I hear and see this word everyday online: dadbod, What is dadbod ? It sounds really silly to my ears but I had to investigate what it is especially after hearing the word dadbod for a hundred times weekely online…
So what is it then? dadbod? After investigating this (for a short time) I understod that it is simply kind of a “trend” among women nowadays to be attracted to a so called “dadbod” and that means that you have a body like an “average” dad. Or more correct of an average man. That means kind of like: You are not very fit but also you are not very unfit.
How do the Body of an Average Dad Look Like then?
Well acording to the dadbod trend it looks something close to this: You go to the gym maximum 2-3 days a week but you do not care what you eat, and you most definetly do not have a six pack! On the weekends you like to drink a couple of beers and eat pizza in the soffa in front of the tv. You have a small “beer belly” but you are not fat, and you are not skinny. You do not care to much about what clothes you have and you are also not ” well gromed”.
My Opinion on the Dadbod trend
I really do not like the idea of trying gettin a body only to attract the opposite sex. You should always strive to get the body that YOU want and NOT what somebody else likes or thinks. It is your body! Period.
I do not like trends (in general) much but some of them you cannot escape unfortunaly, but this dadbod trend you can escape, and you SHOULD!
Final Words about Dadbod
This blog post really don´t get along with the main theme of my website but I just felt that I had to clear this question out of my mind, and also help anyone else that wounders what a dadbod is :o)
Now that I know I can go on and never have to wounder about this (to me) REALLY silly question again :o)
I really hope you do not read this post haha! No really I am serious, I hope you have better things to think about in your life than woundering about the dadbod and about what it is, and means…
Hope you are not like me who get “hung up” on unimportant things sometimes :o)
Anyway if you want to add something to this post or if you just liked this post (or not) feel free to leave a comment below!
Take care
Founder of: Start Make Stop Waste
Ira says
I had never heard of “dadbod” until reading this post. Who would want to say that about someone or tell someone they have a dadbod? I do not like the term and would not tell anyone they have a “dadbod”. It’s their body and really not our place to judge them. Thank you for sharing this information and clearing up what a dadbod is.
John says
Wow you have to be a very smart person who don´t get caught up in the media trends so easy it seems :o) I wish I was more like you in that way ;o) Thanks for your comment and keep being like that ;o) Like!
Angela says
I found your website interesting, starting with the title. Just looking at it I did not know if it was saying, start make stop waste or if it was saying start makes top waste. As I read through your dadbod article I found amusement yet you are right on the fact of dad bods.
Okay I guess I get what you are saying about the bods.
Interesting topic
John says
Thank you Angela! Glad you liked it :o)
Chloe says
You’re right, the ‘dadbod’ is all over social media at the minute, as though it’s some kind of trend. As in….looking like a normal person is now a trend. Brilliant 😉
I’m a girl, and I do kind of agree with what’s being said- that there’s nothing wrong with a normal guy looking like a normal guy….to me that’s obvious! Turning it into a ‘thing’, though, makes me laugh. I don’t know, I don’t really buy into looking the way media tell you to look…but that’s just me.
Thanks for sharing this, is gave me a laugh tonight!
John says
Haha thanks for your comment Chloe! It makes me happy that you found this post funny :o) /John
NemiraB says
Hello John. Thanks for explaining what this term of “dadbod” means. I am a woman, but I never heard about it.
I wonder if this word will go to dictionary as real word or it is just slang?
Maybe this particular word can fit in Urban dictionary area. They have plenty of never heard words.
I agree with you that our bodies are for us, not for somebody else to criticize us. It is our possession and we need to take good care of it.
All the best, thanks. Nemira
John says
Be glad you haven´t heard about it 🙂 It is really so silly (in my opinion). I am pretty sure you can find the word dadbod in the urban dictionary, and I would not be surprised if it is in the “real” dictionary also by now. Hopefully, people stop using this silly word soon lol
All the best to you Nemira!
/Thank you