This post is going to explain to you how to get a top ranking on Google, in the most simple way, without all of the complicated details, that you do NOT need. This is what has worked for me for years and it is the same way I still use to rank high in Google and the other search engines.
First of all
I decided to write this guide because I see so much “overkill” in this topic that I have learned to master during the years, named SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I like to keep things as simple as possible, why complicate thing, right?
I feel that whenever I look at how people teach about how to use keywords they get to “nerdy” on the subject, I have no idea why really as there is really not complicated at all to do this. Personally, I started to learn this about 4 years ago and it all was a bit complicated I thought…
Anyway, I started to do it anyway and I lost many months by doing it completely wrong.
I got some results on the first page of Google anyway (after around 2 months) but it felt like I was depending on “luck” rather than a designed and solid proven method.
I asked a lot of “professionals” in the subject how they did and I got some of the clues and then after a while, I understood that around 85% of the things that most of them told me (on what you have to do to get ranked) was just completely “overkill”.
It had to be a more simple way, and it WAS!
I started to rank on the first page of Google on pretty much EVERY post I made using only one super easy method.
You will get to know exactly how in this guide… You might be surprised at how simple it is!
Introduction to Google
Google doesn´t need any particular introduction, right? It is by far the biggest search engine online with over 3 BILLION searches every day worldwide…
Benefits to take advantage of on Google
What do people do when they want to know something today? Look it up in the yellow pages? No, those times are over… They turn to the internet, in most cases Google.
The benefits of Google are obvious once you understand it´s benefits and the power of them.
Just imagine if your content is showing up on the first page in the top 3 positions for people searching about the stuff you are into.
Important to mention here: People are very rarely looking at the results under the top 5 on the first page so there is also where you want to be.
(An example)
Let´s say you have a small business that provides Dog Dating for single dogs and then you are living in a city that got, let´s say, 20 other competitors in the same niche.
When people with dogs (that are horny) type in the search term “Dog Dating in Toronto” or maybe “how can I get my dog pregnant in Toronto” or “male dog wanted in Toronto” lol
Would you think that you would have a pretty great advantage over the other ones if you showed up in the top position on the first page of Google? Yes, of course, you would.
(Another example)
Or, let´s just say that you don´t have a business but maybe you are into blogging, got a hobby or passion, or like to write, or maybe you just want to get your voice heard in general and reach as many people as possible.
Would you say it would help you if you were showing up in the top spots of Google when people are looking for stuff related to what you are into?
Or maybe you want to create a business online from scratch yourself in ANY topic of your choice…
Then, would you think showing up on Google page 1 in the top positions would help you with that?
You are up to some great news as this guide will show you (in the easiest way possible) exactly how to do this!
How to Get a Top Ranking on Google – Page 1
So, why are people getting ranked in the top spots on page 1 of Google and how do they manage to stay there for years? Has it something to do with the content, is it the best written and/or the ones with most words used?
Well, it absolutely helps if that is the case, in both cases, however, you can have the best writer in history writing a great post for you and then publish it on your website but it would not have much chance to rank in the top positions for the search term that you want anyway…
There are simply some “rules” that you have to follow to make this happen.
It is not hard at all.
I will explain in detail EXACTLY what and how to do, to make that happen.
What you need:
Ok, first of all, you are going to need a website of some kind. (Don´t worry it is very easy to get one)
If you don´t have one you should know that ANYONE can have one up in a matter of minutes and it does NOT require any skills to have a simple website up anymore… Those days are over.
What you do:
When you have a website you can write as many posts as you want, or even upload videos to it, your own videos, but also other people´s videos if you want.
I would say without a doubt that ANY website would benefit from having a “blog section” inside of it. This is where you can post as much as you want (Try not posting more than 1 or maximum 2 posts per day though as Google will consider it as spam)
How will your content rank good?
The way to make your content rank good in Google (for FREE) is by using so-called KEYWORDS.
Important to mention here:
There are literally millions of keywords out there (within ANY niche) that you can use… and get ranked on the first page of Google by using them, so don´t worry about a “saturated market”
What you do with the keywords:
You put the keywords on strategical places in your post and…
…That´s it!
It’s that simple. …and it is EXTREMELY powerful
In short, you pick the right keywords and also put them in the right places… Then Google WILL rank your posts HIGH.
It is really that simple…However…
This is not some kind of bullshit info you are getting here so I am going to say it to you straight, it will NOT happen over one night, especially not if you are completely new to this. It can go relatively fast though
…and I can tell you that when your site is gaining more and more trust from Google it WILL happen and then you can also rank your posts “overnight”
Google will trust your site more and more the longer it has been up online… When you reach a good level of “trust” you WILL be able to rank the content you publish on your site “overnight”,
…sometimes even in a matter of hours
The best part about this method is that it is absolutely FREE to do this over and over again as much as you want… It is also completely legit.
Just imagine if you have 30 posts with an average search of let´s say 50 searches/month (very low example) on the keywords in each and every one of them…
30×50 = 1500
That would give you around 1500 visitors to your website per month with only 30 posts…
What if you had 50? 100? 300?
You do the math…
Also, what if you find keywords that got 300 searches/month or 3000searches/month? It is absolutely possible to find those kinds of numbers and it is also absolutely possible to rank for them also.
Do you start to see the opportunity here?
Searching and Finding Keywords – (Overview)
So, how do you know what keywords are good? How do you find them?
This is exactly what you will learn in the next section below.
This is extremely simple but actually something that people tend to complicate too much.
The ONLY 2 things to focus on:
When you want to find a good keyword there is only 2 things that you should be focusing on.
1: How many searches does it get per month?
2: How much competition are you facing if you go for that particular one.
Below is a screenshot from the keyword tool (Jaaxy) that I personally use for all my keyword searches.
Avg: Monthly visits to your post (if you get on the top positions of page 1)
Traffic: Weekly visits on your post (if you get on the top positions of page 1)
QSR: Nr of competition (from others on Google) for that particular phrase
Everything else is NOT important.
Plain and simple:
You want a HIGH number of searches on the phrase you are going to use and you want a LOW number of competition (from others) on Google for the particular keyword phrase.
That sounds logic, right?
Important to mention here:
Make sure that your keyword phrase makes sense, what I mean is that you will find that “weird” sentences got a lot of searches but low competition… It can be tempting to go for that one but please, do not do that… Make sure that your keyword phrase makes sense.
For example, You might find that “how to start a business online free” got a VERY good nr of searches and low competition and “how to start a business online for free” got a bit higher competition…
You should go for the latter option anyway (because the sentence is making sense).
That is actually a great keyword right there for someone who is into the particular niche of “making money online” in some kind of form… Go ahead and use it
It really is that simple and there is absolutely no need to complicate it more than that.
Then you just have to put the keyword on strategical places in your post and that´s it!
Where in the post do you put the keyword then? Posting Content
Ok, here we go. When you have your keyword then it is time to write your post (if you haven´t already).
You should always aim for 1200 words + but preferably 2500 words+ according to the experts and to be honest I rarely write posts under 1500 words… at least not if I really want to rank HIGH for it.
Important to mention here: I have ranked posts of only 500 words on Google page 1 position 1 so this is not something that is “written in stone”.
The keywords used on those short posts had a VERY low competition of course…
Let us take this post I wrote abouta “make money online opportunity” that came out the other year that I decided to make a review on as I saw some CLEARLY warning flags on and wanted to help people avoid…
It was called Project Breakthrough.
Feel free to perform the search “what is project breakthrough” yourself in Google right now and you will find me one page 1 position 1 for that exact phrase.
Now, let´s take a look on EXACTLY what I did to rank nr 1 for that back in February 2 year ago and STILL ranking on the first page until this day (Almost 1,5 year later).
First I found the keyword, of course, if I remember correctly it had around 30 searches per day then and I think the competition was 7.
The exact 5 EASY steps on how you use your keywords in your post:
1. First of all, you put it in the headline (at the beginning of it).
2. Then you put it somewhere in the first paragraphs (within 25 words)
You can see exactly how in the screenshot from inside my website below.
3. Then you put the keyword as a tag inside of your website editor.
4. Then you put the keyword inside one of your photos for the post
5. Then you put the keyword somewhere in the last paragraphs – Here the sentence doesn´t need to stick together, just make sure all the words that make up the sentence are there somewhere.
Even if those 5 things are the ONLY things you need to do to rank your post there can also be good to make an H1 Heading with the keyword somewhere in your post also.
I did it on this post but have ranked on page 1, nr 1, without doing it also…
However, if you want to feel sure it can be good to put in an H1 heading somewhere in the post also.
I hope you found this guide on how to get a top ranking on Google easy to understand and also helpful.
This knowledge right here is extremely powerful and can alone (for example) replace your job if that is what you are after, it can even make you a lot more money than you currently are getting with your current 9-5.
It won´t happen “overnight” but if you stay consistent and determined you WILL make it happen. If you already have an online business this can help you to get more FREE traffic from one of the best if not the best (most targeted) source there is, Google.
I wish you the best and a lot of success!
I absolutely love this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and intriguing to meYou did an excellent job of providing education and resources; The article was well written and easy to understand. I have been looking tips on how to top rank on google and I must tell you this is the most comprehensive tips i have ever read. Thanks for the eye opener
Hi there, I must really commend your efforts on this article for not keeping such a great and excellent idea you have how to get a top ranking on Google. I have actually just joined wealthy affiliate and created a niche blog website, which I will be upgrading to website very soon. What as always been my challenge is using keywords or probably SEO, but reading your article now has enlightened me more and I can easily move ahead with my plan
This is the type of information some so-called gurus will love to hide from public knowledge. I’m so happy I found your blog. As a content writer, working with keywords is very important to me. That being said, we all learn every day, and I must say most of the things you wrote about are completely new to me. For example, I didn’t know that inserting your keywords in a photo for your post helps in ranking. I also find it interesting that you have been able to rank 500 word posts just by putting keywords in the right places. I have always believed that posts should be at least 1,000 words long in order to get top place ranking.
This was a great and simple to follow guide on how to get a top ranking from the Google and other search engines. You laid it all out clearly and showed examples that helped emphasize your various points. This guide will be very useful for people like me.
The last tip that you included (adding a Hi heading entry in the content using the keyword) is a new idea that I had not heard of. I will definitely try this, as I see sometimes people add a lot of H1 headers within their content. You seem to have a very good handle on the subject of getting a top ranking on Google, and we are all the better for it.
I have bookmarked the article so I can show it to my VA team. This will be a subject for professional development meetings we have regularly, and the article will be useful for discussion. Thanks for your effort putting this together, you did well with the subject matter!
Wow, this is a great article on how to rank with Google. Anyone working online using articles through a website have a very important vision and that is to be found by the search engines.I love the way you lay things out. It is like a blueprint to number one rankings on Google.This is an article that anyone trying to rank should be reading.Thank you for taking the time to string together such great information. I am going to read this over and over until I have it memorized.Dale
Hello Admin, the guide is indeed needed, because just like you said, there is too much hype about being able to rank top on Google. When it comes to ranking top on Google, there seem not to be a clear answer even from the professionals, oftentimes one has to keep trying different methods. Hmm I can’t wait to see this simple method that is working so fine for you.I love the idea of putting the keywords in strategic places in the post, I mean it makes a lot of sense, getting the right keywords is the key. Thanks for your tips on getting nice keywords. I am bookmarking your site, it is a well detailed guide for anybody struggling to rank top on Google. I can’t thank you enough for bringing out your time to share your secret of success with you.
Hi John,
I love this website. I am currently working on my own website. I always wonder if my posts are going to get ranked or indexed. Is there a difference in getting ranked and getting indexed by Google?
Thanks for the straightforward and simple steps to get ranked with Google. Sounds pretty easy the way you explain it. I will definitely use these tips in my future posts.
The section about where to put keywords phrases was so helpful. I will start using this advice on all my posts now. Good stuff.
I added your website to my favorites list. This a post that I will actually use.
Thanks for a handy and informative post.
johnny, the Grey Wolf.