This review is going to be about something called WholeWorld.Biz. What is WholeWorld Biz? A scam or a legit opportunity? A pyramid business? Something for you or not? Can you really make money with it? These are some of the questions this review will focus on. Ok, here we go!
Product: Whole World
Owner: ?Not easy to find? (not a good sign)
Price: Minimum deposit of $100 plus $5 in activation fee (total of $105)
Who is it for: MLM enthusiasts (who are very good at recruiting other MLM enthusiasts)
What is WholeWorld Biz about?
What if you could get $1 from all the people on the planet, what if you could get $5 or even $15? What if you could get it as easy as just joining a program and then you are all set?
On top of this, what if you could save the planet at the same damn time…
You can! Just join WholeWorld 🙂
Sounds great, right? 🙂
It doesn´t really work that way unfortunately…
Whole World is simply just an international MLM networking company that you have to deposit or “donate” money into to join.
How Does It Work?
Just like in most MLM´s (pyramid schemes) you are placed under an other person (your sponsor) who will make money from you… IF you make money… I come to that part further down.
Half of your deposit is claimed to go to charity (have a hard time believe that) and the other half is going to people above you in the pyramid structure.
Making Money With Whole World?
When you watch the promo video it sounds so easy, right? It´s NOT that easy! In fact you won´t make any money at all if you are not going to be able to recruit other people into the pyramid structure program (under you).
Pretty misleading promo video if you ask me…
If you think that a single deposit of $105 will start generating an auto-pilot income for you then you need to think again.
What you need is to recruit people under you, the more people you recruit the more money you will make, of course… and you are going to have to recruit a lot to make significant amounts of cash…
That is also why I think this program ain´t nothing for you unless you are VERY good at recruiting people.
==> Click Here to read about a program that is perfect for beginners in making money online (and also does not involve you in MLM)
But… If You Like MLM You Need To Think About This!
If you are good at recruiting people there are some other things you have to take into consideration before joining… For example that your recruits are going to have to be good at recruiting people too… At least if you want to climb up, and make serious amounts of cash.
For example that your recruits are going to have to be good at recruiting people too… At least if you want to climb up, and make serious amounts of cash.
Just like the video shows there are 7 levels, you start (as always) in the bottom level.
When you (or anybody joins) $50 (of the $100 deposit) goes to members above. When you start out you need to recruit 5 members to be able to climb one step (to level 6).
When you start out you need to recruit 5 members to be able to climb one step (to level 6). This is where you start to make $5 for each $50 deposited from the ones you have recruited.
To climb to the next step (step 5), you and your 5 recruits are going to have to recruit a total of 25 new members into the program.
To get from level 5 to level 4 you need to recruit a total of 125 new members…
Next step (level 3) you need to recruit 625 new members.
Level 2 you need to recruit 3125 new members to reach.
Finally level 1, you are going to have to recruit a total of 78,125 new members to the program… If you do all this you have earned $1,269,550.
Do you now understand why you need to recruit people who are also very good at recruiting people? It is going to be very important to know how to advertise this to others and constantly networking and train your “team”.
It is going to be very important to know how to advertise this to others and constantly networking and train your “team”.
Is Whole World A Scam?
I know that many people would call this a scam and I also know that many people would call it legit. I ain´t gonna call it any of those words but I absolutely not going to recommend it as I find to many warning signs, also I am not a big fan of MLM´s in general.
Why You Should/Should Not Join WholeWorld
Ok, if you ain´t an MLM enthusiast you ain´t gonna find any value in the Whole World program.
If you are an MLM enthusiast you might want to consider it, after all, it has a pretty attractive compensation plan.
Final Words and Verdict
Verdict: Not Recommended!
Overall rating: 4/10
I would (without a doubt) give the rating 0/10 if I knew that the claims of giving to charity are all bullshit. Only reason I give 4/10 is that I cannot know (or prove) that.. But I strongly suspect it…
Is the money really going to charity?? Me, personally have a very hard time seeing this, my thought is more of that the money are going to the “company” (the king on top of the pyramid)… Maybe that´s just me and my conspiracy mind speaking, I don´t know…
But what I do know is that MLM´s are being investigated by authoritys frequently and if there are any unethical business being made behind the scenes they WILL be shut down, it happens all the time… If you then have a “business” that generates money… You will lose it in an instant…
Ok, Now What?
Making money online do not have to involve you in MLM and I actually never recommend that kind of business. You DO NOT have to recruit people to be able to make money online.
What really made the turning point for me in my struggle to make money online was to create a REAL business. You might, think that sounds difficult to do? Well, the truth is that there is WAAAY more easy to start your own business online than in the traditional world, and light years cheaper and faster!
It does require work from you though. Time and effort and patience as you won´t make money right away, it might even take several months. But when you start to understand more and more you will see that the possibilities are pretty much endless.
The absolute best part about it is that you can create your own business around ANY interest you might have.
Are you interested?
I hope you found this review of WholeWorld Biz to be helpful and now you should have a better understanding on what it is and if it is something for you or not. If you have tried it please share your experience in the comment section below. Also, if you got any questions about this review I will be more than happy to answer them below.
I wish you success!
Thank you for reading
Owner of: Start Make Stop Waste
Thank you for your article on wholeworld, I like how you recommend if your not good at recruiting people this is not a good opportunity for you. As for me, I can only be good at recruiting with a program I truly believe in and have had a positive experience myself. Shame more people were not like this, so many scams online today no wonder people are anxious about getting in on a online opportunity today
Worst part is that it is promoted as something easy and for anyone to just join an start earning when it i far from the truth.
Thank you for your comment!
/Best regards
I can safely say that I am not a fan or pyramid schemes or MLM and I can see from this review that you are of the same thoughts. The only people who really make money from MLM are those right at the top and usually the business model is not sustainable as you have to keep recruiting people to make money.
And its not just you recruiting people – the people you recruit also have to be good at recruiting otherwise you do not get to the top of the pyramid.
/Thank you for your comment!
It never ceases to amaze me how many of these new companies are popping up out of the woodwork.
I have never heard of this company before, but I will definitely watch out for it if anyone tries to approach me on a “great opportunity” again.
What is the product that they actually sell, if there is one? Or is this one of those companies that sell training to sell training? I’ve seen those schemes before as well!
Thanks for sharing and for the warning!
Thanks for the article. I was about to go to invest $ here. But before doing it, I had to know details about it. May be I was going to waste my money in a cheat fund. Because I is totally impossible for me to recruit new member in tis site. Thanks again.
Thank you for the comment brother!
Happy you found value from reading it!
Thank you again!