personally that they have all their facts straight before running off at the mouth because that’s how b******* lies and rumors get started bye haters who are too stupid to navigate the site and not smart enough to comprehend how to actually use it. It’s actually fairly simple it takes a real moron not to know how to navigate it and even bigger moron to go on the internet all over the world LOL about a company that they don’t know a goddamn thing about. Please forgive me for being frank but here’s your facts jack off
Just because you got the subscription for free doesn´t mean everybody gets it for free. By the way… are you able to withdraw your “earned” money?
Withdrawals start June 1st when this goes into full launch and they are paying out by Payza, iCare Card And By Cashier Check With More Options Coming Soon. After launch people can still join for free if they don’t have the $120 and either their sponsor can pay their way in or if their sponsor doesn’t have the funds in their account then the company will place that free referral in a pool and pay their $120 fee for them and then place those members in someone’s downline to help everyone earn but they will have to pay the $120 back when they earn it. As far as the products they are pretty good, I can save up to 60% on over 300,000 products are services and they even have dropshipping and I could sell these products on ebay for a profit and never touch the products because the company does the shipping for you and that’s another stream of income that people can take advantage of. This Discount Shopping Network has been in business for over 30 years. I can not see where this is a scam, looks like a pretty good program to me.
Everything that glitters ain´t gold. So, you basically borrow money to start something here you telling me, hmm?
Well I guess you do. We will see how this turns out, I did make an $1,800 withdrawal to my Payza account this morning.
Y not using payza
HEAR! HEAR! Well said Nikkie!! This moron should get his facts right before spreading rumours and lies!! NONE of us have paid in a single dollar!! So even if it does go pear shaped – we have lost absolutely nothing !
We are still in pre-launch phase and will not officially launch until June 1st. That is when we will be able to withdraw if we desire.
When you see what happens then you will be in a better position to make judgement!
Over 320,000 can’t be wrong!!!
Until then stop scam mongering! Find something decent to do with your time..
Just in case you didn´t know, scams are the absolute best selling “products” in the make money online industry.
Well, I guess the nr 1 reason is that people always look for a quick fix and a shortcut to something that is none of that.
Big SCAM when i suscribe on this site and i pur chase 120$ after 5hours this site is not available Phoenix power rising is a SCAM
I joined also at the recom of a good friend. Did not see anything wrong here. Yes the website needs some upgrading as I see that I can not acces sit in the morning times, but have to waith this after 8 PM in the evening, I will be abkle to go online then. Yes, I signed up a couple of folks, wea re alll waiting to see the money rolling in and the game stert. Heads up. RVH.
Don´t you think it is a little strange that the website can´t be accessed in the morning time??
The site can be accessed at anytime and the site was down because they were updating the server to handle the huge amount of traffic it’s getting.
Yes ok, well those things tend to happen a lot to programs that don´t last for very long. Be careful with the program ok, just an advice.
/Best regards
tanks for throwing more light into Phoenix
Power Rising Pyramid Business. im really grateful because i jst came across it online and try 2 find out more about it and looking at their website alone i knew it was a scam.
God bless you richly
Sorry to say it but your “investigation” is not correct. Yes, it is a mlm program, no doubt about it. BUT you don´t have to pay $120. The program pay your entrance and you pay back when you reach the first bonus level. There is a payout option (Money Order) and a payment processor will soon be implemented. The company is registered in California. The question is: How can it be a scam if you don´t have to pay for joining? However, I agree to that this program doesn´t look trustworthy all the way through. No address, no email (apart from a Contact Us function not revealing their own email address) no telephone. No money lost but I can feel the smell of a dead rat somewhere.
The smell of a dead rat is all over the place on the Phoenix Power Rising site. I have seen many scams that are free, you can be scammed in other ways, like getting more people to join for example.
Payment processor will soon be implemented, hmm I have heard that one before. Hope the plane don´t crash 🙂
Thanks for exposing another scam, but there are so many of them. It seems like people never stop falling for all those scammy programs. But, thanks to articles and websites like yours, at least some people can learn an be saved from wasting their hard earned money. What do you think? Why people continue wasting money in such a way?
Thank you Sandy. Well, people want to believe that it is easy as that to make money online. We would all like it to be like that, right? This is something the scammers know about and will take advantage of.
Because they want to make money and they have no consious lol!
I have a post on how to spot a scam that covers some of the most common scam tactics used and how to spot them, if you want you can read it here:
HI there John,
What an absolute horrible bunch, eh! utter scum bags praying on people’s desperate and dire need to earn some extra cash really, really despicable horrible of them.
Gotta take my hat off to guys like you who put their balls on the line and call ’em out on their scams!
Well done for that.
Thank you Derek!
In my first few years of trying to earn money online I joined several similar programs to the one reviewed by you John and I lost money on all of them. Sure I was able to earn affiliate commissions on some of them but to withdraw my commission was another matter. Ultimately they all disappeared from sight within a few years. Good review John and a timely warning to all – if it looks too good to be true it probably is!
In my first few years of trying to earn money online I joined several similar programs to the one reviewed by you John and I lost money on all of them. Sure I was able to earn affiliate commissions on some of them but to withdraw my commission was another matter. Ultimately they all disappeared from sight within a few years. Good review John and a timely warning to all – if it looks too good to be true it probably is!
Thank you!
You are absolutely right and I am pretty sure this is one of them “disappearing programs”
/Best regards
I can’t say this is a scam yet. I didn’t pay one dime and the 135 people I signed up so far haven’t paid anything either. I am getting good results using the advertising they have on the site to promote my other programs. They say people will be able to withdraw their earnings buy June 1st and they will be using Payza and iCare for the payment processors so I guess we will all know then. They do have a product and it may not be a product that some people may like but it’s a product. They will be taking back the $120 from your profits to pif for someone else if they pif for you. I’m just holding off for right now saying this one is a scam.
This is not a scam from Phoenix there is nothing you lost $120 you pay from your matrix and not from your pocket
I wonder … scam or lack of effort… tends to be alot of peoples issue … pushing throught reviews and such can be a hard thing to do for the novice marker of any MLM companies as you can see there are not many PR participants available to speak up about the matter… being that it is a startup company and it’s just now starting it’s kind of hard to tell I’ve been in plenty of companies that start up and later on fail but does it make it a scam… no it means the person driving the ship was not fit to drive.. I have worked and spoken with plenty of people who do well in such Companies. .. do I wanna #hustle like this no … why Knock it thought until u have done it… let other get there taste of the Learning curve… sometimes getting out and Trying is the best thing for new Souls in the entrepreneurial world… great read and review
The sad thing here is that people do not know who Terri Petty is. She is a serial scammer. She has a group – Project for Freedom- where for the past 6 years has collected money for trades that have NEVER paid out a dime. She collects huge amounts of money every week for fees for a trade that no one knows if its even real
Here is the TRUTH.
As posted on
WOW. People need to prepare for a big crash here. Terri Petty is a serial scammer.
She has collected money for years in her Project for Freedom Group. She collects thousands of dollars every week for a promise of returns on bogus trades. She has NEVER paid out a dime.
Now comes Phoenix. Here is the TRUTH.
3.Terri is waiting for the bogus trade returns to pay Phoenix withdrawls.
Very sad. people really believe they will be paid this large amount of money. The more delays, the more people will know they have been scammed
go google Terri and see who she really is
John ur a tunt fak….my money has been processed to payza…….those listening to this one advertising his site keep on listening and as for those that want to make money come join me here…..
When something is too good to be true, it’s 99.9% of the time a scam. Phoenix Power Rising is now appearing over here in the UK, and has no security unlike established MLM companies over here. Also the presentations are all misleading and they could get a ticking off by our national trading standards team if they continue to peddle their plop over here. As you know pyramid schemes in the UK are outlawed, thanks for this interesting review and confirming my suspicions!
More SPAM from Wealthy Affiliate. And that’s exactly what it is. I don’t know if PPR is legit or not but anyone who tries to Google PPR gets a bunch of Wealthy Affiliate “slander everything else to make us look better” SPAM on the first page instead of legitimate, credible information. I think it’s time people started reporting WA and its bloggers to Google for spamming and get them blocked.