Today the Free Money System is up for a review. What is the Free Money System? A scam? You bet it is! I am so tired of this kind of scams and today we are going to hush everyone trying to promote this as some kind of miracle for your economi.
I actually stumbled across the Free Money System about 7-9 months ago, it just poped up when I was on a streaming site.
And now a couple of days ago this “opportunity” found me again… When I was watching football on a streaming site :o) The biggest reason I remember it, is because of the “hypnotic voice” talking in the promo video.
In this review I will explain exactly how this kind of scam works!
Product: The Free Money System
Owner: Walter Green (probably fake name)
Price: $200 (minimum)
Who is it for: For the one/s behind this scam, so he/she (or they) can make more money.
What is The Free Money System?
The Free Money System is just another (of MANY) binary option trading software that claims to make you rich fast, and without any effort from your side. The “software” or in this case “the people” in “Walter Greens” team is going to do it for you.
Exactly like ALL the other binary option software scams this also claims to be free, and it is.. To write your e-mail… But if you want to trade you have to deposit atleast $200.
Like this wasn´t enough, as soon as you pay you will get a sales page “poping up” from
nowhere and want you to invest more.. To increase your “chances”.
How this kind of scams work
The Free Money System works exactly just like all the other scams in this category. When you sign up to one of the brokers that is recommended by The Free Money System, then Mr “Green” and his partners in crime gets a commission for everyone that falls for this scam.
I could actually if I wanted make money that way to, by lying and say that you will get rich by jumping on this scam. But I would not be able to live with that to be honest… It is always people who are in need of money that tries this kind of scams in a desperate try to fix their economy…
It is really a dirty business and these scammers should really feel ashamed of them selfs… The question is if they do?
Who is Walter Green?
All binary option software scams ALWAYS uses fake names and actors, try to make a google search on this guy and see what you will find.
If a person can´t stand behind his product then it should ring the scam alarm BIG TIME. Anyone who is going to try to get a refound is not going to get in touch with anyone…
If a person is proud and stand behind their product, then that person don´t have to hide behind fake names…
Scam tactic that is being used
I have to admit they did a nice job with the “hypnotic voice” in the promo video, or was it just me who find it “hypnotic” ??
Anyway I have seen many online scams and they tend to use the same marketing tactic again and again. One obvious one is the “countdown” that by some strange reason starts at 7 EVERYTIME you visit the website, and stops on 1 spot left when you have watched the full video.
It did when I first found this scam soon a year ago and it still does, and WILL do next week, next month or next year!
Why is it like that? Ohh Ohh I know! Because it is a scam!
The scammers use this tactic to make you “rush into things” without thinking, they stress you to make a BAD decision. This is classic scam tactic and I guess it is used on 7 out of 10 scams atleast, I see it all the time online.
More Fake Stuff
What about all the testimonials? Can they be fake to? YES! They can! They are! If you visit for example the website, you can hire people to give you a fake testimonial (or say whatever you want them to say into a camera) for $5.
This Australian guy is the first $5 one of the first fivver actors we get to see in the Free Money System promo video.
Then we are presented with this great fiverr actor! Oscar nominee next?
The best actor they save for the last, like always :o) It is of course also a women, they are always better at lying, right? ;o)
No but seriously she is probably a little more expensive actor, or maybe she is involved in this scam on the same level as “Mr Green” or whatever his name is. She is the only one you will see actually meeting Mr “Walter Green”
To be honest she is not so good at acting either, so most likely she is involved in this scam together with her partner “Walter”.
So you can be sure that these people are those kind of (bad) actors, if you think about it you can almost hear how they read from a manuscript. If you want to see this Hollywood movie click here.
Do you really think they sound convincing? If you do, look at the video again and you are going to see how bad their acting really is.
You have probably heard the good old saying: When it sounds to good to be true it probably is! I think this is a good situation to bring that up! If you keep this in mind you will avoid most scams out there!
Everything with this scam is designed for the uneducated in the subject of how making money online really works. I used to be in that category, and I have fallen for some scams online, before I learned how things really worked in this business.
Fake Earnings
I don´t really think I have to mention how easy something like this can be made with software’s called Photoshop for example?
Or maybe it is Walters real account? Maybe it is the money he have made by scaming people into this? It is actually very possible to be honest. If he get´s let say thousands of people to buy into this, that my friend WILL add up to millions!
You can actually do the same, but you don´t have to lie to people about the products you sell, and you don´t have to own the things you sell! For example you can sell anything that have on their site.
But that is only an example, you can sell basically anything you can think of and make money just like the scammers does. It is called affiliate marketing and is actually the exact same method that has made many people quit their 9-5 jobs, it has also made MANY internet millionaires. If you want to know more about that, and how YOU can get started click HERE.
Make sure to also look at the Earning Disclaimer!
Wow!? That doesn´t sound like the same thing Mr Green talked about in the promo, he promises us we are going to be millionaires in 3 short months…
If you want to read all of the Earning Disclaimer click here.
Final words and Verdict
Verdict: SCAM!
Overall rating: 0/10
The Free Money System is a scam personified! There is nothing real about this product and I think I have made my point pretty clear on that.
This kind of “programs” really start to make me angry, because I know many people fall for this stuff all the time. I have A LOT of similar scams reviewed on this site, you can find them in the “FAKE $ PRODUCTS” tab on top of this site.
Please don´t try The Free Money System or other similar scams! You will not make money, they are designed to make money from you!
Ok now what?
Like I said above, I have also been scamed before as I was desperate of finding a way to make money online. I have probably spent thousands of dollars trying to find a way to make a living online… Until I found what I was looking for all the time.
I found Wealthy Affiliate, and I have never left! It is probably one of the best decisions I have made in my life and it is also my #1 Recommendation for ANYONE trying to make money online, and I have not found anything even close to it yet.
and you will see yourself why this program will beat anything and everything on the market. Me and thousands of other people have made money with it, and continue to do. Most of us started without any former experience.
It does require you to put both time and work on it, and it is NOT going to make you rich overnight. But you will see how the money can add up very fast.
Click here for the review of my #1 Recommendation!
I hope you liked this review of the Free Money System, and now you should know what it is all about. If you have any questions or just want to leave a comment. Please do it! I love comments :o)
I wish you the best!
Thank you for reading!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
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Best Regards
Thank you for this recommandation I wish I should know about Big money club what do you know about it plz reply me faster!
Haven´t heard of it, can look on it. What is their sales pitch? What promises do they make? feel free to look at my recommendations here on the site meanwhile.