Today we take a look at the four percent group. What is the four percent group? A scam or a legit opportunity? This review is made because many of my readers have asked for it. Actually, I think it is an important one to do, especially due to the past (as a scammer) of the owner of four percent group… Ok, here we go!
Product: The Four Percent Group
Owner: Vick Strizheus
Price: $49 per month + upsells!
Who is it for: People who want to make money online
What is the Four Percent Group about?
Do you want to take your online business to the next level? Are you experienced or a beginner? No matter what this program is the best you can buy. You will make more money in 14 days than you have ever done with any other program. You will get a personal coach calling you (maybe with some upsells?) and helping you to make first thousands of dollars a month, then tens of thousands of dollars a month and then hundreds of thousands of dollars a month… bla bla bla
You have heard this story before, right? Me to! Way too many times…
How Does It Work?
You will get training in the form of videos, you will get a personal coach calling you on your phone (upsell warning!!) to give you advice and guide you in the right direction… Pre-made ready to use sales funnels plus other tools for running an online business…
What Do You Get (The Tools)
The Membership Includes:
- 50% Commission
- Access To The Members Area
- Start Up Training Videos
- Weekly Training
- Monthly Conference Calls
- Additional Sales Funnels
- Client For Life Coaches
- Tools & Resources
Hmm, I wonder if they provide you with the REAL foundation of an online business?? What that is? Your own website is the foundation.
Who is The Owner?? Very Important To Mention!
This guy Vick seems like a very nice guy when you hear him speak, and man! He can really speak and convince people.
However, he has been involved in many scams before and has even been in prison for things he has done with his online businesses.
Some things that you might want to check up before trusting him with your money… (Read below).
Besides all the scams he has been in charge of the thing that is most alarming (in my opinion) is that affiliate links (from members of his past programs) has been switched and generated income for the “leaders” of the program, instead of the paying members that have driven the traffic and made the sale…
Do you think that sounds fair?? I know you don´t think that me neither
Is 4 Percent Group A Scam?
My last review about a program that Vick was in charge of (has turned into a scam now) is Project Breakthrough. You can read that review on this blog and also see some of his past history as a scammer… and a convict… Click here to see it.
So, is 4 percent group a scam? Not sure but it surely has a lot of red flags.
Only because a marketer has made 7 figures doesn´t mean he (or she) isn´t gonna scam you.
For example, did you know that the absolute bestsellers of “make money online programs/products are scams?
Why is that? Well, it has probably to do with the fact that they very often are promoted as “get rich quick schemes” that you only need to buy to get rich overnight. Unfortunately, people are always looking for shortcuts and the easy road instead of learning the basics.
Some good news?
There are voices online that say this program is good and maybe it is. Who knows, it is a little bit too fresh to call either good or bad, time will tell.
Here is voice from one guy sending me an e-mail (I don´t mention his name)
” I don’t care about Vick’s past, I am a member of 4% group and I’m earning around 500$ passive income a month through Clickbank by promoting 4%, plus I’m earning good amount from the companies promoting through 4%, doing nothing, which is very nice, also Vick teach you some very cool stuff nobody is teaching. This system really works! “
Sometimes I get those in the mail, but not sure if they really are members of it or people that have been paid to spam lol! 🙂
Why You Should/Should Not Try 4 PercentGroup
The truth about having an online business is hat you need to learn at least some of the aspects of internet marketing. First thing is first though, the foundation is to have your own website.
When you know the basics the rest will come VERY easy for you to learn, that is why it probably ain´t a good idea to jump on super expensive programs (especially not for beginners). Programs that claims to give fast results and so on almost never provide you with the basics… Also, they are in pretty much all cases scams or complete rip-offs.
Final Words and Verdict on 4 Percent Group
Overall rating: 3/10
It might be the case that Vick now is actually doing a legit program, maybe his conscious once in for all has got to him. I don´t know, I hope so… However, the many bad reviews and experiences from former users of his programs are a bit too many to ignore…
The price is actually not that high, especially if you compare to his former programs that cost tens of thousands of dollars… They did cost that much because they were gonna make you rich in no time… They turned out to be scams instead… So now a program that is a lot cheaper?? What´s going on?
-Could a cheaper program actually be better than a super expensive one?
-Should you trust Vick this time when he has ripped off people so many times in the past?
–Maybe, maybe NOT
-Should you jump on this new program to learn how to make business online? Or should you try one that has been online since 2005 and is the leading one in the business ever since instead?
–That is up to you of course…
I let the comparison table below speak for itself:
But… I know what I would do if I was you… I would pick the established and trustable option instead (that also is free to join for as long as you want).
Click here to read about that one instead!
I hope you found this short Review of the four percent Group to be helpful and now you have a better understanding of what it is. If you have tried it please share your experience with us below, it can help others to make the right decision. Also, if you got any other questions about this Review (or just something to add) I will be me than happy to answer them below.
I wish you success!
Owner of:
Wow, that is crazy that they would switch how the affiliate links processed the income and had it go to the leaders. That’s so messed up! It’s good to let people know about the background of the owner. That’s a pretty important piece of info before giving up $49 a month to them. Thanks for the review.
yes even if everybody can change it is absolutely important to mention for people who thinking about joining. Thank you for your comment
Hello John,
Even before I read your review, I already got a bad feeling when I saw the name Vick Strizheus. He’s involved with many scams and MLMs, I’ve joined 48 hour income machine and Big Idea Mastermind before, all of which is funneled to Empower Network.
He is as you say, very persuasive and he has a way with words that make him look very honest but in reality, he is only after your money. Also beware though, he used to be in jail before so its something to think about. Great review as always man, cheers.
Thank you man!
I’ve been looking into this program for a while now but I haven’t come across a review of it that I trust until now. Your review seems very honest and to the point while not holding anything back.
For whatever reason I just didn’t trust some of the other reviews I saw. It seemed like they were maybe promoting it as though they would make money if someone bought it on their recommendation.
It does seem like a decent program on the surface but after hearing what you said about him being to prison it totally turns me off. I won’t be buying this program no matter what now.
Thank you Robert! Glad it helped you to take a decision.
/Best regards
I am so relieved that someone did a review on this program. Thank you so much! Before i joined wealthy affiliate, i was considering joining either the the program in question or Project Breakthrough. I have heard of some of the scams that Vick has been involved with before and I cant believe they still allow him to produce online entrepreneurship programs. I hope that anyone thinking of working for one of his programs comes across your site to see what a corrupt person he truly is. Thank you for the insight.
Thank you, glad you liked the review.
Hi John..
But what bout the people who joined in 4percent and shared that they are earning good commissions and showing the proof of clickbank dashboard…?
Hi Rajashekar. Do you men the ideo testemonials on the 4 percent website? If those ae what you mean then keep in mind that there are websites where you can get fake testemonials for $5. for example.
also, keep in mind that A LOT of scam sites Always got video testemonials with actors from Fiverr or other places.
/Thank you for you comment
Thanks john…by informing these kind of stuffs going on…
I am in 4% Group, You can Maybe Say Vick is a scam and the testimonials are fake. Now 4% Group is promoting Tecademics a very known company whose owner is Chris Record, products ranging from 100 – 25k Guess what? 9 members in the Leader Board out of the 10 are actually from 4%. How will you Explain this?
I am a member of 4% and so far I have been making commissions from multiple sources.
So in my opinion is not a scam or maybe not yet.
Am not really sure what you want to have explained? Am not doubting that you are making Commissions from multiple sources, that is what you can do when you start to learn internet marketing, that´s the Beauty of it, right?
I hope just like you say, that it isn´t a scam and that it will STAY that way.
in order to promote this Tecademics funnel you have to buy tecademic otherwise you will not get commission and this tecademic product at least costs around 12k and guess when you will buy this vick will definitely get commission around 4-5k.
i read about his 4% on a blog where a member posted some screen shots of inside members area and in order to promote funnels for any product you have to buy that product 1st otherwise no commission. Also to setup funnels you have to pay for autoresponder hosting domain and some more extra stuff
pay for funnel setup around 150$ + buy that product around which funnel is created this is very expensive part
in above both steps you will be making pile of incentives for VICK.
the propaganda from vick initially at promotional vdo for 4% was that its for beginners and they can make 4800$ commissions with one sale but in promotional vdo at any stage he did not inform that you 1st need to buy that product and make commison for vick than promote it and may be you will get commission for your self if you succeed in sales. he portrayed in promotional vdo that buy purchasing 49$ membership he will plugedin you to a done for your funnels where by promoting them you can make huge commission. my verdict its total scam like his previous products.
the only commission you will get at 4% group without making extra purchase is promoting 4% and get 22$ commission from vick.
OMG is all I have to say…
Thanks for your comment, hopefully many people Will SEE What you just Shared here
/Best regards
Hey john, one question though!
Have you join The 4 percent grp. before?
You should focus your review on the actual product and not bashing the creator. You are bias in your review and very unprofessional.
How can I believe you if you have not been a member?
You are a typical wealthy affiliate member.
You review and bash someone else’s product without getting to know yhe facts first then you promote your own affiliate membership.
What a low blow. Well that’s the training of weathy affiliate.
Well have fun with your nasty way of reviewing.
Hi there Rico, well I wonder if you have even read my post…??? Maybe you need to read it again, I am not bashing anyone or any product.
I lay out some things that I think I would want to know myself before I would join a “make money online” program…
I was looking for someone like you to be sure that this is a scam. I have tried project breakthrough, and I think they follow the same scheme. you access the system for free, but then you are asked to upgrade your account,, and buy upsells which never ends.
Today I tried the 4Percent group, and in just the second steps, you are required to upgrade you account in order to continue with the other steps (7 in total). This is very highly alarming.
The other thing that demonstrates this, is that Vick is always repeating, in every video I watched for now, that you must follow instructions to the T, and don’t ask questions (these are actually his words, many times) if you want to succeed; otherwise you will fail.
Thanks for this good post.
Where in the post am I saying that I am sure it is a scam?? I am not sure, I just point out some warning flags for people who are about to make a decision.
I have been a member and i cancelled the pro membership because non of my sign ups were registered in my account, they were going somewhere else, told them about the problem but could not resolve it and it was so easy, i was because it was more then a year i lerned how to set up an autoresponder, at that time was Aweber so i forget lots of things in order to set it up as well, me i was thinking that all the steps the Vick says in his videos trainig guide was ok, but i was not, so if your very new in this business, your going to loose some leads and sales because is not so clear as they pretend to be, is like wen we say: IS TOO F. GOOG TO BE TRUE. That 4% i was very exited , butfor almost a week i was sending then messages to healp me and they dident so i send a message to paypal and to clickbank explaining everything and right the way 45 answered me but it was to late, i had already cancelled.I was so angry that if i was able, i train that guy in prison.
I spent a lot of time reading about Vick on your website. Starting on this Four Percent Group post then got sidetracked into reading about his history. These types give the internet a bad name and always it is the newbies who get sucked in. Very revealing post about another ‘would be ‘ scam. I don’t trust him, and will keep an eye out for his name in future. Thanks for the review!
I have never heard of the 4 Percent Group before but clearly there are more people online trying to scam others and take their money more so than help truly help them and teach. I agree with you 100% however that you need to have a good foundation before even thinking you can make money online. That starts with your website and content. I fear anyone pushing the MAKE BIG MONEY FAST idea because usually get rich quick schemes are too good to be true and rarely work. I would search for a platform that teaches you how to put in the work and give you the tools to create a solid online business. I personally use Wealthy Affiliate and highly recommend them to anyone! Also, I am not sure if you realize it or not, but the final paragraph in your post has a lot of misspelled words like you were very sleepy eyed when finishing it! HAHA! Thank you this was great content!
Thank you man! Haha I make misspellings all the time 🙂 My first language is not English…
Hey John
Thank you for your honest review. I do agree with you that facts are important – and not only about product, but also about its creator. People invest their money and they should know all the aspects before making the final decision. And creator’s reputation does matter, especially if it is as you have described.
I was looking for someone like you to be sure that this is a scam. I have tried project breakthrough, and I think they follow the same scheme. you access the system for free, but then you are asked to upgrade your account,, and buy upsells which never ends.
Today I tried the 4Percent group, and in just the second steps, you are required to upgrade you account in order to continue with the other steps (7 in total). This is very highly alarming.
The other thing that demonstrates this, is that Vick is always repeating, in every video I watched for now, that you must follow instructions to the T, and don’t ask questions (these are actually his words, many times) if you want to succeed; otherwise you will fail.
Thanks for this good post.
I am shocked right now!
Several months ago I was about to join the 4th Percent Group after watching Vick’s insanely persuasive video!
I did a little research about the program but I did not know about the problems he’s had in the past.
Thank God I made the right choice joining your recommended program instead 😉
Glad to hear that man
In what program you joinh now? I became member of 4% after 24 hours i asked for refund. Clickbank processed it and now waiting to reflect in my account.
did you get the refund back? How long did it take?
I don’t have the time or resources to be scammed. My life is nickel to nickel so every decision I have has to be the right one, or carry sufficiently low risk that a bad choice doesn’t impact me at all. Information like this is a life saver for people such as myself. I am not able to take many risks right now. Knowing about scams just cuts down on my time devoted to finding the right plans for me,
Thanks for sharing info that can really have a big impact on my life.
Hey John,
This is really interesting, a program that has someone to call you on the cellphone? That actually doesn’t seem to be a really bad thing as it sure keeps all the procrastinator in check! But I agree with you that there is probably lots of up-sell during the phone call, so it isn’t for someone who will easily take out their credit card.
I was trying to read through some of the free content on the website but seems like all are out of stock.
huh..I guess this is one way they try to get people to sign up for the membership
The four percent does not do follow up calls at alll
Hi John, thanks for a great article. Like so many before it, it sounds like a good scheme, and an easy way to make money online. The backing looks good and the support readily available.
The key to these schemes is the people that run them, and obviously the people running 4 per cent are just not interested in a long term sustainable business.
Your option looks a far more presentable package. Best wishes, Chris
Thank you Chris!
Great review and more importantly warning! This Vick scammed me for thousands of dollars with project breakthrough! Your warnings are well grounded John. Hopefully you can save some people from falling victim to Vick again.
Thank you!
Thank you Jeff! Glad you liked the Review!
I am sorry to hear that, Not only you lost their money with that “program”
/Best regards
can you also write a review about clickbank university 2.0.
It might come one soon 😉
I joined the Four Percent Group
I put myself in the system as a free member so I would get the follow up emails, I did this to make sure my funnel was set up properly.
Just today I received letter number 3 in the funnel follow up series of letters.
I click on the link and instead of my url affiliate ID showing up
It showed up as the four Percent Group..bla bla=vic
Then, I second guess myself and go back and click on my links again and they were now showing my affiliate ID
I am sure that only a programmer could rig a system like this.
I am so so freaked out right now, because as they say he really had me at go.
OMG I can’t believe this, I finally thought I found the real deal
If I had not been trying to check out the system I would have never known.
Oh and by the way, I have been with clickbank forever and I have never seen this happen until now.
Wow! That doesn´t sound good at all… Well, it has happened before… As I mention in the Review.. Pick something that is highly trusted instead than new “unsecure” programs. The best Place I can recommend has been around since 2005 and got over 800,000 members. This is the real deal:
Hey John,
Thanks for the review. I was just about to opt in for the four percent group. Glad I didn’t now. I’m going to research the wealthy affiliates now since everywhere I look it pops up and considering your recommendation. What can you tell me about wealthy affiliates? I’ve been researching the business for a couple years now and am ready to take action. Any additional info always helps.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Daniel, thank you for your kind Words, glad you liked the Review! Wealthy Affiliate is great and it has been online since 2015 and has also been the leading platform in the business ever since. If you want to read more about it I go into detail alot more here:
Hope that helps!
/Best regards
Hi guys!
Oh boy! Am I glad I took the time searching the internet before buying the PRO membership on 4%!
Got into the system last week Jan 15th 2017, as a free member. And like many of the guys there… I started brainwashing myself with Vitaliy “Vick” Strizheus charisma/persuasion/whatever the fuck you wanna call it. The idea is that it got me like I’m pretty sure it got most of you here.
Ever since the moment I joined I spotted some flaws in the system that made me wonder:
1. There was a timer right on top of the page showing 14hrs to get the PRO membership at a discount ($49/month). If you clicked the link you will be brought to another page where you could buy the stuff. On that second web page there was another timer showing 24hrs to get the PRO membership at a discount. That’s the 1st negative aspect. By the way, I can still purchase the PRO membership @ $49 even now after almost a week 🙂
2. He always talks about basic membership, but there is no basic membership just the PRO membership @ $49 and that’s it.
3. Still on the 4% website (free members area) if you go to your Funnels & Campaigns -> PROMO TOOLS you’ll notice that there’s a message stating that the promo tools will become available in 24 hrs. Almost a week now and I see no bloody promo tools.
4. Still in the Funnels & Campaigns area, if you go to CUSTOM TRACKING LINK SETUP tab you’ll find out that you need to use Clickmagick and namecheap to get a tracking service (for your aff links), respectively a domain to cloak your aff links. If you go to those website following the links on 4% website (there’s a click here text, you feel compelled to do so [joke]) you will earn someone a good commission because those links are referral links 🙂 Another bad aspect which got me thinking.
5. Still on the 4% website, go to START HERE: 7 steps section, then go to Step 4. You’ll find this: “in process… coming soon!” and a video that this time tries more aggressively to serve you the membership.
6. Go to and follow the link in About. You’ll be greeted by the following clickbank message: “This site is no longer in service or has been disabled due to a terms of service violation.”.
7. And of course there is this BLACK cloud floating above his name which you’ll find it all over the internet.
I don’t know if he changed, if 4% will be the top dollar shit out there, but I do know to trust my logic which highly recommends avoiding this.
If you think I’m a hater to the 4% game remember that this guy has a very, very, VERY good persuasive/charismatic personality and you are taking all your info from one source – his website and his promoters :)) I just realized that a couple of mins ago… that’s how powerful this speeches are!
I got LUCKY! I wanted to buy the $49 membership (the only membership available) in the first mins after I watched the god damned orientation video…. Why I got lucky? The paying process is done via clickbank and clickbank kept returning an unknown error everytime I tried to buy the membership (both card and paypal… yep, he got me). Maybe it was due to the fact that 4% was flagged by CB (violation of TOS)… I don’t know.
Maybe Vick changed. I don’t know. Well… he changed, he lost a lot of weight, but that doesn’t prove that 4% is legit.
There’s too much negative data which out balances my will to believe that 4% is legit.
Thank you John for this review!
Stay well,
John 🙂
Glad you liked the review man and thanks for your comment
/Best regards
Excellent post John. The problem is there’s not a lot of honesty on the internet. It’s too big and even the most legit marketers have used some questionable methods of making money. I like how you plugged in wealthy affiliate seemingly with no effort whatsoever. You are promoting a service you believe in and I can appreciate that.Already tried them back in 2011 and thinks it’s perfect for newbies. Have no bad words to say about them. Takes you step by step as long as you are in it for the long term. also appreciate your writing and the structure of your site. Kudos man
Thank you man! Glad you liked the post
/All the best to you
Why wasn’t your review available last night? I looked everywhere for a negative review. DAMN!!
Lol! It might have to do with the fact that I made some changes on the site and therefore it wasn´t…
Hope you didn´t take to much damage from not finding it yesterday??? :/
Hey bro thank you for this review i almost purchased the thing.Thank you very much.
I will join wealthy affiliate.
Glad you liked the review and found it helpful!
/Thanks for your comment
Wow, I’m so depressed now. Thought I had finally found a good program. Should have know,to good to be right. Thought I was doing something right. All for not it appears. Had me at wonder when I perchused the program two times from click bank and having a bad time getting a refund from them this time.
I never heard of the four percent group, but this a good review. The worst thing about people being less than honest on the web is that bad news travels so much faster than good news.
When word gets out that someone is ripping off his customers, people get so freaked out they’re afraid of everybody on the web. Sometimes people and the stuff they’re selling are called scams when they’re really just outdated or inferior products.
But then some folks is just out to rip you off! I’ve been had a time or two, and have learned to spend some time researching. Main things I’ve learned is that nothing is free, I want to know up front about upsells, and internet businesses aren’t easy and they aren’t fast money. Unless of course you are a crook?
Thank you Mike! Glad you liked the review and well said, you are absolutely right!
/Best regards
Thanks John
Wow John!!. I did not know any of this. I was actually going to climb on board with the Project Breakthrough program Vic was offering. I am glad I always do my due diligence, when contemplating an online business move. Vic’s upsells is what really scared me away. I then started researching Clickbank, which led me to WA. Did you actually join any of Vic’s programs? Just curious to know. I came across a comparison site for WA and clickbank. It was actually a no brainer. I am very content where I am at the moment.
Yes WA is really anything a person looking to make money online really need, everything is included. No I have never joined any of Vics programs
First of all, thanks for this review, I was running the fourpercent videos just yesterday and i was persuaded that i need to be a member of this wealthy group, i already registered my information in the form he directed , personal information, address, phone no and name of my bank, although i fill all the information and send them, suppose to be to the Clickbank. the bank name requested was triggering in my mind and i star finding out weather it is scam or not until i reach to your site and find the surprise.
My English is not very good, also i’m not expert in the internet field, so that is makes me to worry more.
So could you pls let me know what i should do, i didn’t pay any money yet, but the information i provided could not make me problems now or in the future.
Thanks for all the true reviews of 4% Scam..
Appreciate the review on 4 percent, I am typically not opened to many of these programs with additional upsells. These things seems a little too good to be true for some reason. I am not too familiar with the name Vick prior to this but given what you had shared in your website, I will be more weary of the name in the future. By the way, this sounds similar to a program I recently came across, do you have a review on MOBE?
Thanks glad you liked the review and found it helpful, no haven´t heard about MOBE, sounds like I might have to look it up 😉
/Best regards
Your review would have more weight if you werent pushing Wealthy Affiliate. I have no issue with WA at all but how can you give an objective review and then push another product? In fact, the only negative reviews I have seen regarding The 4% Group are from people pushing WA. I find that alarming.
I ain´t pushing anything, the reason I recommend wA is simply because it is a great place for beginners but also for experienced people not only looking to learn overall in the subject of making money online but it also offers other advantages such as free SSL, free hosting of up to 25 websites, free keywordtool, etc.
There are of course other great programs, if you want other recommendations I suggest you take a look here:
You´re welcome 🙂
If you want to see a guy that doesn´t talk so “possitive” about 4 Percent and not give you a recommendation to ANY option I suggest you look up Ethan Vanderbuilds site. However, I don´t see what´s wrong with stearing people to things that they want to find in the first place??
Hope that helps
WoW i can’t bereave what am seeing here! Vick is a scammer !! i kind of felt it, how and why? because i joined some of his offers / products, PBT Project Breakthrough BIM Big Idea Master mind, HTA High Traffic Academy, and the resent one 4%. but i am so lucky and actually glad that i Googled it before i upgraded to pro member. and the PBT was completely scam. that is right you get the free training but you do not relies that at the end of the free training (the graduation) you will be paying $1997 to get an access to the main product to promote the HTA specially the even more scammer then Vick DC Jason McClain, owner of Click Promise, scam clicks. $2 per click. and the weird thing is the PBT is down / off the internet the same as BIM GONE. i have been trying to make money online for over 7 years now. buying program after program spent a lots of money but NEVER MADE A DIME ONLINE. so am just sick it and sick of all this people.
Thank you John for the review.
I was about to sign up John but after reading your review on them, I am kind of pause. I need to generate income still what will you recommend to me.
Well, the recommendation in the post is a great place to start 🙂
Hope that helps
They switch affiliate links to the leaders? Thats amazing. If he has a track record of being a scam chances are he still is or maybe not. I am not about to find out.
Its funny how people make it a job to swindle others on the internet. I mean if you have the knowlegde, why not use it tp add value? Its all good.
Thanks man
I have one rule when it comes to Vick,I don’t buy anything that he is promoting no matter how promising it is.
Lol! Yeah I can absolutely understand that 🙂
Thanks for exposing this scammer.
I have recently joined the four percent through one of my friends link and it still says that I have no sponsor. So you are right this guy is doing these tricks….
How UNETHICAL this bastard is DAMN….
People trust him and generate traffic hoping that its there leads and this asshole eats them…
I would like to SHOOT HIM……
This is really the worst IM EVER… GOD will definetly punish him for his wrong doings…
Having read all the comments above, i’m so confused now on where to start from, i am completely new to making money online, pls, how do i start, cos i am even about to upgrade to PRO MEMBER on the 4% group before i was just led by the Spirit to search for reviews on it before making the $49 membership fee
need an advice urgently pls
Would not recommend 4 percent… The comments above speak for themself… Check out This instead :
Hey John,,
I guess i am a bit lucky that i found this review as i was about to make payment of $49 to Vick a minute before. Its been an year and i am still searching a legit way to earn money online, though i am working on hourly basis for a legit company who pays me something, but by hourly, i mean exact 60 minutes i have to keep my eye on the screen.
I would like to go for WA what you have been recommending, but i do not have any technical or related knowledge about it, if this is the case then how difficult it would be for me as per your opinion please?
And thanks a lot for the review:)
Thank you! Glad you found the review helpful!
I would say that it is one of the best ways to go, especially if you are a complete beginner, just take the step-by-step lessons and stick to it and you will be just fine. You got 24/7 support and a lot of help.
Thanks for your comment
It seems WA is not available to all countries. Nigeria is not included. At least 4% allowed this.
Yes WA is available for all countries, not all are allowed for the free membership though, that has to do with the high amount of frauds in certain countries… but you can join as a premium member from anywhere in the world.
Hope that helps
I dont think you can join as a premium member too from Nigeria. you are told Nigeria is not allowed the moment you try to sign up..
Could you suggest any other program that accept Nigerians?
You can try through this link:
It should work, tell me if it is not and I will provide you with some other good legit program
/Hope that helps
hi john i did try to sign up for WA but still same ish from Nigeria
You can join but not the free membership, there are a number of countries that are not allowed to join for free and Nigeria is one of them. However, you can join as a premium member.
Hey john. Thanks for your review. I was just about to join 4% but my intuition told me otherwise. Your review has shed some light.
I would like some more information on WA including exactly how much i would need to put in line for the program.
Thanks a lot man
Hi Victor, thank you, glad you liked the review and also thank you for your comment. You do not need to put anything at all in line for being a member of WA, it is free for as long as you want.
/All the best
Lots of points to relate, scam or genuine! But I’m personally now referring the videos and classes of Vick, so couldn’t comment on this topic. Hopefully, in near future.
Thank you for your comment!
Ok great!
Welcome back once you have a better understanding.