Did you know that you pay more salary than you know to people you have never seen or heard about. This guys are the “internet marketers” and if you want you can become one. Everything you do online earns money to more people than you can ever imagine of (IF you don´t have an overall knowledge in internet marketing).
The best part about it all is that it doesn´t even effect you a little bit in any way, people are simple making A LOT of money from you while you have no idea about it…
This is very easy to understand for an online marketer. What is an online marketer? Well, it is simply someone that knows some skills, maybe only a few in the internet marketing world. It is a world that anyone can enter without any former experience or whatsoever, however, it is only the persisten type that usually learns it. You should always strive to be consistent in anything you want to be good at, internet marketing is no different than anything else there.
YOU PAY More Salary Than You Know!

First of all, today there is easyier than ever to star a business online. It is also the cheapest and safest way to start a business in general, and anyone can learn it. There are legit courses (also many scams so watch out) you can learn step-by-step from the ground and up how to do everything, and it is no rocket science.
It is a very logic (and interesting) world online, at least if you are looking for a BIG market 😉
You can think of it like this: You have the biggest street in the world,
on the most crowded and trafficated place in the world,

with the best products,
…and still…
That “REAL Street” is NOTHING compared to if you have a street online 🙂
The traffic (means people online) is so much bigger
Every year online shopping and online using in general breaks new records.
Also, did you know that everyday around 2,5 billion people use internet? That is alot of people… Most of them are “looking for something” or want to buy something.
That is a HUGE market you got there, and with that comes of course, HUGE possibilities!
Endless of ways to make money online! What!?
There are almost endless of ways to make money online today, yes I know it might sound hard for you to understand if you have no clue on how it all really works online.
If you know how it works you also understand exactly what I am talking about 🙂
One Example – Affiliate marketing
One form of internet marketing is affiliate marketing. It works pretty much, plain and simple like this:
- You get an affiliate link by the company you work for.
- You spread the link all over internet
- When someone clicks on your link then you will get paid from the company you got the link from.
Yes that is a correct description, there is a lot more to it of course be able to get the most amount of people clicking on your affiliate links and all that.
Affiliate marketing got many advantages and allows you to for example sell anything you want, without even knowing it and without even talking to anyone or any of that stuff. You do not need to think about shipping or taking orders or none of that. It is all an automated process that you have set up in advance.
Other ways
If you do affiliate marketing there is a high chance that you later on move on to social media marketing, e-mail marketing, video marketing, ppc, etc. But it can also be the other way around of course.
Personally, I learned from the Wealthy Affiliate university. I leave a link to it below 😉
I started out with affiliate marketing but very fast came in contact with other ways also, the reason for that is probably because I had the best schooling you can ask for in the subject. I learned as a complete beginner and had no techical experience or did barely know how to open word and use a facebook account.
This stuff was more interesting though, as there was HUGE (in the form of $$$$$) Opportunity in it. It was surprisingly not even hard to learn, and very interesting. One of the first things they teach you is how you can make money from ANY interest you might have. If you don´t have one they give you that also! They got it all in short.
Important to mention: This is no get rich quick thing, there will be no false promises or any type of hype. This is simply REAL learning in a great format.
Want to know more?
If you want to get 20 online (extremely simple to understand) internet marketing courses for FREE you can get that from the “online university” that has been online since 2005 and also the #1 ranked one since then. They offer free memberships for anyone that are interested in their program/learning platform and you are able to interact with thousands of people all around the world that are also members. In fact it got over 800,000 members worldwide! Their main course will teach you how to build a website in minutes, then how to make money from it. The main course will also teach you affiliate marketing.
Read more about it here<==
Thanks for reading, I hope you know have a better understanding on the subject of why you pay more salary than you know. It is actually a good thing as there is an opportunity for literally everyone online right now. If you got any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them below!
I wish you success
Founder of: $tartMake$topWaste.com
Thanks John for clear and easily understandable explanation What is Affiliate Marketing. I am in this interesting and exciting business for about eight years. Last almost two years I am a student of Wealthy Affiliate University. It is the really great place to be, and community is very helpful and with the huge knowledge base.