The other day a person contacted me on Instagram asking for help to expose a scammer, @bitcoin_adiel was the user he claimed had stolen money from him. So, I went on to contact this Bitcoin Adiel guy to see what he was all about and sure thing, he was a scammer for sure! His “thing” is to make people think he is a successful investor with some “secret” program that promises outrageous claims of 400% gains in 2 days… IF you only send him the Bitcoin to his address first, then he will send it back to you…
Yeah, you hear yourself how stupid this sounds, but there are people out there that will fall for this stuff, like the guy who contacted me for example, and you got to understand those people too as it ain´t easy to understand that this type of scammers exists online unless you are educated about how they operate.
Help me to stop this con artist once and for all!
Ok, so here is the deal. The other day a person contacted me on Instagram and asked me for help, he said he had been scammed by a “Bitcoin guy” claiming that he can make an investment of (minimum) $75 to $375 in 2 days…
If you didn´t already know, this kind of claims is ALWAYS bullshit… ALWAYS.
Nobody can promise you those kinds of returns, in fact, nobody can promise you any returns at all…
Anyway, I approached him like I was interested… I asked for a website or platform of some kind but no, he said it was “private” and he wanted me to sen Bitcoin directly to his wallet and he would send me the money that I would earn 2 days later lol!
I know you understand this but people who are uneducated in the subject can fall for this crap… Just like the guy who approached me on Instagram did…
So I told him I would expose his scam, and if you look at the story on my Instagram (@startmakestopwaste) today you can clearly see the guys pic and Instagram name…
The picture on a Scammer
Below I took a screenshot for you:
Ok, just wanted to write this quick post so it might help others to avoid this dude plus anyone else who does the same as him, and believe me he is NOT alone in performing Bitcoin scams online, it is the (by far) industry that contains most scams right now.
Read how to avoid Bitcoin Scams here
Please share this to help others by using the share buttons below (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and make sure to report him on Instagram so they hopefully close down his account!
I wish you the best!
founder of: $tart Make $top Waste
This is awful. Even for a newbie in making money online, I wouldn’t fall for this cheap trick that he used to scam people. I agree that he is targeting uneducated and vulnerable people who desperately need money, and this scam is actually dangerous. Aside from reporting to Instagram, is there any ‘Web Police’ that can be contacted to report such scam?
The best you can do to stop this particular scams and similar ones is to share this post and as you mentioned, report his profile to Instagram.
Oh my gosh, it makes me cringe that people still do this! I think it all comes down to the old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is”. But some people are so beautiful that they just trust everyone. Thank you for helping to close this guy’s account down. Hopefully he doesn’t come back under another name!
Thank you, yes the good old saying should always work as a rule of thumb!
He will probably create another username and start all over again, anyway, if this at least helps someone I am more than happy, also because then, even if he creates a new username and profile the scam will be easy to spot.
Thanks again for your comment!
Straight and to the point article, John. You have done a good job of exposing this scamster. If people like you stop creating awareness of these scams, many people will fall in their trap.
I have learned about the profitability of Bitcoin, in fact, I’m learning more about this subject. It is good that I found this review at this early stage.
Thanks a lot for sharing this article. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes
Thank you!
thanks for the notification,despite I haven’t been tricked before on cryptocurrency i sympathize with those that had experienced it,though it not a nice experience for one to go through.A times i do ask myself what do one derive from hurting other people and deprive them of their right.My advice to those trading online is,let “be careful and observant” be your watch word.