Have you stumbled across something called The Millionaire In Pjs lately? Me to and I just had to make a review. What is The Millionaire In Pjs? Does it work or is it just another online scam?
I can tell you right away that it is a scam! “Products” like this one are always scams. I will show you why, and I will also show you REAL ways to make money online after this review, at the bottom of this page.
Product: The Millionaire In Pjs
Website: themillionaireinpjs.com
Owner: Unknown?
Price: Minimum deposit of $200
Who is it for: People who want to make money trading binary options on auto-pilot
What is The Millionaire In Pjs about?
themillionaireinpjs.com website claims that you can use their Binary Option Robot for free. The robot “knows” how to predict the changes in the market because it uses “sophisticated algorithms”. It is so easy to use it that you do not have to know anything about Binary Options. You will make money anyway, and A LOT of money. You just need to sit back and let the robot do it´s thing. Yeah right!
Excuse me but what a bunch of bullshit!
==>There is no secret program that will win all trades for you. If trading is what you want to do, at least try a LEGIT platform.
I highly recommend that you start out with a free demo account, that allows you to do trades and practice before you invest any of your own money.
Click Here To See For Yourself <==
Is The Millionaire In Pjs a scam?
Yes, The Millionaire In Pjs is a scam! Just like all the other “making money on auto-pilot Binary Options programs” It is really very obvious. Especially if you know how to spot a scam.
The Millionaire In Pjs also claims that it is free to use their “robot” and ok that might be a little true, but as soon as you sign up you will get informed that you have to make:… a minimum deposit of $200.
In the sentence after that you will also get to know that the more you deposit the “better chance” to make big money.
If you look around a little inside of the “members area” you will also find out that the membership consist of 4 different memberships: SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM, and VIP.
They all have a different kind of benefits (and you get what you pay for) the more you deposit the more benefits you get.
- To get the lowest type “Silver membership” (with least amount of benefits) you have to deposit at least $1000.
- To get the best membership (Vip) you will have to make a minimum deposit of $50000!
WOW, I thaught they wanted to help people that did not have money to get rich!!? This sounds more like you have to be rich to make even more money?
Well ok, that can happen… One thing I have got to know exploring scam programs is that thing like that happens all the time.
-It is FREE!!
-It is FREE!!
No, it is NOT you have to deposit a smaller (or a bigger) fortune.
Make sure to read the Earnings Disclaimer!
If you look at the Earnings Disclaimer tab at the bottom right on The Millionaire In Pjs website you have the whole scam confessed on black on white by themselves:
- you can find this exact text for example: Gambling, by its very nature, holds a high risk of losing money. Any information we provide regarding gambling should be treated as such. With this in mind, if following these methods may cause you financial hardship we do not recommend proceeding with the method outlined on this website.
I could not agree more. It is exactly like gambling, the odds of winning are VERY small… actually, I would rather recommend you to gamble your money away than to try this Millionaire In Pjs scam.
- You can also find this exact text: Whilst we endeavor to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on this website is kept up-to-date.
Ok, now it feels safe to try this out! and now I really have to ask someone to borrow me a couple of thousand dollars! (like I was adviced to in the promo video) so I can get rich on The Millionaire In Pjs program… Lol!
That is a really BAD idea (especially if you don´t have a lot of money)!
How this kind of scams work
My best advice for you is to avoid ANYTHING that claims you can make easy money without any effort. It is all a scam from broker companies that try to get you to do trades that THEY get paid on, whether you make money or not.
Do not even sign up, because if you later will change your mind, you will get dozens of emails every week telling you about the $$$ you have in your account (even if you did not even complete your sign up).
A god old saying is in place here… If it sounds to good to be true, it is!

Final opinion and Verdict:
Verdict: Scam!
Overall rating: 1/10
I think I have made my point clear on this one. Stay far away from The Millionaire In Pjs and other similar “auto money making” offers that promise you that you will get rich without you having to do anything. They are always scams.
I have also been tempted to try out similar programs in the past, and I have also been scammed a few times to be honest… But that was until I found out how making money online really works.
Stop and think here for a second!
You have made a good choice reading this review and you are a smart person.
Do you really think someone would give away a system that will make you money
every day for free? Don´t you think they got better things to do? Like making money them selves for example?
I know that you understand how stupid that sounds? I think you are a smart person so you probably understand…
Nobody will give you a free ticket to anything…Good products can sometimes be free to try before you buy… But you are never going to have to pay $250 before you try something out if it is not a bullshit product like “PJS” of course.
If you want to make money trading Binary Options online you should know that it is of course, possible but I would strongly recommend you to read some books on the subject before you try things out with real money.
Binary options is never a sure bet, it is a lot like gambling at the casino actually. If you don´t want to put in any effort online to make money… And also, if you like the idea of investing and to see your money grow. Then, Click this link: This might be something for you to check out.
Overall trading with binary options is not a safe way to make money, not even if you are an “expert”.
But, if you are ready to put in both effort and time.. and want to know how to make money online and create a so-called passive income in a legit solid way, read below!
You can Make A Lot of Money Online! (But, Not Overnight)
First of all you have to forget about all the “get rich quick” schemes out there, they are always scams.
You have made a smart choice reading this review and I know you can see the difference between right and wrong.
If you want to make a lot of money online you need to know that you can, in fact, it is probably the best way to become rich, by doing it online I mean. Whatever your goals are you can achieve them. Yes, it is true. Maybe you want to have enough money to travel the world whenever you want? Maybe you want to be able to eat
Maybe you want to have enough money to travel the world whenever you want? Maybe you want to be able to eat in the best restaurants whenever you want, buy things without having to think about the price tag, clothes, cars, you name it. Whatever your goal is you can achieve it.
Whatever your goal is you can achieve it.
How do all rich people get rich (except the ones who heritages money), what do they have in common?
They got passive incomes.
You can CREATE a passive income, but you have to put in some effort first. If you are ready to learn and put some time on it. Then you will also make money.
The best method I can recommend to you is called affiliate marketing and you do not need any former experience to get started. It is the exact same method that has made many people (me included) quit their “normal” 9-5 jobs and even become internet millionaires (I am not there YET).
You can actually promote ANYTHING you want on thousands of sites online, like Amazon.com for example or Aliexpress.com.
You do not have to own the things you promote, and no you do not have to be “rich” to start such a business, that is just one of the many benefits affiliate marketing has.
If you are interested to know more and how YOU can start doing it click here.
There is also other ways for you to make money online, but none of them will make you any money overnight and you will always have to put in both effort and time before your see any money coming in. But after that, it goes fast and it is well worth it! I promise 🙂
If you are ready to do that you WILL make money, I personally guarantee you that. This can actually make you RICH! But to come there, you have to do it for at least 1-2 years I believe. But then again that depends on you, how much time you are putting on your business and/or how serious you are.
Worth to mention is that you can decide to build your business around any interest that you might have, so… It is a risk of being really fun to spend time on it :o)
The only ones I have seen fail in this business are the ones who quit or give up.
Click here for more info on a GREAT place to start online!
I hope you this review on The Millionaire In Pjs to be helpful and now you know what it is all about, hopefully. Please share this to help others falling victim to this scam! Also, feel free to leave a comment below!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
I’m so tired of people making these scams and duping people into thinking that they can millionaires just by setting up a few numbers. One question I always ask myself is if this program worked the way these people claimed it does then why share such an amazing program? They could just sell it to some billionaire and make millions. What I’ve realized is that if anyone try’s to promote this to you, run to the hills. It is really a difficult thing to find a real legit way to make money online, atleast if you want to make big amounts…?
Yes you are absolutely right, if you stop and think for a second you realize that noone is going to give you anything for free. Real opportunities are not easy to find you are absolutely right about that, but don´t make the mistake thinking that you can not make money online because YOU CAN! If you are ready to put in some time to learn how go here: http://bit.ly/1MX4Wzg It is free to sign up and try, the rest is up to you! Thanks for your comment/ John
Hi John,
Thanks for the heads up. I will stay away from it. With all the scams out there it is hard to know who to believe. It’s websites like yours that help people find a way to make a legitimate income on the internet.
Thanks for a great website,
Hi Pat! Thank you! It makes me very happy to hear that you like my blog.
Yep my #1 recommendation is GREAT, just remember that it requires some time and work to set everything up before you will make any money at all. But if you are ready to do that it should be your obvious choice. It absolutely works and is 100% legit.
Thank you again for your kind words! /John
Thanks John; you saved me from entering the scam millionairepjs
Makes me very glad to hear that!
Thank you Phil!
This is crazy! I don’t have $50,000 lying around to just deposit into this machine in order to try to make money. It sounds like an expensive form of gambling. I would rather take my money and invest it into something that I know is going to work rather than take such a large risk and hope it works. Karma can be unkind and if these companies continue to operate these scams they will get their bad karma eventually. It does get old, though, to see so many getting duped by crazy stuff like this! Thanks for sharing this, good looking out for your readers.
Thank you Jess! I agree on what you say and if you looking for a place to invest check out this review: http://startmakestopwaste.com/what-is-forex-paradi…
Thanks John
My mother thought she could earn extra money with her pensionfund.
I Google and I showed her this side, and said the money was safer in the bank.
now she is glad she is did not listed up on PJs page that promises you fortune and glory
No problem glad I could help, that´s what this blog is for 🙂
/Best regards and say hello to your mother from me 🙂
I’ve linked this blogg post a little bit all over the place, in feeds related to Millionaire in PJs. To spread the word, I guess. It’s not like their videos on youtube, for example, have high views attached to them or anything but, hell, doing something good, right? May keep at least one person from falling in the trap.
I’m not interested in your tips for making money, but you seem like an honest guy and I wish you luck in your endeavours.
Thanks John; you saved me from entering the scam millionairepjs
Glad to hear that Ronny! If you are looking to trade with a legit program check out this: http://startmakestopwaste.com/what-is-avatrade-another-scam-trading-program-for-us
HELLO i dont Know whay you say this stupid about millionar in pijamas, i make a lot of money with them , but if you dont know dont speak mean , from what you speak,books? You Say that you didan t tray bec.of money , you dont heave so dont bulsh it other , because you are frustrat you dont heave money for that, you promo here not Advice.
Aha, so you make a lot of Money from it you say?? The promo isn´t a Little “hyped” you mean??
Trust me, I have Money to put into it if I wanted 🙂
Please tell us more? Maybe you can send a screenshot from your earnings from it?