Does Seo Really Work?
Does Seo Really Work? Do you even lift brah? 😉 are Messi and Zlatan the best fotball players? Lol! No but seriously, take a look at what internet super succes stories on for example guys like #@barstarz #@brandoncarter , #@kinobody, #@youtubers #@emailmarketers #@PerryMarshall #@elliothulse #@seobasics #@jeffwalker #@thelistgoeson and the list of highly successful and many that are considered best in the world on different areas of internet marketing all agree that SEO is NOT dead.
They all pretty much explains seo as a key to their internet success. Sure it, was a while ago they started but if you read recent books from for example of Jeff Walker or Perry Marshall, or any other that is declared super experts and one of the best in the world ever at what they do… and now teach out…
That is a huge advantage for YOU whatever it is you want to be best of.
Personally, I always strive to be like that, I admire people who are like that and I admire their commitment to keep going and just doing it NO MATTER WHAT…
Consistency (consistent learning and acting on what you learn) is what eventually lead you to success in whatever field of life you want to build.
I personally use Seo pretty much everyday at least (a little) and it helps A LOT more than some “scammy competitors” of a “special product” might say.
I would personally call it one of the main tools to have as an internet marketer, you can of course do things without knowing it an be successful to but I would recommend learn at least the basics of it.
The “true members of internet marketing scams are only the ones that have started here and with this program” and “Seo doesn´t work anymore” ! Lol! if you know what I talk about you are probably in that same “obsessed couriosity of this seo and internet marketing scam stuff as I am” 😉 #@internetmarketing #@shoutout
If you want to be the best in @#Seo @#ppc, @#youtube, @#facebook #@instagram #@Twitter …Then you need to… Keep taking shoots, even if you are already good, or even if you are already great…
“You miss 100% of the shoots you don´t take”
Then you got to be like you would have been if you want to be not just great but really one of the top 10% in anything else.
You have to be consistent and commited and I mean you have to be that for pretty much every day… day after day… atleast until you have learned it…
… after that it might still be a commitment …but you have become so good at doing it so something that took you maybe days before now takes you half hour instead.
So you can really say that commitment pays off!
Personally, I have such a HUGE admiration for all kind of professional people in their field such as athletes, actors, opera singers, dancers, firefighters, etc.
Relentless Book Review – Tim s . Grover
But especially for @#”the cleaners” like @Tim S Grover said in @#Relentless etc,
Athletes like @#MichaelJordan (#noexplanationneeded),,,,………. #@MuhammedAli (with his famous quote that he hated every second of training but he keept going because of the reward of what it lead him to),
- #@IamZlatanIbrahimovic is one that I would personally define as the absolute best defenition of a “cleaner” in sports today (According to Tim´s awesome book), Connor Mcgregor would be another one.
“John / @#startmakestopwaste
I look on it like this… You can post small content online everyday instead of a BIG super SEO, keywords on the right places and such things… The “big pain” and the “stressing” feeling of doing a monster post of 2500 + words “that day” once every week and publish it
You might preffer doing a short 400-800 word “(non stressy, no distraction, no pressure) post” once every day instead?
I know I would.
Because it all adds up, let´s say you make a post of 550 words every day (on average) every week instead.
550 x 7= 3850 words
3850 words in total instead of your “heavy on the mind” MONSTER post of 2000-3000 words once a week instead…
Everyone is different but I would absolutely prefer the average of 400-500 word post per day instead. It might depend on that I am not a naturaly good writer though 🙂
Anyway, what would you prefer? Would more that love to see your thoughts!?
Conclusion (and @#shoutout )
I made this post not only because I felt a little poetic, tired or something lol 😉 But because the inspiration to make it came from one of my students Anis from Italy.
You can see his profile on the socialmedia like/
training platform/community he have used to learn how to make money online from websites.
Chat him up if you want, you can sign up for a FREE acount that gives you all of the premium features for 1week so you have the time to really explore the different features it offers, you also get a great free keywoord tool, hosting of up to 23 websites included for free (as a premium member), Free SSL, 24/7 support, Over 800,000 members from all over the world including a lot of experts and experienced marketers.
There are lot´s of them inside the members area so make sure to use your week with all features fully and you will understand pretty quick if it is something for you or not.
…Everyone don´t have the mindset that it takes to become an internet marketer.
Or more correct, many haven´t got that mindset yet, I personally didn´t have it until not many years ago…
“Included in that FREE (for lifetime) membership you also get 20 “must see” short lessons for anyone that are interested to learn from the ground and up how to make money online really works.
==> Get Your FREE (For Life) Membership here <==
This great young man inspires me so much with his determination to learn internetmarketing consistently everyday week after week, month after month,
He is one of the absolutely hardest working people of the hundreds of students I have been “mentor” for, in the community and “school/Toolbox” of WA.
Destpite of his young age… Or maybe it is because of that? Who knows.. I know I was absolutely NOT that smart when I was his age, I was chasing stupid things like girls, and party those days.
He understands that he need a toolbox he understands that even if there is a lot of scams not everything online is a scam.
I will not be surprised if he is one of the best internet marketers (in some area) in the world a couple of years from now, maybe 5 years or something but it might go faster…
life goes fast.
You also learn fast if you stay consistent like that for a longer period of time.
End of rambeling 🙂
/Your friend