Have you stumbled across the quickcashsystem.com website? What is The Quick Cash System? Could this make you a millionaire? This kind of scams are everywhere online and when I saw The Quick Cash System I just had to make a review on it, because it is really so obvious it is a scam.
Me personally start to get enough of it! So today we are going to reveal how this kind of scam works so we can shut up anyone trying to promote it, and other similar fake products!
Product: Quick Cash System
Website: quickcashsystem.com
Owner: Sarah Markel (probably a fake name)
Price: Minimum deposit of $250
Who is it for: The “actor” in the promo video claims for anyone who want to get rich on auto-pilot by doing nothing. (Yeah sure)
What is Quick Cash System all about?
The Quick Cash System is simply just another one of those overly priced bullshit Binary Option programs that claims you can make 100,000´s of dollars per month, with pretty much no effort at all from your part. You only have to pay a minimum of $250 to get started making this amounts of money. I really wounder how many millionaires this kind of “auto programs” and the people behind them have made.
What is different with the quickcashsystem.com website compared to other similar scam sites then? Not much really, except that the quick cash system website has a hot woman in the promo.

Have you seen the promo video for the program? Oh my God! Those titties :o) If you haven´t and want to see one attractive women (actor) lying to you the entire film click here. I have to say I have seen much worse acting from scammers, this is probably the most entertaining Hollywood scam film I have seen. It can have a lot to do with the fact that… I like the looks of the main star in the movie ;o)
She uses pretty much the same tactic as all the other internet scam actors I have seen (I have seen many), exept that she pushes really hard on the “I am a woman, and that
means you can trust me, I am not like all the douchebag men that only cares about money and can´t be trusted”. That is her “ace in the sleeve” move, but all the other moves are pretty much the same as all the other “internet scam artists” out there use.
It is of course possible to make money with Binary Options. It is also possible to trade manually, but you have to know what you are doing or else you going to lose money of course. Not even if you have read hundreds of books on the subject are you guaranteed to make money trading Binary Options (It is just like gambling with odds). If there was an auto program for this then everybody would be rich. Do not make the deposit of $250 you will not get rich, you will end up loosing it all.
Will be able to quit your job in 24hours? a millionaire in 100days guaranteed? Without you having to do anything? This are some of the claims “Sarah” makes in the promo. Well I guess this would be a good situation to bring up the good old saying: “If it sounds to good to be true, then it almost always is”. This is just so fake and it should be really obvious that it is.
Let me show you how everything work in the scam industry and how you can avoid falling “victim” to it.
Who is this Sarah Markel?
First of all this chick Sarah Markel is nowhere to be found. She is most likely an actor or “a face” behind this Quick Cash System scam. She (or they) have probably created similar scams before.
Her name is of course not Sarah Markel. Why would she not want to use her real name, and stand behind her own product? Simple answer: Because it is a scam! If someone uses fake name (or can´t stand behind their own product, that my deer friend should really ring the scam alert alarm big time.
This exact technique is being used over and over again by people that creates scams (and uses fake names). They simply hire people to claim they make BIG money using a made up system or program. You can find people who does this kind of “acting” jobs on websites like fiverr.com for example. There (and on similar websites) you can hire anyone to do some acting (lying) for you for only $5.
Take a look at the Earnings Disclaimer!
The text below is an excerpt of the Quick Cash System Earning Disclaimer (the place where scam sites tend to be a little more honest)
Examples in these materials are not to be taken as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, techniques and the effort put forth.
Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques.
Results vary, and as with any money-making opportunity, you could make more or less. Success in ANY money-making opportunity is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors. No express or implied guarantees of income are made by qcsmembersarea.
Doesn´t sound as easy to make A LOT of money like the gorgeous Sarah said in the Promo huh? Click here if you want to read all of it.
How this kind of Scam works

The process is in reality very simple and the “internet scammers” are still using the same scam techniques that they have used for a long time now.
Another example: on the quickcashsystem.com website there is a sign that says: ONLY 1 spot left. Yeah right! I promise you, if you come back in one month (or next year) it will still be 1 spot left.
The (Quick Cash System) program claims that you will start making thousands of dollars in two minutes after you have paid atleast the minimum deposit $250.
The actor in the promo video on quickcashsystem.com also claims that you can withdraw the money at any time. But what really happens (if you buy in to this) is that you won´t be able to cash out the money and you WILL lose them. You will end up like all the other “scam victims” and it is not a good feeling trust me (I have also been scamed in the past).
How this fake character “Sarah” makes money
Part of the money will go to the person (or persons) that promoted this scam to you, and the other part probably goes to the fake “broker system”.
You will not make any money but “Sarah” (and her partner/partners) will, and I can asure you that if they get thousands of people to buy in to this scam, that she (or they) will make millions. This is actually the exact same method as internet millionaires are being made for real, it is called affiliate marketing, but everyone is not selling scams like Quick Cash System and such products! It is really not as complicated as it sounds, the truth is anyone can do it! You do not need to know any programing or have any other former experience.
You can do this to, but you do not have to lie to people about what you sell. Instead you can sell things that people already are looking for in the first place, and you do not have to own the things you sell. You can for example sell anything that websites like Amazon or Aliexpress have to offer. Click here if you want to read more about how it works.
Ok, So What Can I do then?
First of all I think that I have made my point pretty clear about this Quick Cash System scam “program”. If you want to make this “Sarah” or some other person behind the scen rich (or richer) then go ahead. Congratulations you will now be paying the one (or ones) who scamed you in the first place.
I know you do not want that (no matter how hot you think “Sarah” is) :o)
Second of all I want to say that you have made a smart choice reading this review, I am sure that you knew (deep inside) that the Quick Cash System was a scam, sometimes we just need some confirmation from someone else that what we “know” is true.
If you want to be part of the solution and stop this kind of nonsense, I suggest you have a look at some of my recommended products and start making REAL money online yourself. There is only a few products that I recommend, but all of them has real owners aswell as free trials.
Any of my recommended products will get you to make money, as long as you follow the instructions and stick to the training. But you need to stop jumping from program to program, any of them will work but you need patience, and before you start making money on auto-pilot it will take some work. If you are ready to do that you WILL make a passive income online that can replace a normal job and even make you rich.
Just remember to stay away from Quick Cash System and other programs that “promises” you that you do not have to do nothing to get rich, those ones are always scams.
My #1 Recommendation
I have seen many “make money opportunities” online and I can tell you they are not easy to find. If you want a real and solid work from home program, this is one of the few that I know works. Click here to read more about it.
I hope you found this review of Quick Cash System helpfull and that you now know what it is all about. If you really want to make money online then you need to stop looking for quick ways, stick to one program that works and it will happen. Stay away from scams like Quick Cash System and you will be just fine.
Click here too see Top 5 Legit ways to make money online
Please share, or tweet this! Help others to know what the quickcashsystem.com website and beautiful “Sarah” is all about. Maybe you have tried Quick Cash System? Let us know in the comment section!
Cheers! to your success
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
The information you provided to make sure people don’t get scammed was very well put together. It was easy to see how the scam works and how they try so hard to entice you into sending them money.
I considered all of your links to true legitimate sites was a good way to help those looking to work from home and how to get started. Reiterating there are no get rich quick schemes available, everything is hard work and dedication to work.
Thanks I did my best trying to show how this quick cash system (and other similar) scam works. Yes there is no shortcuts… On the other hand I have never seen anyone fail as long as they do not give up or quit.
Thanks for your comment! /John
I have heard of this from a friend. I didn’t know if it was a scam so I ended up here and I am glad I did! Thats Sarah lady was nowhere to be found in Goggle just like you said. I would like to know what would be the alternative to this scam. Thank you!
Thank you for your comment! It makes me very glad that I helped you to avoid this scam. There is really no alternative to quick cash system because there is no such thing as quick cash online. You will always have to put in some time and effort first. If you are ready to do that and want to learn from the start how to really make money online I would strongly recommend that you start here: http://bit.ly/1MX4Wzg
I’ve seen a rise in popularity with these binary options programs that promise you will make thousands of dollars. I did a bit of research on binary options and from what I gathered if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can end up losing a lot of money.
Quick Cash System doesn’t look like it can deliver on its promise of showing you how to make money with binary options. The sales video alone is reason enough to stay away from this product. Thank you for reviewing it and saving the rest of us the trouble of being scammed.
Hi Diana! Thanks for your comment and you are absolutely right (in my humble opinion) that binary options is VERY risky! Haha yes the sales video is really the only reson you need to stay away lol :o)
Thanks for reading! / John
Your website has a lot of helpful information on it (especially the part about the quick cash system). However, you might want to read your content out loud to make sure that it is making sense. I have written papers before to where the reader would not be able to understand it very well. Therefore, my professors would instruct me to read it out loud to myself and I would catch so many things that I did wrong! Also, I would probably leave out the cuss words (personally), just so that it’s friendly to everyone, as some people may get offended by them. But that’s totally up to you, the rest looks great 🙂
Thank you for your comment Mary I appreciate it! My first language is not English so sometimes it might sound a little strange I guess… I like to write almost as I speak… and sometimes I curse, that is just how I talk… When I review scams like the quick cash system for example it is hard not to :o) Do not mean to offend anyone… Anyways thank you for your feedback!
Funny I never even heard of quick cash system. Anything quick seems too shady for my. Funny I watched part of the video it seems like she was looking for a date. Saying things like “I don’t believe in promises I believe in results” that had me laughing right there. But I guess that’s what you can expect when your divorced. Anyways great site I was pretty entertained here as well.
LOL!! Thanks for your (funny) comment Brandon!
Glad to have found your review on Quick Cash System.Must admit in any way, the price tag is so out of my reach.
There is nothing like an autopilot when it comes to making money online no matter what anyone says.
Unfortunately, there are still so many ignorant people out there who believe such lies.
$250 is not cheap and to collect such an amount from people struggling to make money online and then not deliver i find criminal.
Thanks for a very informative and thorough review.
Cheers Roamy
You are absolutely right about that Roamy! Thanks for your comment! / John
Firstly, thanks for warning people about the ‘Quick Cash System’. I just can’t believe scammers still try to promote this kind of rubbish. I guess some folks still fall for this kind of product, if you want to call it that. The ones who have been scammed in the past will do research into ANY system, product or whatever you want to call it. Anyway, thanks for the warning.
It is true that most times you have to get scamed atleast once before you start to research, atleast that how it was for me…
Thanks for your comment/ John
Thank you for providing us with this type of information. It is really hard for me to believe how people want to take advantage or should I say steal from other people by giving them fake hope and lying to them. I really appreciate what you are doing, these people must be exposed, consumers must inform themselves before jumping into these kind of scams.
Hi Juan! Yes you are absolutely right, unfortuanly this kind of scams will probably continue to pop up… The best thing to do is to inform people how to spot them…
Thanks for your comment/ John
Hey John, nice review on the quick cash system, the only good thing about this system is the woman in the video (as you pointed out) it really looks more like the scene of a porno, not like something people are gonna be making money with.
Either way, when the words “quick” and “cash” are used in the same sentence I can assure you it’s going to be a scam. I hope people come across your review before even thinking of trying out this scam.
Haha! Yes it is probably the sexiest promo scam video I have seen :o) Yes when those two words shows up close to each other the “scam alert” should go off and sound LOUD. Thanks for your comment Yerko / John
ugh I hate all of these online scams that just try to get peoples money! it gives those of us that actually work our booty off making a living online look bad! This is exactly why it is so hard to gain trust from readers! This definitely shows what to look for in the bad sites! I really hope when people read this they realize that we aren’t all out to steal your money or scam you. Thanks for the honest and in-depth review
Yepp the scams are everywhere… Thanks for your comment / John
Hello there John , Sarah Markel is a well known scam , nothing more , nothing less as I have reviewed this product.
Indeed these types of frauds are advertised everywhere online and people get trapped believing that all the ads are legitimate.
Hopefully there are sites like yours to prevent them from falling.
Now as concerns Sarah , what can I say , when I saw their video I was intrigued by her soft voice and some other things that mostly men watch.Great production but not for an online opportunity , it would fit better for a Hollywood soap.
Nice exposure
Haha yes Sarah is nice to look at, but can not be trusted 😮
Hi there, I’ve never heard about this program but I’m glad to find the review first in your website. I will be sure to tell my friends if they accidentally find this website on their journey to make money online.
Well, I’m confused why didn’t “Sarah” make the number of spots left by three instead of one. That definitely scream scam lol. If they use a hot chick to attract men, than I wonder if they create similar scam targeting women / single mom using hot shirtless guy in other website.
I’ve been scammed once, and when I saw a ‘too good to be true’ opportunity out there, I will not join it. Thanks for reviewing this program, though 🙂
This Quick Cash System Scam is clearly aiming for men as you say… It is actually the first one of that kind I have seen… Probably not the last :o)
Hello there, John. Thanks for this review. Unfortunately many people fall for these scams. I was going to do so too, but, fortunately, I didn’t. Thanks to reviews like yours. I know you can make money from binary options, but in legit platforms and only if you have investment knowledge, not with these scammy products. Thanks again for this helpful review and keep informing people of the truth!
Thank you Effie! You are absolutely right! /John
I am very familiar with the Quick Cash System. The sales video is as funny as hell because you can see that Sarah Markel is an actress.
There are a lot of these types of software’s that promises you a ton of money, but all they are interested in is you donating money into the broker that they are affiliate with.
Haha yes she is lovely right 😉 Actually she is not a bad actress lol. You are absolutely right there is a ton of scams like this one… But I think this is one of the best acting jobs I have seen… 🙂
Hi John
The only thing that I liked about the Quick Cash System was the video. The actress is very talented and that is about all that I can say.
Will you make money with this program? I do not think so because there are similar products like this that only has the objective to sell binary option platforms.
Lol! Yes she is actually one of the best actors I have seen performing a scam promo, I have to admit to that. You will most likely lose all your money if you decide to “invest” into the scam… That is what usually happens… Just like when you gamble at a casino… The house always win in the end.
Hey John,
I was so close to join Quick Cash System, but then I thought to myself I should do my research before joining.
I am glad that I have read your review, I would have been scammed if I would not have read it.
You recommended a few other things I could do. Are those methods really legit? I have seen that university called Wealthy Affiliate quite a lot, but I just do not know if I should join it.
I know that you already wrote a review, but maybe you could answer me personally and tell me how it helped you.
Would be very thankful!
Thanks for your comment Pierre!
Man I don´t know where to start, I got WA to thank for EVERYTHING I know about making money online. I could go on and on telling you what it has done for me. Some examples would be: Quiting my 9-5, giving me more choice what to do with my time, MORE money, given me ENDLESS possibilities to make money, etc…
In short words, it is like a school where you learn ALL that includes Internet marketing. It is a no brainer, don´t think what it can do, join and you will learn something new everyday, and also understand why it should be your obvious choice.
See you there 😉
I am so grateful people are exposing these websites, its essential that the word gets out because many non internet savvy individuals can easily get ropped into this and end up losing so much money.
I really enjoyed reading your review, it was excellent and enlightening. i will be sure to lookat many more of your reviews in the future.well done
Thank you Matthew!
i am sick of the emails. good people like you at least out explaining it. she is a fake? i looked for too all over the internet and even the emails they come back when i reply. maybe i should write a review…..i would be less polite.
She is an actor obviously, not fake but a real one and pretty good 😉 The program though is not hers and it is a fake claim program. It is simply just another “make trades on autopilot and get rich” bullshit. You will get a lot of mails when you write your mail to this (and other) programs.
I have hard to be not polite 🙂 There is simply to many of these scams out there so no point to waste energi on writing bad words 🙂 Focus on doing something possitive instead 😉
/Thanks for your comment!