Stumbled across something named Project BreakThrough lately? What is Project BreakThrough? A scam or a legit opportunity? A pyramid scheme? For beginners or experienced people in the subject of making money online? These are some of the questions you will get answers to in this short review. Ok, Here we go!
Product: Project Break Through
Owner: Vick Strizheus (Founder) Jason Mcclain (CEO/Partner)
Price: FREE to start but the “upgrade” version costs $297 a month + upsells of thousands of dollars!
Who is it for: People who want to make money online fast
What is Project BreakThrough about?
Project BreakThrough is a video course education that has been launched recently, it is a 14 days “fast course” in a subject that is considered (by most proffesionals in the business) NOT being a fast process that you (as a newbie) can do in only 2 weeks. The subject I am talking about is to make money online in the form of Internet marketing.
The Project BreakThrough is a video course with the hosts Vick and Jason, they both are very successful marketers with a lot of experience.
They basically claim that if you follow this 14 day course then you can expect to:
- Earn a commission online.
- Understand how the process works so you can do it again.
- Scale and multiply this process so you can be super successful and make up to $20,000 – $100,000 and more per month
Wow that is some very bold claims!
But, they also say that no earnings at all are guaranteed. In the same time, they keep saying that if you just follow the instructions this 14 days it will be impossible to not make a commission.
Who Are Vick And Jason?
The founder Vick and his partner are two super marketers that got a lot of experience in the online world. Vick, by the way, has been deeply involved in Empower Network. If you haven´t hear of Empower Network before you should know that it is an MLM (pyramid scheme) business… That is not a good sign. I come to that later.
These 2 guys seem to be very nice guys and that is of course, important to a marketer, especially if the marketing going to take place in a sales video.
Worth to mention: The fact that someone have made crazy money online (or offline) don´t mean they aren´t a scammer. Someone who seems nice can of course, also be a scammer I am not saying that this is a scam to a hundred percent but I just wanted to point those two things out:)
By the way, did you know that “Vick” used to go by another name and that he was sentenced to prison for insurance theft?
He has also performed similar “opportunity” programs before…
You can clearly see the white rental tag on the car keys. His house? Nope, if you want to hire it you can do that by clicking here.
Do I need to say more?
How This Kind Of Scam Works?
How do these characters perform their scams? Well, first they get you interested with some VERY bold claims. Like telling you that it is free for example, telling you that you will get rich, etc. But in the end, you have to pay some monthly membership fee or something of that nature… Then you will find out that the info you get provided with is not complete, you have to buy another thing (upsell), and so on.
THEN comes the problems with the program, you will get “excuse” emails why the system is not really complete yet. After some more time, the scheme is closed and the owner and his partners move on to the next project.
They will give you products to sell, you might even make a commission or two, but then they swap their affiliate ID with yours from time to time and simply just steal your commissions.
The traffic you will generate to the (scam) program (Project BreakThrough) builds THEIR traffic and makes it possible for them to sell to more people online. They will also on a regular basis take the lead emails you have collected and keeps them by themselves.
I cannot say this will be the case with this particular program but it has happened before, hopefully the history won´t repeats itself.
Vick has supporters that say that he have changed, he is now working in an ethical way and help people to make money instead… I guess all can change, I am not here to judge anyone by what they have done in the past, I just want to make people aware of what has happened before. In the end, it is up to you if you put your trust in that he won´t scam people again…
One Thing Is Crystal Clear
Both Vick and Jason knows of course, exactly what they are doing, and they are very clear that you should watch all the 14 episodes before you look at what is beeing offered at the website. Remember they are good marketers (scammers or not) They might have a good reason for that
Read below to see what I mean.
What is
So, what is High Traffic Academy is the company behind the Project BreakThrough program. I can tell you that after you have watched episode 3 you will be told to head over to HTA and upgrade to an “elite” membership for $297 a month.
Seems a little bit overpriced to me. Or I take that back, it sounds WAY overpriced.
And it doesn´t stop there…
Further into the program, you will be presented to MORE upsells that will cost you thousands of dollars!! Now it really starts to sound VERY MUCH like a pyramid scheme.
My Experience So Far With Project BreakThrough
Good for beginners? All the time when watching the videos I try to think how a complete newbie would receive and learn the info given. Because they claim it is great for beginners.
To be honest, I haven´t got that impression… At all.
If it was me I would probably not understand that much, at least not yet. But then again I will keep you informed on that as I progress all the way to the last of the 14 videos.
Do Not Ask Questions?? Just Do As We Say?
Vick and Jason are telling you to NOT ask questions, just blindly follow what they say and do it without thinking.
Say what? Come again??
If that don´t ring alarm bells for you then you need a reality check.
Asking questions are ALWAYS your fully right in EVERYTHING not just making money online. You should also not settle for anything less than getting your questions answered FAST and with that, I mean withing 2-5 minutes max.
They Want To Give You “The Foundation”
Vick and Jason all the time talk about that they want to give you the foundation so you learn it and understand it. All the time when I was watching the videos I was waiting for the “foundation” that they talked about and I thought it was funny that they actually never mentioned the foundation… Then when they finally stopped talking and let the members (you) go into action they didn´t start (or even mention) with the REAL foundation.
What Is The Real Foundation To Make Money Online?
Ask any honest Internet marketer this question and you will get the same answer.
The absolute FOUNDATION of any online business is A WEBSITE.
With that, I mean YOUR website and not someone else’s website. If you want to read about the REAL FOUNDATION click here.
Financial Freedom Online Takes Time
$2,400 in your first month is easy Vick say in lesson 3 or 4 (I don´t remember) Lol! Do you really believe that? You can, of course, make that kind of money that Vick and Jason talk about online, and MORE! But… it is going to take a whole lot more time than they want you to think.
I started as a complete newbie in the subject of making money online at a place named Wealthy Affiliate (online since 2005) and I can (without a doubt) say that by day 3 there I had learned and (more importantly) UNDERSTAND much more than I would if I started with Project Breakthrough.
Why? Simply because I physically started to do things, not only listen to someone telling me how to do all things. I also started with the REAL foundation.
By day 3 at WA I had my own website up and running and access to DIRECT support WHENEVER I wanted!
So if you are a newbie I would rather recommend you to try out WA for a $0 FREE membership instead.
Click here to read the WA review to see how the training at WA looks like!
Is Project BreakThrough A Pyramid Scheme?
As I mentioned earlier Vick has been involved in EmpowerNetwork before, a Multi Level Marketing (or pyramid scheme) company that has many times been mistaken as a real online opportunity.
That is a BIG warning sign.
Before I say (what I am about to say) I have to say: That I think that the free videos are good so far, not the best choice for beginners but better than most of the crap online. I truly believe that both experienced and beginners can benefit from watching the free video course.
But, I wouldn’t jump into the offer that they will relate to as “the 27 income streams opportunity”
What is that? It is a Network Marketing offer. What is Network Marketing? It is just (in most cases) a nicer word for MLM aka a PYRAMID SCHEME.
The fact that the 2 guys (Vick and Jason) do a great job to “pump you up” the whole first video and basically telling you that you have to make a decision and don´t listen to any doubts in your mind, etc. It feels very “pyramid scheme” where the group (the bubble) gets almost like brainwashed. Ok, maybe I over react a little but this is something very typical for an MLM business. They (the pyramid guys) are almost always “inside of a bubble” where everybody acts and talks the same.
Typically, if you say something negative about them, they will jump on you, most times, in a not so nice way (watch the comments below for examples)
Another thing I noticed in the first video is that Vick and Jason even want you to make a promise, that you will “pay it forward” and “help” someone else to “succeed” after you have done so…Not so strange that they want that of course because they are at the very top of the pyramid structure… It is also a very common marketing tactic to get people to buy stuff in “belief” that it is such a great product that you have to share the “gold mine” you have found.
And as (I think) that you know, the ones who gonna make a lot of money in a pyramid business are the ones in the top of the structure (the owners and a small amount of people).
The rest of the people will have difficulties earning enough to pay their monthly membership fees. Not to talk about the other upsells.
The Upsells Of Project BreakThrough!
I just finished watching the day 3 video and I have to say it makes you understand that this “FREE” 14-day course won´t be of any more value after this if you don´t upgrade to the “elite” membership that costs $297 a month! You also realize that your costs, if you (like Vick and Jason calling it) want to go all out! Be a winner! Separate yourself from the losers! Want to become rich, etc…
You will get presented to A LOT more upsells, we are talking about upsells for the cost of thousands of dollars here…
To get all of those is going to cost you $1770 + you monthly membership fee of $297
They will probably say the same thing with every upsell presented to you, things like “Become a winner”, “this is for the ones who are ready for success”, etc.
This thing (PBT) is simply going to cost you thousands of dollars before you realize it ain´t gonna be as good as you thought it was.
***Tired of upsells and scams? Get REAL help here.
Final Words and Verdict:
Overall rating: 2/10
If we disregard the facts about “Vick’s” past (or maybe even present) as a scammer…
Sure, I like the videos and there are some valuable tips you get there, but it is not like it is some BIG secrets beeing revealed. Making money online always involves both time and effort (IF you want to do it risk-free, and not invest a lot of money) Do you think it sounds “risk-free” to start paying $297 a month?
It all started out and sounded super great in the beginning. Learn Internet marketing, earn a commission in 14days for free, etc… That is some great marketing done by 2 very skilled marketers who knows exactly what and how to say things. They hide the fact that it is a pyramid scheme, and they are (most likely) going to continue to hide that fact until it is “too late” to back out from the deal.
When you have started paying the $297 a month and probably also bought some of the coming upsells you will understand. They probably never going to say it out loud that it is a pyramid scheme, but you will understand that when the “27 income streams” finally get presented.
You will get told that you will make money on your recruits recruits and also on their recruits and so on. That is how you are going to make the big money. It is probably also true that you can make big money, but I suggest you think more than twice before getting involved in this. I actually suggest you stay far away.
You are smarter than that!
You can learn all about Internet marketing on other places MUCH BETTER EXPLAINED and you won´t need to pay $297 a MONTH!! That is crazy, you can get exactly everything that is offered in Project BreakThrough (and more) for $359 per YEAR in the Wealthy Affiliate University for example.
It is also (of course) FREE to try before (and if) you buy and DO NOT include any hidden upsells and DO NOT involve you in MLM. You can also ask how many questions you want and get them all answered WHENEVER you want.
If you are a complete newbie in the subject of making money online I would rather recommend you to click the link below and start a much better step-by-step training course that you will find VERY beneficial, it is the exact same place that I started to learn and EARN money online and it WILL lead to you making money as long as you follow the instructions.
It is completely free for as long as you want, you can upgrade to premium membership whenever you want but there is NO upsells after that! Also, you will not be involved in any MLM.
One thing that I think you are going to like is that you from day 1 will see exactly what to do instructions on your computer screen so you can do exactly the same yourself on YOUR computer. It is not only “listening to talk” about how to do something without being able to physically do it yourself.
Click here for a LEGIT program with REAL help instead!
I hope you found this review of Project BreakThrough to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding of what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have tried it please share your experience with us in the comment section. Also, if you got any questions about this review please leave them below!
I wish you the best and a lot of success in whatever you do!
Owner of:
Thanks John for your honest review of the Project BreakThrough product. After reading the review and doing some evaluation, I think this is something that I can safely write off and forget about. I know Vick Strizheus from HTA and his Total Domination Engineering video series — I didn’t end up purchasing the membership because his email autoresponder practices and subtle deceptions rubbed me the wrong way. As an internet marketing newbie (less than a year’s experience), I just don’t feel it’s worth it for me to get into MLM and deal with the difficulties that come with it. Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal. Thanks for the read!
You are doing right in avoiding any MLM business, all of them are scams in a way. Yepp WA is actually the only thing you will ever need, to learn everything that is “FREE” with the PBT. What´s even better is that you don´t get involved in MLM and EXPENSIVE upsells.
I have been dabbling with the idea of a money making scheme called ” Safe Income Inc ” it is a binary service, akin to stocks and shares, only massively more powerful….Promises huge payouts within a couple of days ! …
Admittedly, I am ~Really Green, when it comes to online business,money making schemes in general, so this Binary stuff is way out of my comfort zone . However, this particular company, an apparent, new kid on the block, is getting a ~Lot, of good reviews from the experts..I’ve done my research…
Strange thing is I get a really ~ Bad vibe, from this company…..even though they are getting the thumbs up all over the place….
Why should this be ?
If such a program “promise” or “guarantee” you can be sure it is a scam. Trading is not something you can predict to a hundred percent, if you want a legit platform and also get some education (and practice with demo money) before you start with your own money check this out:
Great review of the other program. I was wondering about other programs out there. I’m glad I found WA instead
Thank you Deborah! I am glad you found it too
Use some of the momentum and inspiration that PBT gave you and you can achieve whatever you desire online, but it will take a little bit more time than 2 weeks lol! See you inside of the WA community
I have heard of several pyramid schemes being scams before. I have to agree with you that some of their claims are very bold. I met with a person who was in charge of a pyramid scheme once, and everything about it seemed shady. I think you provide a great review of this company. It is very detailed and honest.
Well, for me pretty much all pyramid schemes are scams. There are some very shady thing about this PBT program to… The owner Vick has changed name after beeing sentenced to prison and he have performed similar scams in the past… just to name a few shady things…
I know you can of course make money with them but I would really recommend to take another way. The reason why pyramid schemes ALWAYS sell their products/memberships WAY overpriced is simply because the whole structure would not survive if the price was a normal one. The prices need to be high so the ones above will make money from you. In this post I have explained why you should avoid an MLM to all costs:…
Thanks for your comment! /John
hi John. First off please let me say thank you; it is people like you writing articles like this that help prevent people from getting ripped off by shonky internet scam artists. you really seem to know a lot about what is legt and what isn’t when it comes to making money online. Your website is a very useful resource that will save a lot of people!
Thanks man! I really appreciate that!
Wow found this post pretty informative and exciting to read.
I was surprised how people can go to such extents to scam people it’s ridiculous, especially that vick guy with different identities.. beyond me really.
I reckon you must have saved a lot of potential victims to these sorts of scams online so as part of the online community I thank you for your great work to help people out.
Great website bud!
Thank you Usman! Unfortunately, scam artists are VERY common online, I have reviewed a ton of them on this site… Yes, I have “saved” many people from scams online, but only people who have done their research before buying into something… Unfortunately, many don´t research before joining something, MANY will fall for this scam because it is marketed in a very professional way to be honest… Even “unprofessional” marketed scams are fooling a lot of people… This one I am sure will collect a lot of money from people before they realize they are getting scammed… They actually drop a lot of “truth” so even persons that can see through scams are going to fall for this I think…
Sometimes you need to be scammed one or a few times before you find something that really works, me to have been scammed online in the past… It is almost part of anyone’s path before you find out what really is working… If you are interested in starting with Internet marketing from ground and up the only place that I recommend and that I know works is this place:
Hi John,
Thanks for this honest take on Project Breakthrough. It is often really hard to see between scams and genuine opportunities and it helps to have people like you around! I see you recommend Wealthy Affiliate, could you tell me more about this and how it could help me make money online?
Thank you for your comment Dave. Yes it can be very hard to see through a scam, especially if you are new to the “scam world”
I have reviewed many scams on this site and I have almost developed an extra sense for detecting them now lol! This one I have to say was one of the hardest to detect, but it didn´t take very long before my scam alert went of… BIG time.
Wealthy Affiliate (In short) will teach you everything that Project BreakThrough say they will teach you, but they won´t scam you. They have been online since 2005 and got real (and honest) owners. You will get REAL step-by-step instructions on how to do everything. It is also absolute free to try before you buy into anything. I strongly suggest you check it out, you will LOVE it.
Great review on project breakthrough and very deep background checks on the product owners. The owner’s past definitely triggers a couple of red flags for me.
John, This is a prized review and it is going to help a lot of people who wants to know if project breakthrough is the real deal or scam.
Keep posting epic review like this.
Thank you Tim! I really appreciate that! Yepp there is many red flags in the PBT program. I guess the good old saying comes in good place here, When something sounds to good to be true it most likely is.
Thank you again Tim! /John
Thanks for sharing the information on Project Breakthrough. It still amazes me how these guys still manage to get away with creating scam after scam. I was once the victim of something similar to what you were talking about. Selling a half complete course where you need to pay more money to continue is an old, dirty trick. These guys should obviously be avoided at all costs.
Yes we have all been scammed at least once in our past
It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is NOT a nice feeling though… I know. These scammers will never stop, what makes it most tragic is that they even encourage people that cannot afford the course to borrow money from friends or family.. It is a really dirty game they run with…
Thanks for your comment Andrew! /John
Great review!
Just finished watching day 3 video at PB. These guys “come over” so convincing, likable and trusting…. I would invite them home for tea.
I was intending to sign up to their Elite program (with money I don’t have) then a little voice shouted at me “CHECK THESE GUYS OUT FIRST”…so I Googled them and found you, Thank God.
Doesn’t Jason know about his partner’s past?…This is bad for business.
Look I just want to say I appreciate you sharing you experience with PB, it has saved me $297.00 plus a lot of stress.
Thanks very much.
Kind regards
Thank you Garry! Makes me very glad to hear that. It is important to listen to that little voice inside your head, VERY important. Especially when all the voices around you all say the same things…
I don´t know if Jason knows, maybe he does maybe he don´t… My guess is that he do. He is actually the one who looks most “trustable” of the two… But you know the good old saying: Never judge a book by it´s cover… Just because somebody looks nice and trustworthy doesn´t mean they are.
Many people will fall for that scam unfortunately, hopefully, they at least learn their lesson after it.
But DO NOT give up your goals just because this was a scam.
What you really are looking for is a real and legit program, click the link at the end of this post and I can help ypu with that.
Thank you again for your comment! I wish you the best and a lot of success! /John
lol very sad on your part…do you know marketing to a bunch of scam minded people will only give you a bunch of people who will be calling you a scam and asking for refunds as soon as they dont make money with your program? good luck
Hi, Jonh! Thank you, for that you opened my eyes! Because I’m beginner in this buissnes. And I really like your post! And I have one request, if you can ofcourse, when I will learning this buissnes with your advice. Can you help me personaly, like email or through Facebook. Ofcourse if you have a little time. Because what I know, if you want to be a leader, learn from a leader!
Thank you!
No problem Gedas! The fact that you are a beginner and already have the mindset to research something before jumping on it makes you (at least in my eyes) very special. If you want me to help you I will, it would be an honor in fact. Sign up through the link at the end of this post and I contact you when you are done setting up your free starter account.
You claimed that because the owners are at the top they will make all the money! Therefore being a scam… you couldnt be more wrong. Does that mean all traditional businesses are scams because the owners are at the top and they make money? Akso why do you feel the need to bash someone else to get that traffic and then turn around and promote what your selling? The only person scamming here is YOU. Project Breaktgrough is a legit opportunity – the products in your opinoin are expensive, tha does validate it is a scam… i believe the products are worth every cent without the opportunity connected to it at all!
Did you read all the review or only that part?? I claim it is a scam because it walks, talks and acts like a scam, my friend. What I mean is that a pyramid scheme you cannot compare with affiliate marketing, I mean pure affiliate marketing, that DO NOT have anything to do with network marketing aka MLM aka pyramid schemes…
But I see your point you try to make and I guess that questions get different answers depending on who you are asking, and also depending on exactly WHAT traditional business, you ask about.
I feel the need to lead people in the right direction yes, I could of course promote Project BreakThrough also and make money that way… IF I believed it was legit…. People who search terms like “is project breakthrough a scam” on google are probably a little suspicious don´t you think??
I have a question for you: WHY did you search on such a term if you are so sure it is not a scam??
Funny you say that I am scamming, you can go through my list of scams on top of this site in the “stop fake $Products” and see if you find anything legit
You are right that Project BreakThrough is VERY expensive, all pyramid schemes need heavily overpriced products
or else they will die out pretty quick… You can read more about that here:
Anyway man, seems like you have made your mind up already… Just don´t come back here and say that I didn´t warn you.
Hope that helps! /John
Glad to see a critique of this program on page one of Google instead of the droves of folk that have actually fell for it and promoting it everywhere. One thing I would also bring to light is that they aren’t actually teaching you HOW to make money online, rather just giving you this readymade “super funnel” (readymade to bring them countless free targeted traffic and $$$) and telling you not to ask questions but just DO it (and pay out your behind for it too). How can you replicate such a complex and deceptive funnel in the future? This is years of experience in the making. Not to mention having 20 of your own programs to upsell.
It’s genius in a way on their part and if they could be trusted, could indeed make people money in a pay it forward sense BUT I have been a part of High Traffic Academy (not anymore thank God – uncompleted programs and zero commissions from promoting their ready made funnels) and KNOW that what you say about them swapping out affiliate ID with their own is TRUE. I drove 1000’s of quality traffic to their offers and never made a dime. Neither did anyone that I spoke to either. Although, the numbers inside HTA keep on growing. So why should this be any different?
You also have to understand that even Click Promise belongs to Vick and Jason. Here they sell clicks too, the same ones that YOU share with them when you drive traffic to their offers lol. Notice everything is inhouse, they are even planning on starting their own autoresponder now to go with their “marketing suite” which is really 10 minute funnels dressed up. This is so they can keep all your prospects and rinse you for even more money. Genuis like I said but only for the owners and a handful of elites that were “allowed” to make their first few (long awaited) bucks promoting this and now served their purpose will see their commissions drop as their affiliate ID’s get swapped out.
Thanks man! I really appreciate that
You read my mind man, I was also thinking that they don´t teach you the “foundation” like they talk about so much lol! The foundation of making money online is, of course, a WEBSITE.
Sure you can make money in other ways but like you say when everything you work with is owned by scammers it is not really YOUR business.
I agree that they have made this scam in a “genius” way and many people will fall for this unfortunately.
Thanks for your comment man I loved it!
Did you get any value from the PPC Mastery or Traffic generation courses they have at High Traffic Academy? I’ve seen Vick’s youtube videos and he seems to be an expert at this. I want to start promoting Clickbank products and I’m looking for traffic generation resources.
Well that is the first I’ve heard of Project Breakthrough and I’m glad I heard it here!
Thanks for the review and laying out all the details for us to learn up front.
It would be nice to magically make some money, but I think everyone knows that in reality work, dedication, and business building is what makes money in the long run.
Glad you found this review instead of the ones promoting it
Thank you for your comment Marcel.
Cheers! /John
Is this a fiver review? Did you even go through the 14 days? Ithe program has been out for 9 days and u clearly haven’t gone thru I if your conclusion is that it’s magic money. Vick and Jason stress hardworking and dedication and business building. You literally robbed yourself of some of the most high level detailed free training on the Internet. Don’t buy into fake review blogs only designed to push people towards other stuff. That’s how this dude makes his money. Bash others in a blog, rank the blog, gets sales
Interesting review!!!
I like Wealthy Affiliates and looking forward to signing up in the near future….
But I also like Empower Network because it provides leverage….
It is not easy to succeed with Empower Network because you need to know how to work with people, build relationships effectively, be a leader, and know how to sell, and how to close. This means a lot of self development, and self growth, which not many people are open too. The cost of the product is not comparable with Wealthy Affiliates, unless you own both, you really can’t speak of value comparison. Now if you did that instead of doing background check on one of the presenters this review would be golden. really…
Wealthy Affiliates is a low cost info product. It costs about $47 per month. I doubt that it provides equal value, but I did some research and find that for $47 wealthy affiliate is a really good deal. You are not going to make a fortune selling wealthy affiliates the honest way, and I mean without saying bad things about others.
The MLM AND scam in my opinion is getting really old…..
The way I understand is you don’t believe that it is illegal, but for one reason or another you don’t like MLM or network marketing, which is okay, because it is not for everyone.
How did you even find out that Vick has a history?
I certainly don’t condone what he did, but come to think of it, regardless what he markets, you could do the same thing… AND I mean what you are doing here in this review…. diverting attention from the program or business that he is doing, and putting on him and his bad history… As far as I know he is not breaking the law, but you are profiting on his criminal background. This makes me want to see if you have any skeletons in your closet. After all criminals know criminals… You see why this looks bad?
It would be more honest if you would just stick with Empower Network, and your personal dislike for such programs, but to point out someone else’s history that is irrelevant to their business is kind of shady in my opinion.
I believe every business should stand on their own two feet and offer their product without compering itself to anyone else. For example…. I don’t like Chevy because they keep taking off their brand of their cars and use children in their commercials. Instead of building their own brand, and take pride of it. They keep comparing to top brands on the market. They put some cheap wifi in the car, and ask children if they like a honda or chevy just because of a lame feature. they take off their own logo and ask people what brand it is, and people say something along the lines “Is this lexus?”. Noooo it is a Chevy…. wow…..
But, if you feel so insecure and find it hard to push your product without putting someone else’s down, to promote yourself, then buy both and show us a complete comparison. At list this way, you could present yourself in a more authentic manner. I have not purchased any of the programs yet so it would help me a lot.
Your current review only makes me not want to purchase empower network from Vick, or wealthy Affiliates from You, and I am sure there are many people who feel the same…
This review is about Project BreakThrough not Empower Network
They both have very much in common though, heavily overpriced, a lot of upsells and involves MLM (pyramid schemes). What do you mean that you are not going to sell a fortune selling wealthy affiliates?? Sounds like you didn´t get informed at all, they will teach you how to go into any niche and sell whatever YOU want. They actually encourage you to do so, that way your “job” will be fun as you work with your own interest, hobby or even passion. There are people who have been able to (after 9 short months) to make $4,000+ a month in WA by selling things from Amazon for example. They also raise their income after each month.. So I think you have gotten some wrong info on what WA really is about.
A criminal knows a criminal? Lol! No man I am no criminal, me to have of course done maybe not so good things in my past (just like pretty much all of us) but It has never involved scamming people looking for help.. I might have stole candy in a store when I was a child and such thing How about yourself? Have you committed any criminal acts in your life?
Ok man, YOU have to make the choices you make for yourself, buy whatever you want. I am only here to point out some of the facts for you to HELP YOU.
Wish you the best /John
Wealthy Affiliate is certainly a better option than what these two guys are offering! I have been a member at Wealthy Affiliate for 2 months now and I am thrilled with the high level of support services, the training and the the fantastic community.
Thanks for sharing your well written thoughts.
Kind Regards
Thank you Michelle!
Yes WA is what PBT pretends to be, it is exactly what someone looking to learn everything that includes Internet marketing is looking for, starting with the REAL foundation and building up from that. Like you say the support is top quality.
The only bad thing about WA is that it is easy to get caught up in the “social aspect” of it, and use it like a social media platform when you really should put most of the focus on building your business.
Thanks a lot for your comment! /John
Hi John,
I am in project breakthrough and have also done WA. Both are very good. I find it strange that you can write an in depth review about how a program is a scam if you have only been through three days of it. Project breakthrough is not a scam by definition because it is not dishonest in anyway. It claims three things, that you will make a commission in 14 days, that you will understand how you did it, and that you can grow your income massively.
Since I just started (I’m on day 10 and I’m the first group to go through), I have already earned a commission, and know exactly how I did it, and this was free. You only have to pay the $297 if you want to promote the entire funnel (aka not just the $1.50 CPA on the front end).
The 14 day program is entirely free (and honestly the best training you will see on this stuff), and it’s not just to promote PB. Of course you can, and you will see great results for doing so, but its first and foremost a training program, meaning you can apply the methods to anything.
I just wanted to expose the truth about this program so that everyone can know that it is in fact free training. It’s only if you want to promote the entire funnel that you have to pay $297.
Hi Nash. First of all I have been through a whole lot more than 3 days of this program by now, nothing I recommend to people (at least not if they ain´t got $300 extra every month to spend)
Well, so you KNOW after 10days and 1 commission that it is not a scam? Sounds a little to early to scream out victory in my ears… What if the history starts repeting and your commissions starts to get stolen? Just a thought…
How is this a free training course when the ones trying it for free don´t get any training on how to promote their $1,50 affiliate link? Free members are going to have to get 100 referrals to even make $150 (if someone not stealing their commissions) How is a complete newbie going to get that amount of referrals for example? Do you think they naturally knows how to do it? Share their link? How? Spamming on Facebook?
Free members don´t get any value at all from this, to get value you have to pay $297 (to start with) then you can use the programs (that you should not ask questions about) to make your commissions (that might get stolen)… Don´t sound that great to me man.
Dear John,
Firstly I have to say that you are smart. What a I mean by that? You did your reasearch and found smt called “Project Breakthrough”. You gave all the reasons why this program is a scam, but for that you built your own personal website, where you also promoting Wealthy Affilaiate (I`m also memeber of WA and went throw those courses there).
Conclusion – Website and qulity content is essential for youronline business.
In the end – you have your unique way to get people engage with your business. I like your idea.
Thank you,
Thank you Janar! You are right, website and quality content is essential. In other words the foundation
Thank you for your comment Janar I really appreciate it
So there is nothing to but into in Wealthy Affiliate when you start off? Is this program good for the newbie? I have zero!
Hi Rene I assume that you mean buy into?
There is 1 upgrade if you want to go premium but you decide that. There is NO more upsells after that. But it is $0 free to be a member for as long as you want. I suggest you sign up for the free membership and start the training to see if it is something you could see yourself doing.
It is perfect for a beginner as you will be taken step-by-step and get instant support on ANY questions of your.
It is a must try, nothing online comes even close to what WA has to offer.
Hi John, I think you gave a rather comprehensive review on the Project Breakthrough program, which of course is quite fine, however, here are a few concerns that I have with this review.
It’s quite ok to give one’s view on any program, whether for or against, but when the same medium is used to promote the link to one’s business, for me, is cause for concern.
NB. I’m not saying that your motive is impure, it’s ok to point someone to an option that one thinks offers better value, but when through that same channel one promotes their business, that tend to leave questions in my mind.
I think it’s also important for someone to do their research on anything (whether it’s business or otherwise) before they embark on such a venture. In Vick’s case, I recall about a year or two ago, watching a video with him talking about that unfortunate aspect (the video above) of his past and how sorry he was about that mistake, also the lesson that he learned from that experience. When someone has expressed remorse for a mistake made in the past, I think that they should be allowed the opportunity of forgiveness and redemption.
We all make mistakes and we learn from them. Don’t we?
Disclaimer : I am not a friend of Vick or Jason neither do I know them personally, but I think they should be granted the opportunity to prove themselves and only time will tell. Remember, they also have a 30 day refund policy so if anyone is dissatisfied with the program they can unsubscribe before the 30 day period is up and ask for a refund.
Anyway, thanks for the review and have a Blessed day.
WA is not my business man. I am only a member there and yes, of course, I send people who have a desire to make money online that direction. Why? because I know to 100% that it is legit and VERY helpful in all aspects for a person who want to start in the online business.
I don´t know if you read all my review? But I wrote that everybody can change (about Vicks past) I agree with you that everybody deserves a second chance… On the other hand, if he is so sorry about his past, why don´t he give the money back to people he stole from? Or maybe he did? Will search for the video you talk about, I might even put it up in the review. Because I don´t judge ANYONE and I agree that everybody deserves a second chance.
BUT I also think that people deserve to know what they are dealing with, especially when they are getting ENCOURAGED to borrow money (that they don´t have) from family and friends… Don´t you think? People who start watching this “FREE” course are falsely beeing told that it is totally free, but after day 3 it has no value for you if you don´t become an Elite and start paying $297 a month.
I thank you for your comment and wish you a blessed day to. /John
Hi John, Exactly, I really appreciate your input, and one of the big issues for me was when the said No Excuses, Go Borrow Money if you have to, but you need to become Elite or cannot go further…. $297/mo. That totally turned me off because the only reason I jumped in was due to the false statement of “Free”.
Going to check out WA
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you!
Thank you John! You have saved me! Going to try your recommendation instead. Thanks again!
No problem Roberto! Makes me very glad to hear that
All he did was scam you out of a good program and sold you something else withat misinformation. Reviewers like this exist for every program. They find dirt on the ppl running the program and a disgruntled customer or two, rank their content on a free blog and give you a DISHONEST review all to get you to buy their stuff. I can speak to Vicks faults truthfully bc I met him and stopped promoting his stuff for years b he wasn’t focused, but his training is top notch. This blog robs you of that and paints a negative picture of a genuinely good program. Fox news level shit
This review is so misleading and in and of itself a scam. You clearly abide by the “building my list by tearing down others” approach, people like you areally funny because you denigrate people that promote it in their reviews but your review is just a misleading compilation of information you have little personal knowledge about ALL with the actual intent to lead people towards your desired call to action, I suppose in this case wealthy affiliate.
I’ve actually met Vick and you really paint someone you don’t know in a horrible light for personal gain. He’s car from perfect and one of his biggest criticisms is his inability to finish what he starts but that’s why Jason and him are a better matchup. Otherwise Vick programs have a ton of value. You are using your platform to ciphon your own leads and sales by falsely saving people from a scam when you haven’t even gone through all the 14 days to give a true genuine review
The program came out 9 days ago, how on earth did u review a 14 day program in 9 days? Lol this is a joke and I hope people can finally see through scammy misleading reviews like this to see that you are just selling your own crap. This type of marketing is a misuse of see skill and highly dangerous and you’re just building up bad karma.
The only ones who are not going to see the obvious dangers in this program are MLM junkies or the ( like in many MLM cases) the actual team (hired by the MLM´s) that works full-time to clear the name of a dirty product.
Have they tried to remove Your review?Or anyhow other way to change your review?
No, nobody can remove my review, It is my website and if anyone remove something it has to be me. However, some folks have commented their “strong” opinons here
Why do you ask?
Thank you so much, John! You have a wealth of information!!! I am currently looking for a Legit Work from Home Opportunity, and I imagine due to my clicking into various sites,
now I am being hit by emails all the time. One of them was this very well presented Project Breakthrough. I was finishing day 5 and learning some cool stuff, however, at the end of the lesson, Jason pretty much said: If you didn’t become an Elite $297 a month, you will have to, because we need to use the Tools that come with it.
Well, that is a lot of money that I don’t have, and it would be crazy to try to borrow, even for the first month, with no guarantee of making it back. They DO suggest to go and borrow, I think in one of the first videos. Am really glad I found your page with all the great research and info. You saved me. I had heard about WA and never did anything with it, will give it a try. Thanks a million, and all the best to you! In success, Dee
Yes, they have marketed (well presented) this scam very good, saying nothing about the monthly cost until they have smooth talked you so much that you actually start to believe it all.
Exactly! It is crazy that they actually tell you to borrow money if you don´t have, this course is FREE until lesson 3 after that it is not free anymore. The FREE stuff you learn in the first 3 lessons is FREE information that you can get ANYWHERE. What is affiliate marketing, what is email marketing, what is PPC, etc. It is not like that is some hidden info lol!
Yes me to have gotten maybe 20 emails from PPT the last couple of days, they also send me SMS every day that there is a new video available… Yesterday when I was in the gym working out I got about 9 of them in a row
I don´t know what that was about lol!
Makes me really glad to hear your kind words Dee, I really appreciate that. You will love WA, it also got a premium version (of course) but you pay for a year pretty much the same amount as you pay for the “elite” upgrade at PBT. Nobody is going to tell you that you NEED to upgrade, though
Also, there is no hidden upsells after that. There is no better place to learn all this stuff online.
Dear John,
Thank God for every online watchdog, including you, pointing out pitfalls to all of us who are searching for good opportunities but who are also gullible and not so savvy as you watchdogs are. You are our angels. I feel that your review of Project Breakthrough is on the money and will have proved to be a valuable service to, hopefully, thousands of other online opportunity seekers.
I began to feel butterflies in my tummy on Vick’s first mention of SiteSuite, which felt like the end of his “free” training. One of the problems I have with many online marketers is that we don’t use language the same way. “Free” means one thing to me; another thing to them. And when they begin to use “free” in their “different way,” I almost always become uneasy about what’s next on the horizon, that is, their agendas. Since we aren’t using language the same way, there’s no way I can know what these marketers really mean. Usually, though, it’s safe to predict that I won’t like their bottom lines and that’s why they won’t have been forthcoming and transparent about their agendas. Sure enough, before the Day 3 video was over, Project Breakthrough was requiring not one but five purchases of participants who would be “winners.” And don’t forget that smaller funnel of I don’t know how many other products to be purchased just before we move into Phase 2 where the high-end products are!
If Vick himself had felt good about the cost of the upgrade, why didn’t he say something to the effect that it would be very expensive but worth it? I knew the price of the upgrade would be bad news simply because he didn’t tell us what it would cost.
As for forgiveness of one’s past mistakes, yes, we should absolutely forgive the past mistakes of others. I dare say that many, if not most, of us have made mistakes at some point in our lives. But regarding Project Breakthrough, has the leopard really changed its spots? The owner says he knows what it means to be both broke and financially independent. I think that someone who can really identify with others who are broke and struggling and who really mean these latter people some good would not be urging them to get into debt. I think further that $297/month and then thousands more down the line are unconscionable. That kind of pricing suggests a disconnect, not an identification, with struggling marketers as well as an intent to prey on them.
Vick’s requirement that participants not ask questions while they’re investing so much money is proof of his disrespect for us. He definitely needs fools!
John, I don’t have a problem with your promoting Wealthy Affiliates while you’re critiquing Project Breakthrough. If you’ve got your finger on “the real deal,” why not say so? I think that you’ve done a quite respectable job of comparing and contrasting these two offerings in your review. Wealthy Affiliates has been around a long, long time—at least ten years. I might have been a WA free member for that long. And should I ever firmly decide to pursue affiliate marketing seriously, I would study it with WA. It’s tried and true membership site and comes with excellent recommendations from many quarters. But right now, I think I’m going to continue with my offline pursuits.
Well, I’ve certainly said more than enough. John, please let me thank you again for pointing out the pitfall which PBT certainly seems to be—sooooooooooooooo very, very much. Because of PBT’s promises and claims and my present serious need for fast revenue, I almost turned to affiliate marketing with Vick and Jason. But thanks to your review, I’m going to watch all of PBT’s videos for free, learn all that I can from them for free, and then, move on. Please keep up the great work!!!
Thank you for your kind words Charlie
I am no Angel, I am only a human
But I am so tired of scammers, I see too many of them, to be honest. Most of them are “a little more” easy to see through but this particular one is very smart marketed and will probably have many people borrowing money. That is not ok. Scams like this one will make people lose their hope on making money online when there is in fact legit programs out there. What people should understand is that there is no shortcuts, it takes work, like EVERYTHING in life.
I am glad you know what you are dealing with and I agree on all that you have said.
Thanks a lot for your comment Charlie! I wish you the best /John
This is a horrible review!!! Project breakthrough is absolutely amazing! You just bash other products and then promote your product WA! Like why would you even do that? Makes no sense all you did was misguideating people that want to have success online, Guys Project Breakthrough is free to register why don’t you guys go check it out yourself? You can go through the 14 days with out upgrading or buy any up sells and still the content they give is pyre value
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on it´s shoes – Charles Spurgeon
There are so many haters in the world that it is unbelievable. You obviously never been I project breakthrough. It’s a free program I’ve made $100’s with PB and didn’t spend a dime. People who use the word scam with promoting their own products are 100% unsuccessful at online marketing one reason is because you attract alot of skeptics and people who are looking for scams. Just sad…why do you have to bring down others just to try to sell your product? 1000’s have already made money with pb and haven’t spent a dime. Maybe you should sign up with PB and learn how to market better.
May I ask you how you made hundreds of dollars with PB without spending any money? I know you have gotten people to sign up through your link of course, but did you learn how to promote that link for free within PB?? Of course not, you already knew a thing or two about how to do that because they sure as hell don´t teach their free members how to do it.
How do you suggest that a total newbie in the subject is going to be able to share the link and earn hundreds of dollars?? How?
I don´t want to bring down people, I point out some very strong points that indicate this is a scam, maybe you didn´t read all the review?
The other things you say I am not even going to comment on man, but I can give you an advice: Whenever you get angry and show that then you are actually putting your own weakness on display.
Hope that helps
Hi, John!
Thanks for your take on the Project Break Through program which is something I have been looking in to.
WOAH! $297 per month is a very steep cost for the membership, and the upsells just take the biscuit!
This sounds to me like a version of Empower Network (which also scammed me), and stealing affiliate ID’s is an unethical way to do business online. I think anyone who does this, deserves to have their program shut down and forced to pay the affiliates what they are owed!
Based on your review, this is one online money making program I will be sure to avoid in the future.
Thanks for your comment Neil! Yes, the similarities with Empower Network are many. You are not alone from being scammed by it, it has very often been mistaken as a real opportunity online.
I agree with you that they should, and programs that keep scamming people usually don´t last very long.
Thanks again for your comment /John
John, you don’t have to post this. I just want to say to you that angels are both heavenly and earthbound. They attend us from every realm. Thus, you simply have to come into an understanding of the role you have played as an angel.
That is so very kind said from you, you really touched me with those words. Most importantly you also inspired me to keep making these reviews exposing scams, it made me feel needed. That is a great feeling, I am sure you know.
Maybe you are the Angel?
Of course I post this, it can work as a reminder for myself:) Thank you for your beautiful words Charlie.
Hi John, i arrived at video 4 of the program and had doubts about it. $297 a month is serious money, specially for people like me, I’m trying to find my way in online marketing and the first video of PBT sounded to good to be true. Normally before i start i do some research, but there were almost no reviews that i could find, only the ones of affiliates of the program…..
Anyway, thank you for your review and i will take a look at WA.
Good luck with your blog!
Thank you Koen, yes you should always research a program before joining, you did the right thing.
I think you will find what you search for at WA, but you have to be prepared for both time and effort. If you are nothing will stop you from your goals.
See you there /John
How can you write a review about Project Breakthrough if you have not fully completed the 14 day program? Based off of this blog post and it’s tags, it seems to me you’re trying to persuade people from PB to Wealth Affiliate. This could’ve been an excellent and honest review if you didn’t try to steer people towards your offer. At the end of the day Project Breakthrough is a FREE 14 day step-by-step training that delivers great education for beginners and experts. Lastly…. we are all human which means nobody is perfect. Yes, Vick may have made some mistakes in the past but to bash another man and his company to try and make yourself look good is a low blow in my book.
Seems to me like you only have read some parts of my review?
Of course I redirect people to a LEGIT alternative, they are interested in making money online and learn how to do it, right? What´s wrong sending them to the WA University where you can learn EVERYTHING that involves internet marketing? Where people can get instant support 24/7 365 days a year? What´s wrong with that my friend?
Hope that helps /John
Hey John thanks for the review bro. I came across this a week ago and got a weird vibe from the site. The high monthly earning claims are pretty standard and yeah anyone can create those numbers so its fine that they stated them, but the fact that they ask you not to ask question is the first time I think I have ever seen that, like LOL! That is kind of a friggin joke man. This is the most in depth article review about Project Breakthrough I have found and am going to steer clear of it because of it. Thanks bro.
Thank you Chris! Glad you liked the review!
Hi john thanks for info . how much is the upgrade for WA.
Thank you for commenting Larri. WA costs $47 a month if you upgrade, that’s all you will ever pay as a premium, no hidden upsells after that. If you want to try the premium for 1 month you can get your first “test month” for $19 to see if you like it also.
You did not mention about the fact that there is 30-day money back guarantee for the 297$ payment. If this is a scam and you cannot get the value, you can simply ask refund.
The program will end in 14 days and you can save your money. I do not think that your review is honest.
Sure I know they have a 30-day money back guarantee. I am also pretty sure that you will get told things like “don´t give up now” “you are so close” ” the reason you didn´t success is because you need to buy this extra tool” Get my point? Most products have a money back guarantee, even scams. Don´t take that as some kind of guarantee that the program is legit.
I don´t know if you have read all my review?
What if you start to make sales with PBT (I really think you can) and then your commissions starts to get stolen, the people you have gotten to your list starts to get stolen also… Would it still be ok do you think? Would the 30-day money back guarantee help you then? Do they have a stolen commissions money back guarantee also?
So question, if you earn a commission can it be withdrawn? Because I`m thinking that if I earn why do I keep it on the system and not sent to my bank account. PS I am a total newbie here.
Yes of course you can withdraw a commission once you have earned it, that goes for all things online
As long as they are not a scam. You can for example withdraw commissions to your PayPal account and from there you send it to your bank account.
Nothing to worry about, we all started out as newbies at some point.
there is no refund for elite , i tried asking they said no refund for subscription services , which i had seen this sooner wasted 2 months of elite, and they are not even giving my commissions it has to be over $250 SCAM SCAM SCAM !!!!!!!
You got commissions that they don´t pay out?
Sorry to hear that, but not very surprised.
So what is the deal? Does it mean you have to keep paying for the Elite membership for 1 year or how does it work then?
Hope you can resolve it somehow, please come back here and tell us how it goes for you.
Best regards
Hi! This review is full of assumptions about the legit nature of PBT which make it just an opinion. Guess what, opinions are free and therefore can not buy you anything. If you do not like PBT it is okay, and if you found what you need in WA it is okay too, but please be honest and tell your readers about it without overemphasizing term scam, because this is well known technic in IM review articles space.
Calling MLM a pyramid scam is lack of education my friend. The number of fraud companies in traditional marketing and referall marketing are about the same. And both business models are legal models.
I wish your readers will do more research on this topic, because it is worth it. If some can change their ‘normal’ and live better life, why not now. It is possible!
Yes, it is MY opinion that this is a scam, but sure it can also be legit… However, I have pointed out some very clear warning signs in this review, that people have the right to be aware of before taking a (very expensive) chance that this is not another scam.
I don´t say MLM is illegal, many scams (in my humble opinion) are legal. Like gambling on casinos for example, or the lottery. That is a legal scam too (in my opinion). You won´t make money, you only going to lose, at least in the long run.
I agree that people should do more research, that is always a good thing. Especially when you are being told to NOT ASK QUESTIONS and just do as you been told (also in my humble opinion).
What is your evidence for the claim that these guys are swapping affiliate links and stealing commissions?
Well I am not CSI but the facts are available online for you:
Hope that helps. /John
Hey John, yet another great review! Thanks for doing the research. This is outrageous! i cannot believe this man has the nerve to keep coming out with scam products. I saw the video where he got convicted for scamming people. He does not learn his lesson. I guess he is going to keep doing whatever he can get away with. I wonder if he rented the ferrari and house to do the second video in Miami. What do you think?
Lol! Yes both the car and the house is rental, of course.
You can clearly see the rental tag on the keys. If you want to hire his house you can do that here:
Hi there,
Ohh a scam by known scammer. This dude “Vick” was involved in some scam where he even hired a Ferrari for the promo video shoot, the only problem was, he did n’t realise that if you watched the video you could see the Ferrari that he claimed was his was in fact hired..
Great article thanks for sharing it.
Yes it is actually a common “scam theme” to hire cars and houses
I actually just now updated this review to point those things out in this particular case 
Thanks for your comment Derek!
Thanks for warning regular folks, that are looking for honest jobs online, from such “opportunities”.
Very nice thorough review & walk-through to introduce us how these guys act “inside their bubble” to make it all look legit.
I have never understood how someone is able to pay hundreds of dollars right off the bat & upfront for simple online webinars like these (if you can even call them that), let alone thousands of dollars.
So it’s pretty safe to say it’s yet another MLM with shady upsells, to stay away from, right? Thanks for your time & effort to put together such informative research.
On the other hand I believe Wealthy Affiliate truly is hands down the #1 & most comprehensive internet marketing school online. I share your thought, it’s excellent for newbies indeed who can start their project for 0$.
Thanks for pointing it all out! It helps a lot.
Yes it is safe to say it is just another MLM, shady upsell scam, like the way you said that
The thing why some people defend this so much is (just like always within the MLM world) because they are so far inside the “bubble” and MLM “junkies” won´t realize some obvious facts even if they (the facts) stand in front of them.
Thanks a lot for your comment man
Great review!
Thank you Isak!
Wow!!! That is a lot of opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. About Vicks past so the guy made a mistake he did not pay his taxes and got caught he did his time and the judge still let him work during the week to take care of his family and did his time on the weekends. everyone makes mistake. I really try to not read up on others opinions because I feel you get out of the system what you are willing to put in. One more thing Vick is the only mentor that has the balls to lay it all out holding nothing back tell all down to his sources and better yet doing the work for us to make sure the t’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted. The rest is up to us and as for the products he is selling why not he is in business. You do not have to buy them yes you need site suite but he is not even charging near enough money for what the system is worth and again you can’t fault a person for wanting to build a successful business and make money. That surly does not mean that Project Breakthrough is a scam. Again you must follow your heart and have the will to succeed. The end!!!
Yes everyone makes mistakes and everyone can change. I did not make this review too blame these guys for making a program (with a lot of expensive upsells) and trying to sell it, that is marketing, right? Neither did I make it too put, previous scams by the owner on display.
I did this review for the people who want to know a few (important) things before jumping into it, borrowing money (from family and friends) to be able to afford it.
You are right I don´t know if it is a scam to a hundred percent, but I believe that it is a big risk it is. A risk that MANY who want to start learning and making money online probably can´t afford.
I made this review for them.
Thank you for your comment! The end
Lol Site Suite is just 10 minute funnels which costs $50 dollars a month. Google it.
Thank you Sam!
Namaste John. I joined the Project Breakthrough a few days ago. We’re at day 6 now I believe. Not sure about what to think so far, but I did learn a few things at least. That doesn’t mean that those two can be trusted though. But something tells me that those 297$ could be much better spent. And oh yeah, they recommended another program to go deeper into landing page creation for 497$ in the last video. There’s just something about this Vick guy that doesn’t seem right. I’ll keep watching the videos and decide what to do at the end of the 14 days. With your permission I’ll share my thoughts and insights here. Thanks so much for this wake up call and thanks again for recommending Wealthy Affiliate. I’ll look into it, also because another experienced marketer recommended it. I asked him about Project Breakthrough. I’ll let you know when he answers me.
Namaste Dennis
Me to learned, or more correct got some tips from the PBT, but those tips I could also get on other places… I am pretty sure those $297 could be better spent elsewhere also lol! The $497 program they recommend is just one of many upsells you will get introduced to in the Project BreakThrough program.
Of course man, I would love if you come back here and share your experience moving forward with the videos.
Glad you liked this review! Looking forward to hear from you again. /John
Hey John, I’m back. Couldn’t resist, especially since Vicky Vick showed up.
After getting to day 9 of the program it really all comes down to SiteSuite, and almost everyone there believes that there’s nothing like it out there. I was thinking I might at some point need a landing page creator, but the best one I know costs 297$ for 30 websites. But it gets better… There is another funnel builder like SiteSuite out there, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s much better. It’s 10 Minute Funnels. It also costs less than High Traffic Academy Elite, and it has tons of templates for all kinds of websites, not just landing pages. On top of that there are no limits to how many websites you create and you can put everything together (homepage, opt in page, thank you page, autoresponder etc.) to work together in synergy without needing any programming skills. I’d like you to check out this program and let us know. That would be really awesome and the ultimate proof that Vick is just full of hot air. That’s all for now. Talk soon.
Hi Dennis
Thank you for your support and your comment man
Ok will check out that one, I have a lot of other things in my schedule right now, both online and offline but will get to it. Feel free to come back here and report your experience if you check it out before me. /John
I just finished the first video sounding to good to be true. I would like to thank you for the review and suggestions. I will use the video as a stepping stone. I’m trying to make money not spend money.
Thank you Osmara! Glad you liked it! /John
Hi John,
I stumbled across your site after one of my Twitter followers tried to sell me this BS. The second I saw the PBT site, something about it immediately screamed “scam” to me. Your blog is one of the first Google results for searching “project breakthrough scam”!
I seriously can’t stand people like these scammy owners because they make all entrepreneurs look bad, especially those of us who make good honest livings online– whether it’s all by consulting, video courses, residual income, or some combination of the above. The glut of my income comes from consulting and WAH gigs and I’m very slowly organically growing my blog/site’s traffic at live events for my demographics (primarily indie developers and writers, but other creatives and entrepreneurial types as well) and doing a mix of reprints from my blog as well as tailored/exclusive content on other sites.
I figured it’d be best to concentrate on building up my audience and traffic before really amping up the monetization efforts though I have a little going there with a whopping $1.80 in commission so far. Would Wealthy Affiliate be a good fit for someone like me? Will be checking out the rest of your blog, loving what I found so far!
First of all thank you for your comment Rachel.
You are absolutely on the right track, growing your traffic should be your main focus, when you start to see an increase in traffic it is time to monetize, it can also be monetized before the traffic take place, if you got enough amount of content. On the other hand if you got a lot of content you should be seeing a good amount of traffic also (if you have used the right keywords).
I think you would absolutely benefit from WA as they will teach you all about your concerns + everything else that involves the subject of Internet marketing
Thank you again for your comment Rachel I really appreciate your support. If there is anything else just ask /John
Thanks john for your good review and warning people no to become fool.. i wana ask you a question . can you please tell me about your recommended programe if it is free?
Thank you Khalid! Yes WA is free for as long as you want, there is also a premium version of it that is optional but you can start learning for free and also get 2 free websites, for you to work on.
It is a must try if you ask me.
Hope that helps /John
Thank you for the post. At first I project breathrough is a valuable giveaway and waste time for it. I also purchase other scam products before and lose a lot of money. Some are in your “stop fake product”. Can I connect with you on facebook ? I get a lot of trouble, and I want to help others stay away from these scam ! Please mail me your facebook. I want to learn more from you.
Glad you liked the post, Louis. Thank you for commenting. Ok, I will send you my facebook, also, feel free to visit my “about me” page to contact me on my WA profile. Much better community than Facebook
I was ripped off by Vick back in the Empower Network days. I will never let that happen again. Not only did he not offer me any support within Empower even though I spent $1,000’s I saw his condescending attitude towards folks that would not pay him money.
Project Breakthrough appears to be another attempt to take from the poor and give to the rich. I am not falling for it. People like this don’t change their ways.
I am afraid that you might be right about that, sure everyone deserves a second chance but I totally understand that you ain´t gonna take the risk again.
I wouldn´t do that either if it had happened to me.
Thank you Ricky for your comment.
Yeah, there is an abundance of people that have also voiced their opinions about their experience with past products like Big Idea Mastermind/EN. Just because you create a new company and because you try to rebrand yourself, doesn’t mean that your past customers and past downlines forget about what has been done.
The old “Don’t sign up its a scam, try this instead” blog. Firstly, spell and grammar check before posting would be a great idea. Secondly that $297 monthly upsell you talk about brings with it access to a product called “site suite” which you never mention. I’d pay $297 a month just for that alone. Plus you don’t mention the $0.50c per click discount you get at Clickpromise for Traffic. I’ve looked at WA……..and this program shits all over it. Not even going to leave an affiliate link here, because this is real. Vick and Jason both have shady pasts, but name an online marketer that doesn’t! I’m not sure about signing up with their “Network Marketing” company at the end of the training but I know this, If you follow the process as described in Project Breakthrough you WILL learn something. If you buy the tools and up sells you WILL end up with useful products that will help you build an online business. This training is good. If you want to believe someone that is barely literate and can’t tell you the whole truth…….that’s your call. I know this comment will get deleted…..heck it may not even reach the page. If just one person reads this and takes in the info it will have been worth it. (BTW google page 2 for “Project Breakthrough”? Fix your algorithm. This site sucks).
Ok, you think I spell bad, my site sucks and you shit on WA?
Wow man, I think people who read your comment understand what kind of programs you are involved in and talk about. That kind of programs is MLM´s and tend to have members that leave these kind of comments, beeing rude and aggressive instead of answering with normal tone.
This comment from you is only strengthening “the picture” people have of the stereotype of an MLM junkie inside of his MLM bubble. That is the only reason I publish this comment so people can see, I get many comments like this one… But ONLY on posts where I share my thought on MLM (pyramid schemes). Hmm, I wonder why?
I have to say that you have done… quite a job…and put both time and effort on creating a new email account only for the purpose of leaving a comment here… Seems like you got a very good imagination by the way
And a lot of free time 
John, great comment here!!!
Thank you so much for this information!
I am very new on the online money making business, and for me sometimes is hard to recognise what is legit or scam. Than you for sharing this stuff with the world, people need to be aware!
You have opened my eyes and I will try the program you recommend instead.
Thank you Sofi! Yes try it, you will LOVE it. Thank you for your comment /John
Wow…the facts you present are so not true. First of all, saying that MLM is a pyramid scheme already makes you look uneducated. It is a billion dollar industry and is a legal business model. A true pyramid scheme has NO product to offer but money down from people. Second, someone’s past never defines them. Third, in order to make money in life one has to offer a product or service, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with offering those. The videos ARE completely free to go through and those that take the strategy and implement, become successful. And last but not least, bashing Project Breakthrough just to promote your wealthy affiliate program???? That’s low and sleazy!!!
So I am uneducated for my opinion that MLM´s are scams huh? So what if it is a million dollar industry and legal. The porn industry is a billion dollar industry as well, such as the selling weapon industry or the casino industry. Do you think those industries are making people any good?? And no I don´t mean the ones on top making money from all of it.
I have clearly said that people can change and I don´t judge anyone from their past, I just laying out some facts so PEOPLE can see what they are dealing with. I don´t say it is anything wrong in offering a product or service, but charging overprice and telling people to borrow money or do “whatever it takes” to get the money (that people don´t have) I find VERY questionable.
Another thing I find very questionable is why so many search on terms like is PBT a scam, or PBT review if you are so sure that it is a heaven’s send gift
Maybe most of you are only working trying to clear the name of a very questionable product? I know that happens a lot in the MLM industry as well, entire teams hired only for that task… it is not hard to see why because that industry stinks. Everybody knows that, except the ones so deeply involved in it that they cannot see clearly.
Wealthy Affiliate is NOT my program. If you are curious on who the owners are you can read that here:
Johnny, Johnny – 3 things:
#1. You REALLY need to get into High Traffic Academy to learn real marketing skills. Is wealthy affiliate teaching you to write bad reviews calling everything a scam to promote WA? Seems so. I see a lot of WA affiliates do this type of marketing. Oh also, 80% of your comments here are staged, comments from other WA members supporting each other to give each other blogs higher ranks. I think it would be very beneficial for ALL wealthy affiliate members to join High Traffic Academy to learn how to do REAL marketing where you don’t need to bash other successful marketers and programs to redirect people to your “deal”. Dude what you’re doing is just dumb. C’mon, it’s 2016… there are better ways to get traffic to your “deal” lol.
#2. In the first 2 weeks alone of launching Project Breakthrough we’ve helped nearly 2,000 earn a commission. For most of them it was their very first commission ever.
That’s 2,000 breakthrough, brah, new ones flooding in every single day.
How many people have YOU helped to breakthrough in the last 14 days?
You want to challenge me? Let’s do this publicly.
#3. Project Breakthrough is 100% FREE. People are not dumb, they can actually go through the program and decide for themselves how valuable it is. They actually don’t need to buy anything what-so-ever if they don’t want. You, however, writing these “in my opinion” type reviews on different programs calling everything a scam to push your WA “deal” are making yourself look very foolish.
Look, you might be a decent guy, I don’t know, but you’re making yourself look very weak and dumb by leveraging the momentum of other programs, writing bad, uneducated reviews calling everything a scam to try and promote your program that costs $47. LOL
You really, I mean REALLY need to get to High Traffic Academy and learn how to do REAL marketing and not only will you make more money, you’ll also be a lot happier and feel better too
Wow! I actually feel very flattered that you (the owner in person) have found my post
I am in no way saying that I am a better marketer than you Vick, because I know I am NOT. Lol! It even feels like you are marketing your program right now in this comment, you are a natural talent I guess:)
But I guess I have to do something right when I get the honor to get a comment from Mr president of the online world himself?
Maybe I know a thing or two on how to rank at least;)
Everything on this blog is not scams, I actually recommend a few other products other than WA, but you are right most of the programs I come across online are scams (in my humble opinion). I have bought into scams in the past, some of them I have ranked on this site as scams. Some of them even gave me a tiny bit of value.. But not anything I couldn´t gotten anywhere else for free.. I found out that the hard way.
The thing with WA is that it is PACKED with professionals and they will help you out at any time, any day, and any time of day/night. I know there are other programs out there that offer good value but I don´t know of any that offer that kind of support. That is one of the biggest reasons I see it as the best. Again this is my opinion.
I have never said that your program ain´t got any value.. I actually took some tips from it, not sure if I would have got so much value from it as a complete beginner, though… I have also pointed out other things.. mostly for people that are not into this online world as much as me… and light years from as much as you of course.
I really think that both you and Jason seem like very nice guys and I actually enjoyed watching you free course a lot, most of all because of the energy and inspiration you translated through the screen. But I was disappointed when reaching lesson 3 that it was required to buy the elite membership to be able to go along and learn with the lessons, that was marketed as free ones.
Also, when I started to dig online I found other “warning signs”… We are only humans none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes and I never judge anyone because you never know what the other person has been through.
This review is only my opinion, nothing more nothing less.
John, I read your replies and you have contradicted your own self on multiple occasions. It’s actually funny. And no, people are not replying here because your blog ranked…keep wishing LOL …people are replying because it was shared by one person. Bottom line, you did bring up someone’s past which has no relevance to current situation, especially that Vick openly talks about it and has moved on a long time ago. I have been in the online space enough to know that yes, there are scams, schemes and cyclers, which are not right. A MLM is NOT a scam! I am sorry you feel that way. Costco, Walmart, and many other large corporations use distributorship just on a different scale. You not agreeing or supporting MLM, does not make it a scam. If you truly want to see real scams, watch Food, Inc., Monstanto documentaries and pharma business practices. Compared to those, MLM is actually a very good and positive business, because many companies promote health and well-being. Your blog post has a lot of assumptions and opinions and not facts. PB offers products and encourages people to go all in, but you can watch ALL 14 videos without spending a dime and use the strategies. I can tell you that I have made a ton of commissions without spending a dime on traffic either…why? Because I was taught in HTA how to actually market with value and attract people… Negative attracts negative and sadly, I have seen MANY WA affiliates bashing multiple companies and leaders…and this does not make them be right. It does not make them any more legit of a company. Why not teach people real value and truly market, rather than bash, bash, and bash???
Hmm, I have already wrote many times on this post that I don´t judge anyone’s past. I brought that up for people to think twice before borowing money from friends and family to afford the membership. Yes, I know that MLM is “legit” and I definitely know that people deeply involved in MLM will always defend it and praise it to the sky
Sure it is my opinions I write, of course, who else opinion should I write? Other opinions like your for example, I post here in the comment section. Congratulations on making commissions without spending any money on traffic, I know that is more than possible, but I have very hard to see a complete beginner in the subject doing that without proper training on exactly how to do it. Sure they could of course, share their link on Facebook and spam all over the place but I think both you and me know that tactics is not very effective, right?
You say I am contradicted? Lol! I was actually going to say the same to you, bashing on WA member
If you would join WA you would notice very quick that they will encourage you to start your business about ANY subject you want. The reason why you see many people “bash” on “making money online” products online I think has a very simple explanation: Most of them are crap.
Thank you for your opinion and comment
“Hmm, I have already wrote many times on this post that I don´t judge anyone’s past.”
Man read your own articles! You are ridicolous with those statements!
You are like the good friend who says, I never have said you that your wife sleeps with another man, because I never speak bad about other people, man oh man, wake up……
I am considering joining but I guess what I am confused about is how much it is going to cost to join this program. they say free on their page but then you tell me there are upgrades and vick says that I can make $2000 commissions but doesn’t say how. In fact, nothing is clear from the page and they don’t even tell you there is a price. WTH? How do I earn that sort of money and what will I be doing?
If this is another one of these programs that try to get me to join at a price just so I can sell that same program to my friends then i am not interested. This isn’t clear to me and can I actually earn money without spending money or is this another one of sink your bank account sort of programs.
Way to go Vick…I like the idea of a public challenge
I have just joined wealthy affiliate though your link about 5 mins ago and i am not wealthy yet what gives?
Na I’m only kidding, I have experience with online marketing and making website, ” of my websites have just went down :/ looking to change use a now host.
I just have 1 question about WA
does it say you have to join a specific host in order to continue going through the course or can you uses any or existing host?
Lol! Liked that one
You can use any host you like to
Hey John, I’m back. Couldn’t resist, especially since Mr. Vick “I-Own-The-Internet” Strizheus himself showed up. The newest thing in Project Breakthrough is that it really all comes back to SiteSuite, which they claim is a unique funnel builder. I just found another funnel builder that might be a lot better! It’s called 10 Minute Funnels. You might want to check it out and let us know what you think. I believe that most people over at Project Breakthrough got hooked because they were led to believe there’s nothing like SiteSuite out there. 10 Minute Funnels is not only cheaper per month at 97$, which sounds awesome, but it also has tons of templates for all kinds of websites, and getting a landing page creator (The best one I know costs 297$ for 30 websites) would not be required. Plus there are no limits to how many websites you’re allowed to create. And you can link everything together (homepage, opt in page, thank you page, autoresponder etc.) without needing programming skills. Sounds pretty epic if you ask me. I also asked Jack Cao who is a highly respected marketer and also excels at exposing scammers to check out both Vick’s new project and 10 Minute Funnels. Could take a while for him to get to it since he gets lots of requests, but you can count on me to let you know. I’ll keep you updated. Talk soon.
Oops… I sent this message before the other one, and it didn’t make it through right away, so I thought it was rejected. Feel free to delete it… or keep it. It’s almost the same message really. I’ll stay in touch.
I can still see Vick is up to his old antics. I was shamefully part of the of Empower Network a few years back and I was sponsored by Vick….well in theory, he never helped me once. He was notorious for bragging about his success back then and by looking at his comment about that is what he is still up to.
There were many things he was doing shady back then, he was charging people up to $5K per month for his Big Idea Mastermind stuff. I have taken a look at his new project breakthrough stuff and it is more of the same. There is nothing free about it. $297, followed by $177 per video…followed by more and more payments. Free my ass.
Unfortunately his partner in this business whom seems like a really nice guy had no idea who linking up with here. He is some who was charged for fraud in the past. He didn’t change his ways when he was doing the BIM thing now I can see he hasn’t changed his ways with his new product.
Thanks for your comment Jack!
Hey john, i just want to say that i am happy that you are doing the right thing by warning people about this scams online, and continue doing the right thing, i fully support you! I too as an affiliate marketer will promote only the best things for my customers and not lying to them or scaming them to get what i want. Because want i want is value and not money
Well said, thanks a lot Samuel!
OMG! I´m so glad i came across your site from their own Facebook page. I´m on day4 and i didn’t purchase the Elite account because I didn’t feel good about it. Good review. I already sign up on the link above , Im a newbie 2. I hope this will help me get more experience int this industry. Thank you, seriously I was about to make a huge mistake.
Thank you Marcela! Makes me very glad to hear that
You have made a great choice and you will start to learn a lot from now on. Thank you for your comment Marcela and see you at WA
Just read your review. I’m so new to online marketing and just don’t know where to start. I was about to start day 3 of Project Breakthrough. They do a good job of getting you excited and thinking your going to make a lot of money, but after reading your review, it kinda “broke my bubble”. The points you make are right. I,m deff going to check out WA.
thank you, Shannon
We all started out knowing nothing in anything in life really, not only Internet marketing. I agree that they do a good job to excite you, that is also a very common marketing technique for marketers waiting to throw the BIG cost on you, before they do, they need your trust and engagement.
I am sure you will find WA to be GREAT if you plan to start with Internet marketing. Thank you for your comment Shannon
Hey John, i guess you’re just jealous to Vick. You are just promoting your own Wealthy Affiliate program and i think you’re still struggling online. Project Breakthrough is a great program specially for a newbie it is a step by step video guided program that helps you to earn in as little as 14 days. In fact a lot of members had already earned $3,000+ after 14 days….
I actually got turned off by the hyperactive, repetitive way they TALK. Especially ‘Jason’ has some very annoying “step-by-step-by-step” and “across the board” and “totally absolutely” expressions that often don’t convey any accurate meaning AT ALL….
Vick is super-slick and snaps his fingers like a hypnotist… he probably learned NLP, mind control or highly persuasive sales techniques! He over-talks things, rather like Dave and Dave or whoever in Empower Network trickery style … super men.
You know, I wanted to BELIEVE in this traffic potential and income potential but NOT at $297 USD per month “my friends” or “you, friend… ” as Vick says, encouragingly.
Yes, seems like you have been around “sales people” before, then it can work the other way around when you are bombarded with “hypnotic talk” like you say lol! I am actually the same, I think there is one rule that beats all in marketing… If your product is very good then you don´t need to market it, people will buy it anyway…
Also, I believe that you can sell ice to an Eskimo if you market it the right way…
Thank you for your comment Geoff
Project Breakthrough and High Traffic Academy is not a scam. Whether it is worth the price, I have no comment. It might be useful, but if you don’t have a relatively big budget to start with, it is definitely not for you.
I’m not a member of High traffic academy, not because I think it is a scam. I know that many of the members and Vick himself is or have been part of the empower network and it is not that kind of business mode that I’m interested in.
I have been a WA member for 6 months and then left, not because it was bad, it actually had a really good community. I wanted to start a business where I can test, scale and grow with a relatively short amount of time, so I could quickly identify what works or what doesn’t work.
I don’t agree with you that making money online have to take a lot of time, it call comes down to what business model you choose and how much tie you put in it. I invested a course for 2000$ and I have learn so much and have reached amazing results, but of course it is another business model and I work 10 hours everyday on my business.
There are different ways to make money online, I have a friend from the same course, he made 22k in revenue in 3 weeks, so it’s not impossible. Of course he uses another business model and paid traffic, which can help us identify what work and what don’t in a short amount of time, so it is not impossible. Just because a course is expensive, doesn’t mean it is a scam.
Namaste John. I watched all the free “training” videos, and I’m ready to drop some serious truth bombs. First of all, Jack Cao didn’t reply to my email. He must be really busy with doing tons of other reviews. But I found the site of Ethan Vanderbuilt. He’s also a scam buster and told me that Vick is a long time scammer. Then he said that Wealthy Affiliate and 10 Minute Funnels are not scams, which is great news. In Project Breakthrough they announced something “special” at the end of the last free video… In August they will have a live event where they intend to launch a new training platform where they will charge people even more… and everyone can earn one million dollars or more in one single day, depending on how many people they referred to HTA Elite… And now to how this works… Someone who’s desperately trying to make some money online gets an email from out of the blue, often from a person they never opted in with to get their emails in the first place, which happened in my case. Then they go to the Project Breakthrough site and sign in, since it’s 100% free. After only 3 days they’re being told that it’ll cost them 297$ per month to join High Traffic Academy Elite, which is not optional if they want the additional 27 passive income streams. Also it gives them the chance to use SiteSuite, their “ultra advanced” funnel builder. This leaves people who don’t see that there are better options no choice and they are tempted to join and do exactly as Vick says. Some say they’ll wait until they’ve watched all free videos. And there, at the very end, Vick promises the world to everyone, by turning them into millionaires in a single day. But in order for them to get there they have to first become HTA Elite members for 297$ a month, then get their own special bundle deal with “super advanced” trainings that cost up to 1997$ a year (for Champion level including all trainings)… and finally when the new training platform is being launched during the live event in August they’ll be able to get in for around 7200$ (judging from the affiliate commission he mentioned) in order to enjoy the most advanced “super duper OMG can this be real” trainings ever created in the online marketing space. Conclusion… Vick is not just another scammer… He is the king of scammers! Period. I’ve come across many scams, even fallen for a few… But this is by far the smartest scam ever! Countless people are falling for this left and right. And it’s spreading across the internet like a wildfire. I didn’t figure out how to cancel Project Breakthrough, so I just logged out and deleted the link from my bookmarks. Also unsubscribed and deleted all their emails. I’m going 100% with Wealthy Affiliate and 10 Minute Funnels. If it’s OK I’ll be back one more time to tell you how things are going. I have so much wisdom to share with the world, and my gifts would be wasted if I promoted a product or service I don’t trust completely. Oh, and Vick and Jason are now even involved in a scandal with Anthony Robbins, because one of the HTA members posted something on YouTube for which they had no permission. That’s all from me for now. I wish you the very best.
Namaste Dennis
Wow, that´s all I have to say
Millionaire in 1 day huh
Sounds very much like a scam, ohh sorry I mean a dream
Thanks a lot for the update from you man, very interesting to hear.
You are more than welcome back here anytime you want, I really enjoy listening to what you have to say.
Thanks /John
Dennis, so it’s a lie
that you actually can make money not spending a dime? I mean I don’t want to be rich the way they promise because I understand if I want so I must spend some big money too, So my question is : with the 14 day training, will you be able to get the knowledge to start making little money without spending a dime?
Thanks so much for posting this helpful review. I totally agree that there is no quick way to learn how to make money online. I have been trying for decades to master the art of making money online. For years I tried to do it the quick and easy way and I can surely attest that there is no such thing. I can say if Project Breakthrough is a scam or not but I will say that telling people they can make money online in two weeks is surely a red flag. Thanks again for this incredibly helpful post. Best wishes, Kelara
Well, you can make money in 2 weeks online, you can also do it faster. To do it as a beginner I am very sceptical too, but hey, anything is possible. However, I suggest you create your foundation (in the form of a website) before going into other stuff.
Yes, it is a red flag indeed, there is also a couple of other red flags with the Project BreakThrough program
Thanks for your comment /John
Hi john! Very good read here! i have never heard of this site before, but sounds very much like a scam to me… I don’t understand how people can just rip others off!
I agree with you, Wealthy affiliate is the way to go. Such an amazing opportunity there!
Hi John,
I just registered to Project Breakthrough. The two guys are damn good in what they’re doing. I am sure that many people will fall into this crude trap.
After watching video 3, I realised that something was wrong. The programm behind Project Breakthroug is totally overprized. $297 a month! Unbelievable..
Time is money
I’m so glad that I found your site and do not waste more time in watching.
Thanks for writing this article!
Best regards,
Yep Marion, they are good at convincing and keeping you in a positive state of mind, that is necessary, in MLM marketing, when the products (in most cases) are hefty overpriced. A pyramid structure needs to have overpriced products to “survive”.
All the hype is what really should ring the alarm bells for people, unfortunately that tactic still works… If you want to read more on how to spot a scam you can check out this post:
Thank you for your comment Marion!
Best regards,
Hey if Donald Trump can fool a good population of Americans why not Vick? The similarity between them is, a great number believes in them and pretty soon Vick will have his own show called ‘The Online Apprentice’.
By the way thanks for the alert.
Lol! You might be right about that show coming live soon! hahaha
Thanks for your comment man, and for giving me a good laugh
Best regards
Hidden up-sales are no bueno. Thanks for the in-depth review you provide here.
It’s damned tricky to find legitimate sites out there that will actually help you. All the marketers are earning money. It’s just so important to spend your money wisely when you’re first getting started, that you can’t afford to make a mistake with several hundred of your hard-earned dollars.
Thanks again for your helpful review.
If you want to find a top legit place to get help to start making money online, check out this review:…
Hope that helps!
Thanks for your comment Paul.
Best regards
Thanks for the information. I think it’s a scam just by looking at what the founder, Vick, said before this in the video that you posted. A lot of the claims he made before are all exaggerate and not true. Basically, I think this guy is just not honest. Whenever I see people show off his/her luxury cars or “castle”, I will stay away from those people. I think my advise for newbies is also stay away from this scam program! There are a lot more humble and good gurus out there, those that won’t make bold claims and show off their luxury cars. Some of them are even teach you their basic system for free. Also, I don’t like the idea that they always want to give people impression that making money online is easy and can be done in a short time. NO! Impossible. Making money online is just like doing other kind of businesses. You need to learn and take some time to make your first dime. That’s fact! Thus, I totally agree with you John, this program is just a scam.
Thanks Rick! Sounds like you know a thing or two about this business. I agree with you Rick.
Thanks for your support
Enjoyed the article. Even though you have horrible spelling and grammar for a writer.
I’m a professional network marketer. And so are you, because you promoted countless times WA in this article. I’ve done network marketing for 3 years already and I absolutely love it, it paid for my law school, I have time freedom, can’t complain. Anyways, if a company asks you to invest money every single month, it’s a SCAM. It is the type of company that only makes money in recruiting, run away as fast as possible. You will hurt yours, your friends , and your family’s pocket.
I’m glad I stumbled with this article, because you saved me time.
I was waiting and waiting until it got to the cost which they kept prolonging.
Lol! I know I have bad spelling and grammar
English is not my first language, however, I am getting better and better.
Hmm, me sending people in the direction of WA has nothing to do with Network Marketing. Network Marketing is actually another word for MLM, I am not a big fan of that, if you haven´t already noticed
If you google the term network marketing you will find that it is the same thing as MLM. Here is an excerpt of the exact text that can be found on Wikipedia:
Companies that use MLM models for compensation have been a frequent subject of criticism and lawsuits. Criticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price fixing of products, high initial entry costs (for marketing kit and first products), emphasis on recruitment of others over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring members to purchase and use the company’s products, exploitation of personal relationships as both sales and recruiting targets, complex and exaggerated compensation schemes, the company and/or leading distributors making major money off training events and materials, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members’ enthusiasm and devotion.
Sounds A LOT like how you described the PBT, I completely agree with you on that one
Thanks for your comment!
Best regards
Thanks john for your great review… At last these two peoples are also build a scam and I want to know one thing. Is all online businesses are scam or any trusted websites are available becoz I m totally tired for searching at least one true & trusted online earning websites.
I understand that you feel that way, it is easy to think everything is a scam, but it is not. I know of 3 legit ones that I know work, but I only recommend one of them as it cannot compare to any other program. It is this one:
Hope that helps
Best regards
thanks john .. But I m from india , so I m unable to use the free membership. iS any other website is available for indians as free membership for making money online.
I see Venkii, you are restricted from the free membership but you can of course, become a Premium member if you want. Some countries are restricted due to the high risk of spam and fraud, but only from the free membership.
If you want a free site that can make you some money you can check out this:
Hope that helps
Hi John
I enjoy so much reading your comments and other peoples too especially about Dennis who keep coming back with new information ,also I admire how you answer to the people that are rude ,anyway I want to make money on line and I am a grandma besides English is not my first language so don’t mind my misspelling lol
I found Wealth Affiliate almost a year and I was trying to do my website ,they are really good the community is also very nice ,but I needed someone to teach me one to one and so I took a break ,and look for other ways but that never happened maybe because I need to focus more and learn more english too
I also tryed PBT thinking that the FREE sounded to good to be true and well there you go ,day 3 WHAT ?
Become elite member 297 a month ,at first I thought maybe we need to put some money to make money and is understandable so I decided to check the Google and I got into your site After reading the comments I felt like The little red riding hood being chased by the wolf, acctually the Grandmother lol
Well I decided to go back to Wealth Afilliate and study more and make a site with a product I like and believe on it so Thank you John
Thank you! I really appreciate that. The people who are being rude are only making it even clearer for “normal” people to understand what the whole thing is about. What they say (and call me) don´t itch me in any place

Lol! Don´t mind if your English is not perfect, mine is not perfect either LOL! Just like the “rude” people have stated a few times
You are on the right path I can hear, you only need to stick to the training, complete the tasks given and you will succeed. A big mistake many people tend to do is to jump from program to program, choose one (legit) and stick to that one.
Hope to see you around inside the WA community
Thank you for your comment and your support!
Best regards
Wow. I had no idea about this Vitaly asshole… I just stopped the video Project Breakthough at the beginning and Googled both names and there it was. Im glad I did that and did not waste my time. I am currently looking for an in home-business. So far its been 2 days and I have found a lot of acams. Im glad that people like you exist to warn us about these thieves. I have a wife and 4 kids, so I cannot afford, like Im sure many other people out there, to waste time and money. Could you refer to some legit in home-businesses.
Thanks again for your insight!
Thanks for your comment Sergio, I really appreciate it. I refer to a legit program in this review, just click the link at the end of the review.
Best regards
I am currently in day 7.. I have notice a pattern, being exposed to other schemes i picked up on it rather quickly. I notice it’s only Vick mentioning about the downline, Jason never mentions it. Body language speaks wonders when the both are shooting a video. Its seems as though Jason is there to motivate and convince the masses while Vick promotes the scheme.
Sounds like you know how to spot a scam
Thank you for your comment
Best regards
thank u john u really did great and u will help too many people
Thank you Karam!
John thanks for providing a real and honest review of project breakthrough! I myself decided to test the program for a month and while I’ve made some money off the FREE part of the program I haven’t had anyone as of yet upgrade to the higher ticket part. With any program you have to learn how to drive traffic, capture leads, and convert sales. Thanks!
Thank you Rob, glad you liked the review. You are right that you have to learn to drive traffic with any program, unfortunately not every program teaches you that, and if some do they mostly overcharge for the information. Guess you already knew a thing or two on how if you have made some money with the free part.
Thanks again for your comment
Best regards
Hi John,
Thank you for your heads up on Project breakthrough. Many are desperately looking for ways to make and extra buck online, me included, to help make ends meet or for some other reason. At University I had Marketing in my course so I can recognize the strategy used by Jason and Vic. Still I decided to go through the 14 days instruction, get insight on what they do in general, use the 14 or 30 day free apps then cancel before having expenses.
Their disclaimer is clear. Everything is at your own risk. So everyone should use their gut instinct and be very aware especially when a getting access involves spending money no matter what the amount.
I will take a look at WA too because I need to decide if this is what I want to do or move on to other options to earn money online.
Thanks again and all the best
Yes I guess the marketing tactic they use is obvious for you (who have studied the subject), even for me who haven´t studied (in a school) it is obvious. You should definetly take a look at WA as they offer you everything that is included in the Internet marketing subject. There is other options to make money online but I would say Internet marketing is by far the best one, the only “bad” thing about it is that it will take some time to learn and earn but once the ball starts to roll it is well worth it
Thank you for your comment and I wish you a lot of success in whatever you decide to go with!
Best regards
Sir, I wan’t to quit project breakthrough, its my day 3rd, what to do?
Just cancel your membership, I don´t know what procedure you have to go through to do that, it can sometimes be quite a “procedure” to cancel certain programs… hope it won´t be that hard.
Please tell me how it works out for you, best regards /John
I’m currently going through their videos.
Now day 7, and YES, i didn’t yet sign for their “elite” membership.
I don’t know how to put and explain this, but here goes…
You know they have this “to-do list” at the right hand side. They will ask you to click the TOOLS (link) and register. If you guys look closely, the links are affiliate links to the tools.
And it makes me wonder (sorry, it’s not yet 14 days), if you promote people to this PB, how on earth are you going to get the “27 income streams” which they claim? I don’t remember which videos it is, but they claim the TOOLS are part of your “income stream”. How to change the TOOLS’ affiliate links if, it is their videos, their website, their links? I’m going through all the videos looking for this solution. If they didn’t mention or show about it, then it is 10000% SCAM!!!
Good choice to not buying the VERY expensive “elite” membership, you can get exactly the same training (and more) waaay cheaper than the cost of PB.
The 27 income streams are just a nicer word for MLM (pyramid scheme) and you can get that on many MLM programs and more than 27 on some places, however MLM is not something I recommend.
Also, if the history is going to repeat itself and you get your affiliate links swaped it is like you say a scam to a 1000%
Right now one thing is clear, it is a ripoff to a 10000%
Thank you for your comment Mark!
Best regards
I’ll will try out WA just as you suggested.
Going to go through the FREE stuffs first…won’t commit anything yet…
Great decision man, yes I would suggest you go through the free training first, even if you go premium later you aren´t “committed” to anything, you can cancel the membership at any time.
But I am sure you will love it
Thanks for your comment!
Best regards /John
Hi John
I came across this review and I feel you haven’t given PBT justice. Don’t you have a hidden agenda here writing these reviews?? Aren’t you trying to get signups to WA, so when your reviewing these programs can you honestly say your impartial, I don’t think so, naturally your goal is to pick holes in any program you review because your goal is to get signups. Regarding Vick he was quite open with his past discreations and hasn’t withheld anything regrading that. For me PBT is like any legit online program, its what you put in is what you get out of it. While I agree some of the offers at PBT are a bit pricey and that is not for everyone. But you can build your way up a lot faster and earn more money following the training at PBT than you would following the the training you get at WA. I have been a member of WA before and it just wasn’t for me great program with fantastic owners, but that me.
I think it might be you that have a hidden agenda here, maybe you are in the team that works to “clear” certain companies bad reputation name? Yes I admit I will send people in the direction of WA instead of programs that rips people off, have very “unstable” credibility, and most of all don´t give people the real foundation of an online business, wich is a website.
I recommend other programs (not only WA), for example, Chris Farell Membership is a good program for beginners and it teaches you the REAL foundation (a website). However, compared to WA it is just quite not as good, but still legit and a good program.
If making money fast is the only things that matters, hey, why not go to the casino and play with a $1000, you will probably make money faster that way than if you join WA.
Faster isn´t always better…
Lol! Can you please explain why you can earn MORE money with PBT than WA???
That claim just makes me more sure of, that you work in the “cleaning up the bad reputation of a company team”
One thing is crystal clear, you pay (at least) in membership costs for PB in 1 month what WA costs for a whole year… So I would say it is a GIGANTIC risk that you will lose more money with PB than you will with WA.
$297 a month is insane. I couldn’t imagine paying $3500 a year for what appears to be ok training but not something extremely advanced.
His past if enough for me to look the other way. You see a lot of people defending him, but I think that’s because they’ve bought into the inflated income amounts.
Yes, it is insane and I agree that some of the training is ok but not more, like you say.
Yes, some people are defending the program, like you say it is most likely the ones who have bought into it, it is a “natural reaction” to defend something you have bought. Also, it is important to be aware of that there are people working for companies to clear their names, this is very common for MLM businesses, if it is the case here I don´t know but some of the comments feel very suspeisions to say the least.
Thanks for your comment
Best regards
Hi John,
Thank you so much for your honest review about PBT I almost bought into that program but after day two, I smelled MLM in it. You also mentioned another MLM which is empower ( ) where Vick is involved, well this one hit home for me.
Thank you Colin, glad you liked it
Thanks for your comment I really appreciate it, best regards /John
Project Breakthrough is a SYSTEM that is BUILt. And to build it Vick and his team spend much resurse- time,money, energy to create it. Not speaking about ALL THE KNOWLEDGE he squares through online years. Vick is FATHER of 6 children. Imagine what person you become if you live in this kinda world. Vick is a MILLIONAIRE. What happens when you break from limitation of money and u have all the time in the world? U move closer to yourself and to higher purpose .And you get father from your own ego and needs. But you can’t see that because u are a loser who probably have no children and spend money on hookers. And i really hate u for saying PB is a scam and for 1 reason only. Because of you many people will not use the opportunity to break free to make money online. U are like virus. Please do us all a favor for the GREATER GOOD and die.
Hi there doesnt matter
(nice name by the way)
Lol! Yes, you can move closer to yourself by becoming rich, and move closer to higher purposes… You can also get more greedy, more wants more you know.. Anyway, that is another topic and I agree that the option you mentioned can happen.
All the other things you say just makes me pretty sure that you are an “MLM enthusiast” because you sound exactly like one…
If you did see clear it would be obvious to you that I am helping people out here.
Good bless you
Hi John,
This review is, as usual, crystal clear and very professional.
Making money online is never going to be “fast and furious”
Anybody who claims that way, in my opinion, do not have a transparent soul.
You can make money, oh yes, a lot of money, certainly.
You can do it after 14 videos…could you build a car after watching 14 videos…just to make an example.
I always say that scam is not the right word for this kind of online ‘business”, i would rather use unethical and misleading, but i understand that scam is more as a ranking word.
great job, thanks
Thank you Andrea! Well said!
Best regards /John
Luckily I found your blog when I was searching for project breakthrough. and many thanks for opening my eyes. I do believe many people out there want to make bulk of money in quick time but the harsh reality is that if you want to earn money through online marketing you need to wait a bit for the right opportunity so as to get good returns. I don’t think this kind of stuff really works. So once again many thanks for coming up with real truth!
Glad to hear that I helped you out Kushal.
Yes, it will take some time to set up an online business, but it is definitely worth the time and effort that it takes.
Thanks for your comment man /John
Hi John,
I just did a review of these bloodsuckers too. I got so tired of hearing “just do it, trust me” in the videos I wanted to scream.
They are internet savvy for sure. That’s what makes it so sad. I believe they could use the knowledge they have to actually build something and help people, but alas they do not. They take the money and run.
I am glad there are other people like you blowing the whistle on them also. Nice job.
Thank you Barry, that means a lot! Aha, that´s great man, will check out your review right away.
Best regards
Hi John,
I finished the videos at PB and clicked the graduation button and guess what? I can be a Marketing Champion for $1889.00 lucky me, there are cheaper options all very expensive. Amazing it never stops.
The reason I am here is to tell you that somebody placed a link to your review in the comment section.
Also my last comment I listed the website the my review is not on. My review of PB is on the site listed here. Give it a read and let me know what you think? I would appreciate it.
Wow $1889, that´s cheap
I did read your review and I liked it a lot, very informative and helpful.
Thank you for your comment Barry
Hi John.
Thank you so much for writing this review. I saw this so called “opportunity” being promoted on a Safelist. It looked too good to be true so I started researching. That’s how I landed here. I advise everyone to look before you leap! Especially Newbies! I know for myself, I cannot afford to lose anymore of my hard earned money on the internet scams.
I really appreciate people like you who can help me and others avoid these things. Also, I was in W.A. for almost a year and learned an awful lot. I plan on coming back in soon.
It’s well worth the money, especially for newbies.
Word! Always do your research on everything before buying into something.
Thank you glad I could help. Yes WA is great, nothing comes by itself though, you have to put in the time and effort.
Best regards /John
Thanks John, You make me clear about as the newbie on IM i just proof to Kevin. But after I find the research and read your review it’s make me clear about it.
Thank you, makes me glad to hear that I can help. Best regards /John
I’m really regretful for the time i wasted in watching their trivial videos. Since the beginning there was an inner voice in me telling me that these guys are untrustworthy. It is very rare nowadays to find a honest person that will show you and teach you something that you will gain money from it.
That little voice is pretty much always right my friend. You are absolutely right about what you say that it is rare to find honesty online in this subject.
Thanks for your comment Aksel!
Best regards
Man thanks for your article I’m already in day 2 and I was motivated about that project which I thaught will change my entire life
can you just help me by giving advices how to earn money from internet ? I’m like making reseraches daily but I’m not statisfied with anything
No problem, just glad I can help. Try the link at the end of this post “Try A Real And Legit Program Instead”
Best regards
John, I am a very happy member of WA and I have made a good start and rate every aspect of its community. I am also half way through Project Breakthrough and so far I am very pleased with it. I am learning a huge amount because I am being walked through the process hand in hand by experts. I can even replay every bit of video over and over again until I’ve got it. I know that the proof is yet to come, but so to for me is WA. As far as cost of PB is concerned, of course it’s a lot, but it is a fraction of the price of a traditional francise or any other typical business. To work at home, by choice, without all the overheads associated with going to work, tax deductable too, makes this a small price to pay ahead as an investment. As has been said, there is no need to purchase anything in PB to start the commissions coming in within 2 or 3 weeks. And then there is a 30 day guarantee! Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but can you be taken seriously when you are clearly committed to WA at any cost and so negative about PB, when you are yet to trial it properly? Seems to me that you are trashing another business without proper evidence and taking along others who rely on you. I will not be one of them, but I will watch with interest as PB takes off!
I have looked at the first 3 videos, when I finally saw what I was expecting…Too good to be true, lol! Then I did further research and found your article.
I knew (or felt) they weren’t the most honest guys, however, I did learn a few basics things, so I believe that as long as you are fully aware of what their goal is, you can watch the video for learning purposes.
Have you watched the rest following videos, and if so , do you think there is much to learn for a newbie? I do not want to waste too much time.
Reading your article, I can’t help but thinking that you are right, but also to wonder if you can be objective, as you are working for a competitors training programme?
Also, how do you know for sure that they will steal leads from the affiliates?
I’m just genuinely asking, as I am new to this space and it is all very overwealming, to say the least
Kindest Regards,
Yes you can learn things from watching the free course.. You can also learn things by watching FREE YouTube videos on the same subjects…
Yes I watched the rest of the videos and I would say that a newbie won´t really understand.. or more correct it will be to start in the wrong end for a newbie… A foundation in an online business should be (and is) A WEBSITE. So if you are a newbie I suggest you start in that end instead…
If you should watch the whole series (14 episodes) or if you will just waste time? Well, after the third or fourth (can´t really remember) it will be “required” to buy the elite membership to get use of the training…
I cannot say for sure that they will steal your leads of course, but it has happened in the past… Think it is pretty important to mention that, especially when you are told not to ask questions
Borrow money if you ain´t got
And so on… Or maybe I am just paranoid? 
If you are a newbie I would say that there is no better place than WA, spend the same amount of time that it will take you to watch those 14 episodes of PB and you will have both a website up and a GREAT understanding on how to create a business and make money online…
If you want to read my review on WA you got it here:
Hope that helps! And thank you for your comment Fa
/Best regards
Thanks for your reply!
I will have a look at WA
Thanks for your comment
Yes do that, you will not be disappointed!
Best regards
Hi John, nice review. I just so happened to be on a VC site earlier and his Advert got served up. It caught my attention (Good job whatever your name is… Vick !)
What follows below is a 100% completely inaccurate, has no barring on anyone or any organization. I would also like to point out that I live in a mental institution. Furthermore I cannot be trusted and have written this email to read out aloud to my pet dachshund called ‘Terry’ – a recovering alcoholic and who sometimes needs a scary bed time story to send him off to sleep.
My old age now is comforting because when I was way younger I would have looked at the offer with a different set of eyes and knowledge mind-set. His young – and impressionable – target audience as well as older folk (They have a lot of disposable income don’t you know…) who tend to believe (because that’s how they were brought up) that ‘trust’ is a given, are his ‘marks’ to ‘educate’ and extract moolah from.
Whilst I have not even bothered to give my email up, reading the above and watching his intro video has moved me to put pen to paper and leave all of you with a bit of food for thought…With my background in media I would like to think I can smell a Bog Rat of a product at 50 yards (If the wind is blowing in my face…)
What’s going on here then is an object lesson in social (drum roll) COMPLIANCE. Its really simple but stunningly effective when done right. The ‘front end’ is a call to action of something for nothing. So far, so boring…being your new best friend. The longer you keep a mark engaged with a tight script that covers all scenario’s the higher the likely hood of the mark moving to forming a bond that will lead to trust. It usually takes 45mins in total to form a reasonable bond. This is also called ‘mark compliance’ but at this stage its a very ‘soft’ form of social compliance.
Once the ‘compliance’ is in place two things will happen next-
1. An upsell – These guys will be running a telesales floor for sure (a bit like that well known wall street film about penny shares) Its here that all the ‘magic’ starts to happen.
A sales rep (Client success coach) will call and ask why they have not yet signed up for the extra coaching, and that there must be a mistake, so I’m here to help you do that right now. They will talk them through a door closing script and along the way, get to know EVERYTHING about them – Age, Status, Job, Credit et cetera and make notes – you need to know how much money your mark has or what they can get as credit.
The open will also appeal to their greed and play upon the usual things as making the mark think they will ‘get’ more respect, attention, live longer and so on. The pitch will ‘sign post’ them to the next door…and then the next door…The ‘Mark’ is now spending real money…On each ‘close’ the deal becomes harder so the sales rep has to comply them with a much harder sell – ‘become an early adopter, a taste maker, an opinion former’ just by upgrading and spending just a little more…All along the sales rep has been doing a good cop/ bad cop form of bullying to get the mark where he needs his mental health to be. (Confused and afraid to say no) If that’s not working then a second voice ‘I’m xyz’s boss’ will then take over.
Of course there will also be countless emails and no doubt once the mark has been bleed dry, will then be resold on to another suckers list for someone else to try their luck.
2. Wash, rinse and repeat.
Hope you all paid attention.
Must go, Terry I think has pissed all over the bed sheets…
A M Barkers
Thank you glad you liked the review
Also, thank you A M Barkers, for your comment, even if my English is far from perfect I think I understood most of what you wrote and most importantly I “got” what you are saying, sounds like you know a lot on the psychological aspects that come into play with marketing (a hyped and expensive product)
Thanks again for your comment
Best regards
Hey John thank you for your honest review. I was actually to go all in into this b.s program, I was suspicious thought, when they talk about the program being “totally free and just follow exactly as we say and ask no questions”. It reminded me of the church pastor from the movie “Don’t be a menace on south something something…” lol.
I wonder if there’s actually a TRUE online FREE marketing system out there?
I know nobody becomes a millionaire overnight, but there’s lots of people out there struggling to support their families and that are looking online marketing as a alternative solution.
LOL! I haven´t seen that movie
But will consider it next time I am gonna look at a movie, or maybe it wasn´t a very good one? 
There are TRUE programs out there, not many of them are free, the best online marketing program I know of is also free to join, read this:
Hope that helps!
Best regards
JHON, so it’s a lie
that you actually can make money not spending a dime? I mean I don’t want to be rich the way they promise because I understand if I want so I must spend some big money too, So my question is : with the 14 day training, will you be able to get the knowledge to start making little money without spending a dime? I need something like that where I can keep earning very little and then after some time, I can start using that money to invest. you know, something real not magic. Do you know something like that? i know you name WA but how does it work? you actually need to have your own product or service right? and using this tool your own business can get more visible on internet? but you must first have your business idea, correct? Thanks 4 all.
No, you will not (as a complete beginner get that kind of knowledege, without spending a dime.
Also, it is not true that you have to spend a lot of money to make big money, not true at all. What is true however is that you can make A LOT of money with A LOT of effort, that is really what it takes. Effort. If you are ready to put in the effort you can make A LOT of money without having to spend much at all, you will learn all about that at WA. Read more about it here:
Thanks for your comment Diana
Best regards
Thank you so much for clearing that up for all of us, we just fall into some thing that looks good on the outside but is a costly price on the inside. I just ended day 3 on project break through and I just felt like it was to good to be true. Then I found out it cost 279.mth and 177. for all other instructions there on. Ya’ scam is right. I feel bad for the couple sitting in front of them. They are going to get sucked into something that they cant one afford and two its not going to work for them like they thought it was. I want to say thanks.
Thank you Sharon!! You should know that it makes me very glad to hear that I have helped you out.
Best regards
The writer cannot properly spell “professionally” on this page, and clearly doesn’t know how to use a Spell-check. Doesn’t inspire much confidence in his system, does it?
You are right, I am a bad speller, my first language isn´t English… That has to mean that I am stupid, you are right.
Oh, by the way, I have no system? Or maybe I don´t understand what you mean (spell) ?
Thank you, John, for your thorough review. I would definitely stay away from project breakthrough after I read your insightful report.
You mentioned that the free video course has got some valuable information. But I don’t like the upselling scheme. I am looking forward to reading more of your reviews. Thanks again. Anke
Hi John very nice review. I respect your review. But I have one thing in my mind tell me any course that supposed to teach make money online that does not have any upsels. To live and run business there is need of money. It is one of style of doing business that have paid membership. Some have high price and some have low.
But here I want to say that no business is bad whether its MLM, Network marketing, Affiliate Marketing. Our mentality makes something bad or right. It is our mindset. To run a business or make money online first thing we need our mindset. A positive mind set. A business mindset (not free). And finally no negativity. If you have negativity in your mind no business can be successful. Whether its any pyramid scheme, MLM, Networkmarketing, affiliate marketing etc.
Every business needs patience to run and action to take. People search online how to make money online in state of mind to make some quick money, frustrated way and want money overnight. There is no such course that can make you reach overnight. I want to say here leave free mentality and get out of it. Finally you need money to invest in your education, business to run. Come out from mentality of negativity. Be a authentic, real, genuine person. Provide immense value to your subscriber or client in business. Here finally I want to say don’t be typical. Typical people get typical results. See everything with a positive frame of mind. If somebody commit mistakes please give him or her a chance to improve. Tell any person in the world who haven’t committed any mistakes in life. Everybody commit mistake and but they get up and learn from the mistake and never do it again.
I am so sorry if I say something wrong here. Please forgive me.
Pankaj Singh
Well, I can tell you that WA has no upsells.
You are absolutely right about that you need the right mindset and that it requires both work and patience, well said!
Thanks for your comment Pankaj
/Best regards
HI John,
Personally anything by Vick I would not touch with a barge pole. If he is a successful marketer as is claimed then would nt he have his own Ferrari and mansion instead of hiring them for a video shoot? That sort of thing screams of “this dude aint got the money”
Wealthy affiliate, now there is a program that is making the owners some serious amount of money – yet no talk of money,how much they earn or videos of fast cars and big houses, more down to earth, honest and trust worthy .
hello to the people watching the video on project breakthough it is a real scam on the the people if you go ahead with there plan now you will be paiding out more than you need to get in there so just stop what yo uare doing now and shut them down thank you .
Yes i think they are scam, and funny too
It’s quite amazing how these characters manage to get away with this sort of thing – Empower network was a complete scam that fell down almost as quickly as it stood up! in the real world you saw what happened to him – banged up in prison. Online you see him get away with it time and time again….
Thanks Jhon, I’m from indonesian and has been joined at PBT.. after read your best and honest review i make decision to stop .,.
Thanks for your comment Christian!
am from Nigeria just recurved a text linking me to project breakthrough thank you very much for the info I won’t even bother to register
Thank you Smith! Glad you liked the review and that it helped you out.
/Best regards
I joined Project Break Through when I first started online and quit them as soon as I heard $297 they are a 100% scam, especially when they say over and over that even a newbie can make money with them (what a crock)
Very informative review i hope no one gets sucked into this
Unfortunately I subscribed to Elite and when I canceled my account during the 30 days money back period they refused to give my money back. They made a non-sense excused that we have changed our terms and condition and we are allowed to change our terms and condition at any time without informing you by emial! Just read the modification section in their terms and conditions page. I am sure putting something like this in an agreement is illegal! They basically can charge your credit card $100,000 without your permission and by accepting their terms and condition you are granting them permission to do so without informing you! The only thing you can do is to cancel your account but they will not give you back the $100,000!
Here it is:
“Company may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, (i) revise this Agreement; (ii) modify the Site, Content or the Service, and (iii) discontinue the Site, Content or Service at any time for any reason. Company shall post any revision to this Agreement to the Site, and the revision shall be effective immediately upon such positing. In the event of substantive changes to this Agreement, the new terms will be posted to the Site. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is not to use the Site and Service and to request an immediate termination of your membership. Your continued use of the Site, Content or the Service following positing of a change notice or new Agreement on the Site will constitute binding acceptance of the changes.”
This paragraph speaks for itself!
Project Breakthrough is a complete scam! Stay far away from this company! It is a dirty MLM and you will only make money through Click Promise which is what they own themselves. Dirty, scummy men!!!!
Hey John,
If you only got to video three (at the writing of this critique) how do you know what Project Breakthrough is really about?
I have seen all 14 videos and the information and knowledge they give out is highly valuable stuff. They don’t require you to upgrade it’s more like a suggestion.
All I’m saying is video three is a long way from the other 11 videos that you haven’t seen yet..It’s a well written review, I give you that it just leaves the “book by its cover perspective” to me.
The videos are FREE, just like this review of yours. What’s the difference?
I know a lot of people who have made great money in the MLM industry and for you to blanket the whole industry with these fear tactics seems a bit disingenuous to me. Have you ever been in any MLM companies?
You’ve got to at least watch the presentation on the Ultimate Marketing Funnel. It’s worth the time to watch. I admit the monthly subscription is a challenge. I just think the education in Project Breakthrough is really good!
Thanks for this great forum.
I did watch more than the 3 first videos, just to clarify. I agree that there is value in watching some of the free stuff, I mentioned that in the review, you didn´t maybe read all of it? However the free “value stuff” you can get for free on other places as well.
I don´t think it is a good way to start your online career as a complete newbie.
Maybe if you are made of money
But otherwise there are much better options.
/Best regards
i just signed up to wealthy accounts and they are saying that free starter account is not available in your country so i have to go for premium account. my bad luck i think
Some countries are not allowed for the free membership, which country are you from?
I need to ask you one thing even the founder of “four percent group” is vick strezius…so can u please tell me that “four percent group” is a scam or legit one… please be genuine..why because if PBT is a scam then wat bout “four percent group” both the programs owned by vick strezius…can you please suggest which programs are the legit one?
I haven´t loked intothat one to be honest, migh be coming a Review soon
However, If “the man” is in charge… I wouldn´t touch it if I was you
Check out my #1 recommendation if you want to learn Internet marketing from the ground and all the way up to advanced.
i am a member of High Traffic Acadeny 2.0…still a member…
he didnt delivered wat he promised only a bunch of old videos were available foo free but his classes and webinars were informativ…any kinda info u need to upgrade to elite & he cheated ppl last august wen he did an epic failure recruitement online webinar project breakthrough Engineering were all members run traffic to join hta but later all of my traffic sources were getting emails dat sign up through their anoda link…cheated his own members not good…
admin if you are also an hta member leave a reply
Nope, am not a member
Hey John,
Just passing back through to say you were completely right. It was a scam and it flopped. Not only did it flop but it broke HTA . Vick has jumped ship, leaving Jason to run the show alone. From Jasons own mouth on a hangout in July he reported that Vick hadn’t answered his calls for 3 weeks. That project breakthrough overwhelmed them, they got too many chargebacks on their merchant account and lost it, had members of staff resign and of course, because there was no money coming in. Vick ran off to start another project “four percent group” and completely blank his business partner and loyal HTA members.
Jason admits that because of Vicks dodgy past, he had to take care of all the money and legal issues. Therefore, he’s the one tied to the shinking ship. He’s completely had to redesign HTA, lower prices (he might actually make it better and legit who knows). But damn this is low even for Vick. please review this four percent group sham, you will see if you look into it that its just a funnel for the Internet Marketing College (which all in costs 12k!) he’s selling this new program (reminds me of BIM) via clickbank – obviously its the only way he can get access to any kind of payment gateway with his crooked reputation.
Although, the program seems to be yet again, uncompleted videos and a whole lot of promises. He’s busy telling his new suckers that this is to be his legacy and lifelong work… meanwhile 2k high traffic academys are left high and dry. He needs to be stopped man! Get to it
At your service
here it is:
Plase leave a comment on the Review it would make me very happy thank you
Hello John…
Please give me the review for “four percent group” owned by vick strezius…i do no whether these people are again cheating by changing the name “four percent group” and assuring all those stuffs
Hi, wouldn´t go for that one if I was you, expensive and like you say it doesn´t feel very safe. Might do a Review on it soon though as not only you have been asked me to.
If you looking for a legit program this is the Review of the absolute best one I know of:
Here it is as you requested, hope you like it:
Please leave commenton that Review it would make me more han happy
Here’s a pyramid scam:
They are all under one company, Tecademics
Very similar to Empower Network
Whatever happened to this program. I signed up for a free account when it started up but now it appears that I can’t even access my account. Looks like a big fail.
I see Vick is up to his old antics with another program. I have no idea how he can continue getting away with this stuff but he is promoting a 4 percent group thing and a new program called tecademics. I am tired of seeing people get ripped off online, when will people ever wake up. I won’t be touching either of them after seeing his past history.
Agree! Yes there has been some people now asking about the program named four percent Group and asking me if it is a scam or legit. I tell them all the same, no I haven´t made a Review about it but now maybe I have to do it as you might be one (person) to many asking about it
The other program you named techademics I have never Heard of actually, wow he is a busy guy lol!
However, agree on what you say, it is pretty obvius warning signs all over the program but not all people know what you and me (and many others) know of this guys past…
I’ve never heard of this so called opportunity but I have heard of the founder. It all seems very shady to me. I’m staying very far away from all of this.
Thank you for the in depth report.
You are doing absolutely right about that I got a feeling of
/Thanks for commenting
I was in his program once Big Idea Mastermind,the guy was changing my id to his since then i stopped trusting him and anyone who is asociate with him,i will recommend people to stay away from anything he promotes,people the dont change they became better lier and he is.
Am afraid you might be right