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Goal Setting Success – Try This (Weird) SECRET and SEE Result!

Today’s post is going to be on how you can achieve goal setting success with a weird secret trick I have used with GREAT success, and I strongly believe that you can use it yourself to achieve great things faster than you might think is possible. As the “trick” or “strategy” is a bit controversial, I ask you to have an open mind. I know it might sound like Mambo Jambo, and there was a time, not many years ago when I would have laughed at this and called it Mambo Jambo myself… I don´t call it that anymore though… This is actually so effective it might be scary, so I warn you, you might just reach your goals faster than you might think by using this secret trick.

Intro – How I found this secret trick:

First of all, I am not the one who invented this trick, of course not. I have found out about it during my years of studying goal setting, and success by reading such books on self-development and self-help by high achievers and successful people. This particular secret trick I found by reading the book Maximum Achievement – By Brian Tracy.

In the book, he writes about a man, a multimillionaire, who is honestly thinking that the world is conspiring against him in a way that it will happen great things to him, each and every day… Funny thing is, that great things happen to this man all the time…

I continued to read about this man, then I found out that people had tried to copy his attitude, one who did it with HUGE success simply started every day by saying to himself “I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today” and guess what happens to him?

Before he started doing this he was unemployed, he was in debt and had legal problems… He got 2 job offers after saying this to himself every morning, within the first week (!) and his legal problems just seemed to vanish one by one miraculously.

Goal Setting Success – This is how I did!

First of all, if I have read this kind of text for let´s say, 6 years ago I would just have said it was nonsense and laughed and not even tried it. However, I now know that success is created by me and not by luck or circumstances. I create my own luck and my own circumstances. I am sure you know, or at least understand that yourself if you have read this far :o)

Anyway, this is my experience by trying this method:

I wrote the words “I believe something wonderful is going to happen for me today” on a piece of paper and put it on the wall in front of my bed, so it was the first thing I saw in the morning.

Then I started to say it to myself over and over 5-10 times.

I wrote another piece of paper with my exact goal for 3 months, it was a goal that was really a bit hard to reach in such short amount of time, but I felt deep inside that it could not be impossible. It was that I should make 100 sales of an online product, that I had made around 15 sales of… in 10 months so far…

Anyway, I put that piece of paper in front of my “workstation” where I sat and worked toward the goals from my daily to-do list, in order to reach my final goal.goal setting success

1 month went by… Not many sales…

2 months went by… Not any difference in results…

2,5 months went by… The sales literally EXPLODED and I went from around 15-20 sales in the first 2 months to over 110 after 2,5 months…

I had crushed my 3-month goal before the 3 months was even finished…

I strongly felt that it was due to this secret technique and it was almost a bit scary…

I challenge you to try this!

Just imagine yourself how much easier and fun your days will be if you go around and believe that the whole universe is conspiring against you to make great things happen to you. Every event of your day will be exciting and joyful, instead of the other way around.

And I can almost promise you that if you actually believe in this yourself you will experience something (or a couple) of great things only after 3 days. If you continue, (and of course do the work required each and every day) you both can and WILL reach a goal that might seem too hard when you set it, give it 3 months, for a goal that you actually think you need 6 months to achieve and let´s see what happens.

Please come back here and tell me your results after doing this trick (if you dare) ;o)

Also read: ==>  Before you set ANY goal do THIS first!

I hope you found this short post on how to achieve your goal setting success to be helpful, and now you should have a clear understanding of how to go ahead and do this yourself. Please, if you have tried this yourself then share your experience in the comment section below. Also, if you got any questions about this then I will be more than happy to answer them below!

I wish you success!


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