This review is going to be about The Millionaire’s Brain, a product from Winter Vee. What is The Millionaire’s Brain and does it work? Also most importanly, is it a scam or is it worth trying? Let us find out in this short review.
Product: The Millionaire’s Brain
Owner: Winter Vee
Price: $47
Who is it for: People who want to change their “mindset” to become a millionaire in only 7 days
What is The Millionaire’s Brain about?
The Millionaire’s Brain is an ebook that is supposed to show you how to get “super” rich like for example Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or some other mega-rich man or woman. Winter Vee claims the book (ebook) will also help you to completely change your entire life for the better. You will get power, success, you will get more intelligent and also a happier person. The Millionaires Brain will “change your brain” and work on everyone Winter Vee says in the promo video.
Inside the book, you will find plenty of tricks, tips, and methods to help you reach you full potential of your own brain. Pretty much Winter Vee is going to help you to “upgrade” your own brain so you can become a much better version of yourself.
The Millionaire’s Brain ebook also have a “Dream Planner Guide” bonus that you can use to “map out” your thoughts and your dreams.
This “guide” includes a step by step method, that is going to help you with all of the instruction in a more easy way. Winter Vee is also going to show you how to use 100% (wow!) of your brain capacity, instead of the normal persons 10%. You will also learn how to control your thought and your own future.
Why You Should/ Should Not buy this ebook
Sounds like an awesome ebook right? Well if everything that this Winter guy claims will happen it really is a must buy. But will all this happen? I am not so sure about you can learn to use 100% of your brain and all that talk really.
***However, if you are into that stuff I would recommend you to check out ==> this book <== instead as it got great reviews from its users.
My own opinion
If he knew how to make any person do that in 7 days I guess the whole world should know about this Winter guy :o) But on the other hand I do not know so I am not going to say that it is a false claim… but most likely it is a lie. Also, I do not believe that you will get rich from (only) reading this book. If you want to get rich and make a lot of money there are no “7 days shortcuts” there is only work and effort behind making a lot of money… unless you win the lottery.
I would say that if you are really interested in the “mind” and the “mental” then go for this millionaires brain program, it will probably enrich your knowledge about the subject. But do not expect miracles.
If you are more interested in making a lot of money (without all the bullshit) I highly recommend you to try affiliate marketing.
I would also recommend you to read the review on my #1 online product. But just so you know, you will not make money overnight it will take time to learn how to do it. I do not believe in shortcuts and miracles when it comes to making a lot of money, I believe in hard work. If you believe in that too I would not recommend you to buy The Millionaires Brain ebook. But as always it is totally up to you.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Not Recommended!
Overall rating: 2/10
I call this Not recommended because I think it is just nonsense talk, that you will “upgrade” your brain to use 100% of its capacity and the talk about how you will get rich in 7 days and all that. If he (Winter) would be a little more honest about the product I would not call it a scam… But he is not honest so a scam it is. The rating also would have been higher if he would have been a little more honest. It is not very expensive $47 to buy this ebook, but on the other hand, you can buy books on the same topic much cheaper, this one for example
I just going to leave it up to you if you buy this ebook or not, but I am NOT going to recommend you to do it.
Review on my #1 Recommendation Program (10/10) to make a lot of money online
I hope this review has helped you out and hopefully you know what the millionaires brain ebook is all about, and if it is something for you now. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment below!
I wish you the best!
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Hi John, Liked your topic! Seems like there is a lot of these out there! I am guessing a person could make a whole book out of these people!
Like the old saying, if it sounds like it is to good to be true, it probably is!
Wishing you the best!
Thank you Tim!
/All the best