This review is going to be about Triple Threat Marketing. What is Triple Threath Marketing? A Scam or a legit opportunity? Is it possible to make a lot of money or is it only hype? These are the questions this review will focus mostly on. Ok, let´s go!
Product: Triple Threat Marketing
Owner: Ray Scott and Troy Fobbs
Price: $0 FREE to join, to participate in the revenue share costs $10 a week
Who is it for: People who want to participate in a revenue sharing program
What is Triple Threat Marketing?
Triple Threat Marketing is a fairly new revenue sharing program. Revenue sharing has become very popular lately and it is easy to see why, making money without much effort at all. Do I have to say more? 🙂
Triple Threat Marketing might actually be a good choice if you want to try a revenue sharing program and/or advertise your online business. Or at least it was, the program have started to get some “problem” lately.
The Problem
What problems? Well, people have been waiting for withdrawals for a VERY long time (myself included), the ones behind the program tried to solve the problem by making a $10 per week membership (instead of the previously per month) but it hasn´t really helped the problem much… People are still waiting for cashouts, apparently some have got them… but to be honest it feels like it is the end of a program that worked good…as long as it worked…
There is a similar one but new and more stable, not as fast as TT3 was but on the other hand, it pays out fast. People want to get paid, right? The new one I talk about is URS and if you are into rev share you might want to check that one out.
Is Triple Threat A Scam?
So is Triple Threat a scam? No, it is not a scam. At least not yet… So what is Triple Threat about really? It is simply a revenue sharing program… Nothing more nothing less. Those are legit, but… That also involves a certain risk. A risk that I took and now it seems like I have lost about $300 🙂
Important To Mention!
There is a lot of people who makes a lot of money from revenue sharing programs, it seems to be very popular in the online world for the moment… But… Most revenue sharing programs don´t last very long, they tend to “dry out” in just a couple of months. The money you then have inside of the program when that happens will be lost, so a good idea might be to withdraw your earnings once in a while.
Really it is this simple: if no more people join and put money into the program nobody will get paid.
What Does Triple Threat Mean?
Why the name Triple Threat? The name is pointing to the 3 different services they offer. I have never seen this before and I actually like it.
Phase 1 – The subscription: To participate in the revenue sharing benefits of the program you have to pay a weekly membership fee of $10.
Phase 2 – Your Investments: Let´s be honest here, this part is why people join Triple Threat (or any other rev share). This is where you buy ad packs. I always recommend that you never buy for more money that you can afford to lose.
Phase 3 – Solo Ads: In phase 3 you get offered to buy Solo Ads. These are messages that are being sent to other members within Triple Threat.
You basically purchase the chance to get an e-mail in front of all the other members eyes. This can actually be a great idea because the advertising here seems to be very targeted, also, it is not expensive.
If you pay $25 (one time) you can send whatever opportunity you want to the thousands of members inside Triple Threat. This service will also help the program to last longer as it contributes to the overall “revenue pool” of the program.
How Triple Threat Works?
The way to participate in the revenue sharing is to buy (or invest in) “shares” in the form of ad packs.
At Triple Threat, they start at the minimum cost of $3 all the way up to $50
You simply buy ad packs, click on 10 ads every day and you will participate in the revenue share the next day. That´s it, that is how you will make a profit.
One thing I like with Triple Threat is that they have a “Daily Profit Limit” and that is actually a great idea. Why? Simple because it will most likely help the program to last longer.
By setting a Daily Profit Limit you can, for example, if you reach Tier (level) 5 “only” earn a maximum of $1,250 per day.
That is a great way to keep the program alive for a longer period of time and let as many members as possible to make money every day. But… It don´t last forever…
Seems like the time has come for TT3 and the train has passed…
I have been a member on a couple of other revenue sharing sites and bought ad packs there and I can tell you that it took a lot longer for the ad packs to expire on those places. But that is not necessarly a bad thing…
This can of course change in the future if people stop joining and buying ad packs this process will also be slower. If more people join and buy it can be faster…
guess we will see how it develops in the coming months, I am actually going to invest a couple of hundred dollars into URS now instead and keep on buying ad packs until I reach my preset goal. Why? Because I can afford to lose the money and I also like the fact that it is so easy a child could do it 🙂
Why You Should/Should Not Try This?
Do only invest money into this (or any rev share program) that you can afford to lose.
Most revenue sharing programs don´t last more than a couple of months before the money sharing pool “dries out”. When people stop joining and not putting money into the program anymore then nobody will make money anymore.
But if you are going to try this, I would say that Triple Threat sounds like the best alternative out there for the moment.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Legit (for now)
Overall rating: 5/10
This is a legit business, the risks are there, and they are not hidden. The choice is yours! My best recommendation for you is that you DO NOT invest money you cannot afford to lose.
Right now there are about 40,000 members in total, 16,723 upgraded, and they have got almost 2,4 million dollars paid out I wrote this (Mars 14 -2016).
Just remember to not invest more than you can afford to lose, because you never know how long this will last.
Right now is not a good time to join TT3 because it has a lot of problems paying out, I recommend you jump on the URS train instead if revenue sharing is something you want to do.
In the end, it is up to you, only you are in charge of your own decisions if you want to jump on this boat and try things out click the link below and sign up for a FREE account.
===>Check Out URS Instead HERE<===
Other Safer Ways To Make Money Online?
If you want safer ways to make money online there are, of course, solid alternatives. Revenue sharing programs are not safe and solid, on the other hand, they don´t require any effort to start making money.
If you want to make money online risk free you are going to have to be prepared to put in both time and effort before you will see any significant amounts coming in your way.
I can tell you that it is absolutely worth it!
Just make sure to avoid all the scams and you will be fine.
Most important is to find a good program that will teach you how and support you whenever you need help. There are legit programs out there and anyone of them will lead you to make money online if you follow the training and the tasks given to you.
The best program of them all is Wealthy Affiliate and is the exact same place where I learned how to make money online, it is absolutely free to join and start learning. There is also a paid membership but it is not necessary to start making money.
I suggest that you try it for free first and see if it is something you could see yourself doing.
Click here to read more about it!
I hope you found this short review of Triple Threat Marketing to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding on what it is and how it works. If you have tried it please share your experience with us in the comment section below! Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them.
I wish you success!
Thanks for reading.
Owner of:
Sounds interesting. I’m looking for ways to make money online and would like to find something that works.
I’m still trying to understand how revenue sharing works. Will I have to promote things on my website and social media account before making any money? Or will this make money for me automadically?
Yes to be a revenue sharing program it sounds very interesting. I usually don´t care to much about them, have tried a couple before but this one seems much more interesting.
No you don´t need to promote things on your website or social media account. You simply buy ad packs and assign them inside the Triple Threat website, then you click on 10 ads (every day) to participate in the revenue sharing the next day. That´s it.
Hope that helps?
Best regards
This Review Is Great, i hope and recommend everyone that comes here and reads your review to join Promptly because this is an opportunity that they have never experienced before, I Have Actually been a TT3 Member since the second month it came out, because the first day it launched etc, i did not believe how much you could really earn, plus all the Credits you get to advertise your Business opportunity, becasue since noOne had EVER come out with a RevShare so Amazing likt TT3, but as i continued seeing the results and the Great Potential that God Allwed TT3 to have through the Nice Admins,, God Put it in my heart to join, and now i have helped other friends to join and be able to get the same satisfaction i am getting in this Wonderful opportunity in which you don’t see ANYWHERE else, TT3 is making HISTORY. God Bless The Owners of TT3 Ray Scott/Troy Fobbs/Gerald Guerrero their family as well as the FB Admins Mike/Norman and all the members that contributed it’s Success, and the ones that will join and Upgrade! God Bless You John For This Awesome and Positive Review and Everything you do As Well! Best Regards!
Thank you, Manny! I really appreciate that! I am getting even more excited to see the results I will get from TT3 when I read how much you like it 🙂
Thanks again for your comment
Best regards
Sounds interesting, just hope it`s as easy and honest as you say. I’m looking for ways to make money online and would like to find something that works.
But like so many people, im afraid of being scammed, too many scammers out there.The price of $10 sounds reasonable in the beginning but if you loose or do not make money in 3 months for whatever reason it will not be reasonable any more.
Thanks once again, you have explained things really well.
Thank you! I actually just started out with the program, testing things out, will make an update on this review when I start to see results.
Best regards
John, be very careful.
Just test doing a withdraw before putting more money in.
You are dealing with a dishonest company here who have no respect for thir members. Admin are very rude indeed. I have been waiting for my money. Many members are complaining that they haven’t received a penny. I have been in this since January.
You are right, I have lost $300 to TT3, it is what it is… That is why I never recommend anyone to invest more money than you can afford to lose… You never know. Thank you for your comment man! /Best regards
I’ve never heard of this before – I may have to read through a few more times to properly understand. What time would you say is best to invest in something like this? Do you think your site has to be pretty established first. I see what you’re saying that there is some risk/only put in what you’re willing to lose. But as far as giving it a go with a set amount, looks like something that could be worth experimenting with. Thanks!
I would say it is a pretty good time to invest now, the members are increasing by good numbers right now, It is about 2000 new (premium) members in the last week only. You don´t even need a site to participate in the revenue sharing on TT3. You buy ad packs, apply them with any site you want, click 10 ads per day and you are set.
The risk here (like with any rev share program) is that people stop joining and stop putting money into the program. Right now many ones a joining and the fact that it has a membership fee ($10 per month) makes it prepared to survive for a longer time than if it was free like many other rev-shares are.
I like TT3 because of that reason and also because of the fact that the ad packs mature VERY fast.
Thank you for your comment!
Best regards
long livett3
Yes I hope so too 🙂
Triple Threat sounds interesting and I like how you advise several times not to put money in it that you cannot afford to lose. The buy-in is affordable too, but it’s still a gamble.
I much prefer your recommended way of earning money safely. It’s not as fast, but it is clearly more reliable, plus you learn money making skills you can apply in all sorts of online and offline venues.
Thank you, glad you liked the review.
I absolutely agree in what you say, however, it depends on who you ask 🙂 everything is not for everyone.
/Best regards
Hi John. I like your explanation of this system, but it seems like it would be too good to be true. Momma always said if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Who controls the money and what accountability is there to the members? If it is based on how many join and what money they put into it, I would be pretty concerned that there is a way to legitimately check out how much is going in vs what is being paid out. It seems like a get rich scheme. I’m a little too conservative to put money into something I can’t keep track of. Now, Wealthy Affiliate sounds really interesting because you can be in control of how you build your business. Might have to check that out!!!
Absolutely Liz, it is not a safe and solid way to earn money. If that is what you are after you are doing absolutely right by checking out WA instead. Just remember that it will require you to put in both time and effort, it is not “easy” money.
I had never heard of Triple Threat Marketing until I read this article. This is my problem. Triple Threat sounds like a legitimate way to make money, but you have to have the money to invest in order to make it. To me then, it’s a little bit of a gamble. Sounds like this would be great for a lot of people. Sounds like it would be worth a try!
I never heard of Revenue Sharing programs until now. I curious to know, what are solo ads? Isn’t that an additional expense besides the money you are willing to lose?
The program sounds interesting, but like you mentioned, how long before it dries up is my concern. I do see people trying this just for the fact they don’t have to do much work.
As an existing member of Triple Threat since November of last year, I can tell you that they are currently going through a number of issues in being unable to issue payments since March 14th. They will be changing to a weekly membership fee of $10 and restructuring the daily payout amounts based on the number of referrals given.
Having said that, your referring of Phase 2 as an “investment” is incorrect. The terms of the site state that any financial returns are not guaranteed. Your are purchasing advertising with the possibility of shared profits. Anyone looking at any Rev Share site as a sure way to make money will be disappointed. If you are looking for a way to promote your own website or the products of others, there is a value in driving traffic through this form of advertising.
I have stated very clearly that it is not a safe and solid way to make money, the earnings (and cashouts) depends on how many new members joining and how much they put into the program. Hopefully they fix the cashout problems now with the weekly fee, and also hopefully more new members.
I think most people join rev shares for the sake of the rev share aspects, not for advertising.
hi,, what if i cant make any referals under me…?
You don´t have to, it is not necessary
I am still waiting myself to paid by and if they pay me by the end of the month I will fire them and I have invested and lost about $150.Besides URS,do you recommend other good rev share programs? I could recommend a few good ones and if anybody’s interested,here is where you can contact me: